Was browsing the cheatsheet trying to pickup some new selector tricks and noticed the next all siblings selector.
$page->nextAll($selector, $siblings)
Introduced in Version 2.0
Return all sibling pages after this one, optionally matching a selector. $selector Optional selector string. When specified, will filter the found siblings. $siblings Optional siblings to use instead of the default.
Based on the description above, should the following not return a pages siblings?
$solutions = $page->nextAll($siblings);
foreach ($siblings as $solution){
echo "
<a href='{$solution->url}'>{$solution->title}</a>
It works if I drop the nextall and refer to siblings without the variable $
$solutions = $page->siblings;
foreach ($solutions as $solution){
echo "
<a href='{$solution->url}'>{$solution->title}</a>
Just curious really.