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Options fieldtype and inputfield dependencies problem


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Hello @ all,

I have a fieldtype options inputfield with single choice in a template. Depending on the the selected value a textfield should be shown or not.

This is the options fieldtype:


And this is the textfield which should be shown if select option 1 or 2 is selected.


Unfortunately it doesnt work. The textfield will be always shown independent of the selected value.

F.e. if I choose only a simple dependency like "pricelistselect=1" it works.

Has somenone a hint for me, whats going wrong?

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It works also with "pricelistselect=2". So if only one value is the dependency it works quite well, but if the condition is a little bit more complex like "1 OR 2" it doesnt work anymore.

I dont think that the value/label format is the problem. If there would be a problem it would not work at all.

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Could you try it with "pricelistselect.id<=2"? I know it sounds the same as without ID, but I remember a similar issue where such thing helped (but I may be wrong)

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