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First time with Markup Regions - no luck getting it to work


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Hi all,

Just found my first use case for new Markup Regions (at least I think that's what they're being called) feature. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it working.

I'm using 3.0.57 and have added the 

$config->useMarkupRegions = true;

line to my config file.

Next, I put the id in my head tag  like so:

<html lang="en">
	<head id="html-head">

Then the markup in the template file (the head tag is in top.php):

<?php include("inc/top.php"); ?>
<head id="html-head" class="pw-append">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site/templates/css/calculator.css">

When I reload the page that uses the above template, I get that unprocessed code output right after the output of my top.php file - in other words exactly what would happen if there were no such thing as Markup Regions.

Am I missing something?

I've read through the post here, and I seem to be doing everything needed.

Thanks for any help.

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The following quote from the blog post is useful in understanding how your templates need to be structured in order for Markup Regions to work:


When ProcessWire renders a page, it now asks the question: does any markup appear before the doctype or <html> element? And if it does, does any of it reference "id" attributes or have "pw-" prefix classes? If so, it processes them as markup regions, letting you do all that's mentioned in this post.

So the general rule is: the place where you define your 'original' markup regions (that you will append to, etc, in your template files) needs to have the doctype or <html> element in it, and it needs to be the last piece of markup to be rendered.

That's why your markup regions would typically be originally defined in an auto-appended "_main.php" so that it is rendered last, and any markup that you are echoing or outputting in your template files will reference those regions and appear before the doctype/<html> of _main.php.

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<?php include("inc/top.php"); ?>
<head id="html-head" class="pw-append">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site/templates/css/calculator.css">


@evanmcd  You say


the head tag is in top.php

So it seems you get the head tag twice.

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Oh no problem at all @ottogal.

Just tried moving the appended region code above my top.php and it worked as @Robin S predicted. Not sure why I didn't just try that before :huh:

In any case, thanks for the help. I see myself using markup regions with all my sites going forward. So much cleaner that other methods.

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