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  1. Hi, I have several questions about modules: Where are modules settings saved? In the database? If yes, in which table? Where are modules fields saved? Again, in the database? If I were to git control my website, should I ignore modules folder?
  2. Attempting to download AdoptDefaultsFromParents (or any module) in PW3 admin produces the following slew of errors: The site/modules permissions = 755, allow_url_fopen & curl = on. How could this be? Why doesn't the download URL come through properly? I sorely miss the splendid convenience of this capability.
  3. How would one pass a variable set in one module to another module via a Hook? e.g. module 1. public function ___saveUser($vars){ $userSaved = true } module 2 public function init() { $this->addHookAfter('module1::saveUser', $this, 'userSaved'); } public function userSaved($e){ $userSaved = $e->userSaved; return $userSaved; // true? }
  4. Would anyone here be able and inspired to develop a ProcessWire equivalent to the WordPress plugin WP All Import Pro? or to help me do so? This is what I'm envisioning... Upon installation the module creates an admin page titled "Import & Update". On the module config page you can specify allowed templates to run this on, otherwise allowing any. Include the following PHP libraries: hQuery for web scraping, Csv for CSV handling, and Parser for XML. Create template "import-update". On the "Import & Update" page, a list of current import/updaters will be displayed (0 initially), each with corresponding links to "edit" or "run". When you "Add New", this be the "import-update" template (with all module-specific fields tagged "impupd"): title destination (req.): parent, template source (req.): type (web, csv, xml) location (url, file, text) if web: opt. index URL & link selector, + paginator selector if csv: opt. ignore 1st row if xml: req. individual item node xpath actions (check): import (if none matching UID) update (if matching UID & field values differ) save() [req. here in flow] map (repeater): input (select fields from specified template to affect) intake (corresponding DOM selectors / CSV col. letters/headers / xpath per field) (req.) UID (unique ID; field reference to compare against, from selected input fields) (req.) Lazy Cron interval Scripts can be run via the import-update template; keep logs; show preview (iframe/ajax) for manual runs. ...
  5. While looking for a way to add target="_blank" to markdown formatted fields I came across these little gems in the TextformatterMarkdownExtra.module (in the wire>modules>textformatter folder, I'm running v3.0.33). Turns out someone (Ryan? Did you add this?) already thought of it: /** * A couple RCD extentions to MarkDown syntax, to be executed after Markdown has already had it's way with the text */ protected function markdownExtensions(&$str) { // add id attribute to a tag, when followed by a #myid if(strpos($str, '>#')) $str = preg_replace('/<([a-z][a-z0-9]*)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/\\1>)#([a-z][-_a-z0-9]*)\b/', '<$1 id="$4"$2$3', $str); // add class attribute to tag when followed by a .myclass if(strpos($str, '>.')) $str = preg_replace('/<([a-z][a-z0-9]*)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/\\1>)\.([a-z][-_a-z0-9]*)\b/', '<$1 class="$4"$2$3', $str); // href links open in new window when followed by a plus sign, i.e. [google](http://google.com)+ if(strpos($str, '</a>+')) $str = preg_replace('/<a ([^>]+>.+?<\/a>)\+/', '<a target="_blank" $1', $str); // strip out comments // if(strpos($text, '/*') !== false) $text = preg_replace('{/\*.*?\*/}s', '', $text); // if(strpos($text, '//') !== false) $text = preg_replace('{^//.*$}m', '', $text); } Adding: $f->addOption(self::flavorRCD, 'RCD extentions'); after line 107 of the file, adds an option field which you can handily check from the module's config screen in the admin. Now, the question I should have asked before doing this is: Does changing that have any detrimental effect on things I don't know about yet? : ) Would be great if someone with actual knowledge on this could chime in before I shoot myself in the foot (There must be a reason why this is not active by default?) Cheers guys! Phil
  6. Hi there! I'm using ProcessWire 3 and I'd like to build a module that tabs into the ProcessPageView::execute hook. Currently I've built a small module that defines the hooking in its init() method as usual. public static function getModuleInfo() { return [ 'title' => 'MicrositeRouting', 'version' => 001, 'summary' => 'Routing logic for microsites', 'requires' => 'ProcessWire>=3.0.14', 'autoload' => 'template!=admin', 'singular' => true ]; } public function init() { $this->wire('log')->message(__METHOD__); $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageView::execute', $this, 'lookUpPage'); } public function lookUpPage(HookEvent $event) { $this->wire('log')->message(__METHOD__); } I provided some log messages to check if the module works. But it seems that in spite of the module being initialized properly (the message is found in my logs), the hook itself isn't processed at all (the log doesn't show the corresponding message). I surely missed something important but currently can't find it. Thank you for any suggestions.
  7. I've just updated a site from version 2.7.1 to 2.7.2. This worked fine locally, but when I repeated the process on the staging site, I get a list of errors when I log in to the admin control panel. They're all begin with: Modules: Configurable module check failed for FieldtypePage, retrying... I've attached a screenshot of the full list. The site/assets/logs/modules.txt file shows similar warnings. But the site seems to work fine otherwise. Does anyone know what might be going on here and how it could be resolved? Many thanks!
  8. I'm looking to do a specific type of module. I want to use the field-typemulti fieldtype. So what I want to accomplish is the first field part stores a category (movies, books, etc.). The Second input field would need to be an AJAX lookup that would let me choose the ID of that book so I can take it and save it into my post. So let's just say the thing I'm pulling from is IMDB, I'll choose the movie category, then On the lookup get a list of movies based on a search. IF you can point me and help me out with this i'd greatly appreciate it!
  9. Hello. Im looking to start making modules and found alot of great resources. I was wondering if there was some i might have missed from the below and whether the was somewhere I could see all the functions and variables available to me as a module dev. i.e. What other messages can i send? $this->message("my message"); $this->error("my error message"); etc...? http://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/extending-page-save-process/ http://modules.pw/ http://somatonic.github.io/Captain-Hook/ http://processwire.com/api/modules/
  10. Hi, I have been running a processwire based film magazine for more than 3 years now. The resources are wonderful, and the forums are full of information so much so that I did not have to ask a single question during the design process or later. I just added it in the showcase section when the site was done. http://projectorhead.in But in the last week I have been facing some real trouble and the forums dont seem to have anything related. The problem; Once in the admin section, I cannot publish any new content, pages that have some exisiting content, dont accept anything. If I wish to update module settings/ install or uninstall any new module, it does not work either. Every click on any button meant to achieve something in the admin leads to a 404 error in the front end. It started from one page but now nothing would change in the admin, it feels like it has become a hard ball of metal which would just not move. The attempts; 1. I upgraded the entire installation, thinking it was due to the outdated version. I am running the latest stable, 2.7.2, php version 5.6 2. I turned on the debug in config.php, it threw some notices and warnings, have fixed all barring one, where imagesize wants another variable, it hasnt created any issue in the past. 3. I cleared up all caches using the filemanager, removing cache files. Since the backend will not let me purge caches, I had to use the file manager. 4. I cleared the cache table from the phpmyadmin. 5. ProcessImageMinimize was throwing up errors, so I removed the calls from the template and deleted the module using file manager. 6. Saw some suggestion about the .htaccess rules, played around and nothing worked, however the .htaccess is being duly read and used by the server. I am out of options and having to stall the latest issue of our magazine, would really appreciate some quick help on what else I could try, possible solutions etc. I hope I have described the problem sufficiently, but if you need any more details, please ask. Best.
  11. Hi everyone I´m creating an AdminTheme based on Semantic UI framework. Here is the beta version. I 'm fixing bugs. Github here Changelog: 0.0.1 --- Fixed background color / image.
  12. Hi everyone! Although I've set up a couple of sites using Processwire now, I still run into typical 'Getting Started' errors - and I figured this is yet another one... On the previous site I built (locally and on a server) I had no problems with modules (downloaded them, placed them in the folder, installed, worked) but this time around two of the modules I want to use are not working. I'm using a textarea with Markdown (Parsedown Extra to be more precise - which works fine), but on the same textarea fields I want to use both the TextFormatterVideoEmbed (for YouTube & Vimeo) and the ImageTags (for embedding from the images field on the same page) Current situation for: VideoEmbed – Link is shown as link. ImageTags - Throws the following error Notice: Array to string conversion in ../site/modules/ImageTags/TextformatterImageTags.module on line 20 Should I use a different version of Markdown? (Haven't tried that - just realised it while typing this post...) I have the feeling I might be overlooking something really obvious, but I can't put my finger on it. Suggestions? Tips? Cheers!
  13. Hi everybody! I'm trying to figure out how to do what is mentioned into the title but I'm stuck into this issue and can't get a valid idea, still Let me to explain better what I'm looking for. I've seen some module (and I can't remember the name ) that asks to the user to fill a field and save the data before to come back to the module settings with other fields enabled and (maybe) pre-compiled using the previously filled field. What I'm trying to do is to make a module using the new PW 2.5.x syntax (the one which separates the module from its configuration via <module_name>Config.php file) that at installation time asks the user to select from the available templates, then submit the choice. Once submitted, the module should provide more setting fields based on the previously choosen template. It would be a great help if someone could help me to figure it out and/or point me at some module which implements this kind of logic. Thanks in advance!
  14. Hello, Looking to start making modules (and then writing about the adventure) but I just wanted to check whether there were many differences between PW2 and PW3 module creation and whether I'll have to pick a camp to start with? Thanks
  15. Hi Guys I have a question about the ProcessList.module in /wire/modules/. When I add a summary field to the admin template, the module takes the value of the summary field and outputs it, when it doesn't find a summary field it takes the summary value of the getModuleInfo(). How can I alter the behavior of ProcessList::render with Hooks so that I can also use another field than summary?
  16. I have been using MODx for a number of years, and am looking at ProcessWire. With MODx I have a go to set of modules that I always install - pdoTools, Ace, a bunch of helper modules. I know that with ProcessWire, a lot of the basics that are needed in MODx aren't needed in PW. No need for a resource iterator for example. This makes me think that there may be still a bunch of go-to modules that people tend to use and this would help give me some insight into how people solve problems in PW that are not readily solvable out of the box. So I figured I would ask some of the veterans here what their must-haves, nice-to-haves are? And I don't just mean PW only gear, if you have a grunt / sass / templating stack that you integrate with pw somehow, that would be interesting too.
  17. It occurred to me that a good addition to the forums would be some way for PW users to indicate support for a module idea. Similar to the Wishlist subforum but for functionality that belongs in a module rather than in the core. I'm thinking mainly of commercial modules, although if someone wanted to take up a module request and release it freely that would be cool. So users could propose a module idea, then others would vote for it (using likes or some special voting option) so that a vote means "I'd buy that", with the expectation of pricing in the general ballpark of Ryan's pro modules and Apeisa's PadLoper. As a beginner-intermediate developer I'm really enjoying working with PW and learning as I go - the API is so intuitive that I've been able to build my own solutions to things that in another CMS I would have been reliant on someone else's module to achieve. But there are things that I know are beyond my current skills, and for those things I look to third-party modules. My clients are non-profits and small businesses so I'm never likely to have the budget to commission a custom module alone. But there might be other PW users out there with similar needs and maybe that demand would make it worthwhile for an experienced developer to take on a proposal and release it as a commercial module. Currently there isn't a way to measure the demand for modules apart from occasional forum posts like "Is there a module that...?" Any thoughts on this? Here's a module request to start off with: I would be happy to buy a full-featured event calendar module. I've searched the module directory and the forums and Lindquist's module is the most feature-rich I've seen, but it's in an alpha proof-of-concept state and some important functions aren't implemented. Features I would be looking for are: Calendar grid interface in admin, allowing for easy addition and editing of events. (Nice but non-essential) Week and day views in admin, in addition to month view, with drag editing for event date and duration (I'm dreaming of something awesome like the dhtmlxScheduler interface or Fullcalendar interface). Although drag operations would really need an undo to correct accidental edits, so this may be more trouble than it's worth. Events are edited in a modal window, to avoid losing one's place in the calendar. Recurring events, with user-friendly selection of recurrence options. The ability to individually edit or remove an event that is a child of a recurring event (i.e. make an exception for that individual event). (Nice but non-essential) A couple of out-of-the-box minimal rendering options for the frontend (read-only calendar view, list view). This is the kind of module I need frequently. I've been lucky that I haven't had a client request a full event calendar since I've been using PW, but it's only a matter of time. I'm sure there are other PW users who need this and who would, like me, be happy to pay for such a module.
  18. Hello, I was thinking that some modules use custom fields. The problem is that they could conflict with already existing fields on the site. example: you module wants to use a field named "category", but the site already stores a "category" field that has a different implementation, other field type, etc. The solution I think is simple, just add a prefix to the fields that the module uses. three letters and a underscore before the field name. example cls_category But its prettier to call "$module->category" than "$module->cls_category" This will be solved using a simple module just for hooks that is installed alongside our module. $wire->addHookProperty("Page(template=cls_mymodule)::category", function(HookEvent $event){ $page = $event->object; return $event->return = $page->cls_category; }); We are adding a property hook that simplifies the field name. This way it can be called like $module->category also the template names are prefixed. Please tell me if there are other ways thanks.
  19. Hi, I've recently started on a team using Processwire, so Im quite new to it but I've had plenty of experience with Symfony2. We have an agency licence for the FormBuilder module and we want to use some sort of CI to deploy. When you first install FormBuilder module, it creates some new tables and requires some set up via a GUI including adding a licence key. We have looked into containing our licence key in a config file, then using some JSON files to sync to the database. This doesn't give us a lot of control and requires a fair bit of custom migrations. Is there a way to deploy a ProcessWire site including the FormBuilder module without going through the GUI setup every time? If not, Are there any migration modules for ProcessWire? If not, are there any recommended third party migration tools that are frequently used with ProcessWire? Many thanks!
  20. Hi Guys, I have successfully implemented the RSS feed module, however I need to feed some images through can anyone help with this? At the minute I have: <?php // retrieve the RSS module $rss = $modules->get("MarkupRSS"); // configure the feed. see the actual module file for more optional config options. $rss->title = "Latest updates"; $rss->description = "The most recent pages updated on my site"; // find the pages you want to appear in the feed. // this can be any group of pages returned by $pages->find() or $page->children(), etc. $items = $pages->find("limit=10, sort=-modified"); foreach($items as $item) { $item->title = $item->title; } $rss->render($items); ?> The image field is called blog_images and I know I need to include it within the foreach but im a bit stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mel $item->blog_image = $item->blog_image;
  21. Is there a Google Maps module out there at all that allows you to add markers (drag and drop, or by address) which outputs a lat/long? I've used something like this on Wordpress but wasn't sure if PW had something similar? Currently I am just using two text fields for editor to add in lat/long coordinates but can get a little tricky. Thanks in advance, R
  22. Hello I have a strange issue When an user (not admin) try to insert an image on page via CKeditor or TinyMCE editor poup, he get an error: Modules: Module ProcessPageEditImageSelect failed init - You do not have access to images on this page Any ideas? Thanks very much piero
  23. I'm trying to figure out a way how I can allow a client query and generate lists via the admin and not via de frontend where I would have to build templates and use the API to query and generate data. For a bit of back story: the client will be able to create study courses via de admin. Visitors will be able to sign up for a course via de frontend and the details will be written to the database via de API. Visitors who have signed up will have a status: pending approval, pending payment, approved or declined. The client will be able to edit the status via de admin. I'd like for him to be able to query the data via de admin and generate lists (search results), sort of in the way you might build frontend templates that are only accessible for the signed in admin users but then within the admin itself. I've searched modules and the forum but haven't found anything concrete. Any ideas would be appreciated!
  24. Hi, the AdminThemeReno has mysteriously disappeared from the admin. it is in the wire modules, and the database modules table, but absent from the modules listing.. it has basically vanished; I tried updating to the latest dev to see if that would fix it. The problem seems to have started when i went into Modules Manager and the version was older so there was a json error; then right after reloading the page, the theme flipped back to the regular theme, and then the reno disappeared..; i'm not completely sure if modules manager was the source of the issue; I'm guessing some database corruption? not sure where to start troubleshooting this, but would really appreciate any help or advice. What do most people do when you hit a 'dead-end' issue like this? Is there some way to check the database for some misconfiguration? Should i delete the modules entry in the DB? not sure if this is related, but if i uninstall the default theme, i get this error: Modules: Module 'AdminThemeReno' dependency not fulfilled for: AdminThemeDefault and also if i try to place the default admin theme module into the /site/modules/ then i flip back to the legacy admin, and there is an error asking which one, but if you click on that and go to the module settings, there actually isn't any option to specify which folder to use; it ends up using the site version.. also getting strange errors... [14-Feb-2015 19:46:11 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/someuser/dev/site/modules/ModulesManager/ModulesManager.module on line 820 [14-Feb-2015 19:46:32 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/someuser/dev/site/modules/ProcessDiagnostics/DiagnoseModules.module on line 43 [14-Feb-2015 20:12:27 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 284 [14-Feb-2015 20:12:27 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:12:27 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: flags in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:14:48 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 284 [14-Feb-2015 20:14:48 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:14:48 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: flags in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:15:12 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 284 [14-Feb-2015 20:15:12 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:15:12 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: flags in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 thanks!
  25. I moved a site from my local machine to a staging server over the weekend. The site (front end) displays fine but the backend gives error of I checked the files on the site under /wire/modules/System/SystemNotifications/ and can confirm SystemsNotifications.module exists. Opening this file up and looking at line 346 ... // convert runtime Notices to Notifications and bundle into array if($this->placement == SystemNotificationsConfig::placementCombined) { The SystemNotificationsConfig mentioned above is a PHP file which also exists and has the same permissions as the working version on my test site.
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