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  1. Hi, How to change favicon in Seavuel theme which we have purchased from https://codecanyon.net/item/seavuel-multilingual-hotel-website-with-cms-bootstrap-theme/19316343
  2. Hi, based on the work of @microcipcip and @gebeer (see their posts here and here), I put together a Processwire + React boilerplate (profile). Github repo: https://github.com/lapico/process-react Cheers, K
  3. Easiest, fastest, most reliable framework. Considering my workload this past weeks, I'm considering on switching. It supports a wide range of applications:
  4. I had upgraded my Apache configuration to include PHP7.2 and PHP7.3 for a Laravel-based script on the same server. Somehow it/I messed up a previously fine Processwire site, in a very confusing way. The site still looks fine, but editing template files has no effect whatsoever. It is stuck on some kind of cached version. I have already disabled PHP7's OPcache, cleared browser caches, etc, with no effect. The pages now apparently come from PW's assets/cache/FileCompiler folder, even though I never enabled template caching for this site. I have tried adding "namespace ProcessWire;" to the top of the homepage template file, but then I get this fatal error: My functions.php file pulls data in from another Processwire installation on the same VPS with the following line: $othersitedata = new ProcessWire('/home/myaccount/public_html/myothersite/site/', 'https://myothersite.com/'); That apparently still works fine; the site still displays data from the other installation, but via the "cached" template that I am now unable to change. I don't know where to start with this mess. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated. Edit: Adding "$config->templateCompile = false;" to config.php results in the same fatal error as above.
  5. [GERMAN] Hallo Community, ich hoffe Ihr könnte mir weiter helfen? Ich habe Processwire bei meinen Webhosting Anbieter installiert ohne Probleme. Nun wollte ich es bei meinen Local webserver (MAMP 4.1) installieren... Leider zeigt er mir einen Datenbank fehler, dass er bestimmte Tabelle nicht finden kann!!! (Siehe Bild) Kann mir einer sagen, wodurch der Fehler verursacht wirt? Habe es auch schon bei einen Kumpel und eine anderen Local Webserver Umgebung Installiert. Immer der Selbe Fehler. Gruß MacLeod [ENGLISH] Hello Community, I hope you could help me further? I have Processwire installed at my webhosting provider without any problems. Now I wanted to install it on my local webserver (MAMP 4.1) ... Unfortunately he shows me a database error that he can not find certain table !!! (See image) Can someone tell me what causes the error? Have it already installed with a buddy and another Local Web server environment. Always the same mistake. greeting MacLeod
  6. Hi, So today I will writing a small tutorial on developing templates in Processwire using Twig Template, Processwire is a highly flexible CMS which gives developers/designers/users options and allows easy extension of the platform. So here goes the tutorial What is Twig Template ? Simply put in my own words, Twig is a modern templating engine that compiles down to PHP code, unlike PHP, Twig is clean on the eyes , flexible and also quite *easy* to have dynamic layout site with ease ,without pulling your hair out. Twig is trusted by various platforms. It was created by the guys behind Symfony. Take this code as an example {% for user in users %} <h1>* {{ user }}</h1> {% endfor %} This will simply be the equivalent in PHP World <?php $userArray = ["Nigeria","Russia"]; foreach($userArray as $user): ?> <h1><?= $user ?></h1> <?php endforeach; The PHP code though looks simple enough however, you start to notice that you have to be concerned about the PHP tags by ensuring they are closed properly , most times projects gets bigger and comes complex and harder to read/grasp, and also in PHP you can explicitly create variables in the template making it very hard to read as it grows and prone to getting messy WordPress is a major culprit when it comes to that regard. Have you ever wanted to created separate layouts for different pages and break your sites into different parts e.g Sidebar, Comment Section, Header Section ? the regular approach would be to create individual pages for each section and simply add them as templates for the pages and with time, you can end up having tons of templates, however Twig allows you to easily inherit templates and also override the templates where you can inject content into the block easily. Don't worry if you don't understand the concept, the following parts will explain with an example of how to easily inherit layouts and templates. Layout <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> {{include("layout/elements/header.twig")}} </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid" id="minimal"> <header id="pageIntro"> <div class="bio_panel"> <div class="bio_section col-md-6"> <h1>Okeowo Aderemi</h1> <h2>{{ page.body }}</h2> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </header> <section id="page-body"> <div class="container"> <div id="intro" class="col-md-7 col-lg-7"> <h1>About me</h1> <h2> {{ page.summary }} </h2> </div> {block name="content"}{/block} <a style="font-size:1.799783em; font-style:italic;color:#d29c23" href="{{pages.get('/notes').url }}">Read more articles</a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </section> </div> <footer> <div class="header-container headroom headroom--not-top headroom--pinned" id="header-container"> {{include("layout/elements/footer.twig")}} </div> </footer> </body> </html> This is basically a layout where we specify blocks and include other templates for the page, don't panic if you don't understand what is going on, I will simply break down the weird part as follows: Include This basically is similar to native PHP 'include', as it's name suggests it simply includes the templates and injects the content into the layout , nothing out of the ordinary here if you are already familiar with php's include function. {{ output }} This simply evaluates the expression and prints the value, this evaluate expressions, functions that return contents , in my own short words it's basically the same as <?= output ?> except for the fact that it's cleaner to read. {% expression %} unlike the previous this executes statements such as for loops and other Twig statements. {% for characters in attack_on_titans %} <h1> {{characters}} </h1> {% endfor %} This executes a for loop and within the for loop, it creates a context to which variables in that context can be referenced and evaluated, unlike dealing with the opening and closing PHP tags, Twig simply blends in with markup and makes it really quick to read. I will simply post the contents of both the header and footer so you can see the content of what is included in the layout header.php <meta charset="utf-8"/> <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"/> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"/> <title> {{ page.title }} </title> <link href=" {{config.urls.templates }}assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="{{config.urls.templates }}assets/css/main.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{{config.urls.FieldtypeComments}}comments.css' /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{config.urls.siteModules}}InputfieldCKEditor/plugins/codesnippet/lib/highlight/styles/vs.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{config.urls.siteModules}}InputfieldCKEditor/plugins/codesnippet/lib/highlight/highlight.pack.js"></script> <script src="{{config.urls.templates }}assets/js/vendors/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"> </script> <script src="{{config.urls.templates }}assets/js/vendors/bootstrap.min.js"> </script> <script src="{{config.urls.FieldtypeComments}}comments.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type='text/css' href="{{config.urls.templates}}js/jquery.fancybox.min.css"> <script src="{{config.urls.templates}}js/jquery.fancybox.min.js"></script> {block name="javascriptcodes"}{/block} footer.php <nav class="site-nav pull-right"> <div class="trigger"> <a class="page-link" href="{{pages.get('/about').url}}"> <span>{</span> About <span>}</span> </a> <a class="page-link" href="{{pages.get('/notes').url}}"> <span>{</span> Journals <span>}</span> </a> <a class="page-link" target="_blank" href="https://ng.linkedin.com/in/okeowo-aderemi-82b75730"> <span>{</span> Linkedin <span>}</span> </a> <a class="twitter page-link" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/qtguru"> <span>{</span> Twitter <span>}</span> </a> </div> </nav> There's nothing special here, other than twig simply injecting these fragments into the main layout , the next part is the most interesting and important concept and benefit that Twig has to offer {% block content %}{% endblock %} This tag simply creates a placeholder in which the content would be provided by the template inheriting this layout, in lay terms it simply means child templates will provide content for that block, the 'content' simply uses the name 'content' to refer to that specific block, so assuming we were to inherit this template it would simply look like this. Inheriting Template Layout {% extends 'layout/blog.twig' %} {% block content %} <div class="container blog-container"> <section class="blog"> <header class="blog-header"> <h1> {{page.title}} </h1> <h5 class="blog_date"> {{page.published|date("F d, Y")}} </h5> <br> </br> </header> <div class="blog_content"> <hr class="small" /> {{page.body}} <hr class="small" /> </div> </section> </div> {% endblock %} {% block nav %} <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4 col-sm-4 prev-nav"> <a href="{{page.prev.url}}"> ← Prev </a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4 col-sm-4 home-nav"> <a href="{{homepage.url}}"> Home </a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4 col-sm-4 next-nav"> <a href="{{page.next.url}}"> Next → </a> </div> {% endblock %} In this snippet you can easily notice how each blocks previously created in the header and layout are simply referenced by their names, by now you will notice that twig doesn't care how you arrange the order of each block, all Twig does is to get the contents for each blocks in the child templates and inject them in the layout theme, this allows flexible templating and also extending other layouts with ease. Twig in Processwire Thanks to @Wanze we have a Twig Module for Processwire and it's currently what i use to build PW solutions to clients https://modules.processwire.com/modules/template-engine-twig/ The Modules makes it easy to not only use Twig in PW but also specify folders to which it reads the twig templates, and also injects Processwire objects into it, which is why i can easily make reference to the Pages object, another useful feature in this module is that you can use your existing template files to serve as the data provider which will supply the data to be used for twig template. take for example, assuming I wanted the homepage to display the top six blog posts on it, TemplateEngineTwig will simply load the home.php ( Depending on what you set as the template), it is also important that your twig file bears the same name as your template name e.g home.php will render into home.twig here is an example to further explain my point. home.php <?php //Get the Top 6 Blog Posts $found=$pages->find("limit=6,include=hidden,template=blog-post,sort=-blog_date"); $view->set("posts",$found); The $view variable is the TemplateEngine which in this case would be Twig, the set method simply creates a variables posts which holds the data of the blog posts, the method allows our template 'blog.twig' to simply reference the 'posts' variable in Twig Context. Here is the content of the 'blog.twig' template blog.tpl {% extends 'layout/blog.twig' %} {% block content %} <div class="block_articles col-md-5 col-lg-5"> {% for post in posts %} <div class="article_listing"> <span class="article_date"> {{post.published}}</span> <h2 class="article_title"> <a href="{{post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a> </h2> </div> {% endfor %} {% endblock %} So home.php sets the data to be used in home.tpl once Twig processes the templates and generates the output, twig takes the output from the block and injects it in the appriopriate block in the layout, this makes Processwire templating more flexible and fun to work with. The major advantage this has; is that you can easily inherit layouts and provide contents for them with ease, without the need of running into confusions when handling complex layout issues,an example could be providing an administrator dashboard for users on the template side without allowing users into the Processwire back-end. You can also come up with several layouts and reusable templates. Feel free to ask questions and any concerns in this approach or any errors I might have made or overlooked. Thanks
  7. Summary: If I have a site sitting on a server called testing.com, then on the server change it to mycompany.com, do I have to modify any settings in ProcessWire? After building several processwire for clients, the one question that I haven't had is about moving a processwire site from an old (temporary) domain to a new domain. For instance, I typically setup development sites for clients and register a temporary domain (and lock with a password). For instance, thee client can go test.com and get all their content finalized, change wording, add news, swap out photos -- everything to make the site production read. Next, on my hosting account I can have testing.com renamed to theircompany.com - and change the nameservers. A simple question here. If I have a hosting company rename the account from testing.com to theircompany.com, change my nameservers whereas going to theircompany.com loads the production site, Is there anything I need to change in the processwire configuration or in the PW database? In the past, I've just manually copied the site, and fresh-installed PW, and imported the data. Seems like a lot of hassle. I have a second part question about updating the PW core, however, after consideration I'll post it as a new topic.
  8. Hello All, Hope all doing good, I am a newbie to processwire. I have an issue please help me out!!! Here is my question: I have two usernames with one email apparently. when rebuilding my Jenkins server, I get a failed to authenticate and now I cannot reset the password of the other account. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. Hi there, we are a small Communication Agency in Munich and we are searching for a Processwire Developer. A lot of our Online Projects are based on Processwire and our current Developer is switching from Freelance to a full term job. The work can be done remotely from anywhere. For more Informations please contact me directly via Email: p.kirschvink@damego.de Looking forward to hear from you. Best Paul
  10. Any plans to support for processwire with php 7?
  11. Hey there, i have a big Problem. I migrate Processwire with a Plugin from my local Mama Server to a 1&1 web server. After few Problems with Internal Error (.htaccess), the site looks greta and its work. But my Admin Panel are not working correctly. Before I installed the AdminThemeUIKit but now I can't install ist anymore and I can't refresh my modules. Nothing happens after a mouse click on it. If I am going to the pages, I can't see anything. There isn't a Site Tree or anything else. I can not change anything there. Please help me, it is a huge Problem for me... The admin looks like the very beginning of Processwire !!!
  12. Hello PW, discovered few days ago this awesome cms and now want to start a project on it, but need some help. I'm coming from the drupal side, which I kinda like, but it is not usable for smaller projects like I need now. I like it's way to build to content from the ground up, but it feels heavy, don't know why. PW feels really light and want to give it a try. Long story short, development it is a hobby for me, so everything I do is self-learned throw try & error, no programming skills yet. I want to learn JS now, and for that, want to translate a website to my native Romanian language so I can learn myself and others in the future. The site I'm talking about is www.learn.javascript.ru I want to build a similar structured site (please see the attached image): Home / Projects / About will be basic page template based, no problem with them. mysite.com/javascript/ Starting Learn JavaScript will be a basic page template as well, I can make it statit, as it will contain some info and links to the Sections of the JS theory pages. mysite.com/javascript/section-name/ By accessing a section page, I want to see again some description text and links of the attached unit pages to this section, so when I open any section it shows me all the attached unit pages to it. On the sidebar, I need to render links to all the sections, just that. Next is unit pages like mysite.com/javascript/section-name/unit-name/ Here goes the units text, main content in other words, like a blog post. The key point is to have a dropdown and select the section page for it. For sidebar, I want to render the list with links for every headline from the unit page. Will do it by using Jumplinks Hanna Code, I believe it will do the job perfectly. Who can give me a hand with the templates? first /javascript/ page I can do as a basic page. next /javascript/section-name/ don't know. what fields should it contain for linking units? and last /javascript/section-name/unit-name/ again, what field needs to be used for linking? Page refference I believe? How I write it to templates? Would be gratefull for your help guys, Thank you
  13. Zen

    Share buttons

    We require share buttons incorporated into web pages and blog post.
  14. Hi does anybody know of any editor that supports our great PW? Paid or free is fine.
  15. Hi Guys It would be awesome when all the resource about processwire (tutorials, docs, cheatsheet, recipes, videos, api, faq etc...) would be unified on one documentation website called "docs.processwire.com". The new site would gather infos & data from these resources: https://processwire-recipes.com/ http://processwire.tv/ https://www.pwtuts.com/ https://processwire.com/docs/ http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/ and would unified it on the final site https://docs.processwire.com. I think It is far more better to have one endpoint for all the processwire resources & wisdom then mutliple sites. This way it is far more easier to get into the processwire world and choosing processwire as the next main cms for further projects. The Documentation Site could perhaps look like this (it is just a mockup, so don't expect to much from me ):
  16. Hi does anybody have experience in converting Wordpress Themes into Processwire Themes? There must a more efficient way than my cut and paste and check...
  17. I'm looking for someone familiar with processwire based in the USA, preferably in South Florida. I need a part-time developer to help with a few projects. Our previous developer was incredible but just disappeared into thin air... no call, no show, no text, no facebook... Please message me for details.
  18. The new Monitor Audio website is a ground up build featuring a completely custom front end design and back end Processwire build. Modules in use include Multi Language, ProCache, Blog, FormBuilder, Instagram and ProFields. The site has a large product catalogue, dealer finder and is in multiple languages. However, one of the main objectives for the project was to deliver a platform that could be easily edited and expanded as needs grow. The client team were involved at every stage. As developers we went a long way to make sure everything was editable. Other features include: IP controlled contact form with multiple email destinations based on enquiry type Product registration form with multi-product registration from a select group of products Company timeline with year filter all based on the blog platform Dealer finder with three dealer types and in multiple countries Newsletter signup with multiple signup opportunities (sign up box and other forms) FAQ section File downloads for products from internally (CMS) uploaded files or external file links There are also several other expansions and features planned. As always we'd love to hear your feedback on the site https://www.monitoraudio.com/
  19. Hi im new to this forum and i need some help with a booking system that i have trying to implement under Processwire. I hope that i can explain as much as i can what my problem is. Here is the orginal script https://github.com/olejon/phpmyreservation I downloaded the script and got some help to fix it because it was all messed up. I have attached a file "ReservationSystem.rar" and it should work out of the box. Also attached the database file "Phpmyreservation.sql". The thing is the script works great as it is now but when i install a blank version of processwire and import the script to the template folder it wont work. I have tried many things but cant get it to work just error after error etc. Please ask me if you need some more information about this. I know you are the experts so thats why im asking you. ReservationSystem.rar phpmyreservation.sql
  20. I've a simple scenario, i want to add two users "content_creator" & "content_publisher" content_creator can add new pages,edit them(only edit not publish) and view only where content_publisher can publish the unpublished pages after reviewing. Thank you.
  21. I'm fetching some results on the basis of categories check boxes (which are checked only). until here works fine, issue is if multiple check boxes are selected so given result is also duplicating <?php $getCities = $page->find("template=t3Cities_list"); foreach ($getCities as $city) { foreach ($city->tags as $get) { $getTags = $page->get("template=tags_template, include=hidden")->children("sort=title, tag_code={$get->title}"); echo "<div class='grid-masonry'><div class='grid-sizer'></div>"; foreach ($getTags as $tag) { echo "<div class='grid-item'> <a href='{$tag->url}' class='img-hovered'> <div class='overlay'> <span>{$tag->title}</span> <!--<div class='cat-subtitle'>{$tag->categorymeta}</div> --> </div> <img class='img-responsive' src='{$tag->categorythumb->url}{$tag->categorythumb}' /> </a> </div>"; } echo "</div>"; } } ?> $getTags = $page->get("template=tags_template, include=hidden")->children("sort=title, tag_code={$get->title}"); this {$get->title} is the value of checkbox
  22. I'm fetching results from a template which works fine but when i change the language (in my case changed language is ARABIC), its showing me nothing $getResult = $pages->find("template=t3Cities_list, tags={$page->title}"); where "tags" are checkboxes with multi selection, How i can match the values?
  23. I've a template which basically consists of some fields (imgs,urls etc..). after loading page all data is coming and showing in "posts.json" file which is perfect, issue is title link and and image link is not in the format this is my json code for exporting the page data $getTags = $page->get("template=tags_template, include=hidden")->children("sort=title"); $json = array(); foreach($getTags as $tag){ $json[] = array( 'title' => $tag->title, 'tag_url' => $tag->url, 'tag_img' => $tag->categorythumb->url ); } file_put_contents('posts.json', json_encode($json)); and this is what i'm getting in .json file { "title":"food and drink", "tag_url":"\/en\/discover\/food-and-drink\/", "tag_img":"\/site\/assets\/files\/1471\/" }, see the output , title is fine. But links are not formatted should be like this Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  24. PW Admin doesn't really function without javascript, and my question would be, should we care? I think, however, either way it might be nice to add a "<span>Javascript doesn't seem to be available, therefore you may not be able to access the full functionality of the admin</span>" somewhere maybe?
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