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  1. Email Verification This module provides functions to validate email adresses and hosts. The module generates a textfile for blacklisted mailhosts (trashmail), which will be always up to date. Download https://modules.processwire.com/modules/email-verification/ API // get module $mailcheck = $modules->get('EmailVerification'); // return bool/ string - automatted update of blacklist file $mailcheck->blacklisted(email|domain) // return bool - validate a top level domain, checks against IANA list $mailcheck->validTLD(tld) // return array of punycoded TLDs - cyclic updated, data pulled from IANA $mailcheck->getTLDs(cycle=2592000) // return bool - checks syntax converts to punycode $mailcheck->validDomainName(domain); // return bool - checks punycode encoded syntax $mailcheck->validHostName(host); // return bool - checks syntax and accessibility $mailcheck->validHost(email|domain) // add a single value to blacklist $mailcheck->addToBlacklist(email|domain) USAGE $mailcheck = $modules->get('EmailCheck'); $email = 'susi@trashmail.com'; if($mailcheck->blacklisted($email)) echo 'Email Provider not allowed'; if(!$mailcheck->validHost($email)) echo 'Mailhost not available'; Example blacklist file: blacklist.txt
  2. Process Render File A Process module that renders markup from files in /site/templates/ProcessRenderFile/. This provides an easy way to create simple admin screens where it might be overkill to create a dedicated Process module for the purpose. Process page When you install the module a page with the name "render-file" and the title "Render File" is created under Setup. To change the page name or title, expand Page List to Admin > Setup > Render File and open the page for editing. Tip: if you create a new text field with the name "page_icon" and add it to the core "admin" template you can set a custom menu icon for the page by entering the icon name into the field. E.g. enter "smile-o" to use a smiley icon for the page. If you want to use ProcessRenderFile for more than one Process page you can create a new page under Setup. Select "admin" for the template, enter a title for the page, and in the next step choose ProcessRenderFile in the Process dropdown. Render files for URL segments On install the module will create a "ProcessRenderFile" folder in /site/templates/. Any .php files you save to this folder will be rendered as the output of a matching URL segment for Process pages using ProcessRenderFile. For example, if you create a file foo.php containing code... echo "This is the output of foo.php"; ...then you'll see this output when you visit /processwire/setup/render-file/foo/ (assuming the default ProcessWire admin page name and the default ProcessRenderFile page name). In the render file you can use all the ProcessWire API variables like $pages, $input, etc, as you would in a template file. If you create foo.js and foo.css (or foo.scss if you have ProCache installed) then those assets will be automatically loaded when you visit /processwire/setup/render-file/foo/. When a file is rendered the filename will be converted into a capitalised format that's used as a browser title and a headline. If you want to set a custom browser title and/or headline you can do this in your render file: $this->wire('processBrowserTitle', 'Custom browser title'); $this->wire('processHeadline', 'Custom headline'); Render file for the Process page If you create a render file that has the same name as the ProcessRenderFile Process page then this file will be rendered when the Process page is viewed without any URL segment. So for the default ProcessRenderFile page name you would create render-file.php. Note that this will override the default list output described below. Configuration The module configuration screen lets you select URL segment render files to appear as menu items. The selected render files will appear in the flyout menu for the Process page, and also as a list when the Process page is viewed without any URL segment. The list is only shown if you haven't created a render file for the Process page as described above. If you've created more than one ProcessRenderFile Process page then you'll see menu options for each page in the module configuration. https://github.com/Toutouwai/ProcessRenderFile https://processwire.com/modules/process-render-file/
  3. Hey folks! Took a couple of late nights, but managed to turn this old gist of mine into a proper module. The name is SearchEngine, and currently it provides support for indexing page contents (into a hidden textarea field created automatically), and also includes a helper feature ("Finder") for querying said contents. No fancy features like stemming here yet, but something along those lines might be added later if it seems useful (and if I find a decent implementation to integrate). Though the API and selector engine make it really easy to create site search pages, I pretty much always end up duplicating the same features from site to site. Also – since it takes a bit of extra time – it's tempting to skip over some accessibility related things, and leave features like text highlighting out. Overall I think it makes sense to bundle all that into a module, which can then be reused over and over again ? Note: markup generation is not yet built into the module, which is why the examples below use PageArray::render() method to produce a simple list of results. This will be added later on, as a part of the same module or a separate Markup module. There's also no fancy JS API or anything like that (yet). This is an early release, so be kind – I got the find feature working last night (or perhaps this morning), and some final tweaks and updates were made just an hour ago ? GitHub repository: https://github.com/teppokoivula/SearchEngine Modules directory: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/search-engine/ Demo: https://wireframe-framework.com/search/ Usage Install SearchEngine module. Note: the module will automatically create an index field install time, so be sure to define a custom field (via site config) before installation if you don't want it to be called "search_index". You can change the field name later as well, but you'll have to update the "index_field" option in site config or module settings (in Admin) after renaming it. Add the site search index field to templates you want to make searchable. Use selectors to query values in site search index. Note: you can use any operator for your selectors, you will likely find the '=' and '%=' operators most useful here. You can read more about selector operators from ProcessWire's documentation. Options By default the module will create a search index field called 'search_index' and store values from Page fields title, headline, summary, and body to said index field when a page is saved. You can modify this behaviour (field name and/or indexed page fields) either via the Module config screen in the PocessWire Admin, or by defining $config->SearchEngine array in your site config file or other applicable location: $config->SearchEngine = [ 'index_field' => 'search_index', 'indexed_fields' => [ 'title', 'headline', 'summary', 'body', ], 'prefixes' => [ 'link' => 'link:', ], 'find_args' => [ 'limit' => 25, 'sort' => 'sort', 'operator' => '%=', 'query_param' => null, 'selector_extra' => '', ], ]; You can access the search index field just like any other ProcessWire field with selectors: if ($q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q)) { $results = $pages->find('search_index%=' . $query_string . ', limit=25'); echo $results->render(); echo $results->renderPager(); } Alternatively you can delegate the find operation to the SearchEngine module: $query = $modules->get('SearchEngine')->find($input->get->q); echo $query->resultsString; // alias for $query->results->render() echo $query->pager; // alias for $query->results->renderPager() Requirements ProcessWire >= 3.0.112 PHP >= 7.1.0 Note: later versions of the module may require Composer, or alternatively some additional features may require installing via Composer. This is still under consideration – so far there's nothing here that would really depend on it, but advanced features like stemming most likely would. Installing It's the usual thing: download or clone the SearchEngine directory into your /site/modules/ directory and install via Admin. Alternatively you can install SearchEngine with Composer by executing composer require teppokoivula/search-engine in your site directory.
  4. https://github.com/dtjngl/DiagnosticLogger # DiagnosticLogger Do you struggle like me with keeping track of updates across multiple website projects? Do you also feel like your clients are unaware of what web development maintenance involves? Do you sometimes feel unappreciated for your hard work? If so, here's a solution for you. It's not perfect, but it's a start. **DiagnosticLogger** is a ProcessWire module designed to handle diagnostic logs and create notifications in the admin GUI. It can also send automated email summaries for warnings and errors found in these logs. ## Features - **Log Handling**: Captures and processes diagnostic logs. - **Admin Notifications**: Displays notifications within the admin GUI for detected issues. - **Email Summaries**: Sends automated emails summarizing warnings and errors. ## Integration The module integrates with **ProcessDiagnostics**, which is required for its functionality. It is designed to work seamlessly with ProcessDiagnostics but is not highly configurable. ## Important!! I wasn't able to accomplish this in the hook from inside the DiagnosticLogger class so you need to add these lines in the ProcessDiagnostics.module file to make this work. public function ___execute() { wire('log')->delete('diagnostics'); // to not be redundant // … foreach ($results as $caption => $section_results) { // … foreach ($section_results as $k => $row) { // … wire('log')->save('diagnostics', '|' . $row['title'] . '|' . $row['value'] . '|' . $row['status'] . '|' . $row['action']); } } } This will log the diagnostics everytime the ProcessDiagnostics runs. I still haven't figured out how to run diagnostics automatically or schedule them. ## Workaround for Background Diagnostics The logging feature acts as a workaround due to difficulties with running diagnostics in the background. The hooked method from ProcessDiagnostics will need to be made hookable for better integration. ## Configuration 1. Access the configuration settings in the ProcessWire admin interface. 2. Adjust the settings according to your needs. ## email LazyCron Scheduling For scheduling tasks using LazyCron, for example: - every2Weeks: Runs tasks every two weeks. - everyDay: Runs tasks every day. - everyWeek: Runs tasks every week. ## Installation 1. Download the module and place it in the `site/modules` directory. 2. Log in to the ProcessWire admin interface. 3. Go to Modules > Refresh. 4. Locate **DiagnosticLogger** and click **Install**. ## Usage Once installed, **DiagnosticLogger** will automatically start processing diagnostic logs. You can view notifications in the admin GUI and receive email summaries based on your configuration. ## Requirements - ProcessWire 3.x or later - ProcessDiagnostics module
  5. Hey there, born out of a personal need I've implement a lightweight version of @Robin S' Hanna Code Dialog module for TinyMCE. In a bout of creativity, I've named it HannaCodeDialogTiny This module is still in alpha state and needs some extensive testing. If you encounter any problems, please open an issue on GitHub. It has no select options, descriptions or cheat sheets (yet), and it doesn't cope well with nested Hanna Codes. What it does have is the Insert Hanna Code dropdown in the TinyMCE menu bar with dialog-based insertion, non-editable Hanna Codes in the editor, double click on existing codes for editing in a dialog. Hanna Codes are also highlighted, and you can drag and drop them around. The dropdown: Double click on any highlighted Hanna Code: Fill in your values: The Hanna Code has been changed: Have fun!
  6. Introducing ProcessDiagnostics and it's helper module suite. (Is this ProcessWire's first community-created module suite?) Description This suite adds a page under the setup menu that displays information about your installation. Each section's data is provided by a specialist diagnostic helper module but it is all collected and displayed by ProcessDiagnostics. The ProcessDiagnostics module itself does not encode any knowledge about what makes up a good or bad setting in PW - (that's done by the helper modules) - but it does the following... Gather the diagnosics (thanks to PW's hook system) Display the collected diagnostics Provide helper functions for describing some common things Dispatch actions to diagnostic provider modules (again thanks to PW's hook system) And eventually it will: Allow control of the verbosity of the output Allow the output to be emailed to a sysop Store the results between visits to the page Detect differences between results at set times Send a notification on detection of changes Although I am curating the collection, anyone is welcome to fork the repo, make changes in a topic branch, and submit pull requests. I've already had submissions from horst and Nico. Diagnostic Providers The current diagnostic providers include... DiagnosePhp - Simple diagnostics about the PHP envirnoment on the server DiagnoseModules - An ajax based module version checker by @Nico DiagnoseImagehandler - Lets you know about GD + Imagick capabilities by @horst DiagnoseDatabase - Checks each DB table and lets you know what engine and charset are in use DiagnoseWebserver - Checks the webserver setup DiagnoseFilesystem - Looks at how your directory and files are configured and warns of permission issues (currently incomplete) There is also a bare bones demonstration diagnostic module... DiagnoseExample - minimal example to get module authors started. Translations English & German (thank you @Manfred62!) Help translating this suite to other languages is always welcome. On The Net Check out Nico's blog post about this suite on supercode.co!
  7. Hi all, Media Manager Next/013 Sorry I haven't posted here in a while. I am currently working on the next version of Media Manager. It will part be refactoring and part be some new (some requested) features. I have been having some very helpful conversations with a number of you. Below are the current plans for the next version. Any other thoughts and/or ideas I should consider? It is a bit of work so I might have to stretch this into several updates (versions). Thanks. New Features Upload from external sources (Amazon, Google, etc.). Point media to external resource (e.g. to a video in YT, Vimeo, etc.). Independently set media title on upload Improve/extend media filter/profiles to MM Inputfields (possibly pick and apply a profile from a list) (thanks @gebeer) PDF thumb preview (thanks @gebeer) Upload and replace media (for single media MM inputfields). API (thanks @MrSnoozles) Any other thoughts.....? Refactor Remove dependency on JqueryFileUpload Remove dependency on jQuery -> use htmx and alpine JS instead. Easier to maintain for me as well as more flexibility. Improved preview of media and their properties. Better preview of media before upload. Redesigned GUI - Intuitive (like GDrive(?)), do away with media menus (use filters instead), need oMedia is just media. Remove/reduce use of modals. Allow grouping of media (link an album) <- not yet confirmed if will be implemented Implement hookable methods to allow easier developer control for those who need advanced/custom control of their MM. A number of reported bug fixes as well. ETA? I cannot give a firm date about this, sorry.
  8. This module tracks changes, additions, removals etc. of public (as in "not under admin") pages of your site. Like it's name says, it doesn't attempt to be a version control system or anything like that - just a log of what's happened. At the moment it's still a work in progress and will most likely be a victim of many ruthless this-won't-work-let's-try-that-instead cycles, but I believe I've nailed basic functionality well enough to post it here.. so, once again, I'll be happy to hear any comments you folks can provide https://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-changelog/ https://github.com/teppokoivula/ProcessChangelog How does it work? Exactly like it's (sort of) predecessor, Process Changelog actually consists of two modules: Process Changelog and Process Changelog Hooks. Hooks module exists only to serve main module by hooking into various functions within Pages class, collecting data of performed operations, refining it and keeping up a log of events in it's own custom database table (process_changelog.) Visible part is managed by Process Changelog, which provides users a (relatively) pretty view of the contents of said log table. How do you use it? When installed this module adds new page called Changelog under Admin > Setup which provides you with a table view of collected data and basic filtering tools See attached screenshots to get a general idea about what that page should look like after a while. For detailed installation instructions etc. see README.md.
  9. Easily insert any complex HTML, Javascript or PHP output in your ProcessWire content by creating your own Hanna code tags. This module is based loosely on the WordPress Hana Code Insert plugin. A Hanna code tag looks like [[hello_world]]. A Hanna code tag with attributes looks like [[hello_world foo=bar" bar="foo]] using HTML style attributes or [[hello_world foo=bar, bar=foo]] using ProcessWire selector style attributes. After installing the module, you define your Hanna codes in Setup > Hanna Code. These Hanna codes that you define can then be entered within your body copy (or other text where you allow) and they will be replaced with the values defined or generated by your Hanna code. A common use case is to embed scripts or other bits of HTML or codes that would usually be stripped out by an editor like TinyMCE. However, Hanna codes can be more than just static snippets--they can be dynamic PHP or Javascript that outputs different things according to the request. PHP-based Hanna codes have access to the entire ProcessWire API. Hanna code accepts named attributes in the tag that can be passed as variables to PHP and Javascript Hanna codes. These attributes can be specified either in HTML attribute format or ProcessWire selector format. In either case, quotes should be used around the attribute value when the value contains whitespace or a comma. How to install Place the module files in /site/modules/TextformatterHannaCode/ In your admin, click Modules > Check for new modules Click install for TextformatterHannaCode Now to go Setup > Fields and locate the Textarea field(s) that you want to use Hanna codes with ("body" for instance). When editing the field, click the details tab, and select "Hanna Code" as the Textformatter. Save. Now go to Setup > Hanna Code and start defining your Hanna Codes! You may want to use one of the examples from this document to get started. Tag format Below is a Hanna code tag named hello_world with no attributes. If you pasted this into your body copy, you would get whatever the replacement value is that you defined. [[hello_world]] Below is a Hanna code tag named hello_world being passed attributes of foo, bar and foobar. If this were a PHP-based Hanna code, it would receive the variables $foo, $bar and $foobar: [[hello_world foo="bar" bar="foo" foobar="foo bar"]] Below is the same Hanna code tag as above, but with attributes more like ProcessWire selectors. You can use whatever format you prefer. Just note that unlike regular ProcessWire selectors, quotes (single or double) are required around any value that has whitespace. [[hello_world, foo=bar, bar=foo, foobar="foo bar"]] How to use Please make sure that you have completed the How to install section first. Then in your admin, go to Setup > Hanna Codes. Each Hanna code that you add has a type of either: Text/HTML, Javascript or PHP. The Text/HTML type is literally self explanatory in that your [[custom-tag]] is replaced with exactly the text you paste in. Anywhere that you type your [[custom-tag]] in your body copy will be replaced with exactly the static text you defined. More power opens up with the Javascript and/or PHP types of codes. These codes execute at runtime and thus can contain specific logic to produce different results. In fact, PHP Hanna codes have access to the entire ProcessWire API and are executed in the same manner as template files. Your PHP-based Hanna code should simply "echo" or "print" the replacement value. PHP example Create a new Hanna code with the name "children". Select "PHP" as the type. Paste in the following for the code: foreach($page->children as $child) { echo "<p><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a>"; } Now go and edit a page that has children. In the body copy, enter [[children]] in the place where you want the output to appear. View the page, and you should see the rendered list of links to children. PHP example, part 2 Now lets take the above example further... Go back and edit your "children" Hanna code, as we are going to modify it to respond to a "parent" attribute. Change the code to this: if(isset($parent)) { // If $parent is an ID or path, lets convert it to a Page $parent = $pages->get($parent); } else { // otherwise lets assume the current page is the parent $parent = $page; } foreach($parent->children as $child) { echo "<p><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a>"; } Go back and edit the page where you previously inserted the [[children]] tag, and change it to: [[children, parent=1]] (specifying the homepage) or [[children, parent=/path/to/some/parent/]] if you want to try something else. View the page and you should now see it showing the children of the homepage (or of another parent you specified). Please see the Javascript and PHP usage notes on the Hanna code entry screen. Security There are major security implications with a tool that will let you enter unfiltered text and code from your web browser. As a result, Hanna codes are meant for definition only by superusers and we recommend keeping it that way. Download Download the Hanna Code module from the ProcessWire modules page or from GitHub.
  10. MarkupMenu is a markup module for generating menu trees. When provided a root page as a starting point, it generates a navigation tree (by default as a HTML "<ul>" element wrapped by a "<nav>" element) from that point onwards. If you've also provided it with current (active) page, the menu will be rendered accordingly, with current item highlighted and items rendered up to that item and its children (unless you disable the "collapsed" option, in which case the full page tree will be rendered instead). Modules directory: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-menu/ GitHub repository: https://github.com/teppokoivula/MarkupMenu Usage As a markup module, MarkupMenu is intended for front-end use, but you can of course use it in a module as well. Typically you'll only need the render() method, which takes an array of options as its only argument: echo $modules->get('MarkupMenu')->render([ 'root_page' => $pages->get(1), 'current_page' => $page, ]); Note: if you omit root_page, site root page is used by default. If you omit current_page, the menu will be rendered, but current (active) page won't be highlighted etc. A slightly more complex example, based on what I'm using on one of my own sites to render a (single-level) top menu: echo $modules->get('MarkupMenu')->render([ 'current_page' => $page, 'templates' => [ 'nav' => '<nav class="{classes} menu--{menu_class_modifier}" aria-label="{aria_label}">%s</nav>', 'item_current' => '<a class="menu__item menu__item--current" href="{item.url}" tabindex="0" aria-label="Current page: {item.title}">{item.title}</a>', ], 'placeholders' => [ 'menu_class_modifier' => 'top', 'aria_label' => 'Main navigation', ], 'include' => [ 'root_page' => true, ], 'exclude' => [ 'level_greater_than' => 1, ], ]); Note: some things you see above may not be entirely sensible, such as the use of {menu_class_modifier} and {aria_label} placeholders. On the actual site the "nav" template is defined in site config, so I can define just these parts on a case-by-case basis while actual nav markup is maintained in one place. Please check out the README file for available render options. I'd very much prefer not to keep this list up to date in multiple places. Basically there are settings for defining "templates" for different parts of the menu (list, item, etc.), include array for defining rules for including in the menu and exclude array for the opposite effect, classes and placeholders arrays for overriding default classes and injecting custom placeholders, etc. ? MarkupMenu vs. MarkupSimpleNavigation TL;DR: this is another take on the same concept. There are many similarities, but also some differences – especially when it comes to the supported options and syntax. If you're currently using MarkupSimpleNavigation then there's probably no reason to switch over. I'd be surprised if someone didn't draw lines between this module and Soma's awesome MarkupSimpleNavigation. Simply put I've been using MSN (...) for years, and it's been great – but there are some issues with it, particularly in the markup generation area, and it also does some things in a way that doesn't quite work for me – the xtemplates thing being one of these. In some ways less about features, and more about style, I guess ? Anyhow, in MarkupMenu I've tried to correct those little hiccups, modernise the default markup, and allow for more flexibility with placeholder variables and additional / different options. MarkupMenu was built for ProcessWire 3.0.112+ and with PHP 7.1+ in mind, it's installable with Composer, and I have a few additional ideas (such as conditional placeholders) still on my todo list. One more small(ish) difference is that MarkupMenu supports overriding default options via $config->MarkupMenu. I find myself redefining the default markup for every site, which until now meant that each site had a wrapper function for MarkupSimpleNavigation (to avoid code / config repetition), and this way I've been able to leave that out ? Requirements ProcessWire >= 3.0.112 PHP >= 7.1.0 If you're working on an earlier version of ProcessWire or PHP, use MarkupSimpleNavigation instead.
  11. Hey guys, first, ProcessWire is a great piece of software. Thanks for that and the great community behind that. So, i'm realy new to ProcessWire, but i will present you my first module for SEO- and performance optimizing: AIOM+ (All In One Minify). AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML AIOM+ (All In One Minify) is a module to easily improve the performance of your website. By a simple function call Stylesheets, LESS and Javascript files can be parsed, minimized and combined into one single file. This reduces the server requests, loading time and minimizes the traffic. In addition, the generated HTML source code can be minimized and all generated files can be loaded over a cookieless domain (domain sharding). Install AIOM+ Download current release (link below) Extract and copy the files for this module to /site/modules/AllInOneMinify/ Login to PW backend and go to Modules > Check for new modules Install Module > AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML Alternative in ProcessWire 2.4 Login to PW backend and go to Modules Click tab "new" and enter Module Class Name: "AllInOneMinify" Click "Download and Install" Features Combining stylesheets / LESS files or JavaScripts Minimize the combined files No change to the .htaccess necessary (except for the domain sharding) Server-side LESS parsing without plugins HTML source code minimization Cookieless domain / domain sharding Automatic cache management (With changes to the source file, the cache is rebuilt) Configurable via the backend Automatic rewriting the paths in the stylesheet and LESS files. No changes are needed Optional developer mode (combining, but no minimize and browser cache prevention) Clear the cache on the backend Conditional loading for CSS, LESS and JS (since Version 3.1.1) How to use Minimize multiple stylesheet or LESS files into one file. You can even mix stylesheet and LESS files in parsing and combining process! <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo AIOM::CSS(array('css/file-1.css', 'css/file-2.less', 'css/file-3.css', 'css/file-4.less')); ?>"> Minimize multiple javascript files into one file. <script src="<?php echo AIOM::JS(array('js/file-1.js', 'js/file-2.js', 'js/file-3.js', 'js/file-4.js')); ?>"></script> Conditional loading (same with Javascripts) <?php $stylesheets = array('css/reset.css', 'css/main.less', array('loadOn' => 'id|template=1002|1004|sitemap', // PW API selector 'files' => array('css/special.css', 'css/special-theme.less'))); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo AIOM::CSS($stylesheets); ?>" /> More Information, Documentation and Download AIOM+ in ProcessWire repository AIOM+ on GitHub So, I hope you can do something with this module. Dave
  12. Hi Everyone! So I've been working with PW for over ten years now!!! Big thanks to @ryan and everyone in the community (genuinely such a warm community). I've made a few modules in my time as well as tutorials and this was the first that I thought might work as a commercial module: MembersMessaging This module enables you to easily setup a messaging system for your users through your site. Allow your website users to message other users on the site given a user name or similar information. Module uses the notions of threads, messages and users to describe the message relationship -> A thread is a page storing n messages including: time posted, created by user and message text, the user ids in that thread, which users have unread messages in that thread, whether messages are encrypted (and it's salt). User pages have a list of all threads they are apart. In your templates you can add: a compose message form, threads and their messages, thread reply forms, message and threads counts, as well as delete and delete all messages. You can view messages in the admin (unless encrypted set to True) and view message stats and module usage in admin page Members. Purchase here How to install? - Install Processwire - Add MembersMessagingModule folder to modules folder in processwire: /site/modules/ - Login to your site admin and navigate to Modules: yoursite.com/[admin]/module - Configure the module settings: yoursite.com/[admin]/module/edit?name=MembersMessaging` - Follow the instructions below to add messaging to your templates How to use Example usage: $mm = $modules->getModule("MembersMessaging"); echo $mm->execute(); echo $mm->js(); echo $mm->css(); Full api here. Configuration Module allows you to configure whether: to allow new threads to yourself to allow new threads to guest user role to trash or unpublish threads deleted from frontend to use select or textinput for username input to allow an All keyword to signal thread should include all users to change all keyword to something else to notify a user via email they have been sent a new message to set email sender address to change username output from user name field to some other field specified to change default max threads and messages to display to encrypt messages (using basic encrypt strategy that encrypts each message on server before DB save, and is decrypted on request) Roadmap: Available here. ------- I'm not really sure how much interest there would be in this module so I've posted it to GumRoad for now, but will be looking to work on a PW store front if theres any interest in it and other modules - I've got ideas for other modules such as deffered page publishing, image folder GUI, protected field, field dependencies, pages contraits. I'm also available for hire currently to work on sites or modules https://www.benbyford.com
  13. ProcessWire Dashboard Download You can find the latest release on Github. Documentation Check out the documentation to get started. This is where you'll find information about included panel types and configuration options. Custom Panels The goal was to make it simple to create custom panels. The easiest way to do that is to use the panel type template and have it render a file in your templates folder. This might be enough for 80% of all use cases. For anything more complex (FormBuilder submissions? Comments? Live chat?), you can add new panel types by creating modules that extend the DashboardPanel base class. Check out the documentation on custom panels or take a look at the HelloWorld panel to get started. I'm happy to merge any user-created modules into the main repo if they might be useful to more than a few people. Roadmap Panel types Google Analytics Draft At a glance / Page counter 404s Layout options Render multiple tabs per panel Chart panel load chart data from JS file (currently passed as PHP array)
  14. This module adds a "SEO" tab to every page where you can define a special title, description, keywords, etc. Try it http://aluminum-j4f.lightningpw.com/processwire/ Name: demo Pass: demo123 How to use You can choose between include automatically or use the following methods: $config->seo // includes all the default values and configuration settings // e.g.: $config->seo->title $config->seo->keywords $page->seo // includes all the default values mixed with the page related seo data // e.g.: $page->seo->title $page->seo->keywords // for rendering: $page->seo->render . . Screenshot Download You can download it in the modules repository: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-seo/
  15. Hello! Mailchimp is a popular email marketing platform and one that is used more often than any alternative by my clients. After having to work with embedding HTML and creating generic Textarea fields to output to pages, I wanted to create a better experience and robust form management. Mailchimp for Formbuilder is a module that adds a new form processing Action to form configuration in FormBuilder. It's intended to be easy to use for both ProcessWire developers and end users while being very configurable. This module lets you do more in ProcessWire faster with great feature parity. Here are some module features: Create new FormBuilder forms that collect Mailchimp subscription signups Add Mailchimp subscription signup abilities to any existing FormBuilder form Each FormBuilder form is configured independently so you can create forms for specific Mailchimp needs Compatible with any type of field that can be configured in Mailchimp Manage Mailchimp settings right where you configure other FormBuilder form settings Stop pasting Mailchimp form embed codes and make subscribing to Mailchimp lists easy using your forms styled the way you want No need to create redirect pages for successful signups, let FormBuilder handle the form submission experiences Choose what actions to take, add new subscribers, update existing subscriber contact information, or unsubscribe existing contacts Logs error messages when encountered while communicating with Mailchimp, or form submission issues occur that prevent sending a subscription to Mailchimp Provides in-depth logging for each event during the subscription process while ProcessWire is in debug mode to help developers troubleshoot and/or understand what is happening behind the scenes. Mailchimp for FormBuilder aims to take advantage of the core features Mailchimp offers: Audiences (lists) - Collect subscriptions for any Audience in Mailchimp Audience Tags - Organize and segment your Mailchimp contacts with one or more tags Form Fields - Collect subscriber information using text, number, radio buttons, check boxes, drop downs, dates, addresses, website, and phone fields Interest Groups - Create Interest Group fields in Mailchimp to further organize your Contacts and create targeted campaigns Screenshots: Install the module and Mailchimp for FormBuilder, add your Mailchimp API key. Edit your form, choose your audience, save, and return to configure. In addition to configuration options, Mailchimp for FormBuilder includes robust high-level instructions under "How to configure..." that help less-technical end users manage their forms. Choose your audience, subscription action, and status. Choose whether to only accept new subscribers, add and update existing contacts, or unsubscribe. Pre-define whether a subscriber will receive HTML or plain text email, or choose a field to let people filling out your forms decide. Optionally mark subscribers as VIP, choose whether to provide Mailchimp the IP address at the time of signup. Choose from existing Audience Tags, or create new tags right in ProcessWire. Audience Tags created while editing one form makes available as an option to all forms. Choose which Mailchimp fields should receive form data, as many or as few as desired. If a field is set as required in Mailchimp, it will be required here too. Mailchimp only requires an email address for all subscribers by default. The Mailchimp fields you select appear below to choose the form field that should be associated with it. Notes appear below each field where helpful information is provided by Mailchimp to help you configure your form fields. If a field has multiple options in Mailchimp, such as dropdown/radio/checkbox fields, the values Mailchimp expects are noted so that you can ensure your fields submit the correct information. Date fields show the format that Mailchimp uses for that field, but Mailchimp for FormBuilder will automatically format your date fields to match what Mailchimp requires so no extra work required. Fields that are configured in Mailchimp as an Interest List show the value(s) your form field can submit. Collect information for complex fields such as addresses. Just choose the form field for each Mailchimp field. Required fields helps you make sure that your addresses will be accepted by Mailchimp. There is also an ability to choose a checkbox in your form that determines if a submission should be sent to Mailchimp. If a checkbox field is configured then a value is required to send your form data to Mailchimp, if it's left unchecked then the Mailchimp process is skipped entirely. This is a local field that is independently managed separately from Mailchimp. Known limitations: File upload fields can't be processed. While Mailchimp provides a file URL field that can be used in forms, the files uploaded via FormBuilder are not yet ready when this module parses submission data. Mailchimp has added GDPR settings but working with them via the API is a little more complex than expected. I'm not sure whether the GDPR features in Mailchimp are actually required for the EU, but I would like to eventually implement this to be feature-complete and more helpful for our European comrades. Considerations to keep in mind: This module makes every attempt to maintain parity between Mailchimp and ProcessWire configurations but there are reasonable limitations to be expected. Because data is being sent to a Mailchimp account from an external source (ProcessWire), it is not possible to automatically know if changes have been made in Mailchimp. Audience Tags are a good example. Tags may be created, edited, and deleted in Mailchimp but it will still accept any tags submitted due to how the API works. So if you have a form that tags subscriptions "Special Offers" but that tag is deleted or modified in Mailchimp, "Special Offers" will be re-created the next time a form is submitted. If a Mailchimp field is changed to required but the form hasn't been updated then subscriptions may be rejected. Mailchimp for FormBuilder fails silently and takes the route of logging errors rather than preventing FormBuilder from continuing to process the submission. This is to prevent data loss and interruptions for the end user as well as allow other form actions to still take place. It is recommended that forms always store submissions in the database as long as this FormBuilder processor is in use. This is an alpha release! I've built it for a project in-progress so it works as far as I've tested it. Please test thoroughly and share any bugs or issues here or by filing an issue on the Github repo. When it's had wider testing and thumbs up from users I'll submit it to the modules directory. Thanks! Download Mailchimp for FormBuilder from the Github repository here.
  16. Since it came up in this question and I had some time to kill in front of my computer waiting for updates to finish which I had to verify, I got curios whether copy & paste from Word on Windows into a TinyMCE editor field could be made to insert the formatted text and keep the images. Surprisingly, with the help of rtf.js, this went pretty quickly. Ryan already built automatic upload functionality (called ImgUpload) into the TinyMCE field, so I only had to enable the option and select a target field. Even though pasting word processor generated HTML is and always has been a sin, I built a small module for it anyway. I called it (I know, it sounds a bit clunky, but it was the best I could come up with, I'm a backend guy): RtfPasterTinyMce Usage Download the contents of this repository and unpack into a folder in site/modules Open ProcessWre admin and select Modules -> Refresh Click "Install" for "Rtf Paster TinyMCE" Go to "Fields" and select your TinyMCE field where you want to paste office content including images Check "rtfpaster" in "Additional plugins" on the "Input" tab and save your field configuration Edit a page with that field and copy a passage that contains both text and images from MS Word into your TinyMCE field. You should see your images there. Advanced Go into InputfieldTinyMCE's module settings and enable "Image fields for ImgUpload" Edit your TinyMCE field and select an existing image field in the "Image fiels for ImgUpload" select on the Input tab Paste some text / images mixture from your word processor MS Word Tadaa! Your images are magically uploaded into the selected field. Since the RTF doesn't contain any information about the file name of the source image, your uploaded images will be named fieldname.png, fieldname-1.png, fieldname-2.png etc. Keep in mind that this is so far a proof-of-concept module and hasn't been tested with different scenarios and source applications yet. Don't use it in production unless you feel confident to fix any errors yourself! Edit: Only successfully tested with MS Word. Not working with LibreOffice's RTF.
  17. A module to work around a few shortcomings of Fieldset and FieldsetPage fields. Not submitted to the modules directory because I'm hopeful that most if not all of this will be handled in the core eventually. https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1953 https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/533 https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/534 Fieldset Helper Adds some visibility features to fields of type FieldtypeFieldsetOpen and FieldsetPage, and adds a helper method to get the child fields of a FieldtypeFieldsetOpen field. Visibility The module adds support for the following visibility settings to FieldtypeFieldsetOpen and FieldsetPage fields: Open when populated + Closed when blank Open when populated + Closed when blank + Load only when opened (AJAX) * Open when populated + Closed when blank + Locked (not editable) Open when blank + Closed when populated "Blank" in the context of a fieldset means that all the child fields within the fieldset are blank. * The AJAX part of this option doesn't currently work for FieldsetPage. Get the child fields of a fieldset If you've ever wanted to get the child fields that are within a fieldset you will have noticed that the ProcessWire API doesn't provide a direct way of doing this. Although they appear indented in Edit Template, the child fields are actually all on the same "level" as the other fields in the template. The module adds a FieldtypeFieldsetOpen::getFieldsetFields() method that you can use to get the child fields of a fieldset for a given page. Example: $field = $fields->get('my_fieldset'); $template = $templates->get('my_template'); $fieldset_fields = $field->type->getFieldsetFields($field, $template); First argument: the fieldset Field, i.e. a Field whose type is an instance of FieldtypeFieldsetOpen (this includes FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen). Second argument: the Template that the fieldset field is part of. Return value: a FieldsArray of child fields. If there is a nested fieldset inside the fieldset then the child fields of the nested fieldset are not included in the return value, but of course you can use the method again to get the child fields of that fieldset. https://github.com/Toutouwai/FieldsetHelper
  18. I have had this module sitting in a 95% complete state for a while now and have finally made the push to get it out there. Thanks to @teppo for his Hanna Code Helper module which I referred to and borrowed from during development. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/hanna-code-dialog/ https://github.com/Toutouwai/HannaCodeDialog HannaCodeDialog Provides a number of enhancements for working with Hanna Code tags in CKEditor. The main enhancement is that Hanna tags in a CKEditor field may be double-clicked to edit their attributes using core ProcessWire inputfields in a modal dialog. Requires the Hanna Code module and >= ProcessWire v3.0.0. Installation Install the HannaCodeDialog module using any of the normal methods. For any CKEditor field where you want the "Insert Hanna tag" dropdown menu to appear in the CKEditor toolbar, visit the field settings and add "HannaDropdown" to the "CKEditor Toolbar" settings field. Module configuration Visit the module configuration screen to set any of the following: Exclude prefix: Hanna tags named with this prefix will not appear in the CKEditor toolbar dropdown menu for Hanna tag insertion. Exclude Hanna tags: Hanna tags selected here will not appear in the CKEditor toolbar dropdown menu for Hanna tag insertion. Background colour of tag widgets: you can customise the background colour used for Hanna tags in CKEditor if you like. Dialog width: in pixels Dialog height: in pixels Features Insert tag from toolbar dropdown menu Place the cursor in the CKEditor window where you want to insert your Hanna tag, then select the tag from the "Insert Hanna tag" dropdown. Advanced: if you want to control which tags appear in the dropdown on particular pages or templates you can hook HannaCodeDialog::getDropdownTags. See the forum support thread for examples . Edit tag attributes in modal dialog Insert a tag using the dropdown or double-click an existing tag in the CKEditor window to edit the tag attributes in a modal dialog. Tags are widgets Hanna tags that have been inserted in a CKEditor window are "widgets" - they have a background colour for easy identification, are protected from accidental editing, and can be moved within the text by drag-and-drop. Options for tag attributes may be defined You can define options for a tag attribute so that editors must choose an option rather than type text. This is useful for when only certain strings are valid for an attribute and also has the benefit of avoiding typos. Add a new attribute for the Hanna tag, named the same as the existing attribute you want to add options for, followed by "__options". The options themselves are defined as a string, using a pipe character as a delimiter between options. Example for an existing attribute named "vegetables": vegetables__options=Spinach|Pumpkin|Celery|Tomato|Brussels Sprout|Potato You can define a default for an attribute as normal. Use a pipe delimiter if defining multiple options as the default, for example: vegetables=Tomato|Potato Dynamic options Besides defining static options as above, you can use one Hanna tag to dynamically generate options for another. For instance, you could create a Hanna tag that generates options based on images that have been uploaded to the page, or the titles of children of the page. Your Hanna tag that generates the options should echo a string of options delimited by pipe characters (i.e. the same format as a static options string). You will probably want to name the Hanna tag that generates the options so that it starts with an underscore (or whatever prefix you have configured as the "exclude" prefix in the module config), to avoid it appearing as an insertable tag in the HannaCodeDialog dropdown menu. Example for an existing attribute named "image": image__options=[[_images_on_page]] And the code for the _images_on_page tag: <?php $image_names = array(); $image_fields = $page->fields->find('type=FieldtypeImage')->explode('name'); foreach($image_fields as $image_field) { $image_names = array_unique( array_merge($image_names, $page->$image_field->explode('name') ) ); } echo implode('|', $image_names); Choice of inputfield for attribute You can choose the inputfield that is used for an attribute in the dialog. For text attributes the supported inputfields are text (this is the default inputfield for text attributes so it isn't necessary to specify it if you want it) and textarea. Note: any manual line breaks inside a textarea are removed because these will break the CKEditor tag widget. Inputfields that support the selection of a single option are select (this is the default inputfield for attributes with options so it isn't necessary to specify it if you want it) and radios. Inputfields that support the selection of multiple options are selectmultiple, asmselect and checkboxes. You can also specify a checkbox inputfield - this is not for attributes with defined options but will limit an attribute to an integer value of 1 or 0. The names of the inputfield types are case-insensitive. Example for an existing attribute named "vegetables": vegetables__type=asmselect Descriptions and notes for inputfields You can add a description or notes to an attribute and these will be displayed in the dialog. Example for an existing attribute named "vegetables": vegetables__description=Please select vegetables for your soup. vegetables__notes=Pumpkin and celery is a delicious combination. Notes When creating or editing a Hanna tag you can view a basic cheatsheet outlining the HannaCodeDialog features relating to attributes below the "Attributes" config inputfield. Advanced Define or manipulate options in a hook You can hook HannaCodeDialog::prepareOptions to define or manipulate options for a Hanna tag attribute. Your Hanna tag must include a someattribute__options attribute in order for the hook to fire. The prepareOptions method receives the following arguments that can be used in your hook: options_string Any existing string of options you have set for the attribute attribute_name The name of the attribute the options are for tag_name The name of the Hanna tag page The page being edited If you hook after HannaCodeDialog::prepareOptions then your hook should set $event->return to an array of option values, or an associative array in the form of $value => $label. Build entire dialog form in a hook You can hook after HannaCodeDialog::buildForm to add inputfields to the dialog form. You can define options for the inputfields when you add them. Using a hook like this can be useful if you prefer to configure inputfield type/options/descriptions/notes in your IDE rather than as extra attributes in the Hanna tag settings. It's also useful if you want to use inputfield settings such as showIf. When you add the inputfields you must set both the name and the id of the inputfield to match the attribute name. You only need to set an inputfield value in the hook if you want to force the value - otherwise the current values from the tag are automatically applied. To use this hook you only have to define the essential attributes (the "fields" for the tag) in the Hanna Code settings and then all the other inputfield settings can be set in the hook. Example buildForm() hook The Hanna Code attributes defined for tag "meal" (a default value is defined for "vegetables"): vegetables=Carrot meat cooking_style comments The hook code in /site/ready.php: $wire->addHookAfter('HannaCodeDialog::buildForm', function(HookEvent $event) { // The Hanna tag that is being opened in the dialog $tag_name = $event->arguments(0); // Other arguments if you need them /* @var Page $edited_page */ $edited_page = $event->arguments(1); // The page open in Page Edit $current_attributes = $event->arguments(2); // The current attribute values $default_attributes = $event->arguments(3); // The default attribute values // The form rendered in the dialog /* @var InputfieldForm $form */ $form = $event->return; if($tag_name === 'meal') { $modules = $event->wire('modules'); /* @var InputfieldCheckboxes $f */ $f = $modules->InputfieldCheckboxes; $f->name = 'vegetables'; // Set name to match attribute $f->id = 'vegetables'; // Set id to match attribute $f->label = 'Vegetables'; $f->description = 'Please select some vegetables.'; $f->notes = "If you don't eat your vegetables you can't have any pudding."; $f->addOptions(['Carrot', 'Cabbage', 'Celery'], false); $form->add($f); /* @var InputfieldRadios $f */ $f = $modules->InputfieldRadios; $f->name = 'meat'; $f->id = 'meat'; $f->label = 'Meat'; $f->addOptions(['Pork', 'Beef', 'Chicken', 'Lamb'], false); $form->add($f); /* @var InputfieldSelect $f */ $f = $modules->InputfieldSelect; $f->name = 'cooking_style'; $f->id = 'cooking_style'; $f->label = 'How would you like it cooked?'; $f->addOptions(['Fried', 'Boiled', 'Baked'], false); $form->add($f); /* @var InputfieldText $f */ $f = $modules->InputfieldText; $f->name = 'comments'; $f->id = 'comments'; $f->label = 'Comments for the chef'; $f->showIf = 'cooking_style=Fried'; $form->add($f); } }); Troubleshooting HannaCodeDialog includes and automatically loads the third-party CKEditor plugins Line Utilities and Widget. If you have added these plugins to your CKEditor field already for some purpose and experience problems with HannaCodeDialog try deactivating those plugins from the CKEditor field settings.
  19. ColorPicker Custom Fieldtype/Inputfield for ProcessWire 2.+ This module gives you a new custom Fieldtype. Let's you select a color using a Colorpicker jQuery Plugin. The color selected will be stored in HEX format uppercase: "EAEAEA"; To use it in your template as a background HEX color, you'd simple output the value and prefix it with a #: echo "background-color: #" . $page->color; When creating a new field in the admin, you can set a default value the field should be prefilled with when creating a new page. The field supports a "reset" button to be able to set it back to the default value. The colorpicker used: ColorPicker jQuery Plugin by Eyecon Since 1.0.6 the colorpicker supports color swatches to add predefined colors for easy selection. Thanks @Rayden for the implementation. How to install: Download the contents of this repository and put the folder renamed as "ColorPicker" into your site/modules/ folder Login to processwire and got to Modules page and click "Check for new modules". You should see a note that two new modules were found. Install the FieldtypeColorPicker module under "Field" section. This will also install the required InputfieldColorPicker at the same time. Done You can now create a new field with the "ColorPicker" Fieldtype. Get it from modules section: http://modules.proce...e-color-picker/
  20. Now in the module directory: https://processwire.com/modules/process-indie-auth/ IndieAuth lets you sign in to applications using your domain name and grant access to read/write to your site. This module adds IndieAuth support to your ProcessWire site, enabling two main things: Authentication: When you visit a site like indielogin.com and enter your domain name, you will be taken to your ProcessWire admin area to sign in and approve the request. If you approve the request, you will be returned to the site and logged in as your domain name. Authorization: When you visit an application like Quill, it needs to also get your permission to post to your site. You will be taken to your ProcessWire admin area to sign in and approve the request/scopes that the app is requesting (create, update, delete, etc.). If you approve the request, you will be returned to the app, logged in as your domain name, and the app will have an access token for your site. Features Browse the applications you have granted access tokens to. See when each one was granted, last used, and will expire. Revoke any application’s access tokens Set the default expiration period for new access tokens. The initial default is 14 days. Automatically remove expired tokens During authorization, confirm and change the scopes granted to the application. For example, an app may request “create” and “delete” scopes, but you can grant only “create.” During authorization, you can also choose to grant an access token with no expiration Installation Navigate to Modules > New. In the Module Class Name field, enter ProcessIndieAuth Copy the template files from the module’s directory /extras/templates into your site’s /site/templates directory. Verify that the plugin installed pages: IndieAuth Metadata Endpoint Authorization Endpoint Token Endpoint Token Revocation Endpoint IndieAuth page under the admin’s Access menu Look up the user(s) that you want to allow to use IndieAuth and assign them the “indieauth” role Update your home page template to add the link elements inside the <head> element: <?=$modules->get('ProcessIndieAuth')->getLinkElements();?> This should result in three <link> elements in the source HTML: <head> <link rel="indieauth-metadata" href="/indieauth-metadata-endpoint/"> <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="/authorization-endpoint/"> <link rel="token_endpoint" href="/token-endpoint/"> </head> Sign In To test signing in with IndieAuth, visit indielogin.com and enter your domain name. Follow the prompts to authenticate and you should end up back on indielogin.com with a success message. Sign In and Authorize To authorize an application with IndieAuth, your site will first need a module that uses access tokens. I have a Micropub for ProcessWire module in development that does that. Micropub is a standard that lets you publish to your site using third-party clients. If you’d like to try it out, follow the instructions on GitHub to install it. After installing, visit Quill and enter your domain name. Follow the prompts and note the additional fields for “scope” and “expiration,” since you are authorizing an application to interact with your site. After successfully authorizing, try to post a short note from Quill. Quill should redirect you to the new post if it was successful. For a list of other Micropub clients you can try, see https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients. Admin and Options In the admin, you can see which applications you have granted access tokens to. You can see when each token was issued, last accessed, and its expiration. You can also manually revoke a token at any time. Navigate to: Access > IndieAuth. There are a couple options in the admin at: Modules > Configure > ProcessIndieAuth: Default access token lifetime (in seconds): This defaults to 14 days and is what appears in the authorization screenshot above. Automatically remove access tokens after expiration (enabled by default): When enabled, the site checks approximately every six hours and removes expired access tokens. Regardless of whether this option is enabled, the module will reject any application attempting to use an expired access token. Since access tokens cannot (currently) have their expiration extended, I recommend keeping this option enabled so the admin list stays tidy and current. Finally, this module writes some admin logs. Access those at: Setup > Logs > indieauth More About IndieAuth If you’re interested in more details about IndieAuth, I recommend the article “OAuth for the Open Web” by Aaron Parecki (or the video presentation). If you are interested in implementing IndieAuth in your project, see the IndieAuth specification. Originally published at: https://gregorlove.com/2022/07/indieauth-for-processwire-released/ Previously: 2021-10-07: This post was originally about alpha testing the plugin before I submitted it to the modules directory.
  21. This module provides Captcha functionality to ProcessWire. This specific captcha uses a puzzle that has to be solved by pulling the slider into the correct position. In contrast to other graphical captchas, this captcha also verifies the result on the server side. No jQuery is required. Only PHP and JavaScript. After module installation the source code in the page has to be modified as described in the following 3 examples. Example 1 This example shows, how to use the captcha with a form-submit and the captcha on the submit-button. Insert a onclick-listener in the button-tag: <button onclick="javascript:captcha('testform');return false;">Submit</button> Add the JavaScript: <script> function captcha(form) { slideCaptcha.onsuccess(function () { document.getElementById(form).submit(); slideCaptcha.hide(); slideCaptcha.refresh(); }); slideCaptcha.init(); slideCaptcha.show(); } </script> The form is not submitted by clicking on the button. Instead, the captcha is displayed. If the captcha has been solved correctly, the form is submitted. Check again on the server side, whether the captcha has really been solved: <?php session_start(); if ((isset($_POST['send'])) && ($_POST['send'] == '1')) { if ((isset($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk'])) && ($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk'] == 'ok')) { unset($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk']); echo '<p style="color:lime">Form submit received: Captcha solved</p>'; } else { echo '<p style="color:red">Form submit received: Captcha NOT solved.</p>'; } } ?> Example 2 This example shows, how to use the captcha with a form-submit and the captcha on a checkbox. Insert a onclick-listener in the checkbox-tag: <input id="id_checkbox" type="checkbox" required="required" onclick="javascript:captcha('id_checkbox');return false;" /> Add the JavaScript: <script> function captcha(checkbox) { slideCaptcha.init(); slideCaptcha.show(); slideCaptcha.onsuccess(function () { document.getElementById(checkbox).checked = true; slideCaptcha.hide(); slideCaptcha.refresh(); }); } </script> By using the required option inside the checkbox-tag, the form can only be submitted when the checkbox is checked. By clicking on the checkbox, the captcha is displayed. If the captcha has been solved correctly, the checkbox will be checked and the form can be submitted. Check again on the server side, as described in example 1, whether the captcha has really been solved. Example 3 This example shows, how to use the captcha with a hyperlink. Insert a onclick-listener in the hyperlink-tag. Also move the href link into the JavaScript-function: <a href="" onclick="javascript:captcha('Example3.php');return false;">DOWNLOAD</a> Add the JavaScript: <script> function captcha(file) { slideCaptcha.onsuccess(function () { window.location.href = file; slideCaptcha.hide(); slideCaptcha.refresh(); }); slideCaptcha.init(); slideCaptcha.show(); } </script> The captcha is displayed by clicking on the hyperlink. If the captcha has been solved correctly, the JavaScript will redirect to the specified location. Check again on the server side, whether the captcha has really been solved and deliver the content: <?php session_start(); if ((isset($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk'])) && ($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk'] == 'ok')) { unset($_SESSION['SlideCaptchaOk']); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Example3.php"'); readfile('Example3.php'); die(); } ?> Module settings The settings for this module are located in the menu Modules=>Configure=>CaptchaSlide. Filename Filename which must not exist in the root directory and also not represents a page. The filename must be also changed in the captcha.js. The resolving URL receives the information from the client side JavaScript. Tolerance Specifies a tolerance in order to offer better user experience. A tolerance of 3 means +- 3 pixel tolerance (3 recommended). Logging Logs unsolved and solved Captcha attempts in the ProcessWire system logs. Pages The JavaScript and CSS for the Captcha will be included into the following pages. Photos All photos provided by unsplash.com. As described on their website, all photos, offered on their website, can be used for free for commercial and non-commercial purposes: Link to module directory: https://processwire.com/modules/captcha-slide/ Link to github.com: https://github.com/techcnet/CaptchaSlide
  22. Hi everyone, We have a new module for you: the UpdMostViewed module. It's an addition to your ProcessWire site that enables you to track page views and deliver a list of your most visited pages within a given time range. This data is particularly useful for creating frontend features like a "Most Read Articles of the Week" widget. Installation You can choose to: Head into your ProcessWire backend, go to Modules > New and search for the Module UpdMostViewed. Get the module directly from the latest releases on our GitHub repository. If you're using Composer for your project, you can add the module by running the command composer require update-switzerland/updmostviewed in your project root directory. Once downloaded, you can install the module via the ProcessWire admin. Configuration The UpdMostViewed module provides you with a variety of configuration options. You can exclude certain branches, specific pages, certain IPs, restrict counting to specific templates, define which user roles to count, ignore views from search engine crawlers, and more. Moreover, you can also customize the time ranges for the "most viewed" data. Links For more detailed information on usage, updates, or to download the module, please visit our GitHub repository and check out the module in the Module Directory.
  23. PROCESSWIRE PROFILE EXPORTER This module serves two purposes: To enable exporting of ProcessWire 2.0 sites to a profile that can then be imported into ProcessWire 2.1 (i.e. to upgrade to 2.1). To enable exporting of ProcessWire 2.1 site profiles for sharing or distribution with others. In either case, the profile exporter does not touch your existing site. It just creates files in a directory (/site/install/) that can then be used for a fresh installation of ProcessWire. PLEASE NOTE: Consider this module alpha test only. It has not had a lot of use or testing yet so it's advisable to use it in a test environment and not on a production server at this time. I am posting this for those that indicated they wanted to help test the PW 2.0 to 2.1 upgrade process. HOW TO INSTALL Download at: https://github.com/r...ssExportProfile Place the file ProcessExportProfile.module in /site/modules/ Login to your admin, click "Modules" at the top, and click "Check for new modules" Click "install" for the Process > Export Profile module. It will create a new page where you can access it under the Setup menu. HOW TO EXPORT A PROFILE A profile consists of your site's database, files and templates. To create a profile, Go to Setup > Export Profile. Read the instructions and continue. Once the profile has been created, you can copy it somewhere else, zip it up, or [if performing an upgrade] copy it directly into your PW 2.1 directory as indicated in the 'upgrading' section below. The profile consists of files in these directories: /site/install/ < required /site/templates/ < required /site/modules/ < optional: use only if you have custom modules to include in the profile /site/templates-admin/ < optional: use only if you have a custom admin theme to include in the profile /site/assets/ < optional: use only if exporting all of /site/, and it should be left empty like PW's default profile* /site/config.php < optional: use only if you want to specify custom config settings, leave out otherwise** These directories collectively form the entire /site/ structure of a ProcessWire installation. If using the profile to upgrade ProcessWire from 2.0 to 2.1 then you'll only want the first two directories above (install and templates)–see the 'Upgrading' section following this one, as the instructions for upgrading are a little different than if you were exporting profiles for distribution. If you intend to share/distribute your profile with others (as opposed to upgrading), you'll want to ZIP them up into an archive (or use something like GitHub). You may want to make your profile include the entire /site/ directory for easier installation by others. If using the entire /site/ directory as your profile, then just copy all the /site/ files from ProcessWire's default uninstalled profile and replace the directories/files that you want to. For instance, you'll always want to replace the /site/install/ and /site/templates/ directories, but if your profile doesn't include plugin modules or configuration file changes, then you'd keep the default /site/config.php file and /site/modules/ directory from ProcessWire's default profile. *Any time you are including the entire /site/ directory as your profile, you'll want to include the /site/assets/ directory exactly as it is in the default ProcessWire uninstalled profile. That means the directory is empty, minus an index.php file. During installation, the installer copies files from /site/install/files/ to /site/assets/files/ and ensures they are writable. ProcessWire's installer also creates several other directories under /site/assets. But you don't need to worry about that. **If you ever do include a /site/config.php in your profile, make sure to remove the last 5 lines that contain confidential information about your database and user system hash. Once you've saved your profile somewhere else, you should delete the files that this module saved in /site/install/ (they might be consuming a lot of disk space). You'll see a link to do this after you've finished exporting a profile. UPGRADING FROM PROCESSWIRE 2.0 TO 2.1 This upgrade process is a little different from what you may have seen before. We won't actually be upgrading your current site. Instead we'll be exporting a profile of it, and using it to install a new/fresh copy of ProcessWire 2.1. To make this work, you'll have to install your copy of ProcessWire 2.1 in another location or another server. Once you've completed the installation and verified that everything is how it should be, you may then replace the original ProcessWire 2.0 site with the new one. It should be noted that this upgrade does not cover user accounts or access control. You will have to re-create any user accounts and access settings in the new system. This was necessary because PW 2.1 uses an entirely different user system and access control than PW 2.0. Should you have a lot of user accounts that need to be converted, let me know more in the PW forums and I can guide you through how to handle your specific case. Performing the upgrade 1. Export a site profile as described in the previous section. 2. Download the latest copy of ProcessWire 2.1 at http://processwire.com/download/ and install in a new location. If you are installing on the same server in a different directroy, then don't use the same database as you did in 2.0. Instead create a new database that you will be using for 2.1. 3. Before starting the 2.1 installer, copy these directories from your ProcessWire 2.0 installation to your ProcessWire 2.1 files (completely replacing the directories in the 2.1 files): /site/install/ => /site-default/install/ /site/templates/ => /site-default/templates/ 4. Now run the ProcessWire 2.1 installer by loading the URL to it in your browser. If all goes as it should, you'll see your 2.0 site now running 2.1. There are some likely issues that may occur, so read the following section about troubleshooting whether you think you need to or not. 2.0 TO 2.1 UPGRADE TROUBLESHOOTING I installed 2.1 using the new profile but now I get a 404 Not Found for every page If you run into this problem, login to ProcessWire 2.1 (/processwire/), edit the template used by your homepage, click the "access" tab and "yes". Then check the box for "guest" view access, and save. Your site should now be functional. I installed 2.1 using the new profile but now many pages have no title ProcessWire 2.0 assumed that all pages had a title field whether it was ever officially assigned to the template or not. ProcessWire 2.1 is different in this regard. So if you run into pages without titles, edit the templates used by those pages, add the field 'title' and hit save. The issue should now be fixed. I ran out of memory or had a timeout when exporting a profile or installing the 2.1 site with the profile On a large site, it's possible that the resources dedicated to PHP might not be enough for the exporter or installer to complete it's job. Should this happen to you, we may need to do one or more parts of the process manually. So if you run into this scenario, please post in the forum and we'll get it figured out. I installed 2.1 and all went well but I now have a non-working "Export Profile" page on my Setup menu (last item) This is the page used by the Profile Exporter module on your 2.0 site. Your 2.1 site won't have the Profile Exporter installed and you can safely delete this page or drag it to the trash.
  24. Custom Logs When you use the core $log->save() method you can only save a single string of text. When you view the log in the core ProcessLogger the columns and their header labels are predetermined. The Custom Logs module is different in that it lets you write and view log files with the number of columns and the column header labels you specify in the module configuration. Configuration In the "Custom logs" textarea field, enter custom logs, one per line, in the format... name: column label, column label, column label ...with as many comma-separated column labels as needed. The log name must be a word consisting of only [-._a-z0-9] and no extension. If you prefix a URL column label with {url} then the value in the column will be rendered as a link in the log viewer. The date/time will automatically be added as the first column so you do not need to specify it here. Writing to a custom log Use the CustomLogs::save($name, $data, $options) method to save data to a custom log file. $cl = $modules->get('CustomLogs'); $cl->save('my-log', $my_data); Arguments $name Name of log to save to (word consisting of only [-._a-z0-9] and no extension). $data An array of strings to save to the log. The number and order of items in the array should match the columns that are configured for the log. $options (optional) Options for FileLog::save(). Normally you won't need to use this argument. Example of use Custom log definition in the module configuration: visits: {url}URL, IP Address, User Agent, {url}Referrer Saving data to the log: $cl = $modules->get('CustomLogs'); $data = [ $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? '', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? '', ]; $cl->save('visits', $data); Viewing the resulting log in Setup > Logs > visits: https://github.com/Toutouwai/CustomLogs https://processwire.com/modules/custom-logs/
  25. As we often use Matomo (former known as Piwik) instead of Google Analytics we wanted to embed Matomo not only in the template code but also via the ProcessWire backend. That's why I developed a tiny module for the implementation. The module provides the possibility to connect to an existing Matomo installation with the classical site tracking and also via the Matomo Tag Manager. If you have also PrivacyWire installed, you can tell MatomoWire to only load the script, if the user has accepted cookies via PrivacyWire. To offer an Opt-Out solution you can choose between the simple Opt-Out iFrame, delivered by your Matomo installation, or a button to choose cookies via PrivacyWire. You'll find the module both in the module directory and via github: ProcessWire Module Directory MatomoWire @ GitHub MatomoWire @ Packagist ->installable via composer require blauequelle/matomowire I'm looking forward to hear your feedback!
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