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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, Not sure if this is the correct place for this question but as it pertains to the Image Marker module, I thought this might make sense. For some context, we had been using the module with a few custom changes for a couple years at this point. However for our needs we had to remove the int casting within the code, and updated the DB columns for the X & Y coordinates to be more precise. This was working fine up until recently when we noticed that the pins where moving slightly after having been positioned and then saved. The only thing we have changed in that time was upgrading the WP Core, and im curious if anyone is aware of any changes that would effect the rounding in this scenario? I could be wrong but from, sticking in a bunch of custom logging, I was able to follow the process to see at which point the rounding is occuring. If im understanding things correctly, it looks its occuring between sleepValue() and wakeupValue() based on this logging output. I have looked through the module files and can find no more instances of int casting or rounding, so im at the point now where im wondering if its actually the updated core thats contributting to this rounding, as sleepValue and wakeupValue are extendable if I understand things correctly, so presumably theres some element of the core coming into play with them? I should also mention, that I have tried changing the DB columns to use DECIMAL, FLOAT & DOUBLE datatypes but all result in the same odd rounding down to the nearest whole number. I'm convinced its not mysql doing the rounding, as I can manually enter the values no problem using Sequel Pro, but it always rounds down when saved via the CMS. Any thoughts or ideas would be much appreciated.
  2. Hi all, I have experienced some weird problems when using the Float field combined with the translation of setlocale() arguments. It seems that with specific setlocale() (in my case setlocale('it_IT')) leads to transform the decimal separator from "."to "," (for example "2.566" is transformed to "2,566") so all queries contains a "," and mysql stores only the integer part (without any errors). Good query: INSERT INTO `field_testfloat` (pages_id, data) VALUES('1024', '24.534') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE data=VALUES(data) Bad query: INSERT INTO `field_testfloat` (pages_id, data) VALUES('1024', '24,534') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE data=VALUES(data) The naive solution is to leave blank setlocale(), but i wonder if it is possibile to correct this behaviour.
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