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  1. Im trying to redirect a logged in user back to his own user page if he tries to access another member page, but i can´t get it to work. It will redirect back to the correct url but then i get browser error? "The page redirects incorrectly, Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this location in a way that prevents completion." <?php $userloggedinname = $user->name; $pagename = $page->name; { $session->redirect( "{$pages->get(1)->httpUrl}medlemmar/" . $userloggedinname ); } ?> also i tried this but same result $userloggedinname = $user->name; $pagename = $page->name; if (!$userloggedinname === $pagename) { $session->redirect("{$pages->get('/')->url}medlemmar/{$userloggedinname}"); } I have created another user template similar to this post https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users So my users is now under Home/Members/MemberX I´m on localhost. Also i if a user is logged in, the user can edit other users aswell 😞 so my goal is also to hide/restrict users to edit or access the processwire front end user edit page. I am building a separate edit on the front end user custom page that also is the memberX page, Home/Members/MemberX. Any suggestions? Please help..
  2. Im building a site where members can hopefullly sign up, login, and have a front end user page that that they can edit and also post new for example entries/pages to an auction for example. I have created an alternative user page based on this post. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users So my new template is "member" with the parent "members". This is where all my new user will end up but they will also have a parent under the regular users page. I have created a form from "frontedituser" module. So now the users can signup and login from localhost/userarea/logga-in. But the problem is that once the user is logged in they also can access other users pages with the parent home/medlemmar/.. I want only the logged in user to be able to visit the users profile page.. home/medlemmar/testuser1 for example. I have also tried to get you an overview of everything in the attached image. If you have any clues or have some other/better solutions please let me know.. /thanks.
  3. Hi guys! And thanks for Processwire! I got a strange issue concerning user system behavior. Maybe it's a bug in Processwire, maybe i'm missing something. I'm developing a site having 2 different user templates: the native user template and member template. The alternative user template setup has been done according to official tutorial. What's working fine: "Regular" users can log in and log out as intended Member users also can log in and log out as intended using $session->forceLogin($memberUser) and $session->logout() "Regular" users (all having superuser permissions) can access admin pages and use them Member users have their own set of permissions, they cannot access admin pages What's buggy: Both $session->forceLogin($memberUser) and $session->logout() have no effect on "regular" user sessions. Logging in/logging out regular users have no effect on member user sessions. Member users can only access their own personal pages with member template, trying to access other member pages gives 404. The only project-specific thing which could potentially lead to this behavior is the empty password field for any member user. They always log in using $session->forceLogin() and credentials obtained from external API. Tried to assign a password for one of member users; that user could log in/log out using admin page but the above-described bugs were still the same for him. Have no idea how to fix this, will appreciate any help. Thanks in advance! P.S. I'm using Processwire 3.0.201 in both dev (Windows) and test (Linux) environments.
  4. Hello everyone! I'm new here and I want to set an user avatar to my profile. However, I don't see any option in my personal cabinet that can do it. Could you please tell me if there are there some requirements for user for setting an avatar or I'm missing something?
  5. Hi there! And thanks for Processwire! I've got an interesting case concerning access to current user page. It appears that PW somehow limits access to the frontend page of current user. I'm speaking about a specific PW configuration. We have two kind of users: 'regular' users with native user template and member users with specific member template and specific members parent page (by the way, it's so cool that PW allows to use custom user templates and custom parent for certain user pages!). So a member with name Joe has a page with member template and url like /members/joe . The members template has some access limitations: only member users can see pages with member template. It works like a charm in most situations. For example, user Bill (who has member template and is logged in) can browse a page with url /members/ann which also is a member page with member template. And now, meet the glitch! The above-mentioned Bill cannot get to his own page /members/bill ! PW generates 404 page instead. I see no reason for this behavior. From my point of view any member should have access to any member page in this situation. What am i doing wrong? Any advice is welcome!
  6. Hello, I'm trying to create a page via api and populate values to it. I can populate everything except user pages to a page reference array. Code: $dataUsers = $data->project->users; foreach($dataUsers as $dataUser) { $newProject->projectUsers->add(wire()->pages->find('template=user, id=' . $dataUser->id)); } I'm receiving my data via JSON. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks for help
  7. I'm hoping someone has seen this before. There doesn't appear to be an issue with the user info.
  8. Hi there, I have a marketplace site that used the older Fredi module for front end editing so advertisers can create and edit their adverts (in the form of pages). After upgrading to v3.0 of Processwire I'd like to change the editing method for users to the new, core front end editing methods. However, it seems that with this method any editor can edit any page (subject to template restrictions for their user role). Using Fredi I checked the user and created user were equal before displaying edit buttons (clunky but it worked). Is there any stock way to restrict front end editing to the creator of the page so that my advertisers can only edit their own ads or should I test for user as before? Thanks in advance as always ?
  9. Hey guys! I try to achieve a possibility for the client's admin account to change other users privileges. In the CMS I have superadmin account, which is for me. My client got an account with a role user, which is limited administration account. The client also got some other people, who will edit the content with role editor User story would look somehow like this: user role can add new roles and users user role can change privileges for all users (except superadmin). Eg. When the user role gives the editor role privilege to edit only articles. The Editor role will be able to edit only them. I know this functionality is possible for superadmin, but I couldn't simulate it on the user role. Is there any easy way to achieve such a feature? Otherwise, I'll have to make a module for this I guess. Thanks for any help!
  10. Hey, I am about to use the tool Create Users Batcher. We have 450 users. When I tryed it with like 20 test users it worked but it took a while. Now my concerns are that 450 might be to stressful? Does anyone have experience with several hundreds of users? My thoughts are to split it in smaller goups and upload them one group after another. best wishes marcel
  11. So, I really don't know where to begin with this. I have the thought in my head (the basics), but not really sure how to set it up. The desired effect: The homepage is set up with a foreach loop that outputs all the child pages (basically just a bunch of pages with pdfs, docs etc stored in a file field). When A user is actually logged in, they can "star" an item or drag and drop (using Dragula) the page to a sidebar. Also, they would be able to reorder the pages in the sidebar. The question(s): I guess I have multiple questions regarding how to achieve this. Would it be best to create a page field in the user template to save the page(s)? How would you actually save the page state (sidebar output, reordering, etc) once the drag and drop has been used? Thanks in advance for any help! A lot of this was just what was in my head, so it might not make full sense. However, I will update this if I can actually wrap my head around everything.
  12. Hello, I am working of a site for a sport organisation. All affiliated gyms can edit their profile. I have used the advaced mode so that if you create a new page under location the gym can login and edit their profile. i also want that they can add instructors as child of their profile and also are able to edit those instructors. I can not get passed the able to edit all subpaged or none. How should this be done? Or is this not possible?
  13. Sure this has been asked a million times but cant find a simple answer. Trying to set the page to redirect to after login in the front end - i.e. not on the admin login page. some reason this works for super users but not normal users redirecting to a page which is viewable by members not guest role users. $showLoginError = false; if($input->post->user && $input->post->pass) { $username = $sanitizer->username($input->post->user); $pass = $input->post->pass; try { $session->login($username, $pass); // redirect user $session->redirect("/events/"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $showLoginError = true; } }
  14. Hi, I am new to process wire and I've been trying to change the date time format in my webpage according to its language selection(example: English 'd/m/y' , Deutsch: 'd.m.y'). I know that using $datetime->getDateFormats(); we can achieve the type of formats in the shape of indexes. Also, by using $user->language->id we can know which language we are using. How do I combine this two functions so that when I select English/Deutsch, the date will be adjusted accordingly? Is there a specific function that can do this or is there any provided index in the $user->language somewhere. Thanks in advance :).
  15. Strange question but I was wondering if it was possible to have more than one user with the same user name - or put in another way, allow the user to login with the same name but different passwords...?
  16. I have a site built with a user role 'member' that can view some extra 'member area' pages. I have a user with the role 'editor' that has been given 'user-admin' permission who can successfully generate new users. However, when they try to add / change a 'member' role password to a 'member' role they get the error: Unable to generate password hash Does anyone know how to assign the 'editor' role the permission to generate a password for other user types? Thanks!
  17. Being a newbie in ProcessWire I was wondering, whether I could have simple subdirectories on my webserver (serving specific self-developed php-apps) and use PW's built-in user management, to grant or deny access to those directories for specific users and groups. I was trying to wrap my head around LDAP for this, but it's not too easy to install on virtual servers running Plesk from my experience. So I thought I could possibly use PW's built in mechanisms for this purpose. Any ideas? Thanks in advance to the community!
  18. Is there a way to restrict logins for users so that one user can't be loggedin in two places at the same time? e.g. auto logout user after inactivity (of say 15 minutes..?), or logout action and disallow login if user still "logged in" somewhere?
  19. Hello there! I want to create a user front-end (user can register/login/logout via templates) I'm working based on the intermediate site profile. So _init.php is loaded first, then the template file and then _main.php. I integrated the custom login as described here, and changed it to my needs. ( I don't want to redirect the user, if the form is filled in successfully) The problem I face, is that $user->isLoggedin() lags behind $session->login(). Which means that whenever I do a login, I DO get the information that the login was successful ($session->login(...) instanceof User). I COULD use that information on _main.php to show a profile in the upper right corner. However I don't want to set a variable in the template and ask for it in _main.php. Are there any alternatives? Is a redirect really required to complete the session handling? Why? I have the same problem for the logout. The user is still displayed as logged in, when he opens the logout page. Thanks in advance. Best, Martin
  20. How to track user active time based on session login and logout. Basically, I want to get the report that each user login time and logout time/session inactivity time. Is there any module available or we can use any hooks to simulate the above. Thanks in advance for your support.
  21. Hi all, Im working on a photography website where users can comment and like on photos (which are pages). I solved the comment part with the comment module, but I also want a 'like' system. Which includes; - Like a photo. Like count on the photo adds up. - If user has a few favourite photos, i would like a 'Favourites' section on the user profile page, with all of the liked photos. - Apart from the likes, i would like to have a page 'Most liked photos of this week', so each week the community can see the photos with the most likes that week. I came across the Like plug-in, but i would like to have a little more tailored solution and keep it to logged-in users only and be able to see all of the liked photos of a user. Any idea how to keep track of the likes and build a 'Most liked this week' page? Help would be appreciated! Thnx.
  22. When echoing a date field directly from the $user variable echo $user->date; the timestamp is printed. Using echo $users->get($user->id)->date; prints the correct formated value. Is this a bug or or intended?
  23. I can't add a new value to a custom PageArray field for my user. However, when I create a new user, I CAN add the new PageArray value: I need help. Thank you very much.
  24. Hello, I have a Process module with a user dashboard and I would like to have the user page edit screen at a custom URL 'myprofile'. I cannot use the default profile edit page because it does not support tabbed interfaces. The method for executing the user edit page from within my module looks like this public function ___executeMyprofile() { $processUser = $this->modules->get('ProcessUser'); return $processUser->executeEdit(); } The user edit screen displays when I go to /dashboard/myprofile. But the request is redirected several times and I end up at the URL /access/users/edit/?id=5522 which I wanted to avoid. This happens because of this line in ProcessPageEdit.module. I guess the solution lies in hooking into the ___loadPage() method from within my Process module. But, honestly, I have no clue on how to put the pieces together. So I need some pointers on how to best achieve the goal of having the current user's edit page under a custom URL in the admin area, ideally in the scenario of a custom Process module. Any help would be much appreciated. EDIT: I tried some variations of hooking like public function ___executeMyprofile() { $this->addHookBefore("ProcessPageEdit::loadPage", $this, "interceptRedirect"); $processUser = $this->modules->get('ProcessUser'); return $processUser->executeEdit(); } protected function interceptRedirect(HookEvent $event) { $event->replace = true; $event->return = $this->user; } but the hook is not being executed at all. Also when placing the call to the hook in my Process module's init() method. Also when using an After hook and not replacing the hooked method. No luck so far...
  25. Hello PW Lovers! i know that i can edit user template (Profile) and add as many fields as i want, But i wanna know if i can create pages and associate them to users, For Example: what if i have a users system & each user has a profile + custom page with personal info, and any user could edit his own page - Thanx
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