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How to programmatically show and process fields after the user has submitted a mandatory field?

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Hi everybody!

I'm trying to figure out how to do what is mentioned into the title but I'm stuck into this issue and can't get a valid idea, still  :(

Let me to explain better what I'm looking for.

I've seen some module (and I can't remember the name  :frantics:)  that asks to the user to fill a field and save the data before to come back to the module settings with other fields enabled and (maybe) pre-compiled using the previously filled field.

What I'm trying to do is to make a module using the new PW 2.5.x syntax (the one which separates the module from its configuration via <module_name>Config.php file) that at installation time asks the user to select from the available templates, then submit the choice. Once submitted, the module should provide more setting fields based on the previously choosen template.

It would be a great help if someone could help me to figure it out and/or point me at some module which implements this kind of logic.  :-[

Thanks in advance!

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