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First, Welcome to the ProcessWire Forum.  I have moved this post (topic) to the "General Support" category. 

51 minutes ago, DarkwaveSurfer said:


I really like this module.

I was wondering if it is possible to add featured image field to blog posts? I'm sure it is possible but don't know in which template file should I add new image field so it is available in all posts as featured image right after title of post.


You mentioned in this topic that you liked a module.  Could you please be more specific in which module are you asking about?  I believe that will help someone to better assist you with your question.

For your convenience, I have provided the link for ProcessWire Modules.


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2 minutes ago, DarkwaveSurfer said:

My bad.

Module is "Blog (ProcessBlog & MarkupBlog)".


No problem.  Can you please go to the support forum for that module and post your question? 

The module author will have a better chance of being notified that a question exists and others can benefit from the conversation.

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