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  1. I recently started to build Vue SPAs with ProcessWire as the backend, connected with a REST API. Thanks to code and the help of @LostKobrakai (How to use FastRoute with ProcessWire) and @clsource (REST-Helper) I got it up and running pretty quickly and now have put all of it in a site profile for others to use. It includes the REST API with routing for different endpoints, JWT Auth and a simple Vue SPA which shows the process of logging in a user (nevertheless, you don't have to use the Vue part, the API will work on it's own). Check it out here: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApiProfile I'm pretty sure, it's not the perfect or most sophisticsted solution, but it gets the job done for me… Feedback or Improvements are very welcome Update: This site profile is a module now: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApi
  2. In the admin, I am trying to access data from a page that contains an inputfieldand autofill that data into the modal edit window for a new entry. For instance, I have a template which contains a PageTable field. When I add a new entry to the PageTable, I want to capture the ID from the originating admin page and add it to a field in the edit modal as a way of linking the new entry back to the originating page. The new PageTable entries are NOT children of the originating page, and cannot be for structural reasons. I have attached an image which I hope will help to clarify the basic result I want to achieve. Is there a practical means of accomplishing this? I've been able to achieve something similar with the ConnectPageFields module, but it does not work with PageTable fields. Any input would be much appreciated.
  3. Hi all, Im trying to fill an options field in all the children of the parent page, after I save it. the options field is configured as multiple select checkboxes. here's the code i have so far: $this->addHookAfter('Pages::saved', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; //set the page if($page->template == 'sport-verenigingen-overzicht') { //get the subcategories from the parent textarea, split on newline $subcats = preg_split('/[\n\r]+/', $page->subcats); //(also tried without imploding and adding the array, also doesnt work) $subcats = implode("|",$subcats); //get the children $children = $page->children(); foreach ($children as $child) { //set the options(sport_categorie is the options field) $child->sport_categorie = $subcats; $child->save('sport_categorie'); } //if i use a normal textfield instead of an optionsfield, //all the children have the correct data e.g: test1|test2|test3 //how to get the values into the options field?? } }); Hope you guys can help! Keep up the good work, I'm loving what you're doing with PW!!
  4. Hello, Still in my 'teaching game'. Here's my problem : I 'find' all players with a request like $allPlayers = $pages->find("template=player"); [/code Then, I limit to players belonging to the team of the logged in player with [code] $teamPlayers = $allPlayers->find("team=$loggedPlayer->team"); No problem so far. But my scoreboards rely on either : $allPlayers->getItemKey($loggedPlayer); or $teamPlayers->getItemKey($loggedPlayer); to find the logged player's position in the charts. On the 'global' newboard with scoreboards based upon $allPlayers, everything works as expected. BUT on my 'team' newsboard, even though I'm using $teamPlayers, the returned indexes are based upon $allPlayers. Am I clear ? In other words, I have a total of 125 players, and my logged player is 61 out of 125 regarding the number of places he freed. But in his particular team of 25 players, he sould be 15 whereas he's still 61 I'd like to reset my indexes (and start back from 0), but I can't find my way out of this... If someone has a hint to help, I'd appreciate. I have a second part in my worry : I had a way around it by simply making another 'raw' request : $teamPlayers = $pages->find("team=$loggedPlayer->team"); Then my team indexes were right, but I faced another issue : Reordering my wirearray according to the scoreboard I want usually worked fine (simple sort() based upon an integer field, for example, player's coins, player's karma...) and indexes were updated BUT resorting with places.count ('places' field is a pageArray) doesn't update the indexes returned by getItemKey and my logged player is always at the position he was when I first did my initial $pages->find() query So my way around found its limit and that's why I'm posting here, after struggling with this for a couple of hours... Thanks in advance for the help.
  5. I am using ProcessWire as the back-end to manage contents on multiple sites (I call them "sub-domains"). I use ProcessWire as an editing system and database only. The ProcessWire templating system is not in use. I want to use ProcessWire's API and in particular the Include & Bootstrap method to output contents -- pretty much in the same way you do, if contents is stored in a MySQL database and output in PHP files that use PDO to load data. The issue is that I cannot get ProcessWire to fully work on each of the "sub-domains". https://processwire.com/api/include/ says: > You can do anything with ProcessWire's API that you can do from a template, > so all of this still applies, as does everything in the developer API. How can I get access to variables such as $input when using Include & Bootstrap? I tried these: $wire->pages->get("/foo/bar/"); echo "Segment1: " . $wire->input->urlSegment1; # Returns null $wire->pages->get("/foo/bar/"); echo "Segment1: " . $wire->input()->urlSegment1; # Internal Server Error $p = $wire->pages->get("/foo/bar/"); echo "Segment1: " . $p->input->urlSegment1; # Returns null $p = $wire->pages->get("/foo/bar/"); echo "Segment1: " . $p->input()->urlSegment1; # Returns null @ryan Can the API Variables documentation be updated with a section / an example that explain how to use "Include & Bootstrap" for each variable (since this is a really strong feature in ProcessWire)? $page $pages - Example: $homepage = $wire->pages->get("/"); $input $sanitizer $session $fields $user $log $templates $config
  6. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm haveing a hard time to get absolute urls if PW is installed in a subdirectory thought the API... I need an absolute URL for the backend (as a redirect url of Oauth provider). To build the url i would normaly use url()->root.url()->admin – but this results in the install-path beeing present twice; domain.com/path/ + path/admin/ In order to not use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] I fetch the admin page from pages – but this is also not to easy since I need to remove the root folder from path as well. My current solution is somewhat complicated: $backendUrl = pages()->get('path="'.str_replace(urls()->root, '', urls()->admin).'", include=all')->httpUrl; The above code seems to be the savest way to get the absolute url to the backend using pure PW API, am I right? It would be great if one could fetch absolute urls with something like this $backendUrl = urls()->admin->httpUrl // or $backendUrl = httpUrls()->admin SOLVED: Thank you @adrian – of course this HAD to be simpler: urls()->httpAdmin;
  7. Is the template name a value which I can display? I've read the API docs re. template names and tried a few things including below but nothing works so far. Template is: {$page->$template->name} FYI I'm building a small 'helper' section in a footer which is only visible to admins and it will display page ID, template name and a link to edit the page. Everything working apart from displaying the template name.
  8. Hi all, Im currently building a photo sharing website and have a first version finished. Next step is to incorporate notifications in the website if a user likes one of your photo's, or comments on a photo you posted. Just like the notification bell at the top of the forums. Any idea how to approach this functionality? Thanks in advance.
  9. I have been looking up everything I can to try to find what's going wrong with this. I have a very simple form (title and file field set to multiple) that will create a new page with the name and attachments. However, it appears that I am missing something crucial as only 1 item gets uploaded to the field. Here is my code: <?php $uploadpage = new Page(); $uploadpage->template = "dashboard"; $uploadpage->parent = $pages->get("/testing/"); $uploadpage->title = $sanitizer->text($input->post->new_title); $uploadpage->save(); $uploadpage->setOutputFormatting(false); $u = new WireUpload('test_upload'); $u->setMaxFiles(6); $u->setOverwrite(false); $u->setDestinationPath($uploadpage->test_upload->path()); $u->setValidExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'pdf')); foreach($u->execute() as $filename) { $uploadpage->test_upload->add($filename); } $uploadpage->save(); ?> I have the max files set to 6, and have a foreach loop to add the files, but it is only uploading one. Does anyone see where I might have gone astray?
  10. So maybe has already figured this out, but I am stumped. I have a field (test_field) that is set to pdfs, and I was trying to get a count of the number of pdfs in that field so I could add it to a status bubble on the front end. I tried: function testPDF() { $a = $page->test_field->count(); echo "<span class=\"bubble\">" . $a . "</span>"; } but it is returning "NULL" . I currently have 3 added to the field. I also tried putting this function in _func.php, though I need to use wire('pages'), but I only need to get the count for that specific page, so I am sort of at a loss of how to proceed.
  11. Hi all, Im looking for a selector that gets the pages added a specific time frame (eg. from yesterday 9:00pm to today 9:00pm). Is there a existing selector im missing or does someone now a good solution for this? Thanks in advance .
  12. Hello, Just a simple (I think) question which is in the title of my post. Roughly speaking : here's my code (made-up because my real function is so long... I don't want to post it all here ) function updateScore($player, $task, $real = true) { [...] $player->score = $player->score+$task->score; if ($task->name == 'new-equipment') { $new-eq = $pages->get("name=sword"); $player->equipment->add($new-eq); } if ($real == true) { $player->save(); } } Everything works fine when I call updateScore($player, $task, true), but if I call updateScore($player, $task, false), scores are untouched, but the equipment gets added ! It used to work fine on PW2.7 but my update to PW 3.0.62 seems to have broken this... Is there a simple explanation ? I keep reading my code over and over and this is driving me crazy... Thanks !
  13. I've a page "blog" which have child pages (blog posts). Right now I've 11 pages (blog posts) and I'm fetching all the posts in my "blog" pages which displaying fine, Issue is only 10 results are showing this is how I'm fetching $entries = $pages->find("template=blog-entry"); foreach($entries as $entry){ <a href='{$entry->url}'>$entry->title</a> }
  14. hey there, i'm quite new to processwire but i'm having a great experience using it! right now i hit a point where i can't help myself out with google/searchfunction. to sketch the basic functions of my page: visitors can enter their e-mail in a form. when doing this pw creates a new page, using the e-mail's md5 hash as a name. the url of the page is sent to the user. the user now can edit the newly created page and can fill out fields like: name and year of birth (thanks to the docs those two already work like a charm!) but there are other fields like "residencies", which are repeaterfields containing three fields: city (text), country (text), current (checkbox). at my current version i can populate a new repeater field easily by using this code: $location = $page->locations->getNew(); $location->location = Munich; $location->country = Germany; $location->current = 1; $location->save(); $page->locations->add($location); now i want to populate the new reapter fields from input fields (using the simple form api). which leads me to my questions: 1. can i somehow group/merge input fields to one "repeater input fields" right now i have: // create a text input -> locations $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText"); $field->label = __('City'); $field->attr('id+name','location'); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); // append the field to the form // create a text input -> country $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText"); $field->label = __('Country'); $field->attr('id+name','country'); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); // append the field to the form // create a checkbox -> locations $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldCheckbox'); $field->attr('name', 'location_current'); $field->attr('autocheck', 1); $field->attr('uncheckedValue', 0); $field->attr('checkedValue', 1); $field->attr('value', $this->fname); $form->append($field); // append the field to the form 2. my desired layout for the form looks like this: by hitting the + button a new line shows. i'm wondering what's the best practice here. can is somehow use the above mentioned code itself as a repeater, or do i have to create several (uniqe) input fields in advance and hide them afterwards (javascript)? any help is appreciated! thanks!
  15. Hi, I've been invited by Apple to use their 'News' service for a publication in the UK. https://www.apple.com/uk/news/ A number of CMSs already have plugins to publish content via the API, however Processwire is not one (yet!) https://newsresources.apple.com/en/faq/66346243 It's slightly beyond my technical abilities but would be very interested in anyone that is willing to look at developing a Processwire Module. (for reference here is the Apple News API documentation) Update: Chapter Three have created a PHP Apple News library here https://github.com/chapter-three/AppleNewsAPI
  16. So I have a bit of code for ad management : <?php $ads = $pages->find("parent.template=client, sort=expiration_date"); $alert_count = 0; foreach ($ads as $ad) { $todaysdate = date("F j, Y H:i"); $today = strtotime($todaysdate); $expireson = $ad->expiration_date; $expires = strtotime($expireson); $fiveaway = $expires - 432000; if ($today > $expires) { $alert = $alert_count=+1; echo $alert; } } //end FOREACH ?> It currently finds all the pages with a parent of "client" and then I can drill down to the pages that have "Expired" in my if statement. I wanted to get a "count" of the pages that met the if statement requirements so I could output that number in an alert at the top of the page. When it runs, it currently just prints out "1 1 1 1..." and not the total count of pages. Does anyone know of a way possibly achieving my desired output? I tried count(), but that did not quite produce my desired output. I should note that I have several other if statements dealing with the date/time for outputting other alerts as well (just didn't think they were needed for this case).
  17. Hi all, in the backend of ProcessWire it's possible to define a maximum width and height for images. If you upload an image, it will be resized automatically. I find this feature very handy to safe space. Very often users upload images which are much bigger than needed. On my application users can upload their images via the frontend. But if you upload images using the API, images won't be resized automatically. Is there any way to do this? Currently that's my code: if ($_FILES['thumbnail']['name']) { $upload = new WireUpload('thumbnail'); $upload->setMaxFiles(1); $upload->setOverwrite(true); $upload->setDestinationPath($lesson->video_image->path()); $upload->setValidExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')); $lesson->video_image->removeAll(); foreach ($upload->execute() as $file) $lesson->video_image->add($file); } Thanks very much! Dennis
  18. Hi All, I have created a script which will create the pages and it should be unpublished. I have added the status as unpublished by default while first time saving the page as below. $hotelPage->hotel_website = $hotel['hotelWebsite']; // By default page created will be unpublished state $hotelPage->addStatus(Page::statusUnpublished); $hotelPage->save(); $hotelPage->setOutputFormatting(false); // Add hotel images only after setting output formatting to false $hotelPage->images->add($hotel['hotelImage']); $hotelPage->save(); On the same time, saving the hotel image as well and triggering the save method. But when I see the created page in the tree, Its shows unpublished but publish_date is not empty(date will be present as created, modified and published are all same) Now I don't understand why the date is getting filled into the publish field for a page? Please let me know if am doing something wrong.
  19. Hello, Does anyone know whether the is a place detailing the structure your admin theme should take when creating one? e.g. I see UiKit, Reno and Default admin themes all have default.php, init.php, controller.php files, is this a stylisitic choice or a prerequisite for any admin theme module? Thanks!
  20. I am using the translation function (either $this->_() or __()) within a module that responds to AJAX API calls - there isn't really a page that is being served. When I supply a string with an apostrophe, e.g., __('Book \'em danno') It is formatted as Book &#039;em danno Is there some way to prevent output formatting when retrieving strings using the translation functions?
  21. At the top of each of my main pages, I want to redirect to my login page if the session is timed out. How can I use the PW API to test for this? $user->isLoggedin() doesn't seem to do it, like I expected. THX
  22. I wish to access a template's allowed templates for it's children from the API. This one: I am pretty sure this is possible, but I can't seem to find it anywhere in the documentation. If this is not possible, is there some way of assigning properties to templates? So like fields that already have a value on all pages using that template.
  23. I have a bit of a head scratcher for myself. I have a form (first name, last name, and domain) that I use to create pages. I have the first name and last name being combined and saving as the title, and being saved in their individual fields as well. The domain name is just being saved in it's designated field under the page. This all works quite well in fact. (just a note: for a special case, I am combining all three values so it looks like johndoe@domainselected.com) However, I thought I might need to check to see if the page already existed, and if it does, provide the user with an error. If it doesn't already exist, follow through with creating the page. I didnt want to save the entire address in the title as I knew "@" wouldn't fly with the url to the page. I thought I could use a foreach, but I understand that outputs an array, when I need to check just one entry. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am probably making this much more difficult than it needs to be. I have fixed the issue... "==" seemed to fix it.
  24. When echoing a date field directly from the $user variable echo $user->date; the timestamp is printed. Using echo $users->get($user->id)->date; prints the correct formated value. Is this a bug or or intended?
  25. I can't add a new value to a custom PageArray field for my user. However, when I create a new user, I CAN add the new PageArray value: I need help. Thank you very much.
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