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How do show full path of image on template plus different sizes


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Hey everyone,

I'm new at using ProcessWire and starting to get a better understanding at how this works (and enjoying what I see). However, I'm having problems with displaying images on my theme. The field is called 'Image' and I'm looking for ways to display the URL to the image attached to the page.

This is the code I have so far:

<?php foreach($pages->find("parent=recommendations") as $child) { ?>
	<?php echo $child->title;?>
<?php } ?>

First thing I'm having problems with is displaying the image. If I do `<?php echo $child->Image;?>' it just shows the filename.jpg. If I do '<?php echo $child->Image->url;?>`, it just shows the directory (/site/assets/files/1110/). First question is i'm looking for a way to display the full path of the image.

Second question I have is how do you show different sizes of the image.

Thanks and happy new year.

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