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Checking array for a value (might be more PHP question than PW... sorry)


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Hi folks,

This may be a bit of a daft question as it may be more a PHP question than a PW question, but thought I would check.

I have some tags set up for each 'project' on my site. All good, and if I echo out


it returns 


and obviously I can do a foreach loop on them etc. All good. However, I want to check if a tag exists then assign a colour value to it, for example:

data-color="<?php if ($project->project_tags == 1025) : ?>#ff0000<?php endif; ?>"

Is there a way to check an array for a value rather than running a foreach loop on it and doing it that way?



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I thought this might've worked:

data-color="<?php if (in_array(1025,$project->project_tags)) : ?>#ffff00<?php elseif (in_array(1029,$project->project_tags)) : ?>#6d8d24<?php elseif (in_array(1030,$project->project_tags)) : ?>#3b6e8f<?php elseif (in_array(1031,$project->project_tags)) : ?>#00bdff<?php else : ?>#00ff00<?php endif; ?>"

or even:

data-color="<?php if ($project->project_tags->has(1025)) : ?>#ffff00<?php elseif ($project->project_tags->has(1029)) : ?>#6d8d24<?php elseif ($project->project_tags->has(1030)) : ?>#3b6e8f<?php elseif ($project->project_tags->has(1031)) : ?>#00bdff<?php else : ?>#00ff00<?php endif; ?>"
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Not sure if I understodd you correctly. You are already iterating over project_tags and spit out one html tag for every element in project_tags, right?

Usualy you would store the color information somewhere to keep it dynamic, but if you want to keep it simple, create a mapping table. Something like

$colorMap = array(
  1025 => '#ffff00',
  1029 => '#6d8d24'

forach($project->project_tags as $tag) {
  echo '<span data-color="' . $colorMap[$tag] . '"></span>';
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Thanks for the help. No, I am not iterating over the project tags. I don't really want to. I just want to check them and if it contains an ID (1025, for example) then echo out a hex colour code.

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Why not iterate over them? If you need to check for all of them then it's the smartest way to do so.

$data-color = "";

$colorMap = array(
  1025 => '#ffff00',
  1029 => '#6d8d24'

forach($colorMap as $id => $color) {
    $data-color .= $color;

// $data-color now consists of all the colors, where a tag was found.
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Thanks for the help. So the best way is to do:

<?php $tag_colors = explode('|', $project->project_tags); ?>
  data-color="<?php if (in_array(1025,$tag_colors)) : ?>#ffff00<?php elseif (in_array(1029,$tag_colors)) : ?>#6d8d24<?php elseif (in_array(1030,$tag_colors)) : ?>#3b6e8f<?php elseif (in_array(1031,$tag_colors)) : ?>#00bdff<?php else : ?>#00ff00<?php endif; ?>"

This works, so maybe it is. Many thanks.

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"1025|1074|1026|1027" is only returned when you echo, because PW converts the object into a string only for this purpose. If you want to know if a page exists in a pageArray, you should use the pageArray methods, in this case:

if ( $project->project_tags->has(1025) )

Edit: LostKobrakai was faster :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@diogo, I would just like to say, however, that this doesn't work:

<?php if ($page->parents->has(1025)) : ?>

But you never mentioned "parents" before now :)

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It's not directly related to parents, it's related to a pageArray, and @diogo said:

"1025|1074|1026|1027" is only returned when you echo, because PW converts the object into a string only for this purpose. If you want to know if a page exists in a pageArray, you should use the pageArray methods, in this case:

if ( $project->project_tags->has(1025) )

Edit: LostKobrakai was faster :)

So regardless I assumed parents would also work?

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