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Create a Page via a form from frontend


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As the title states, I am trying to process a form and save the form's data as a new page. I have looked at Soma's post, but it seems (as least to me), that it tackles submission forms etc. I know what I am trying to do is very very similar.


The Form:

    <form role="form" method="post" action="./" >
          <div class="form-group">
            <label for="code">Enter 4-Digit Code:</label>
            <input type="code" class="form-control" id="code">
          <button type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>

And the processing:

if($input->post->submit) {
  $code = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['code']));
  $p = new Page();
  $p->template = 'singular'; // example template
  $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/'); // example parent
  $p->name = $code; // example name
  $p->title = "Test Title";
  echo "page ID {$p->id} created!<br>";

  else {
    // output contact form
    echo "Negative Ghost Rider";

I have been scratching my head as to why this doesn't seem to work for about an hour. I am sure I must be missing something, or trying to go about this the wrong way. The form seems like it submits, but there is no page added to the backend.

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Your code seems to be right. Only things I would recommend:

  • If you want to use a number as input, there is an input type number for that.
  • You could get and sanitize the input using the API: 
  • $code = $sanitizer->pageName($input-post('code'));

Have you tried your code with static values without the form? If it works this way, it may be your form.

Regards, Andreas

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Hey AndyZyk, it appears to be an issue with form. Ill try to get down to the issue with it and post back in a while.

Annnd, I got it.. A simple if(isset( $_POST['submit'])) fixed everything. I should have thought of that sooner.

Edited by louisstephens
Corrected the if statement and all works accordingly
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I don't see where are you declaring $input->post->submit , from the form code, I would say that you need to add to the input inside the form (the one that is type="code") a name attribute which is what is actually passed as a post/get variable. And then you should rather be checking for $input->post->name (or maybe $input->post works?). Also, check your browser's Network log to see if it is actually a POST and not a GET.

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Ah sorry, elabx, I didnt quite update the code in the post:

if(isset( $_POST['submit'])) {
  $code = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['code']));
  $p = new Page();
  $p->template = 'singular'; // example template
  $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/'); // example parent
  $p->name = $code; // example name
  $p->title = "Test Title";
  echo "page ID {$p->id} created!<br>";

  else {
    // output contact form
    echo "Negative Ghost Rider";

However, how would someone upload a pdf via a field? I tried this already, but and the file looks like it has been sent through to the field, but it is showing up as "0kb"

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Your if-statement probably has not worked, because you don't have an input type submit in your form. Instead you have an button with the type submit. Then your original if-statement should work.

if ($input->post->submit) {
	// Form was submitted
} else {
	// Form wasn't submitted

Also I would recommend again to get and sanitize the input from code like mentioned above. Especially if you want to use it as a page name, the corresponding sanitizer is meant for this.

36 minutes ago, louisstephens said:

However, how would assign a form input to a field on the page? 

You can set a new value for an existing field using the API like this:

$p->of(false); // Shortcut for setOutputFormatting(false)
$p->set("title", $sanitizer->text($input->post->title));


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