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how to sort children of children


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this is my code

$gp = $pages->get(1016);
$children = $gp->children;

foreach($children as $child) { 
      $articles = $child->children;
      foreach($articles as $article) {
i want all articles to be sorted by title (asc)
i tried this:
$articles = $child->children('sort=title');

but the sorting happened too early

an this doesn't work also (too early)

foreach($articles->sort('name') as $article)
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The secret is to adapt the selector to get all the pages in one go. Try this:

$gp = $pages->get(1016);
$children = $gp->children;

$articles = $pages->get("parent={$children}, sort=title");
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thx diogo

$gp = $pages->get(1016);
$children = $gp->children;
$articles = $pages->get("parent={$children}, sort=title"); 
foreach($articles as $article) { 
	echo $article->title;

but it doesn't work

maybe because $children is an array?

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The secret is to create a nice selector and use the API correctly. $pages->get() returns a single page, whereas $pages->find() returns a page array.

 * has_parent=1016 selects all children and grandchildren of the page with id = 1016
 * parent!=1016 excludes the children (first generation)

$articles = $pages->find("has_parent=1016,parent!=1016,sort=title");
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  • 5 months later...


I have a parent page template that i'm attempting to make the parent page content be a list of the title/links of all of the parent's children and have it sort the output in alphabetical order.

this is the template:

// basic-page.php template file 
// See README.txt for more information
// Primary content is the page's body copy
 $content = renderNavTree($page->children ("sort=Title")); 
The Problem is that the rendering of the page does not list the children in alphabetical order.
Can you help me understand.
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