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API access to another site's object and data?


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It dawned on me as I'm trying to write some code to synch between 2 Processwire sites that it would be handy to be able to access another site's object and data  via the Processwire API.

I'm guessing it hasn't been considered so far, most likely because of security concerns?

It appears to me the only way that is currently possible is to have a Single Database, Multi site setup?


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Thanks fbg13 for the quick reply.

It looks like I need to upgrade to PW3 to access this.

If I did a local PW3 installation, copied the pages that I need from a copy of the Live DB to our Testing and deployed that DB back to PW 2.7.x instance, can any one see problems with that?

Are the DBs backwards compatible, meaning PW2 would have no problems with any potential new fields that might be present in a DB that is  PW3 versioned.

I don't really want to roll fwd to PW3 this release window, if I can help it.

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1 hour ago, FrancisChung said:

Are the DBs backwards compatible, meaning PW2 would have no problems with any potential new fields that might be present in a DB that is  PW3 versioned.

I am switching my test install between 2.x and 3.x all the time for module development and have had no problems (I use the version switcher in Tracy). The data schema is unchanged. The only changes I can think of are one from text to mediumtext for the SessionHandlerDB module and the addition of a published field in the pages table (but this may have actually happened in 2.x - I don't recall).

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