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Help understanding search results


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I've implemented a site search on a site and am a bit confused about how it processes results.

For instance, a search for art union produces no results, same for a search for art, but a search for union produces 5 results including the one I was hoping would come up which has a title of art union.

How/why is that happening and is there anything to configure to improve the results?

My search form looks like:

<form action="<?php echo $pages->get("template=search")->url; ?>" method="get">
<input type="text" name="q">
<button type="submit">Search</button>

and the search template:

if($q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q)) :

  $input->whitelist('q', $q);

  $matches = $pages->find("title|body|summary~=$q,template!=admin, limit=50");

  $count = count($matches);

  if($count) :
    foreach($matches as $m) :
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This is documented behavior. From PW's selector documentation:

The *= and ~= rely upon MySQL fulltext indexes, which only index words of at least a certain length (configurable, but typically 4 characters). They also don't index common English words called stopwords. So while it's preferable to use *= and ~= for their speed, if you aren't getting the results you need, you should consider using %= instead (if you can handle the speed hit).

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