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Use API to update a "select" field


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I have a page that has a field that contains a page.

How do I use the API to update a page select field in the page's page?


User page has field "member" which points to a member page.

Member page has field "gender" which points to page for selecting gender.

How do I change the page the gender points to from the user page?

I've tried 

$user->member->gender = 123;

 where 123 is the new page ID.


$user->member->set("gender", 123);

Both of these seem not to work.

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This works for me:

$user->member->gender = 123;

EDIT: or for something even simpler using the new method introduced in 2.6.9 (https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.9-core-updates-and-new-procache-version/#new-page-gt-setandsave-method):

$user->member->setAndSave('gender', 123);
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