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How to get 404 exception message inside template file?


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While coding some templates I need to throw some Wire404Exceptions, which, expectedly, sets correct headers and renders 404 page. Since all these exceptions are extending Exception class, I can call its constructor with a message like this

$demoName = sanitizer()->pageName(input()->urlSegment1);
$demo = pages('template=demo, name=$sanitizedPagenameFrom');

if(!$demo->id) {
	throw new Wire404Exception("Demo named $demoName cannot be found, but check out its source page instead");

// inside template 404.php

// somehow get the error $message
echo "<h1>Page does not exist</h1>"
echo "<p>$message</p>"

What I want to do is to somehow catch this exception, or get inside 404 template the message that I set earlier in some module or another function, so that I can notify the user with a better message than "Error 404: Page not found".

There's some parts inside core that handles this sort of things but they're not utilized. 

// inside /wire/core/ProcessPageView.php

public function ___execute($internal = true) {
    // ...
    try {
	    // try to render the page
    } catch(Wire404Exception $e) {
        return $this->pageNotFound($page, $this->requestURL, false, '404 thrown during render');
    // ...

protected function ___pageNotFound($page, $url, $triggerReady = false, $reason = '') {
	// reason is not used, or passed to 404 template

So, is there a way to manually catch the exception thrown? For instance, with Silex all exceptions can be intercepted using

$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->error(function (\Exception $e, $code) {


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Huh, turns out there's this method inside ProcessPageView class

// /wire/core/ProcessPageView.php
	 * Hook called when the pageview failed to finish due to an exception.
	 * Sends a copy of the exception that occurred.
	public function ___failed(\Exception $e) {

which I should be able to hook and access the exception and message with

wire()->addHookBefore('ProcessPageView::failed', function(HookEvent $e) {
	$ex = $e->arguments(0);
	$message = $ex->getMessage();

But, it's not firing when hooked inside /site/ready.php. In fact it does not appear to be used anywhere inside the core at all.

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