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  1. Hi, After years of just playing around with Processwire I have asked 3 q's in the same week. It's all about working with forms, parameters etc and so I'm hoping this ordeal is nearly over! I currently have a checkbox filter: <form id="abFilter" method="get" role="form" action="'.$page->url().'"> <div class="list-group"> <h3>Content Type</h3>'; $cont = $fields->get('ab_content'); $contents = $cont->type->getOptions($cont); foreach($contents as $ab_cont){ echo' <div class="list-group-item checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" class="" id="'.$ab_cont->title.'" name="content" value="'.$ab_cont->title.'"'; if (in_array($ab_cont->title, $contArray)){ echo "checked"; } echo'> <label for="'.$ab_cont->title.'">'.$ab_cont->title.'</label> </div>'; } echo' </div>'; //end of filter 1 //start of filter 2 echo' <div class="list-group"> <h3>Channels</h3>'; $chan = $fields->get('ab_channels'); $channel = $chan->type->getOptions($chan); foreach($channel as $ab_chan){ echo' <div class="list-group-item checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" class="" id="'.$ab_chan->title.'" name="channel" value="'.$ab_chan->title.'"'; if (in_array($ab_chan->title, $chanArray)){ echo "checked"; } echo'> <label for="'.$ab_chan->title.'">'.$ab_chan->title.'</label> </div>'; } echo' </div>'; ?> <button id="select">Get Checked Checkboxes</button> </form><!-- end of form --> I also have a piece of script which selects all the checkboxes and then outputs them into readable parameters for the URL which then passes into the $inputs. The reason for the script is to not have duplicate filters like ?ab=1&ab=2 and the script changes it to ab=1_2 which on the input gets exploded into an array. document.querySelector("form").onsubmit=ev=>{ ev.preventDefault(); let o={}; ev.target.querySelectorAll("[name]:checked").forEach(el=>{ (o[el.name]=o[el.name]||[]).push(el.value)}) console.log(location.pathname+"?"+Object.entries(o).map(([v,f])=>v+"="+f.join("_")).join("&")); document.location.href = location.pathname+"?"+Object.entries(o).map(([v,f])=>v+"="+f.join("_")).join("&"); } Here is $inputs and so on on the page: //Default selector to get ALL products $baseSelector = "template='adbank_pages',sort=published,include=all,status!=hidden,limit=2"; $selector = "template='adbank_pages',sort=published,include=all,status!=hidden,limit=2"; $input->whitelist('channel',explode("_", $channel)); // Use this to append to the $items filter if($channel){ $chanArray = explode("_", $channel); $chan = $channel = str_replace('_', '|', $channel); $selector = $selector .= ",ab_channels=$chan"; } $test = $pages->find($selector); // This is just testing if the $selector choise returns and if not use page filter without filters. if(count($test) > 0){ $items = $pages->find($selector); // $items with the parameter filter // Example - "template='adbank_pages',sort=published,include=all,status!=hidden,limit=2,ab_channels=facebook-ads" // Example (multi choice) - "template='adbank_pages',sort=published,include=all,status!=hidden,limit=2,ab_channels=facebook-ads|instagram-ads" // Example (with other filters) - "template='adbank_pages',sort=published,include=all,status!=hidden,limit=2,ab_channels=facebook-ads,ab_content=video|static" }else{ $items = $pages->find($baseSelector); // Example - "template='adbank_pages',sort=published,include=all,status!=hidden,limit=2" } $total = $items->getTotal(); I have stripped out a few of the other filters from the above to try keep it a little more concise (haha). Now I appreciate the post may be long but here we are at the end! The URL I get on page 1 of the filter results would look like: example.com/blog/?channel=facebook-ads_instagram-ads If I click page 2 the url changes to - example.com/blog/page2/?channel= If I then click back to page 1 it changes to - example.com/blog/?channel= So I'm hoping you can see my problem and hoping someone can assist. I need to work out how to keep the parameters in the url but also if I remove that filter for that parameter to remove. This whole process works without pagination but with pagination it has a different behaviour. Thank you in advance
  2. Hi, I have a URL field that will sometimes have relative/local URLs on a multilingual site, for example /contact/ However the URL field does not seem to pick up when I'm on another language, for example /fr/ so I'm taken to the default language page for /contact/ rather than /fr/contact/ Is there a way to make the URL fields play well with a multi-language site? Thanks!
  3. A new module that hasn't had a lot of testing yet. Please do your own testing before deploying on any production website. Custom Paths Allows any page to have a custom path/URL. Note: Custom Paths is incompatible with the core LanguageSupportPageNames module. I have no experience working with LanguageSupportPageNames or multi-language sites in general so I'm not in a position to work out if a fix is possible. If anyone with multi-language experience can contribute a fix it would be much appreciated! Screenshot Usage The module creates a field named custom_path on install. Add the custom_path field to the template of any page you want to set a custom path for. Whatever path is entered into this field determines the path and URL of the page ($page->path and $page->url). Page numbers and URL segments are supported if these are enabled for the template, and previous custom paths are managed by PagePathHistory if that module is installed. The custom_path field appears on the Settings tab in Page Edit by default but there is an option in the module configuration to disable this if you want to position the field among the other template fields. If the custom_path field is populated for a page it should be a path that is relative to the site root and that starts with a forward slash. The module prevents the same custom path being set for more than one page. The custom_path value takes precedence over any ProcessWire path. You can even override the Home page by setting a custom path of "/" for a page. It is highly recommended to set access controls on the custom_path field so that only privileged roles can edit it: superuser-only is recommended. It is up to the user to set and maintain suitable custom paths for any pages where the module is in use. Make sure your custom paths are compatible with ProcessWire's $config and .htaccess settings, and if you are basing the custom path on the names of parent pages you will probably want to have a strategy for updating custom paths if parent pages are renamed or moved. Example hooks to Pages::saveReady You might want to use a Pages::saveReady hook to automatically set the custom path for some pages. Below are a couple of examples. 1. In this example the start of the custom path is fixed but the end of the path will update dynamically according to the name of the page: $pages->addHookAfter('saveReady', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); if($page->template == 'my_template') { $page->custom_path = "/some-custom/path-segments/$page->name/"; } }); 2. The Custom Paths module adds a new Page::realPath method/property that can be used to get the "real" ProcessWire path to a page that might have a custom path set. In this example the custom path for news items is derived from the real ProcessWire path but a parent named "news-items" is removed: $pages->addHookAfter('saveReady', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); if($page->template == 'news_item') { $page->custom_path = str_replace('/news-items/', '/', $page->realPath); } }); Caveats The custom paths will be used automatically for links created in CKEditor fields, but if you have the "link abstraction" option enabled for CKEditor fields (Details > Markup/HTML (Content Type) > HTML Options) then you will see notices from MarkupQA warning you that it is unable to resolve the links. Installation Install the Custom Paths module. Uninstallation The custom_path field is not automatically deleted when the module is uninstalled. You can delete it manually if the field is no longer needed. https://github.com/Toutouwai/CustomPaths https://modules.processwire.com/modules/custom-paths/
  4. Hello, I am currently building a intranet which will be hosted on the local network of a company. This intranet has many links to files on their fileserver with the protocol file://. So for example the links look like this file://domain.tld/filename.ext When I try to insert such a link into a URL field, I get the error, that only the protocol http:// is allowed. When I try to insert such a link into a CKEeditor link, it gets stripped out. Is it possible to insert such links into the FieldType URL and CKEditor. I know that I could use a FieldType Text or insert a RewriteRule in the .htaccess file, but I am looking for a more elegant solution. ? Regards, Andreas
  5. Hi! The following code snippet is part of my markup simple navigation and the url_redirect (url field in the backend) just works fine when I put an special custom url into the url_redirect field. <?php $nav = $modules->get("MarkupSimpleNavigation"); // topnav $current = $page->rootParent(); // current root page // subnav echo $nav->render(array( 'max_levels' => 2, 'item_tpl' => '<h4><a class="g8-bar-item g8-hover-black" href="{url_redirect|url}">{title}</a></h4><hr class="sidenav">', 'collapsed' => true, ), $page, $current); ?> In my seperated breadcrumb navigation I use the following code snippet <?php foreach($page->parents()->append($page) as $parent) { echo "<li><a href='{$parent->url_redirect|url}'>{$parent->title}</a></li>"; } ?> Now to the problem: In my first code snippet above the url_redirect|url works just fine but when I try something similiar in the second code snippet $parent->url_redirect|url I produce an server error How do I have to change the second code snippet so that it works in the correct way as the first code snippet does?
  6. Hi everyone. I can't see the PDF uploaded via a field called "pdf". I get a url like this: http://localhost:8888/mywebsite/site/assets/files/1129/test.pdf%EF%BB%BF%EF%BB%BF Could anyone help me? Thank you. <?php foreach($page->case_studies as $item) { if($item->type == 'contenuto') { echo " <a class='btn btn-primary btn-sm' target='blank' href='{$item->pdf->first()->url}' role='button'>Download</a> "; } } ?>
  7. Hello everyone, hopefully this is the right place to ask and is not a duplicate question. I'm pretty new to processwire, so... if this question is kind of funny for some of you, you're welcome ? I have the following issue and can't find anything understandable about it. Maybe I'm searching the wrong way, but anyways.. here is my question: How is it possible to rewrite the URLs, that I'll get a *.php ending? Example: https://www.mysite.de/urlsegment/ -> https://www.mysite.de/urlsegment.php https://www.mysite.de/urlsegment/urlsegment/ -> https://www.mysite.de/urlsegment/urlsegment.php Because I've read a lot about "Why do you wanna do this or have that?" – here my answer for that in advance: I've built a processwire installation inside or around an existing website. Therefore, we want to keep the existing *.php Google entries. Sure, we could redirect via 301 Redirect, but would prefer to keep the *.php ending. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you in advance for your help. – Best regards ce90
  8. Hi, After 2 or 3 cliks on my nav bar the browser starts to show http://julio.x10host.com/home/juliox15/public_html/logos/ instead of http://julio.x10host.com/logos/ Where or what should I start the fixing? Thanks
  9. So I have a project where multiple pages are sending POST data to 1 single template page. All was working well (well, at least with one ajax post), but now I have hit a stumbling block. I figured the "best" way to handle the request were to use url segments and then use the following in the status page: if ($config->ajax && $input->urlSegment1 == 'add-bookmark') { // some code here } However, this doesnt seem to really work (as I assume the the request isnt being posted to /status/ but rather to /status/add-bookmark/). What is the best way to actually handle this?
  10. Hi Guys, I'm trying to do my first migration to the customers existing server (IIS 10) . I ran the site as a subdirectory on my website for test purposes (everything works fine). Following the tutorial of Joss, I tryed the site on a local xampp server to make sure, it also works on a root directory. So far so good, everything works. Now I moved the files (from the xampp) to the customers server. The root/index page is shown but for every subpage i get 404 Errors... Hence I followed the troubleshooting guide for not working URLs: On the first sight, the .htaccess file is not recognized, therefore I contacted the host support. They said, it is recognized but not all modules are supported in the processwire .htaccess file. I did the "öalskjfdoal" test in the .htaccess file and didn't get a 500 Error.... BUT the rewrite rule from the hosts support, to proof the file is read, DID work... The support claims, they do not provide debugging... so basically the .htaccess file is recognized and working, but not throwing any errors (for whatever reason). Working rewrite rule (from support): RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^test\.asp$ index.html [NC,L] RewriteRule ^test\.html$ konzept.html [NC,L] RewriteRule ^test2\.html$ team.html [NC,L] The support said, a couple modules are not supported in the htaccess file, the supported ones are listed here: http://www.helicontech.com/ape/ (I think mod_rewrite is supported) As I do not completely understand what exactly is happening in the htaccess file, I'm stuck. I tried all suggestions I found regarding this topic on the forum, but none of them solved the problem. .htaccess.txt
  11. So I have a project coming up soon and one of the goals was to use Google's AMP project for the project's mobile site. I have gone through the tutorials and think I have a good grasp on the matter, but there is still one roadblock I do not really know how to tackle. The site, which uses a responsive grid system, will look great on a mobile and desktop which was is fine by me. However, if a user comes from Google to one of our AMP pages (ie www.example.com/amp) and clicks on a url, they will then be loading our responsive mobile pages and not the amp pages. For the sake of consistency, we really want to "force" users to stay on all the amp pages. My current thoughts on how to set up this task: Allow url segments for all pages using "/amp" Using a simple if statement, load the amp page if it exists <?php if($input->urlSegment1) { // add "&& $input->urlSegment1 == 'amp'" if you've more urlSegments include("partials/amp-page.php"); } else { include("partials/normal.php"); } ?> However, I have hit a roadblock on appending "/amp" to all pages if they came to an amp page via Google, or even if they are on mobile and visit the site. Is this even possible to do, or should we just use the amp pages (if a user comes from google) and allow them to be active on our mobile pages? We are just trying to give the fastest load times possible, as well as give a consistent look between mobile and desktop versions. As always, I really appreciate the ideas and help.
  12. Another dumb question: Is there a field type for a text-based array? In my case I need to store an array of RSS feeds for SimplePie. Storing that list of links in a textarea - text formatted to look like an array - doesn't work with the script. It works with one link. The images field is an array. I assumed there would be an equivalent for URLs or text in general. Or is there another approach for these cases? Edit: I guess using the optional (module) Repeater field type is the best solution in this case? I have now a working solution based on that. Still curious about other ideas.
  13. I've been working with different CMS's for quite a few years now but there was always one thing that bugged me, I never knew how the CMS takes a url and resolves a page ID from it. I knew it was to do with the "slug" but what i couldn't figure out is when it came to sub pages, as the slug only refers to the page itself not the parent pages in the url e.g /parent-page/sub-page. The main two CMS's i've worked with are Wordpress and ProcessWire, ProcessWire always has the upper hand when it comes to speed, even a large PW site is tens of milliseconds faster than a fresh Wordpress install. With the resolution of urls to pages being (probably) the most used query in a CMS i thought i'd investigate the two different approaches. Both ProcessWire and Wordpress split the urls by forward slash to extract the slugs /about/people/ => ['about', 'people'], however ProcessWire takes a completely different approach when it comes to resolving a page ID from these slugs. ProcessWire uses this query: SELECT pages.id,pages.parent_id,pages.templates_id FROM `pages` JOIN pages AS parent2 ON (pages.parent_id=parent2.id AND (parent2.name='about')) JOIN pages AS rootparent ON (parent2.parent_id=rootparent.id AND rootparent.id=1) WHERE pages.name='people' AND (pages.status<9999999) GROUP BY pages.id LIMIT 0,1; Resulting in a single item of the page in question including the page's template id. For urls with more parts it looks as though ProcessWire creates more JOINS to essentially walk back up the hierarchy and fully resolve the ID of the correct page. Wordpress on the other hand takes a different approach: SELECT ID, post_name, post_parent, post_type FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name IN ('about','people') AND post_type IN ('page','attachment'); More elegant looking however it returns a list of potential items. So requires a loop within PHP to walk the hierarchy tree and determine the correct page ID. Both queries once cached by MySQL took 19-21ms to return, ProcessWire looks as though it uses this to it's advantage by returning the correct page ID straight from the MySQL cache and doesn't require the extra looping step afterwards. Interesting to see the different approaches to the same problems.
  14. Hello, I'm wondering how to add the value of a field to a URL when submitting a form, while also processing the form with FormBuilder and storing the entry in the CMS. Is this even possible with the versions below? FB 0.2.5 | PW 2.7.2 Is there still a dedicated Form Builder forum here anymore?
  15. Hello, I am just working on a multi-language pw app. Default language is german, then comes english. the language segment for english in the url is 'en-home' , eg. '../en-home/products', I think this was taken as a default option. (this happened several months ago, so I do not remember exactly...). Now I want to change this segment simply to 'en'. However, in 'Pages...Settings', only the part AFTER 'en-home' is editable, so I do not see any possibility to change this segment. Neither do the Languages Settings offer such a possibility ;-(( Or do I miss something?
  16. Hello, I need some help with changing the URL for default language pages. I have two languages one is hidden at the moment for future use. Now I would like the default language URL to be only the site name and a page without /en how can I achieve that. I want my URL to be like www.mysite.com/jobs and not www.mysite.com/en/jobs. Now only the home page has the right URL all other have /en. ... I looked through the forum but no luck so far. Thank you R Ok, I got it, I just had to delete the EN in my homepage setting and now it is working, I found it on a forum. Thank you anyway
  17. Hi, In one Page I would like to put a lot of url. There is url's field. Now, I add url's field to one template, but I don't know to add 2 or 3 or 10 url's field in that same template... the problem is simple, but processwire don't allow it...
  18. Hi all. Some days ago I migrated my website from local (xampp) to online. Everything works fine exept one thing. When i try to fill a field of the type "url" (with an external link) i get an 403 - forbidden message. Writting text in textfields , body etc. works. Now I don't know if the problem comes from processwire or the server itself... Did anybody have the same/similar troubles? Thanks for helping! cheers
  19. Hello, I have a Process module with a user dashboard and I would like to have the user page edit screen at a custom URL 'myprofile'. I cannot use the default profile edit page because it does not support tabbed interfaces. The method for executing the user edit page from within my module looks like this public function ___executeMyprofile() { $processUser = $this->modules->get('ProcessUser'); return $processUser->executeEdit(); } The user edit screen displays when I go to /dashboard/myprofile. But the request is redirected several times and I end up at the URL /access/users/edit/?id=5522 which I wanted to avoid. This happens because of this line in ProcessPageEdit.module. I guess the solution lies in hooking into the ___loadPage() method from within my Process module. But, honestly, I have no clue on how to put the pieces together. So I need some pointers on how to best achieve the goal of having the current user's edit page under a custom URL in the admin area, ideally in the scenario of a custom Process module. Any help would be much appreciated. EDIT: I tried some variations of hooking like public function ___executeMyprofile() { $this->addHookBefore("ProcessPageEdit::loadPage", $this, "interceptRedirect"); $processUser = $this->modules->get('ProcessUser'); return $processUser->executeEdit(); } protected function interceptRedirect(HookEvent $event) { $event->replace = true; $event->return = $this->user; } but the hook is not being executed at all. Also when placing the call to the hook in my Process module's init() method. Also when using an After hook and not replacing the hooked method. No luck so far...
  20. Hello! I have a very special Processwire Setup. Short: We use Processwire for our "Blog", which is embedded in an SAP Hybris Webshop. PW provedes the Contnet via HTML and Hybris render this HTML into the Webshop (Between Default Header, Navigation and Footer) The URLs which are created in PW are the URLs for the local HTML e.g.: http://processwire.webshop.com/en/news/some-article If some Editor creates an article, he want to see the preview in the real webshop embedded. This URL would be: http://www.webshop.coom/en/blog/news/some-article Where and how can I create a Module which overwrites the URL with the correct one in the Admin-Area?
  21. Hello (again), My project is a multilanguage one. On the homepage, I have a header menu where I display link of features, example : <?php $lg = $session->lg; echo $page->localHttpUrl("$lg").'dashboard'?> ?> My website displays french by default. The homepage is : www.website.com/ (in french default language) The link in the code above is rendered as : www.website.com/dashboard When I click on this link, it does a 301 -> www.website.com/fr/dashboard dashboard is a child page of the homepage. When I does the same in a non default language, such as 'en' / english for example, it doesn't do that 301 because the generated link in my code is www.website.com/en/dashboard I know there is an option in the core module LanguageSupportPageName to prefix the page of the default language by 'fr' (in my case), but apparently it's not recommended. "Choose Yes if you want the homepage of your default language to be served by the root URL / (recommended). Choose No if you want your root URL to perform a redirect to /name/ (where /name/ is the default language name of your homepage)." Maybe it's not recommended because it's causing a 301 when you arrive the first time on the homepage (from / to /fr). So how I could generate my link in the menu such as it displays www.website.com/fr ? I can do it by hacking some php of course, but perhaps there is a PW way to do it ? Thanks
  22. Hi there, I was wondering if page->url and page->httpUrl are stored anywhere in the backend? I haven't been able to locate it so I'm beginning to think these are generated or calculated on the fly? Thanks in advance
  23. Hello, Is there a way to regenerate the name from the title in the API, like: $myPage->regenerateName(); $myPage->save(); or similar? I'm looking to batch rename a lot of urls, but only once.
  24. Hi there, I am using a url schema like this: page.html page1.html etc. As the name unter settings. I don't want to start a discussion about how useful .html is Works but not for pages that have child pages, where the path would is page.html/child1.html page1.html/child4.html The page and page1 should be without html if I access the children and with if I click the parent.
  25. Hi guys, I'm a Processwire-Newbie and new to this forum. Happily I have to struggle with very few difficulties, thanks to the clear and pleasing concept and structure of PW. Currently there is only one thing that makes me brood: I have a main category 'posts' that contains the majority of all pages. So the regular url would be 'domain/posts/post-one' etc. As I prefer the url scheme 'domain/post-one' I followed the instructions discussed in this topic. This hook is in my 'init.php': wire()->addHookBefore('Page::path', function($event) { $page = $event->object; if($page->template == 'post') { $event->replace = true; $event->return = "/$page->name/"; } }); And this is in my 'home' template: if(strlen($input->urlSegment2)) { throw new Wire404Exception(); } else if(strlen($input->urlSegment1)) { $input->urlSegment1; $name = $sanitizer->pageName($input->urlSegment1); $post = $pages->get("/posts/")->child("name=$name"); if($post->id) echo $post->render(); else throw new Wire404Exception(); $renderMain = false; } else { // regular homepage output $posts = $pages->find("parent=/posts/, limit=$limit, sort=-date"); $body = renderPosts($posts); } Both templates 'home' and 'post' have 'url segments' option activated. On the first sight everything is working fine. $page-name outputs '/domain/post-one' and the page '/domain/post-one' ist getting displayed. What's frighening me is the fact, that 'domain/posts/post-one' is working as well. This means 'post-one' can be adressed with two different urls, and I’m not sure how to rate that. On one hand, nobody will ever notice the '/domain/posts/page-one' option, as it's listed nowhere. So I could just ignore it. On the other hand, I don't know for sure if this presumption is correct. Maybe there are unknown channels where the 'wrong' urls will be spreaded, then there will be 'doubled content' which is bad, as far as I know. So what I'm asking for: Is there an easy way to avoid the double url-scheme option and output a 404 error, when 'domain/posts/page-one' is called? Or should I just don't care, as it doesn't matter a all? Unfortunately, I don’t fully understand every line of the second code, so I would be very grateful if someone could light it up for me a bit. Thanks + regards Ralf
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