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Quiet save and caching


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I'm using "quiet" saving in the Webmention module and was wondering if that prevents the page's cache from being cleared. I'm just using the built-in page caching with the option "Clear cache for saved page only (default)"

If it matters, the page-save I'm calling is specifying the Webmention Field, rather than just $page->save();

For reference, the code is https://github.com/gRegorLove/ProcessWire-Webmention/blob/master/Webmention/Webmention.module#L840

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Actually, I just experienced this “problem” where I’m saving an image field using $page->save('images') and even in non-quiet mode it didn’t invalidate the one-week template cache. That’s on a 2.7.2 installation. So the answer to your question seems to be Yes, it does prevent the cache from being cleared.

I’m putting “problem” in quotes because I don’t really care one way or the other in this particular instance, but my user got confused (as always with caching).

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I was hoping for more explanation of quiet saving instead of just experimentation. I did just experiment though and it doesn't seem to clear the cache. :) It sounds like it's a bug based on that and Jan's report; I'll dig into core code.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After more digging and experimenting, I found the functionality I was looking for is (a bit un-intuitively) in the PageRender module. There's methods in there that hook into Pages::save, get the CacheFile for the page, and clear it. Since the method clearCacheFile() is a hook call and not intended to be called directly, I ended up doing this in my module after saving fields:

$PageRender = $this->wire('modules')->get('PageRender');
$cf = $PageRender->getCacheFile($page);

if ( $cf->exists() )

Some of my earlier experimentation was calling $this->wire('cache')->maintenance(), but I realized that's WireCache which is different than the cached files created for pages.

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