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page-> find the same roles (in child pages) as the active user has


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i build a ""assignment list" and want to find some pages with the same event select_groups as the active user has roles.

My setting:


|- events (template events)

|    |- event

|    |- event (template event -> title, date, jobs (PageTable)


|- tasks

|- places

The PageTable "jobs" has the template "job" (title, select_task, job_begin, job_end, select_place, staff_needed, participants & select_group -> which is a PageArray with "Roles" as the Parent of selectable pages!)

And now I have tried using the following code to output the test data:

$events = $pages->find('template=event, jobs.select_group=1045, sort=date');
foreach($events as $event){
  $content .= strftime('%d.%m.%Y', $event->getUnformatted('date')) ." $event->title<br />";

  foreach($event->children as $child){
    $content .= "<b>{$child->select_task->title}</b> ({$child->select_place->title})<br />
                  ({$child->job_begin} bis {$child->job_end})";

which 1045 is only a example id from one Role.

BUT this Code ignore the select_group and output ALL events?!


- goes the whole at all with one "find"?

- how can i search after x user roles in y pages? (so I only display these events per user which he is allowed to see with his roles)

How can I achieve that?

Thanks Ralf

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Could you post a more clear page tree. It looks like your jobs are child pages of an event  foreach($event->children as $child) . Looking at your selector string I would expect a page tree more like this, which should return all events selected the job 'turn the light on'.


|- events (template events)
|    |- event
|    |- event (template event -> title, date, jobs (PageTable of 'jobs')
|- tasks
|- places
|- jobs
|    |- 'turn the light on' (template=job, select_group = 1045)
|    |- 'clean staircase' ...
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Hi kixe,

sure, I can try.

/* Home
|- events (template: events -> field: title)
|    |- event (template: event -> fields: title, date, jobs (PageTable - with the template "job" for items)
|    |    |- job A (template: job -> fields: title, select_task (Page), job_begin, job_end, select_place (Page),
|    |    |         staff_needed (Integer), select_group (Page - PageArray with "Roles" as the Parent of selectable pages),
|    |    |         participants (Page - PageArray with "Users" as the Parent of selectable pages))
|    |    |- job B
|    |    |- job C
|    |    |- job X
|    |    |- job Y
|    |
|    |- event
|         |- job D
|         |- job E
|         |- job F
|- tasks (template: basic-page -> field: title)
|    |- task A (template: task -> field: title)
|    |- task B
|- places (template: basic-page -> field: title)
|    |- place A (template: place -> field: title)
|    |- place B

sorry that i missed the jobs in the first page tree.

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$events = $pages->find('template=event, children.select_group=1045, sort=date');
echo $events;

This selector will find all pages with template 'event', where childpages have a field 'select_group' with the fieldvalue '1045'.

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Hi kixe,

thanks - but hmm strange, the output is now nothing. But it should be 2 or 5 entries output - if i insert 1045 or 1041 as ID value.

Have you else any idea?

PS: a second challenge is to combine it with a query after "$user->roles"

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