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Front-end rich-text text editor in form


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a lightweight PHP CMS for a new website project, and ProcessWire seems like a very good candidate so far.

The only thing I'm unsure about (and I've tried searching through all the available modules) is whether something exists for my specific requirements.

I need to allow users on the front end of the site to submit through a complex form a document that comprises formatted text and embedded images. Basically I guess I need a facility for users to submit a blog post, but through the front end rather than the admin end.

Is this possible? Is there a ready-made module I'm missing that I could drop into a webpage form?


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There isn't a PW module that will give you a front-end RTE out-of-the-box. But seeing as it is front-end it doesn't need to be PW-specific; I'm sure there are many JS scripts that turn a textarea into an RTE with varying levels of functionality. This post suggests it wasn't difficult to get CKEditor running on the front-end.

I have my doubts about how easy it will be to get images embedded in a front-end RTE. I think it would be better to keep images confined to a dedicated field if possible. The Jquery File Upload module could be useful for handling the image uploads - it can do client-side image resizing.

If you want to try and get image embedding working with the native PWimage plugin there is a thread about it here.

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Not directly answering your questions, but when it comes to getting page creation with complex fields happening on the frontend I actually really like this module: https://github.com/teppokoivula/AdminBar - this is an updated version of the one created by apeisa which works in more recent versions of PW. I like to use this as a starting point and add some custom styling and tweaking to suit the site look and its needs. You can limit it to just the pages you want (in your case the blog). I am honestly not sure why it's not more popular, but maybe it's just me who likes it :)

PS - maybe it is overkill or maybe not appropriate for your project, so as @Robin S says, it's definitely possible to get CKEditor working on the front-end.

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Hi guys, 

Thanks for the replies. They all seem like viable options. Since starting this thread I've been reading more about PW and having a play with it, so I feel confident I could even create my own if none of the suggested solutions works for me. 

PW seems like a really cool solution for my project. 

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