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Magically PW stopped working


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I had installed processwire two months ago and been building up the new site in the background on pw, while the old site was still online.

I didn't have time to work on it so didn't look at it all April and now it doesn't work anymore.

I can't get any pw page to show, not even the admin page ... it always displays the index.php file in the root directory if I try to go to any pw page.

Can anyone help me? Can't figure out what happened!

Many thanks in advance and best wishes


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Just to confirm, it always shows the homepage? I wasn't sure because you said it won't show any PW pages, but that it displays the index.php file if you try to go to any page. I'm assuming that means it's showing the homepage, but if you mean it's literally showing the index.php file (the text of it) then that's a very different problem. :)

Assuming you see the homepage at every URL, it sounds like apache rewrite engine is not working. You'll want to double check that your /.htaccess file is in your site root. Check the bottom and top of that file, as well as /index.php to make sure some WordPress exploit hasn't attempted to modify these. Assuming nothing has modified those files, you'd need to find out why Apache rewrite engine isn't working, or if it's completely bypassing your .htaccess file.

To determine if your htaccess file is getting bypassed, edit it and enter some random characters at the very top of it, like "alekjfalkjfalefjk". Save, and try to load a page. You should get a 500 http error. If you don't, then Apache isn't reading your .htaccess, and it's a question for the web host. If you find that you did get the expected 500 error, then change it back to a working state and post back here so we can look at more.

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I'm having the same problem with a new website. I moved PW from my testing server to a subdirectory of the new server because i don't want to replace the old site for now. It shows the homepage, but when I press the links, I get a 404 from the server. I asked the server if mod-rewrite is on, and they told me to add "RewriteEngine On" to my htaccess file... not helpful at all...

I added some random characters inside "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>" on PWs htaccess, and it does throw a 500 error.

Another thing I just did: I moved PW files to the root and put the old site files on a folder (thre wasn't any htaccess file on the root). PW shows me the homepage, but when I go to subpages, instead of a 404 I get a 500 (??)... back to the subfolder, I get the 404 again.

EDIT: I solved this issue by uncommenting this line on the .htaccess: # RewriteBase /

(on the subfolder I added RewriteBase /subfoldername/)

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