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  1. Hi Guys, I have recently joined bloglovin and have implemented the RSS enhanced module onto my blog, encolsures for images are working ok but I was wondering if I can implement these to be wrapped in an image tag to allow blog lovin to be able to carry imagery through. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mel
  2. Hey, Been using this starter theme for a little while now and thought I'd open it up on github - https://github.com/benbyford/bb-starter It has all my favourite modules installed, .less, some hany .js libraries and a set of blog templates for a simple news / blog setup. The theme is built on the simple theme from PW with additional setup. For more info see the Readme.md file on github. See it here - http://bbstarter.nicegrp.com/ Thanks everyone for your continued work and fun using PW.
  3. Hi guys. Just a query - nothing relevant on Google. I have about 400 blog posts which need tagging and categorising. I already have a list of about 5 known words I need tagged and applied to each post via pageselect field. IE cat, dog, fish Is it possible to somehow scan my 400 posts body field for these cat, dog, fish words, and then auto-tag them? Just a query at the moment.
  4. Hi. I have site already running in Processwire. I would like to add a Blog to it. I tried to install the Blog module, but it is not possible to edit the markup. I really need to do that. Therefore, I would like to use the Blog profile by Ryan: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/blog-profile/ Is it possible to install that on a site that already is running another profile/template?
  5. Hi, i just launched my litte blog orkork.de It's a german blog about nerdy topics like IT, development, photography, games, movies and more. Responsive design, built on top of bootstrap. Different teaser types and widgets are configurable in the backend, for every category node. I use require.js for the internal js stuff and use gulp as a building tool for less compilation and css/js minification. unveil.js manages lazy loading of images, including retina versions. Though, it's not heavily optimized yet, but you have to start somewhere I would love to get some feedback, if you have any! Cheers
  6. smile of my week....i like to share: http://saijogeorge.com/css-puns/ have fun mr-fan
  7. Hi there, I am new on using PW. So this is my first Post. In order of that, i want to say Hello to everybody. I used PW, to create a Blog with Tagging Function. I used the Page Field Type to create a new Page from a new Tag, defined in a Blog Article. My Problem is, when I create a New Tag for example "Title A" the Tag and a Page is correctly been created. But the URL of the new Tag Page is a fallback solution like 2014-12-16.... How it is possible to define a custom URL from the Title, as PW does, when I "manually" create a new Page. The easiest Way is the Favorite. I thought I can hook up the Page-Save-Event to Auto-Create a URL, but that would be not that easy. Also I have to fill 2 Fields because its a multilanguage Site. Can anybody help? Greetings from Germany
  8. Hi all, again this a more or less PHP-related question: I'm trying to reuse renderNav from the blog.inc file as found in the blog profile. The function accepts parameters: function renderNav($headline, $items, $currentURL = '', $mobile = true) The comment sections says: @param array|PageArray $items May be an array of Page objects or array of ($url => $label) Taken as it is the function outputs the title of the page objects in $items which works fine BUT I would like to output it a different field value ($page->client instead of $page->title in my case). This is where I am stuck with my limited PHP skills. How can I make the function output another field value than $page->title? How would I "put together" an array that contains this field values so that I can assign it as key => value pairs to $items? Thanks
  9. Hi all, I'm trying to adapt the blog profile to my needs. In my template blog-list.php I have the following: $content = renderPosts("limit=10", true); which populates $content in main.php. renderPosts() I have taken as it is from blog.inc in the blog profile: /** * Given a PageArray of blog entries generate and return the output. * * @param PageArray|Page $posts The entries to generate output for * @param bool $small Set to true if you want summarized versions (default = false) * @return string The generated output * */ function renderPosts($posts, $small = false) { if(!$posts instanceof PageArray) { if($posts instanceof Page) { // single page $post = $posts; $posts = new PageArray(); $posts->add($post); } else if(is_string($posts)) { // selector string $selector = $posts; $posts = wire('pages')->find("template=blog-post, sort=-date, $selector"); } else { throw new WireException('renderPosts requires a PageArray, Page or selector string'); } } foreach($posts as $page) { if(empty($page->summary)) { // summary is blank so we auto-generate a summary from the body $summary = strip_tags(substr($page->body, 0, 450)); $page->summary = substr($summary, 0, strrpos($summary, ' ')); } // set a couple new fields that our output will use $page->set('authorName', $page->createdUser->get('title|name')); $page->set('authorURL', wire('config')->urls->root . 'authors/' . $page->createdUser->name . '/'); } $t = new TemplateFile(wire('config')->paths->templates . '/markup/posts.php'); $t->set('posts', $posts); $t->set('small', $small); $out = $t->render(); // if there are more posts than the specified limit, then output pagination if($posts->getLimit() < $posts->getTotal()) $out .= $posts->renderPager(); return $out; } As you can see, the function makes use of /markup/posts.php. Within posts.php I have the following: // display a headline indicating quantities $start = $posts->getStart()+1; $end = $start + count($posts)-1; $total = $posts->getTotal(); if($total) echo "<h3>" . sprintf(__('Posts %1$d to %2$d of %3$d'), $start, $end, $total) . "</h3>"; This echoes the quantities headline as expected to $content but I would like to have it echoed to my $sidebar variable instead which currently doesn't work as it is part of renderPosts(). My question: What would be the best strategy/solution to assign $total to my $sidebar variable instead to $content? Thanks
  10. Hi guys I've started a new blog on Content Management and while it's not even remotely finished, thought I'd share here. I'm hoping to fill it with news, interviews and tutorials as I proceed. Content is pretty thin at the moment and there's plenty of design bits to fix. http://www.CMSsizzle.com Why and who? The target audience isn't so much you hard-core, seasoned CMS professionals but more likely to be oriented towards people who are new to the CMS's. I also want to highlight the great features of my favourite CMS because I think CMS developers should be more aware of what other platforms are doing. Because it's built in PW, it helps me learn PW and the Blog Module. Anyway, I'll give it a go and hopefully I can find time to update it regularly-ish
  11. I have a blog with 3 Categories (dogs,fish,birds) and want to output the most recent posts matching each category. I played about with some PHP have the first part sort of working in that it's outputting the 3 category titles <ul> <?php $latest = $pages->find("template=blog-category"); foreach($features as $feature) { echo "<h3><a href='{$latest->url}'>{$latest->title}</a></h3>" . "<p>{$latest->summary}</p>" ; } ?> </ul> So I feel thats a good start but want to refine it further. Here's my laymans description which I'm not sure how to translate into PW . find all posts that match the following template=blog-category category=dogs limit= to 2 posts order=by most recent first I know I could then repeat that twice more where category = cats and category = birds to achieve what I want. BTW the blog was created with Kongondos blog module.
  12. I have a working blog thanks to this excellent module by kongondo http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-blog/ Now that I'm tweaking it a bit, I am running into some noob problems. For example, my individual blog posts have 2 fields which I want to call onto the blogs main homepage. The two fields are: 1. The first image used in an image field called blog_images <!-- Display the first blog image --> $blog_images = $page->blog_images->first(); if($blog_images) echo "<img src='$blog_images->url'>"; 2. The content of a textarea field called blog_summary <!-- Display a summary of the blog --> echo $page->blog_summary; Both of these fields have content and I can call that content onto the blog post page with the PHP above. But calling it on the Blog homepage give me nothing and no errors. Within my Pages tree, the structure of my setup lookis like this Blog Posts Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Post 4 Categories Tags Comments Widgets Authors Archives Any help much appreciated. Thanks
  13. hello everyone. I was trying Ace Text Editor module on my localhost and its amazing (combined with Images Tags module). it make me want to start a blog again, so I made one (using some domain name generator ). here's the url: http://pixlbendr.com/ Any feedback, comments and critics are highly appreciated. thanks.
  14. The Module Blog for ProcessWire replicates and extends the popular Blog Profile. Blog is now in version 2. Please read the README in the Github link below in its entirety before using this module As of 20 December 2017 ProcessWire versions earlier than 3.x are not supported Blog Documentation is here (Work in Progress!) See this post for new features in version 2 or the readme in GitHub. To upgrade from version 1, see these instructions. ################################################## Most of the text below refers to Blog version 1 (left here for posterity). Blog version 1 consists of two modules: ProcessBlog: Manage Blog in the backend/Admin. MarkupBlog: Display Blog in the frontend. Being a module, Blog can be installed in both fresh and existing sites. Note, however, that presently, ProcessBlog is not compatible with existing installs of the Blog Profile. This is because of various structural and naming differences in respect of Fields, Templates, Template Files and Pages. If there is demand for such compatibility, I will code a separate version for managing Blog Profile installs. In order to use the 'Recent Tweets Widget', you will need to separately install and setup the module 'MarkupTwitterFeed'. Please read the README in the Github link below in its entirety before using this module (especially the bit about the Pages, etc. created by the module). I'll appreciate Beta testers, thanks! Stable release works fine. Download Modules Directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-blog/ Github: https://github.com/kongondo/Blog You can also install from right within your ProcessWire install. Screenshots (Blog version 1) Video Demos ProcessBlog MarkupBlog Credits Ryan Cramer The Alpha Testers and 'Critics' License GPL2
  15. Hi Forum, I'm working on a new corporate website which has to integrate a blog that is currently running as a stand-alone-blog under Word Press. The WP-blog has categories, pagination, archives by year and month and comments. My first idea was to use Ryan's blog profile but it is much to feature rich for this particular blog and its MVC approach doesn't play nice with my setup for the corporate site. What is your opinion on the best way to do this? Would you strip down the blog profile to what is needed or start from scratch with something like Joss' news-system and build archives etc. yourself? (https://github.com/jsanglier/Pw-News/blob/master/newsfunctions.inc) As ever, time and budget is limited :-( Thanks for your thoughts
  16. Hi, trying to implemement a set of blog pages and started using the Pagination module to find I couldnt list the page=2 etc results. This is what I started with: This is on a blog template, of which the post template children have page number enabled. $results = $page->children()->find("limit=2, sort=-date"); $pagination = $results->renderPager(); echo $results->render(); This didnt produce different results when clicking 'next'. so I tried: $limit = 2; if($_GET["page"]==0){ $startNum = 1; }else{ $startNum = $_GET["page"]; } $start = ($startNum-1) * $limit; echo $start; $results = $page->children()->find("start=$start,limit=$limit, sort=-date"); $pagination = $results->renderPager(); echo $results->render(); And it works up to a point but then starts doing some crazy stuff! (like adding a new number for another list page which doesnt exist, e.g. page=4 when the limit only allows for 3 pages of list). any help would be amazing. b
  17. Is there a way to output a nicely formatted author name using just the page's author without creating an additional author field attached to a template? At the moment I'm doing: $author = $page->createdUser; echo $author->name; but that just outputs admin when I'd like it to output Site Admin. But usernames can't contain spaces and there's no screen name field. So do I need to create a field for the news template for author? Or is there some other workaround?
  18. Hi! Implemented Ryan's blog template to kickstart a site I was making for my own business and can't get to grips with the Abstraction of the RSS feed in it. site: blog.eulergy.com/ rss: http://blog.eulergy.com/categories/resources/rss notice that the dates are running in the wrong order old to new and not newest first. Anyone able to illustrate how one might change that in the blog template? Thanks,
  19. Hi, There is a section of a new website I'm building where there is a need to publish longer form articles, where I intersperse paragraphs of text with images, quotes, videos, and galleries. I'm wondering if anybody has a good approach for constructing this kind of article in ProcessWire. I was originally using a TinyMCE field to embed my images in the correct place in the flow of the body text, with the float classes floating the images appropriately. Including other types of content such as videos and galleries looks a little bit harder to manage, and I can only thinking of including strings to match on in the body text and replacing them in the template, which isn't quite as user friendly as I'd like. It's also a bit of a nightmare to make it work with Susy Compass plugin which is handling the responsive grid. My other idea was to include a repeater field, with each field including optional places for paragraphs of copy, galleries, videos etc. However this doesn't feel that natural, and it's difficult to make the text flow from section to section. Does anybody have any ideas about a good solution for this kind of article? Many thanks.
  20. Hi Guys, Im pretty new to process wire and wondering if anyone can lead me in the right direction. Basically I have an existing website that I want to content manage, the blog seems best suited however I am struggling to implement the system. I can fit my own content into the example blog and it styles and brings back blog posts but it doesn't function how I need it to e.g. show an excerpt then when 'read more' is selected it will bring the user to the full article with a different page style. This may become clearer if you view the site: www.yourmoneymate.co.uk. I have had a brief look at the markup folder and tried to implement the site to contain these tags however it is returning 'No Posts Found' I am sure this is pretty straightforward to do I just can't seem to get it. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Melissa
  21. Hello, I love ProcessWire but I want to use it for site with many articles. I think it is not good to manage articles in standard tree in this site. I would like to have special item in admin menu where I would manage some categories and put articles in there but I do not want to display it as a tree, rather like a table with publish date etc. I am a php programmer, so writing module is not a such a big deal for me (but I didn't write one for ProcessWire). Is it hard to write module like this and at the same time preserve killer features in ProcessWire like creating custom field for certain article types etc and preserve PW API?
  22. More and more, processwire has become my personal haven... I do almost no commercial work with it (I work as a dev, and for payed side-projects I suffer the dread of joomla droppings ) Made this "thing": - http://www.lisboncorrespondent.com/ This is a blog (of sorts) for my father, with make-pretend postcards sent from Portugal. It is essentially a way for me to experiment with and learn a few techs/tools: css 3d transforms (and respective headaches, cross-browser issues, etc) The wonderful angularJS framework Yeoman (build system for js apps, with grunt + bower) Processwire, of course Processwire is amazing for every crazy thing I may ever think up, and using it as a simple RESTy service provider is incredibly simple. Gotchas: This will most likely be a perma-beta site - it is for trying stuff No history back/forward or direct urls - angularJS makes it easy, but it wasn't really my concern. Will have to happen someday, though No SEO whatsoever - I'm perfectly aware that a "blog" in a one page app is a no-no, but again, just toying around Tested with Chrome, Firefox and IE 10, OSX and Win - further compatibility (and mobile) to come Hope you enjoy. And thank you, Ryan, for the wonderful gift of processwire
  23. I'm liking ProcessWire very much, but I still find setting a blog with it sooo complicated compared to others CMSs. Most of my projects use blogs and news sections, so may I ask if there's any plans to simplify the blogging setup in the future? And for now, is there any *simple* blog profile (just title, date, category and post) with *no* CSS styles - just a blank slate? Thanks!
  24. hi everyone:) i stumpled across ProcessWire on my way to learn ModX. It draws my attention because of it's fast backend, and the chance for me to connect it with my big wish to learn php (atm i know just very basic stuff :- ). PW seems to enable me to use some php-funktions with an easier layer on top of it. so, i can be productive at the beginning here are some questions, that i came up with at my exploration of the PW-wonderland in the last days: search: afaik there is the possibility to integrate a search function to the website. is it possible to combine a searchfield with checkbox filters to search and filter pages in a specific branche of the page tree? blogging: it's possible to build a tag-cloud for a blogging sections with PW. this hole filter possiblities-thing is somewhat unclear for me atm comments-module: the comments containing a name and an e-mail field, but i like to extend it with a "twitter" and "your website" field. is this possible without a lot of complicated "core hacking" ? forms: from what i have understand, it's possible to create a front-end form that collects data for the content of a page. are ther possibilities to get form entries per mail with csv-file attached or csv-styled text inside? demo page: maybe i've just overlooked it, but i was not able to find the skyscraper siteprofil on the download page. i realy like to have a look at it, to learn from the api usage there. does someone have experience with forums and newslettersystems, that go well along with PW ?(same userbase/passwords) (i hope my english was understandable, since i normaly don't write a lot in english myself. but i'm able to perfectly read and understand it). greetings, chris EDIT: a questions to the modx users in this his forum: is PW now your primary cms and modx a fallback for some special usecases? - PW made me desinterested to learn modx, but maybe i miss something
  25. I've been asked to consider the viability of the following project: a sort of collaborative blog where any Spanish expat could register and post small articles, videos and photos about their experiences as Spaniards living in the U.S. The trick here is that users should only have the options to view and edit their own posts, and should not have access to the posts of anyone else. I'm guessing then that the traditional user roles and permissions (user, editor, administrator...) do not apply here. It must be the summer heat, but I can't think how to achieve this with Processwire. Any thoughts? As usual with PW, it must be easier than I think.
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