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How to migrate sections / subsections from old PW to new PW site?


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I am in the process of upgrading an older PW website, say www.example.com. At new.example.com I have an upgraded version, but now the client needs to make content changes on the old site, like 15-20 pages added per day. How can I most easily move these pages over from the old site to new.example.com, when other people are already making new pages at new.example.com? Thanks!

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Are both sites on the same server?

If yes, what about letting people make new pages on the new site and, using the API, you can export these pages as XML and import them on the old db every night.

Or you could hook on the page save on the new site and fire a cron job to create the page on the old db as well.

Edited by Sérgio
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3 minutes ago, Sérgio said:

If yes, what about letting people make new pages on the new site and, using the API, you can export this page as XML and import then on the old db every night.


Hi Sergio, yes, it is on the same server. Do you know of any code examples for doing this? I've used the API for mostly basic things, so if there's a skeleton example available that'd be helpful. I'm excited to hear it's possible.

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