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PW 3.0 API Bug?

Jonathan Claeys

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I just noticed when I try to do this in the ready.php that it can not retrieve the page. This works perfectly in the init. But since I need my languages I'm forced placing it in the ready. I'm just trying to get the child from a page.


Var_dumping that gives me a Nullpage. (and yes the name is correct since it does work in init.php but doesn't in ready.php) So I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I was guessing maybe it's a bug?

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I believe your guess is wrong, :)

Can you please paste in the original code you use in your ready.php, incl. the scope, (your hook method you use).

Please use the <> button of the forums editor, it opens a modal that let you paste in your code and let you select the code type (php, html, css, js).

This is of great help for readability.

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Ok this is what I used in the init.php:

	//header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time() + 86400));

	 * Rootpages
	$root = $pages->get(1);
	$rootPages = $root->children()->prepend($root);
	$this->wire('rootPages', $rootPages);

	 * Settings
	$fields = array();

	foreach($pages->get("name=settings")->child as $key => $f){
		$fields[$key] = $f;

	$fields = (object) $fields;

	$this->wire('settings', $fields);

	 * Translations
	$translations = array();

	foreach($pages->get("name=settings")->child->translations as $key => $t){
		$translations[$t->key] = $t->string;

	$translations = (object) $translations;

	$this->wire('t', $translations);

I get this error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), the problem is that $pages->get("name=settings") returns a page, but when I add ->child it's a nullpage. While it does have a child, and just works correct in the init.php but not in the ready.php.

I just make some wire objects to use myself along the whole website. For example for some settings like e-mail, phone, ... I make them accessible as: $settings->phone or $t->some_translation_key.

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