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  1. The module can generate basic ICS calendar strings and files. Usage Example: $icsgen = wire()->modules->IcsGenerator; // set properties $icsgen->setArray(array( 'date' => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 12:00'), 'dateEnd' => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 13:00'), 'summary' => 'Event title', 'description' => 'Event description', )); // get path to a temporary .ics file // (using wire()->files->tempDir) $icspath = $icsgen->getFile(); // send email with ics file $mail = wireMail(); $mail->attachment($icspath, 'calendar.ics'); $mail->to($user->email); $mail->subject('ICS Demo'); $mail->body('This is a ICS demo.'); $numSent = $mail->send(); For more infos see GitHub Readme or Modules Page. If you experience reproducable issues please open a GitHub issue.
  2. This module enables Selectize (which is bundled with the PW core) on all Select and AsmSelect inputfields in the PW admin. As described below in the readme, Selectize is initialised/destroyed as the revelant select is focused/blurred in order to support select options that change after the page is loaded. Therefore Selectize is styled to match the AdminThemeUikit select as closely as possible to minimise the visual change as the select is focused and blurred. I'm developing on Windows so I'm not sure how the module will render on other operating systems. It doesn't help that the PW admin uses different fonts depending on the OS - I wish PW would bundle its own webfont for a standardised appearance everywhere. Incidentally, I was a bit disappointed with the state of the Selectize project. I had to fix or work around a number of bugs and shortcomings, including things you would think would just work out of the box such as disabled options, matching the width of the replaced select, or the standard select behaviour where a selection is required when there is no empty option. The Selectize issues repo is full of arbitrarily closed bug reports and pull requests and there are no updates for the last 6 years. I've tried to catch everything that would affect this module but I wouldn't be surprised if there are still some bugs. Selectize All Enables Selectize on all InputfieldSelect and InputfieldAsmSelect fields in the ProcessWire admin. The module activates Selectize on the <select> element when it is focused, and destroys Selectize when the element is blurred. This allows Selectize to work on selects where the options are changed dynamically after page load depending on other field values, e.g. the "Select File" field in the CKEditor link modal or a dependent select in Page Edit. Only AdminThemeUikit is tested and supported. Usage In the module config you can choose if Selectize should be used with InputfieldSelect, InputfieldAsmSelect, or both. If you want to disable the module for a specific Select or AsmSelect inputfield you can hook SelectizeAll::allowSelectize. This method receives the Inputfield object as the first argument. Example: $wire->addHookAfter('SelectizeAll::allowSelectize', function(HookEvent $event) { $inputfield = $event->arguments(0); // You can also get any associated Page and Field objects via $inputfield->hasPage and $inputfield->hasField // Disable the module for the inputfield named "template" if($inputfield->name === 'template') $event->return = false; }); https://github.com/Toutouwai/SelectizeAll https://processwire.com/modules/selectize-all/
  3. Lister Native Date Format Allows the date format for "created", "modified" and "published" columns to be set within a Lister or Lister Pro instance. Why? Lister formats the "created", "modified" and "published" columns as relative time strings and doesn't provide an easy way to change this without writing code. Sometimes a value like "3 weeks ago" is not precise enough and you want to see an exact date/time in these columns, perhaps only temporarily before switching back to a relative date. Details An icon is added near the top right of the Lister that reveals a dropdown where you can select from a list date formats that you define in the module config. The Lister will remember your chosen date format the next time you visit the Lister. If you have Lister Pro installed then each Lister Pro instance will remember the date format previously set for that instance. Configuration In the "Date options" field in the module config, enter a list of date formats that are compatible with wireDate(), one format per line. The default date format used by Lister is "rel". You can also set a default date format for native fields which will apply to all Listers that haven't yet had a date format chosen from the dropdown. https://github.com/Toutouwai/ListerNativeDateFormat https://processwire.com/modules/lister-native-date-format/
  4. Select Once Per Table Adds a setting to "Select", "Page (Select)" and "Page (Autocomplete Single)" columns in a ProFields Table field so that each option can only be selected once per table. Requires the ProFields Table module. There could be a number of situations where this module might be useful, but perhaps the primary situation is when you want to store extra information for pages that are selected in a Page Reference field. So instead of using a Page Reference field like this... ...you could use a ProFields Table field together with Select Once Per Table to store extra information for each selected page like this... The module ensures that pages/options that are already selected in the Table field are disabled as you add new rows or edit existing rows. Configuration To enable the module for any "Select", "Page (Select)" or "Page (Autocomplete Single)" column in your Table field, edit the column settings and add selectOnce=1. https://github.com/Toutouwai/SelectOncePerTable https://processwire.com/modules/select-once-per-table/
  5. PageMjmlToHtml Github: https://github.com/eprcstudio/PageMjmlToHtml Modules directory: https://processwire.com/modules/page-mjml-to-html/ A module allowing you to write your Processwire template using MJML and get a converted HTML output using MJML API. About Created by Mailjet, MJML is a markup language making it a breeze to create newsletters displayed consistently across all email clients. Write your template using MJML combined with Processwire’s API and this module will automatically convert your code into a working newsletter thanks to their free-to-use Rest API. Prerequisite For this module to work you will need to get an API key and paste it in the module’s configuration. Usage Once your credentials are validated, select the template(s) in which you’re using the MJML syntax, save and go visualize your page(s) to see if everything’s good. You will either get error/warning messages or your email properly formatted and ready-to-go. From there you can copy/paste the raw generated code in an external mailing service or distribute your newsletter using ProMailer. Features The MJML output is cached to avoid repetitive API calls Not cached if there are errors/warnings Cleared if the page is saved Cleared if the template file has been modified A simple (dumb?) code viewer highlights lines with errors/warnings A button is added to quickly copy the raw code of the generated newsletter Not added if the page is rendered outside of a PageView Only visible to users with the page’s edit permission A shortcut is also added under “View” in the edit page to open the raw code in a new tab Multi-languages support Notes The code viewer is only shown to superusers. If there’s an error the page will display: Only its title for guests Its title and a message inviting to contact the administrator for editors If you are using the markup regions output strategy, it might be best to not append files to preserve your MJML markup before calling the MJML API. This option is available in the module’s settings. If your layout looks weird somehow, try disabling the minification in the options.
  6. Hi guys! I'm a bit anxious because this is the first module I present! (beta modulo) But I will finally be able to share something with the community too! :) This is a BETA version of the PayPal payment system called: PayPal Commerce Platform. It is an advanced system (Business Pro account is needed) that brings various benefits in terms of fees and above all integrates direct payment with credit/debit cards. The module integrates with Padloper 0.0.2, which is the current installation I'm using. This system integrates the classic PayPal buy button, the alternative or local payment method and the new payment system: credit/debit cards that doesn't go through the PayPal account. It is a Stripe-style payment, it connects directly with the bank and integrates 3D security validation. I say that it is a BETA because this module currently only works with Sandbox account, to put it live you need to change API url manually (manually for the moment). Because this module is not ready for live: I would like to have your opinion on how I built the module (is the first one I do). I don't want to share something that is not fish but I need a comparison with someone more experienced than me, for be sure that this is the best way to code the module. If you want to try this I created a git, you will find all the instructions for installation and correct operation. (Git has a MIT licensed) https://github.com/MarcooRo/processwire-PayPal-Commerce-Platform I hope I did something that you guys can like :) UPDATE I have been testing the form for several days and everything is working fine. Each order enters correctly, so I have updated the repo with the latest changes and I can confirm that this version is ready for live! I have updated the repo: Added error message + popup Fixed some bugs related to multilingual Updated the switch for checking the responses of the 3D security system
  7. AppApiFile adds the /file endpoint to the AppApi routes definition. Makes it possible to query files via the api. This module relies on the base module AppApi, which must be installed before AppApiFile can do its work. Features You can access all files that are uploaded at any ProcessWire page. Call api/file/route/in/pagetree?file=test.jpg to access a page via its route in the page tree. Alternatively you can call api/file/4242?file=test.jpg (e.g.,) to access a page by its id. The module will make sure that the page is accessible by the active user. The GET-param "file" defines the basename of the file which you want to get. The following GET-params (optional) can be used to manipulate an image: width height maxwidth maxheight cropX cropY Use GET-Param format=base64 to receive the file in base64 format.
  8. EDIT: ************* Note that this OP relates to the original version of the module. Version 0.0.19 is now published to the modules library at https://processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-measurement/. As well as many bug fixes and small enhancements, it now also includes an 'in-field' interactive conversion feature and dependent-select in the config. See the readme on the module page for up-to-date details and see this post for a bit of a demo. ************* This fieldtype and inputfield bundle was built for storing measurement values within a field, rendering them in a variety of formats and converting them to other units or otherwise modifying them via the API. The API consists of a number of predefined functions, some of which include... render() for rendering the measurement object, valueAs() for converting the value to another unit value, convertTo() for converting the whole measurement object to different units, and add() and subtract() for for modifying the stored value by the value (converted as required) in another measurement. In the admin the inputfield includes a checkbox (which can be optionally disabled) for converting values on page save. For an example if a value was typed in as centimeters, the unit was changed to metres, and the page saved with this checkbox selected, said value would be automatically converted so that e.g. 170 cm becomes 1.7 m. A simple length field using Fieldtype Measurement and Inputfield Measurement. Combination units (e.g. feet and inches) are also supported. Please note that this module is 'proof of concept' at the moment - there are limited units available and quite a lot of code tidying to do. More units will be added shortly. See the GitHub at https://github.com/MetaTunes/FieldtypeMeasurement for full details and updates.
  9. Session Viewer is a module for ProcessWire to list session files and display session data. This module is helpful to display the session data of a specific session or to kick out a logged in user by simply delete his session file. After installation the module is available in the Setup menu. The following conditions must be met for the module to work properly: Session files Session data must be stored in session files, which is the default way in ProcessWire. Sessions stored in the database are not supported by this module. The path to the directory where the session files are stored must be declared in the ProcessWire configuration which is by default: site/assets/sessions. Serialize handler In order to transform session data easier back to a PHP array, the session data is stored serialized. PHP offers a way to declare a custom serialize handler. This module supports only the default serialize handlers: php, php_binary and php_serialize. WDDX was dropped in PHP 7.4.0 and is therefore not supported by this module as well as any other custom serialize handler. Which serialize handler is actually used you can find out in the module configuration which is available under Modules=>Configure=>SessionViewer. Session data The session data can be displayed in two different ways. PHP's default output for arrays print_r() or by default for this module nice_r() offered on github: https://github.com/uuf6429/nice_r. There is a setting in the module configuration if someone prefers print_r(). Apart from the better handling and overview of the folded session data the output of nice_r() looks indeed nicer. Links ProcessWire module directory github.com
  10. Now in the module directory: https://processwire.com/modules/process-indie-auth/ IndieAuth lets you sign in to applications using your domain name and grant access to read/write to your site. This module adds IndieAuth support to your ProcessWire site, enabling two main things: Authentication: When you visit a site like indielogin.com and enter your domain name, you will be taken to your ProcessWire admin area to sign in and approve the request. If you approve the request, you will be returned to the site and logged in as your domain name. Authorization: When you visit an application like Quill, it needs to also get your permission to post to your site. You will be taken to your ProcessWire admin area to sign in and approve the request/scopes that the app is requesting (create, update, delete, etc.). If you approve the request, you will be returned to the app, logged in as your domain name, and the app will have an access token for your site. Features Browse the applications you have granted access tokens to. See when each one was granted, last used, and will expire. Revoke any application’s access tokens Set the default expiration period for new access tokens. The initial default is 14 days. Automatically remove expired tokens During authorization, confirm and change the scopes granted to the application. For example, an app may request “create” and “delete” scopes, but you can grant only “create.” During authorization, you can also choose to grant an access token with no expiration Installation Navigate to Modules > New. In the Module Class Name field, enter ProcessIndieAuth Copy the template files from the module’s directory /extras/templates into your site’s /site/templates directory. Verify that the plugin installed pages: IndieAuth Metadata Endpoint Authorization Endpoint Token Endpoint Token Revocation Endpoint IndieAuth page under the admin’s Access menu Look up the user(s) that you want to allow to use IndieAuth and assign them the “indieauth” role Update your home page template to add the link elements inside the <head> element: <?=$modules->get('ProcessIndieAuth')->getLinkElements();?> This should result in three <link> elements in the source HTML: <head> <link rel="indieauth-metadata" href="/indieauth-metadata-endpoint/"> <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="/authorization-endpoint/"> <link rel="token_endpoint" href="/token-endpoint/"> </head> Sign In To test signing in with IndieAuth, visit indielogin.com and enter your domain name. Follow the prompts to authenticate and you should end up back on indielogin.com with a success message. Sign In and Authorize To authorize an application with IndieAuth, your site will first need a module that uses access tokens. I have a Micropub for ProcessWire module in development that does that. Micropub is a standard that lets you publish to your site using third-party clients. If you’d like to try it out, follow the instructions on GitHub to install it. After installing, visit Quill and enter your domain name. Follow the prompts and note the additional fields for “scope” and “expiration,” since you are authorizing an application to interact with your site. After successfully authorizing, try to post a short note from Quill. Quill should redirect you to the new post if it was successful. For a list of other Micropub clients you can try, see https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients. Admin and Options In the admin, you can see which applications you have granted access tokens to. You can see when each token was issued, last accessed, and its expiration. You can also manually revoke a token at any time. Navigate to: Access > IndieAuth. There are a couple options in the admin at: Modules > Configure > ProcessIndieAuth: Default access token lifetime (in seconds): This defaults to 14 days and is what appears in the authorization screenshot above. Automatically remove access tokens after expiration (enabled by default): When enabled, the site checks approximately every six hours and removes expired access tokens. Regardless of whether this option is enabled, the module will reject any application attempting to use an expired access token. Since access tokens cannot (currently) have their expiration extended, I recommend keeping this option enabled so the admin list stays tidy and current. Finally, this module writes some admin logs. Access those at: Setup > Logs > indieauth More About IndieAuth If you’re interested in more details about IndieAuth, I recommend the article “OAuth for the Open Web” by Aaron Parecki (or the video presentation). If you are interested in implementing IndieAuth in your project, see the IndieAuth specification. Originally published at: https://gregorlove.com/2022/07/indieauth-for-processwire-released/ Previously: 2021-10-07: This post was originally about alpha testing the plugin before I submitted it to the modules directory.
  11. Repeater Easy Sort Adds a compact "easy-sort" mode to Repeater and Repeater Matrix, making those fields easier to sort when there are a large number of items. The module also enhances Repeater Matrix by allowing a colour to be set for each matrix type. This colour is used in the item headers and in the "add new" links, to help visually distinguish different matrix types in the inputfield. Screencasts A Repeater field A Repeater Matrix field with custom header colours Easy-sort mode There are two ways to enter easy-sort mode. 1. Click the double-arrow in a Repeater item header. This activates easy-sort mode and also highlights the item with a black background so it's easier to find it in easy-sort mode. 2. Click the horizontal ellipsis icon in the Repeater field header to activate easy-sort mode. To return to normal mode click the vertical ellipsis icon. While in easy-sort mode: The items will reduce in width so that more items can be shown on the screen at once. The minimum width is configurable in the field settings. Any items that were in an open state are collapsed, but when you exit easy-sort mode the previously open items will be reopened. You can drag an item left/right/up/down to sort it within the items. You can click an item header to open the item. An "Exit easy-sort mode" button appears at the bottom of the inputfield. Configuration In the field settings for Repeater and Repeater Matrix fields you can define a minimum width in pixels for items in easy-sort mode. While in easy-sort mode the items will be sized to neatly fill the available width on any screen size but will never be narrower than the width you set here. If desired you can enable easy-sort mode for a field by default. Since easy-sort is then the default mode for the field no "Exit easy-sort mode" button is shown. Use the mode buttons in the field header to change between easy-sort and normal mode when needed. In the field settings for Repeater Matrix you can define a custom header colour for each matrix type using an HTML "color" type input. The default colour for this type of input is black, so when black is selected in the input it means that no custom colour will be applied to the header. Exclusions The easy-sort mode is only possible on Repeater/Matrix fields that do not use the "item depth" option. https://github.com/Toutouwai/RepeaterEasySort https://processwire.com/modules/repeater-easy-sort/
  12. Field that stores one or more references to ProcessWire pages with additional data in field context. Values are editable via page edit modal of the referenced page provided from the field if module AdminPageFieldEditLinks is installed and "Enable link to create new pages?" is checked in field settings. Requirements: AdminPageFieldEditLinks >= 3.1.4 https://github.com/kixe/FieldtypePageContextData https://processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-page-context-data/ Use case example: The planning of the Tonmeistertagung in the CCD (Congress Center Düsseldorf) from November 3rd, 2021 to November 6th, 2021 is in the finalization phase. The conference consists of a conference part and an exhibition. The planning is done via a separate frontendless PW instance. There, all companies (pages) that are active at various events are kept in a pool. Changes (address, logo) can always be done there. For the exhibition of the current conference in November, the exhibitor-companies (pages) are selected via a page reference field. A stand number must now be assigned to each selected company (page). We had originally solved this using the Profield FieldtypeTable. However, this had the disadvantage that each entry again made all companies available for selection and did not recognize which were already selected in a previous table row. The new field type now allows the value (company's stand number) to be assigned to a Company (page) in context to a specific Pagefield living in a specific page. https://tonmeistertagung.com/en/exhibitors/exhibition/
  13. This module lets you add some custom menu items to the main admin menu, and you can set the dropdown links dynamically in a hook if needed. Sidenote: the module config uses some repeatable/sortable rows for the child link settings, similar to the ProFields Table interface. The data gets saved as JSON in a hidden textarea field. Might be interesting to other module developers? Custom Admin Menus Adds up to three custom menu items with optional dropdowns to the main admin menu. The menu items can link to admin pages, front-end pages, or pages on external websites. The links can be set to open in a new browser tab, and child links in the dropdown can be given an icon. Requires ProcessWire v3.0.178 or newer and AdminThemeUikit. Screenshots Example of menu items Module config for the menus Link list shown when parent menu item is not given a URL Advanced Setting child menu items dynamically If needed you can set the child menu items dynamically using a hook. Example: $wire->addHookAfter('CustomAdminMenus::getMenuChildren', function(HookEvent $event) { // The menu number is the first argument $menu_number = $event->arguments(0); if($menu_number === 1) { $colours = $event->wire()->pages->findRaw('template=colour', ['title', 'url', 'page_icon']); $children = []; foreach($colours as $colour) { // Each child item should be an array with the following keys $children[] = [ 'icon' => $colour['page_icon'], 'label' => $colour['title'], 'url' => $colour['url'], 'newtab' => false, ]; } $event->return = $children; } }); Create multiple levels of flyout menus It's also possible to create multiple levels of flyout submenus using a hook. For each level a submenu can be defined in a "children" item. Example: $wire->addHookAfter('CustomAdminMenus::getMenuChildren', function(HookEvent $event) { // The menu number is the first argument $menu_number = $event->arguments(0); if($menu_number === 1) { $children = [ [ 'icon' => 'adjust', 'label' => 'One', 'url' => '/one/', 'newtab' => false, ], [ 'icon' => 'anchor', 'label' => 'Two', 'url' => '/two/', 'newtab' => false, 'children' => [ [ 'icon' => 'child', 'label' => 'Red', 'url' => '/red/', 'newtab' => false, ], [ 'icon' => 'bullhorn', 'label' => 'Green', 'url' => '/green/', 'newtab' => false, 'children' => [ [ 'icon' => 'wifi', 'label' => 'Small', 'url' => '/small/', 'newtab' => true, ], [ 'icon' => 'codepen', 'label' => 'Medium', 'url' => '/medium/', 'newtab' => false, ], [ 'icon' => 'cogs', 'label' => 'Large', 'url' => '/large/', 'newtab' => false, ], ] ], [ 'icon' => 'futbol-o', 'label' => 'Blue', 'url' => '/blue/', 'newtab' => true, ], ] ], [ 'icon' => 'hand-o-left', 'label' => 'Three', 'url' => '/three/', 'newtab' => false, ], ]; $event->return = $children; } }); Showing/hiding menus according to user role You can determine which menu items can be seen by a role by checking the user's role in the hook. For example, if a user has or lacks a role you could include different child menu items in the hook return value. Or if you want to conditionally hide a custom menu altogether you can set the return value to false. Example: $wire->addHookAfter('CustomAdminMenus::getMenuChildren', function(HookEvent $event) { // The menu number is the first argument $menu_number = $event->arguments(0); $user = $event->wire()->user; // For custom menu number 1... if($menu_number === 1) { // ...if user does not have some particular role... if(!$user->hasRole('foo')) { // ...do not show the menu $event->return = false; } } }); https://github.com/Toutouwai/CustomAdminMenus https://processwire.com/modules/custom-admin-menus/
  14. ProcessWire 3.x markup module for rendering meta tags in HTML document head section. Note that this module is not a full-blown SEO solution, but rather a simple tool for rendering meta tags based on module configuration. Adding custom meta tags is also supported. Built-in meta tags The following meta tags are supported out-of-the-box: Document title consisting of page title and site name Character set Canonical Viewport Description Keywords Hreflang tags Open Graph og:title og:site_name og:type og:url og:description og:image og:image:width og:image:height Twitter meta tags twitter:card twitter:site twitter:creator twitter:title twitter:description twitter:image Facebook meta tags fb:app_id The full documentation with configurable options can be found here: https://github.com/Fokke-/MarkupMetadata Requirements: ProcessWire>=3.0.0 PHP >=7.1 Installation using Composer composer require fokke/markup-metadata Manual installation Download latest version from https://github.com/Fokke-/MarkupMetadata/archive/master.zip Extract module files to site/modules/MarkupMetadata directory.
  15. This module for ProcessWire sends a notification email for each failed login attempt. Similar modules exists already in the module directory of ProcessWire. However, this module is designed to notify, even if specified user doesn't exist. Settings The settings for this module are located in the menu Modules=>Configure=>LoginFailNotifier. Notification email Specifies the email address to which the notification emails should be sent. Email subject Specifies the subject line for the notification email. Post variables Specifies the $_POST variables to be included in the notification email. Each variable must be separated by a comma. For example: login_name,login_pass Server variables Specifies the $_SERVER variables to be included in the notification email. Each variable must be separated by a comma. For example: REMOTE_ADDR,HTTP_USER_AGENT Link to ProcessWire module directory: https://processwire.com/modules/login-fail-notifier/ Link to github.com: https://github.com/techcnet/LoginFailNotifier
  16. ITRK-Service for ProcessWire Module for the automated transfer of imprint, data protection declaration and terms and conditions from IT-Recht Kanzlei to your ProcessWire installation What is ITRK Service for ProcessWire? ITRK-Service for ProcessWire is a free module for ProcessWire CMS. It provides an interface to the update service of IT-Recht Kanzlei, via which the legal texts of your online presence are automatically updated. In this way, the texts remain legally secure and warning-proof in the long term. Imprint, data protection declaration, revocation and general terms and conditions are currently supported. You can find our documentation (in german language) here: https://www.pupit.de/itrk-service-for-processwire/dokumentation/ Download: https://www.pupit.de/itrk-service-for-processwire/ Github: https://github.com/pupit-de/pwItrkServiceConnector
  17. Update - 24.12.2021 After long days of reconsideration and experimenting I will deprecate the current state of Symprowire. I decided to get rid of my trys to integrate the whole Symfony experience as it grew pretty large pretty fast. Whats left you may ask? Well, the project is not dead. I am currently refactoring the whole setup to just use SymfonyHttpFoundation and Twig. I have a working proof right now, but have to polish some things first. The whole setup will come as a simple composer package to get called via a controller.php template file. Much like WireFrame. As you can see in the picture we will use the normal ProcessWire Workflow and just use the normal PageRender process. You as a Developer will get in control if to use the Setup for a particular Template or not. Looking forward to publish the proof. Cheers, Luis Debug Dump WIP 25.12.2021 Symprowire is a PHP MVC Framework based and built on Symfony using ProcessWire 3.x as DBAL and Service-Provider It acts as a Drop-In Replacement Module to handle the Request/Response outside the ProcessWire Admin. Even tough Symfony or any other mature MVC Framework could be intimidating at first, Symprowire tries to abstract Configuration and Symfony Internals away as much as possible to give you a quick start and lift the heavy work for you. The main Goal is to give an easy path to follow an MVC Approach during development with ProcessWire and open up the available eco-system. You can find the GitHub Repo and more Information here: https://github.com/Luis85/symprowire
  18. Inertia Adapter ProcessWire Module Hello! Long time no see. I created this module so you can use Inertia.js (https://inertiajs.com/) with ProcessWire. Description Inertia allows you to create fully client-side rendered, single-page apps, without much of the complexity that comes with modern SPAs. It does this by leveraging existing server-side frameworks. Inertia isn’t a framework, nor is it a replacement to your existing server-side or client-side frameworks. Rather, it’s designed to work with them. Think of Inertia as glue that connects the two. Inertia comes with three official client-side adapters (React, Vue, and Svelte). This is an adapter for ProcessWire. Inertia replaces PHP views altogether by returning JavaScript components from controller actions. Those components can be built with your frontend framework of choice. Links - https://github.com/joyofpw/inertia - https://github.com/joyofpw/inertia-svelte-mix-pw - https://inertiajs.com/ Screenshots
  19. Hi all, we made a small module for sending SMS via Sms77.io. It supports sending to one and multiple users. You can download it from GitHub and follow the instructions on how to install it - it is quite easy. An API key is required for sending, get yours for free @ Sms77 and receive 0,50 €. Hope this helps somebody and we are open for improvement suggestions! Best regards André
  20. This module implements the website live chat service from tawk.to. Actually the module doesn't have to do much. It just need to inserted a few lines of JavaScript just before the closing body tag </body> on each side. However, the module offers additional options to display the widget only on certain pages. Create an account Visit https://www.tawk.to and create an account. It's free! At some point you will reach a page where you can copy the required JavaScript-code. Open the module settings and paste the JavaScript-code into the field as shown below. Click "Submit" and that's all. Open the module settings The settings for this module are located int the menu Modules=>Configure=>LiveChatTawkTo.
  21. Process Images A basic, proof-of-concept Textformatter module for ProcessWire. When the Textformatter is applied to a rich text field it uses Simple HTML DOM to find <img> tags in the field value and passes each img node through a hookable TextformatterProcessImages::processImg() method. This is a very simple module that doesn't have any configurable settings and doesn't do anything to the field value unless you hook the TextformatterProcessImages::processImg() method. Hook example When added to /site/ready.php the hook below will replace any Pageimages in a rich text field with a 250px square variation and wrap the <img> tag in a link to the original full-size image. For help with Simple HTML DOM refer to its documentation. $wire->addHookAfter('TextformatterProcessImages::processImg', function(HookEvent $event) { // The Simple HTML DOM node for the <img> tag /** @var \simple_html_dom_node $img */ $img = $event->arguments(0); // The Pageimage in the <img> src, if any (will be null for external images) /** @var Pageimage $pageimage */ $pageimage = $event->arguments(1); // The Page object in case you need it /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->arguments(2); // The Field object in case you need it /** @var Field $field */ $field = $event->arguments(3); // Only for images that have a src corresponding to a PW Pageimage if($pageimage) { // Set the src to a 250x250 variation $img->src = $pageimage->size(250,250)->url; // Wrap the img in a lightbox link to the original $img->outertext = "<a class='lightboxclass' href='{$pageimage->url}'>{$img->outertext}</a>"; } }); GitHub: https://github.com/Toutouwai/TextformatterProcessImages Modules directory: https://processwire.com/modules/textformatter-process-images/
  22. teppo


    A few days ago I stumbled upon this old module, which had been laying in the modules directory of one of my sites since 2017 in a half-finished state. I have no recollection why I left it like that, but figured it might be useful for someone, so here we go: https://github.com/teppokoivula/Snippets https://processwire.com/modules/snippets/ Snippets is a tool for injecting front-end code snippets (HTML/JS/CSS) into page content. The way it works is that you create a snippet — say, a Google Analytics tag — and then choose... which element it should be tied to (there are some pre-populated choices and custom regex option), whether it should be placed before/after said element or replace it entirely, and which pages the snippet should apply to. The "apply to" option also has some ready to use options (such as "all pages" and "all non-admin pages") or you can select specific pages... or use a selector. Snippets are regular markup, with the exception that you can use values from current page (behind the scenes the module makes use of wirePopulateStringTags()). Available hooks: Snippets::isApplicable, which receives the snippet object and current Page object as arguments and returns a boolean (true/false). Snippets::applySnippet, which receives the snippet object, page content (string), variables (an object derived from WireData), and an array of options for wirePopulateStringTags() as arguments and returns the modified page content string. That's just about it. It's a pretty simple module, but perhaps someone will find this useful ?
  23. (once again I was surprised to see a work of mine pop up in the newsletter, this time without even listing the module on PW modules website ?. Thx @teppo !) FieldtypeQRCode Github: https://github.com/eprcstudio/FieldtypeQRCode Modules directory: https://processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-qrcode/ A simple fieldtype generating a QR Code from the public URL of the page, and more. Using the PHP library QR Code Generator by Kazuhiko Arase. Options In the field’s Details tab you can change between .gif or .svg formats. If you select .svg you will have the option to directly output the markup instead of a base64 image. SVG is the default. You can also change what is used to generate the QR code and even have several sources. The accepted sources (separated by a comma) are: httpUrl, editUrl, or the name of any text/URL/file/image field. If LanguageSupport is installed the compatible sources (httpUrl, text field, ...) will return as many QR codes as there are languages. Note however that when outputting on the front-end, only the languages visible to the user will be generated. Formatting Unformatted value When using $page->getUnformatted("qrcode_field") it returns an array with the following structure: [ [ "label" => string, // label used in the admin "qr" => string, // the qrcode image "raw" => string, // the raw qrcode image (in base64, except if svg+markup) "source" => string, // the source, as defined in the configuration "text" => string // and the text used to generate the qrcode ], ... ] Formatted value The formatted value is an <img>/<svg> (or several right next to each other). There is no other markup. Should you need the same markup as in the admin you could use: $field = $fields->get("qrcode_field"); $field->type->markupValue($page, $field, $page->getUnformatted("qrcode_field")); But it’s a bit cumbersome, plus you need to import the FieldtypeQRCode's css/js. Best is to make your own markup using the unformatted value. Static QR code generator You can call FieldtypeQRCode::generateQRCode to generate any QR code you want. Its arguments are: string $text bool $svg Generate the QR code as svg instead of gif ? (default=true) bool $markup If svg, output its markup instead of a base64 ? (default=false) Hooks Please have a look at the source code for more details about the hookable functions. Examples $wire->addHookAfter("FieldtypeQRCode::getQRText", function($event) { $page = $event->arguments("page"); $event->return = $page->title; // or could be: $event->return = "Your custom text"; }) $wire->addHookAfter("FieldtypeQRCode::generateQRCodes", function($event) { $qrcodes = $event->return; // keep everything except the QR codes generated from editUrl foreach($qrcodes as $key => &$qrcode) { if($qrcode["source"] === "editUrl") { unset($qrcodes[$key]); } } unset($qrcode); $event->return = $qrcodes; })
  24. https://github.com/chrisbennett-Bene/AdminThemeTweaker Inspired by @bernhard's excellent work on the new customisable LESS CSS getting rolled into the core soon, I thought I would offer up the module for beta testing, if it is of interest to anyone. It takes a different approach to admin styling, basically using the Cascade part of CSS to over-ride default UiKit values. Values are stored in ModuleConfig Module creates a separate AdminThemeTweaker Folder at root, so it can link to AdminThemeTweaker.php as CSS AdminThemeTweaker.php reads the module values, constructs the CSS variables then includes the CSS framework Can be switched on and off with a click. Uninstall removes everything, thanks to bernhard's wonderful remove dir & contents function. It won't touch your core. It won't care if stuff is upgraded. You won't need to compile anything and you don't need to touch CSS unless you want to. It won't do much at all apart from read some values from your module config, work out the right CSS variables to use (auto contrast based on selected backgrounds) and throw it on your screen. You can configure a lot of stuff, leave it as it comes (dark and curvy), change two main colors (background and content background) or delve deep to configure custom margins, height of mastheads, and all manner of silly stuff I never use. Have been developing it for somewhere around 2 years now. It has been (and will continue to be) constantly tweaked over that time, as I click on something and find something else to do. That said, it is pretty solid and has been in constant use as my sole Admin styling option for all of those 2 years. If nothing else, it would be great if it can provide any assistance to @bernhard or other contributor's who may be looking to solve some of the quirkier UiKit behavior. Has (in my opinion) more robust and predictable handling of hidden Inputfields, data-colwidths and showIf wrappers. I am very keen to help out with that stuff in any way I can, though LESS (and any css frameworks/tools basically) are not my go. I love CSS variables and banging-rocks-together, no-dependency CSS you can write with notepad.
  25. I see old posts saying that repeaters are not the way to go in Custom Process Modules. If that is the case, when using forms (as I am trying to do) how would one tackle things like repeat contact fields where there can be multiple requirements for contact details with different parameters? (Like point of contact, director, etc) or even telephone numbers that have different uses? Just for background I am creating a process module that allows me to create types of financial applications in the admin area (no need to publish any of this, pure admin) that require a lot of personal or company information. Maybe I am thinking about this incorrectly?
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