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How to get specific row of a repeater?


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Hello All,

I am just wondering what is the best way to get a specific row of a repeater. I have a list of courses stored in a repeater. On my parent page i will list all the courses/dates and when. What I planned on doing was getting the ID of the row in a GET and then showing the content of the repeater row on the booking page. Can this be done without using a foreach?



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If I understand right, you will be outputting all the repeaters on the parent page and each of these will include a link to the booking page.

Because a repeater item is a page you can use the page ID to identify it. So on your parent page...

foreach($page->my_repeater as $repeater_item) {
    $link = "/booking/?id={$repeater_item->id}";
    // output the markup for your repeater item including the link

And on the booking page...

$id = $sanitizer->int($input->get('id'));
$repeater_item = $pages($id);
if($repeater_item->id) {
    // output the markup for your repeater item

You could use a URL segment instead of a GET variable if you prefer.

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Hey guys thanks for the input. I went with the option from Robin just reading up on URL segments now as that looks like a even better option.





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