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  1. Im trying to redirect a logged in user back to his own user page if he tries to access another member page, but i can´t get it to work. It will redirect back to the correct url but then i get browser error? "The page redirects incorrectly, Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this location in a way that prevents completion." <?php $userloggedinname = $user->name; $pagename = $page->name; { $session->redirect( "{$pages->get(1)->httpUrl}medlemmar/" . $userloggedinname ); } ?> also i tried this but same result $userloggedinname = $user->name; $pagename = $page->name; if (!$userloggedinname === $pagename) { $session->redirect("{$pages->get('/')->url}medlemmar/{$userloggedinname}"); } I have created another user template similar to this post https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users So my users is now under Home/Members/MemberX I´m on localhost. Also i if a user is logged in, the user can edit other users aswell ? so my goal is also to hide/restrict users to edit or access the processwire front end user edit page. I am building a separate edit on the front end user custom page that also is the memberX page, Home/Members/MemberX. Any suggestions? Please help..
  2. Hi, I want to redirect users that hit 1) pages using a specified template 2) when the url is using a specific syntax. Url syntax is: /PRODUCT/redir/PAGEID Example: /foo/redir/1234 My intention is to redirect the user to the specified PAGEID - but I don't know how to user $input in a hook. How might that be done with hooks in ready.php? $this->addHookBefore('Session::redirect', function(HookEvent $event) { $session = $event->object; // (Product template always lives a root level) if( TEMPLATE == 'product' && INPUT->urlSegment1()=='r' ) { $dest = $pages->get(PAGEID); $session->redirect( $dest->url ); } });
  3. Hey folks, currently Iam working on a website for one of my clients and I need some advice on how to approach this in PW. The website is for a company, that offers holiday houses in two locations. The client wants the homepage to show the first location. Normally I just have a home template for the first page, but here the URL should reflect that you are in Location 1. So when you visit the URL casamani.com it should redirect to casamani.com/location-1. Not sure if this makes sense at all. Whould it be bad for SEO and performance reasons to redirect home to the Location-1 page? Another approach would be to render the Location-1 template on the home template or do an include like discussed here. Here is how the tree looks: – Home – Location 1 (Homepage) – Creation – Adventure – Sustainability – Location 2 – Creation – Adventure – Sustainability Thanks for looking into this!
  4. Hi guys and ladies! And thanks for Processwire! It appears i've got an interesting issue concerning the template-settings-based PW redirects dealing with access control. Any PW template has some access control options i.e. "Login redirect URL or page ID to render". If this option is used for a page having a template with this option filled, a redirect will occur if user is not logged in and/or has insufficient access rights. I like to hook PW events. In one of my current projects i decided to write an addHookBefore('Session::redirect', ...) which should store the page we are being redirected from. With "regular" redirects like $session->redirect('/somewhere/') this hook works like a charm. But it was strange to see that it doesn't work with the template-settings-based redirect. I'm too dumb to dive deep inside PW and to examine the whole PW session mechanism. But it could be rather logical if ANY redirect ( no matter template-settings-based or using $session->redirect() ) could be hooked in the same manner. Okay okay i can forget about template-settings-based redirect and write my own. Just a couple of lines of code, and it works. But it's less elegant than hooking the template-settings-based redirects. So am i missing something? It this behavior a bug, or is it intended by PW team? Thanks in advance for any comment!
  5. Hi, I have a couple of restricted templates using the "Redirect to another URL" if the user doesn't have access. I redirect to a custom login page with the {id} tag. On successful login the user then gets redirected to the page he/she was trying to access in the first place (if the user in question has access to the page). You probably get the point. I now have a user who gets the "too many redirects" browser issue. I haven't been able to reproduce this so it's too early to draw any conclusions. Anyone else having similar issues? Also pw seems to always redirect with a HTTP 301 internally, i.e. the "Redirect to another URL" functionality, and these are cacheable in the browser (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_301). PHP does however by default add headers that should make the browser not use cache: the no-store, no-cache, expires etc. This would effectively make the 301 (permanent redirect) behave like a 302 (temporary redirect), however the browsers have as far as I know have not been particularly good at following the recommendations regarding cache headers. Is there a reason for always using 301, in the pw core?
  6. Hi! The following code snippet is part of my markup simple navigation and the url_redirect (url field in the backend) just works fine when I put an special custom url into the url_redirect field. <?php $nav = $modules->get("MarkupSimpleNavigation"); // topnav $current = $page->rootParent(); // current root page // subnav echo $nav->render(array( 'max_levels' => 2, 'item_tpl' => '<h4><a class="g8-bar-item g8-hover-black" href="{url_redirect|url}">{title}</a></h4><hr class="sidenav">', 'collapsed' => true, ), $page, $current); ?> In my seperated breadcrumb navigation I use the following code snippet <?php foreach($page->parents()->append($page) as $parent) { echo "<li><a href='{$parent->url_redirect|url}'>{$parent->title}</a></li>"; } ?> Now to the problem: In my first code snippet above the url_redirect|url works just fine but when I try something similiar in the second code snippet $parent->url_redirect|url I produce an server error How do I have to change the second code snippet so that it works in the correct way as the first code snippet does?
  7. Hi Guys How can I make a redirect inside the .htaccess to my custom maintenance.html file when any URL of my Website is accessed except the processwire admin (www.example.com/processwire/). Because I want that my User's still can access the website when they are loggedin in Processwire. When the current url starts with /processwire or if there is a processwire-login-cookie (Is there a cookie when user is logged in Processwire?) available the redirect should not work. Otherwise it should work. How can I achieve this?
  8. Hi! How to make 301 redirect from www.site.com/news/hereisthepost/ to www.site.com/blog/hereisthepost/ ?
  9. Hey all, things had been going well remapping a site from one domain to another, but hit a snag and have searched for hours and don't know how to continue. 1) I was moving everything from thepaleofix.com to dranthonygustin.com 2) I moved every single path individually with redirects like this: Redirect 301 /category/post http://www.dranthonygustin.com/category/post Everything smooth sailing until today when through webmaster tools (to say site address as moved) I had to execute "Redirect 301 / http://www.dranthonygustin.com" -- now some of the urls go through and some don't include the / after the .com extension. For example: http://www.thepaleofix.com > http://www.dranthonygustin.com no problem http://www.thepaleofix.com/resource/purepharma-m3-review/ > http://www.dranthonygustin.com/what-does-magnesium-do/ no problem BUT a bunch of the URLs then don't push... For example: http://www.thepaleofix.com/recipe/paleo-jam > http://www.dranthonygustin.comrecipe/paleo-jam/ (notice NO / after the .com extension) and http://www.thepaleofix.com/wp-admin > http://www.dranthonygustinwp-admin (which of course leads to dead link) There are a bunch of paths that do this, that I checked before and were working, such as: Redirect 301 /recipe/paleo-jam http://www.dranthonygustin.com/simple-vanilla-berry-paleo-jam/ Any idea why after implementing the / redirect, why it broke some of the redirects and not all? Thanks!
  10. Reference: PW 3.0.111 and uikit3 based site using the Regular-Master profile. I'm trying to automatically redirect a logged-in user to a custom profile page using $session->redirect() and need to add $user->name to the redirect path. All my attempts appear to have failed: $session->redirect('/user-profile/')->name; $session->redirect('/user-profile/')->$user->name; $session->redirect('/user-profile/' . get($user->name . '/')); $session->redirect('/user-profile/' & get($user->name)); Can anyone point out where I am going wrong?
  11. Sometimes I need pages in the site tree that are basically just a reference to another page – to redirect to the original page or display the same content under the new page url. I was surprised I couldn't find anything like that in the forum or as a module already. However, there is a new module by @Robin S but not exactly what I need. Example Home News Press Newsroom Media Services About Newsroom (virtual page for /news/newsroom/) Contact Example I: The page /about/newsroom/ should act as /news/newsroom/ – so, wehen I loop all pages for a sitemap both pages should have the URL /news/newsroom/. Example II: Another example (not often used) would be tu display the exact same content on /about/newsroom/ – although the page itself has no content on its own. Those examples don't have much in common, but they are just virtual or fake pages in the site tree. While the second one should be an easy task with wireRenderFile(), the first example isn't quite obvious to me. I think I have to use hooks and I have no idea where to start. I really appreciate you guys come up with a solution for everything, but I need to learn this myself So just some hints to start would be great! Do I put the code into a module or some of the _init.php, ready.php etc. files? Or do I have to use a template file (e.g. virtual-page.php)? When I look into Captain Hook – how do I find the appropriate point to hook into? (/wire/core/ Page.php and loaded()?) Do I need to create/manipulate each field separately (path, title, summary)? Sorry for the long read
  12. Hi there, I added a ssl certificate to my site and I'd like to redirect every single http url to its new https version So I added this code in the .htacces file, after the RewriteEngine On : Redirect 301 /about https://www.mysite.it/about Unfortunately this is now working: I get the "too many redirects" error. The following code works, but it's a bulk redirection to the home page, something I don't want for SEO reasons (https://moz.com/blog/save-your-website-with-redirects? RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} mysite\.it [NC] RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.mysite.it/$1 [R,L] Any suggestions?
  13. Hi I just publish a new website in production environnement and I cannot anymore access to the admin URL... Automatically redirect to root URL. Example : www.test.com/gestion ==> www.test.com I disabled all HTTPS and www redirection in .htaccess but nothing changed. Is someone can help me ? Thanks in advance ...................................... This is my htaccess content : ################################################################################################# # START PROCESSWIRE HTACCESS DIRECTIVES # @version 3.0 # @indexVersion 300 ################################################################################################# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Don't show directory indexes, but do follow symbolic links # 500 NOTE: Some cloud hosting companies don't allow +FollowSymLinks. # Uncomment +SymLinksifOwnerMatch and comment +FollowSymLinks if you have 500 errors. # If that doesn't resolve the error, then set it back to +FollowSymLinks. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options -Indexes Options +FollowSymLinks # Options +SymLinksifOwnerMatch # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2. Let ProcessWire handle 404s # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorDocument 404 /index.php # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3. Handle request for missing favicon.ico/robots.txt files (no ending quote for Apache 1.3) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Files favicon.ico> ErrorDocument 404 "The requested file favicon.ico was not found. </Files> <Files robots.txt> ErrorDocument 404 "The requested file robots.txt was not found. </Files> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 4. Protect from XSS with Apache headers # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <IfModule mod_headers.c> # prevent site from being loaded in an iframe on another site # you will need to remove this one if you want to allow external iframes Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN # to prevent cross site scripting (IE8+ proprietary) Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" # prevent mime-based attacks via content sniffing (IE+Chrome) # Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" </IfModule> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 5. Protect ProcessWire system files # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FilesMatch "\.(inc|info|info\.json|module|sh|sql)$|^\..*$|composer\.(json|lock)$"> <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all denied </IfModule> <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> Order allow,deny </IfModule> </FilesMatch> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 6. Override a few PHP settings that can't be changed at runtime (not required) # 500 NOTE: Try commenting out this entire section below if getting Apache 500 errors. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <IfModule mod_php5.c> php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off php_flag magic_quotes_sybase off php_flag register_globals off </IfModule> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 7. Set default directory index files # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 8. ProcessWire requires mod_rewrite # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 9. If you only want to allow HTTPS, uncomment the RewriteCond and RewriteRule lines below. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off # RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] # If using an AWS load balancer, use these two lines below instead of those above: # RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =http # RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 10. Set an environment variable so the installer can detect that mod_rewrite is active. # Note that some web hosts don't support this. If you get a 500 error, you might try # commenting out this SetEnv line below. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <IfModule mod_env.c> SetEnv HTTP_MOD_REWRITE On </IfModule> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 11. OPTIONAL: Set a rewrite base if rewrites aren't working properly on your server. # And if your site directory starts with a "~" you will most likely have to use this. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteBase / # RewriteBase /pw/ # RewriteBase /~user/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 12. Access Restrictions: Keep web users out of dirs that begin with a period, # but let services like Lets Encrypt use the webroot authentication method. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RewriteRule "(^|/)\.(?!well-known)" - [F] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 13. OPTIONAL: Redirect users to the 'www.' version of the site (uncomment to enable). # For example: http://processwire.com/ would be redirected to http://www.processwire.com/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC] # RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 14. OPTIONAL: Send URLs with non-ASCII name-format characters to 404 page (optimization) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "[^-_.a-zA-Z0-9/~]" # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?it=/http404/ [L,QSA] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 15. Access Restrictions: Protect ProcessWire system files # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow screenshot files (for install.php only: this 1 line below may be removed after install) RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(^|/)site-[^/]+/install/[^/]+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ # Block access to any htaccess files RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)\.htaccess$ [NC,OR] # Block access to protected assets directories RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/assets/(cache|logs|backups|sessions|config|install|tmp)($|/.*$) [OR] # Block acceess to the /site/install/ directory RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/install($|/.*$) [OR] # Block dirs in /site/assets/ dirs that start with a hyphen RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/assets.*/-.+/.* [OR] # Block access to /wire/config.php, /site/config.php, /site/config-dev.php, and /wire/index.config.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(wire|site|site-[^/]+)/(config|index\.config|config-dev)\.php$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP-based files in /templates-admin/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(wire|site|site-[^/]+)/templates-admin($|/|/.*\.(php|html?|tpl|inc))$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP or markup files in /site/templates/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/templates($|/|/.*\.(php|html?|tpl|inc))$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP files in /site/assets/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/assets($|/|/.*\.php)$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP files in core or core module directories RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)wire/(core|modules)/.*\.(php|inc|tpl|module|info\.json)$ [OR] # Block access to any PHP files in /site/modules/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/modules/.*\.(php|inc|tpl|module|info\.json)$ [OR] # Block access to any software identifying txt files RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(COPYRIGHT|INSTALL|README|htaccess)\.(txt|md|textile)$ [OR] # Block all http access to the default/uninstalled site-default directory RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)site-default/ # If any conditions above match, issue a 403 forbidden RewriteRule ^.*$ - [F,L] # PW-PAGENAME # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 16a. Ensure that the URL follows the name-format specification required by PW # See also directive 16b below, you should choose and use either 16a or 16b. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/~?[-_.a-zA-Z0-9/]*$" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 16b. Alternative name-format specification for UTF8 page name support. # If used, comment out section 16a above and uncomment the directive below. If you have updated # your $config->pageNameWhitelist make the characters below consistent with that. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/~?[-_./a-zA-Z0-9æåäßöüđжхцчшщюяàáâèéëêěìíïîõòóôøùúûůñçčćďĺľńňŕřšťýžабвгдеёзийклмнопрстуфыэęąśłżź]*$" # END-PW-PAGENAME # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 17. If the request is for a file or directory that physically exists on the server, # then don't give control to ProcessWire, and instead load the file # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !(favicon\.ico|robots\.txt) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 18. OPTIONAL: Prevent ProcessWire from attempting to serve images or anything in /site/assets/. # Both of these lines are optional, but can help to reduce server load. However, they # are not compatible with the $config->pagefileSecure option (if enabled) and they # may produce an Apache 404 rather than your regular 404. You may uncomment the two lines # below if you don't need to use the $config->pagefileSecure option. After uncommenting, test # a URL like domain.com/site/assets/files/test.jpg to make sure you are getting a 404 and not # your homepage. If getting your homepage, then either: do not use this option, or comment out # section #2 above that makes ProcessWire the 404 handler. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico)$ [NC] # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !(^|/)site/assets/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 19. Pass control to ProcessWire if all the above directives allow us to this point. # For regular VirtualHosts (most installs) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?it=$1 [L,QSA] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 20. If using VirtualDocumentRoot (500 NOTE): comment out the one above and use this one instead # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?it=$1 [L,QSA] </IfModule> ################################################################################################# # END PROCESSWIRE HTACCESS DIRECTIVES #################################################################################################
  14. Sure this has been asked a million times but cant find a simple answer. Trying to set the page to redirect to after login in the front end - i.e. not on the admin login page. some reason this works for super users but not normal users redirecting to a page which is viewable by members not guest role users. $showLoginError = false; if($input->post->user && $input->post->pass) { $username = $sanitizer->username($input->post->user); $pass = $input->post->pass; try { $session->login($username, $pass); // redirect user $session->redirect("/events/"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $showLoginError = true; } }
  15. Hello I need some help with redirecting. I have create a template called (redirect) and AssistedURL field called (redirect_link) for redirecting a page if necessary. In template I've added: <?php if($page->redirect_link) $session->redirect($page->redirect_link); ?> redirect is working, but is it possible to create a link non clickable also, maybe with placing # for link? If I place # now it gives the whole link of the site with /# at the end and gives blank page. So placing (#) would disable a link totaly or something. Hope u understand what I mean Thank you R
  16. I have a single Processwire install with two domains pointing to it. There's in-progress.com which is the "proper domain" and won't be live for a few months mini-project.com which needs to go live immediately but just point to a sub-page Is there a way with .htaccess to know when the site is being accessed through mini-project.com, keep that address is the browser bar and redirect to mini-project.com/project-home/ To give a little context, a part of the in-progress needs to be accessible immediately and we've registered that temporary mini-project.com and pointed it at the same site. The key here is to only do that redirect when mini-project.com is the source request. Otherwise I guess I'd use Jumplinks etc
  17. Hi. I have a membersite that sends out emails to users with links to specific pages. When the user clicks on the link in the mail and the browser opens the site, the user is redirected to the login page. However, I would like for the user to be redirected back to the page they opened from their mail. I don't see how this can be done in Processwire. I have a template and in the Access settings, I have chosen to redirect to the login page. There is on tag that I can include with {id}, but that returns the ID of the login page. I would like to have a tag that returns the ID of the original page the user has opened. Maybe a tag called {id_original} could be a way to solve it. Is there some other way I can filter the redirect process?
  18. I am trying to make a simple wiredata module that lets me select a page I want all visitors to be redirected to. I have this working in ready.php but then I decided on putting it in a module and I can't get it to work. Here's the relevant bits: public function ready() { $this->addHookBefore('Page::render', $this, 'redirectUsers'); } public function redirectUsers(HookEvent $e) { $page = $e->object; // The page we want to redirect to. $redirect = $e->pages->get($this->redirectPage); if ($page->id == $redirect->id) return; // Prevent infinite loop. if (!$e->user->isLoggedin()) { $e->session->redirect($redirect, false); // 'false' indicates 302 temp redirect. } } I left some checks out for simplification. Whenever I'm not on the page that I want to redirect to, an infinite redirect loop starts. Could anybody explain why that is?
  19. I think you can create a simple logout link with <a href="admin/login/logout">log out</a> But it redirects to the login form in the admin area. Can I hook into logout and change the redirect? Default redirect home would make sense. Or is the way to do this still to create a logout template + page with session->logout() and a redirect?
  20. Like title says i've some domains with umlauts öäüß and i'd like to redirect them to the non umlaut version example: http://my-domän.de to http://my-domaein.de i've somethings like this in my htacess: ##redirect umlautdomain (not my domain) RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^xn--mhldorf-nsb.d$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://muehldorf.de//$1 [R=301,L] in my config.php i only have muehldorf.de in my hosts list... is there something that i've misunderstood? so far it doesn't work....but may the htaccess rules take some time to exicute...i tried since about an hour some different rules. regards mr-fan
  21. I hope this is the correct place to post this. I currently am building a "dashboard" that displays some stats etc, but also handles login/logout with a form. Currently, when a user uses the form on the homepage, they redirected (if the credentials are correct) to the backend of processwire. However, I was hoping to direct the user back to the dashboard and display an alert (for now until I get a library to handle this). I got it somewhat working if I dont redirect the user. However, if I refresh the page, the alert still "pops up". Does anyone know of a way to redirect to the home page, but then display an alert? My Code to login: <?php if($input->post->user && $input->post->pass) { $user = $sanitizer->username($input->post->user); $pass = $input->post->pass; if($session->login($user, $pass)) { // login successful $session->redirect($dash); } } ?>
  22. Hi Everyone I have a problem here. I have built a site with Processwire on localhost and then transferred to my customer's server. a) it's a windows server (unfortunately) and b) there is a domain-mapping for this site, the domain points to a folder of another domain. Sorry, I can't explain it any better, I don't really understand the different types of servers (why do they have to be different anyway...). My problem is, that I see the main website but not the admin page. Do I have to add anything to my .htaccess file? I also tried to include web.config file. Not .htaccess nor web.config file have an impact when changing its content. I really have no clue what to do!! Links: mcconnellacademy.ch, mcconnellacademy.ch/admin Thanks for any pointing in the right direction!
  23. Hey Guys! Im new to PW and am working on a website built on PW. Im trying to understand how sessions work in PW. Specifically what exactly is happening when session expires. The thing is that my client wants to be redirected to homepage whenever session expires, so basically he doesnt want to be redirected to admin login page when he's in the admin environment of PW(he doesnt want his clients to see the admin login page for whatever reason). Is it possible to hook to the session expiration and redirect to a specific url? And what is the correct way to do it in PW? I would appreciate the help! Cheers!
  24. The last days two new sites went online and both got a SSL certificate installed. But one has a HTTP problem, although both are configured the same (seem to be). When I run curl -I -L https://www.example.com/ (http://bit.ly/2pOdjGj) it gets redirected to itself again and again. I had a HTTPS redirect in my .htaaccess but have removed it. The home template was configured to use only HTTPS but is now configured to accept both. If I change that to HTTP only, I get and error. The origin must come from PW, because all files not processed by PW don't have the redirect problem. I had a look at the /site/assets/cache/ folder but don't know what to delete. And there is a cache table in the DB as well. Don't know either if I can just delete its entries. Apache 2.4.18 PHP 7.0.11 PW 3.0.42 No dedicated cache installed, no cache activated in PW
  25. Hi all, I'm creating a website for a magazine publisher. This will include a supplier section with press releases attached to company profiles. The idea is that companies can register and manage their profile and press releases (CRUD) via a dashboard. The dashboard is a Process module. Ben Byford's RedirectAdminPages module is being used to lock out the rest of the backend, with a few modifications. The following code should redirect every admin page to the dashboard page but still allowing logging out. However logging out just redirects to the dashboard page: // do not redirect if page matches: if($this->page->template != "admin" // any non-admin page || $this->page->is($this->redirectPage) // the dashboard page (prevent infinite loop) || $this->page->parent->is('/admin/login/') // various attempts to allow logging out || $this->wire("process") == 'ProcessLogin' || strpos($this->page->url, $this->wire('config')->urls->admin . 'login/logout') !== false ) { return; } // find roles set in module configuration and create array $roles = explode(',', $this->userRoles); // for each user in module config check to see if current user foreach ($roles as $key => $val) { // get a role from the roles array $roles[$key] = trim($roles[$key]); // if current user found with role then redirect if($this->user->hasRole($roles[$key])){ // redirect session to page stored in config $this->session->redirect($this->redirectPage); // code should never get here but this is a simple fallback break; } } } } I'm surprised that this URL matching doesn't work: || strpos($this->page->url, $this->wire('config')->urls->admin . 'login/logout') !== false Because this does work for allowing page edit: || strpos($this->page->url, $this->wire('config')->urls->admin . 'page/edit') !== false Any ideas? That issue aside, as a learning process I'm going to re-implement the dashboard as front-end pages. I guess that the advantage of using the ProcessWire back-end is most of the functionality is already there, you don't need to create forms and handle the processing, create / import css etc. So it'll be interesting to see how much of a difference this makes, and how much control each approach provides. I'd love to have some thoughts and feedback from those of you who've tried both methods? PS this will be my third website created with ProcessWire and it's already been a lot of fun, and as a CMS it 'just feels right', so a big thanks to Ryan and everyone who has contributed. Thanks
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