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  1. Hey, I want to hook into the 404 handling of PW at the most earliest stage. Pleas can anybody point me to the hook or file that suits this best?
  2. Hi, I have a page with a repeater called teams with two fields: team (a pageReference with a list of teams) and people (a pageReference with a list of people who likes this team). I'm trying to populate the people field in the repeater according to the value of the team field in the same repeater. So far. I'm able to get the pageArray that I want to assign to the people field, but i don't know how to "save" the value for each instance of the repeater. I hope somebody can give me a light. Thanks in advance. $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldPage::getSelectablePages', function($event) { if($event->object->hasField == 'people') { $repeaterField = $event->arguments('page')->teams; foreach ($repeaterField as $t) { // Is this the way to loop the instances of the repeater? $team = $t->team->id; $t->people = $event->pages->find("template=user, team={$team}"); var_dump($t->people); // This returns the values that i want to assign for each repeate instance $event->return = $t->people; // I hope this assign a custom pageArray for each repeater, but it assigns the same for all the instances of the repeater } } });
  3. Hello, I am not that experienced with hooks and was hoping if somebody could me with this task: I have a InputfieldFile in wich a single generated file will be added after checking a checkbox in the back-end and saving the page. This happens in the saveReady-hook of a page with a specific template inside a ready.php: <?php $this->addHookAfter("Pages::saveReady", function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); if ($page->template->name === "example") { if ($page->checkboxField) { $page->fileField->add($generatedFile); } } }); Now if a new file should be generated and there is already a file in this InputfieldFile, I would like to remove the previous file and replace it with the new one: <?php if (count($page->fileField)) { $page->fileField->removeAll(); } That works well so far. My problem is, that I want to add the new file with the same name filename.pdf. But when I remove the previous file and add the new file inside the same saveReady-hook, the previous file still exists until the page is saved and the name of the new file will be added a filename-1.pdf, because ProcessWire makes the filename unique when a file with the same name exists. My question is: Is there a hook or way to remove the previous file before the new file will be added to keep the same filename? I tried to unlink the previous file, but then the InputfieldFile doesn't always gets updated correctly and has one empty file and the new file. ? Regards, Andreas
  4. Hello! I apologize in advance if I missed something on the forums. I'm not yet that experienced with hooks and already tried a lot. Maybe someone else has an idea or could give me a hint in the right direction. In my ready.php file I'm creating a random generated URL slug on Pages::setupNew for a specific template. When creating a page and I type in the default language title and leave the other languages blank, the slug gets appended to the page names because the pages have the same url/slug/title but in different trees ( ex. /myarticle-myslug/ and /en/myarticle-myslug/ ) When creating a page and I enter a title for each language, the slug gets only applied to the default language and I get an error that the name for the default language already exists and it was changed to /myarticle-myslug/. The other language gets the page name /en/my-article/ applied. Additionally I noticed that the settings from Module -> Page Name (InputfieldPageName) are not applied when creating the page name using the code below. So non-ascii characters get stripped instead of sanitized Here is a simplified code snippet that I have in the ready.php file: wire()->addHookBefore('Pages::setupNew', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments('page'); if ($page->template->name == 'news-article') { $page->name = $page->title . '-myslug'; } }); I've read this topic and if this still applies, LanguageSupportPageNames isn't used on Pages::setupNew. Especially the post by @Soma looks interesting but I'm not sure how to apply it. Thank you very much in advance.
  5. Hello, I still did not solve my problem about Hebrew letters. In fact, it is ok for Russian for example to have a transliteration of characters (one to one) but in languages like Hebrew, Arabic, it is better to slugify with phonetic like here : use EasySlugger\Utf8Slugger; $slug = Utf8Slugger::slugify('日本語'); // slug = ri-ben-yu $slug = Utf8Slugger::slugify('العَرَبِيةُ‎‎'); // slug = alrbyt $slug = Utf8Slugger::slugify('עברית'); // slug = bryt So I am planning to insert https://github.com/javiereguiluz/EasySlugger Should I create a module or just add a hook ? I am a PW newbie. Thanks for your help
  6. $this->addHookBefore('InputfieldTextarea::render', function($event) { $field = $event->object; if($field->name == 'body_offer') { $del = ''; foreach($this->wire->pages->get(11229)->textblocks as $item) { $field->entityEncodeText = false; $body = str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $item->body); $body = addslashes($body); $title = $item->title; $field->description .= $del . "<a href=\"#\" class=\"ckesnippet\" data-snippet=\"$body\">$title</a>"; $del = ' | '; } } $js = wire('config')->urls->templates . 'scripts/ckesnippets.js'; $event->return = str_replace("</html>", "\n<script type='text/javascript' src='$js'></script>\n</html>", $event->return); }); I'm trying to add custom text-blocks from repeater fields into CKEditor. I've stolen the whole idea (and code) from @bernhard Problem is: The links are actually being rendered, but the Javascript is not loaded, i.e. the $event->return line doesn't seem to work. If I inspect the HTML, my additional script-tag is nowhere to be seen. I don't get any errors either. Running latest PW dev + PHP 7.1.19.
  7. Hi, Thank you for the wonderful CMF. This is my first question to the PW community as I started with it. I am in the process of trying to create a module. The basic need is I want to change the content of the 404 page, if the route is something special. Eg : say the request is for http://processwire.localhost/hello and if I know the path doesn't exists I want to do something special. public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('ProcessController::execute', $this, 'someMethod'); } public function someMethod($event) { // also how do I access the $_SERVER variables from processwire point of view } Also how do I access the $_SERVER variables from a PW context. Something like $pages->get('SERVER').
  8. Hello @ all, today I am struggeling with the deletion of empty repeater items after saving in the backend. Explaination: Imagine you are adding an additional repeater item in your form in a page via the "Add button". Then you forget to fill out this item so it is empty. After submitting the form the empty repeater item is still there because you did not deleted it with the basket symbol (deletion) Goal: In theory it must be possible to create a hook that checks the repeater items for content and delete the empty items after saving. At the moment I dont know how to check if an item is empty or not. I know how to delete fields in the repeater item but not the complete item itself. Can anyone point me into the right direction? Best regards
  9. I have a hook to change the template file on a certain page. This is not working at the moment for some reason. The usual location to place templates is under /site/template. Because the template should only be available in my module, I want my template file to be in /site/modules/mymodule/view/mytemplate.php When I place my file in the usual template location, it works fine. But when I place the file in my module folder, it doesn't work. When I var_dump the $page->template->filename variable, the location of the template file is correct and maps to my module folder. So everything seems to be correct, but somehow it's not working but I can't figure out the problem. Does anyone know how to solve this?
  10. hello, I want to build a custom validator on my multilang site. I added following hook, but I get only the default language value. How can I access the values of the other languages? public function init() { $this->addHookAfter("InputfieldTextarea::processInput", $this, "validateShortlinks"); } public function validateShortlinks($event) { $field = $event->object; $text = $field->value; // only the default language, how can I get the other languages? }
  11. Hello, having trouble getting PW to save my user or field in cron hook. It seems to report the same field info each time unchanged. It should be counting down in seconds. public function init() { // set to every30Seconds in settings $this->defaultInterval = $this->cron_check; // add hooks to CRON $this->addHookAfter("LazyCron::{$this->defaultInterval}", $this, 'checkUserSubscription'); } public function ___checkUserSubscription(HookEvent $e){ // seconds since last lazycron $seconds = $e->arguments[0]; $log = wire('log'); $field = $this->exclusiveRole; // users with specific role and field $users = $this->users->find("roles=$field"); foreach ($users as $user) { // get stored time $currentTime = $user->get($this->fieldName); // if time not null if($currentTime){ // evalute stored time minus time past $resultTime = intval($currentTime) - intval($seconds); $log->message("result ".$resultTime); // save user page $user->set($this->fieldName, $resultTime); $this->users->save($user); } } }
  12. Hello, I am currently playing around to build my first module. It will be a simple module for the ImageOptim web service, but I am a little bit stuck on which right hook to use. Currently I use following hook: $this->pages->addHookAfter('saveFieldReady', $this, 'imageOptimSave'); I would like to pass images and its variations to the web service after adding them to the image field. But if I use the saveFieldReady hook only the original image will be optimized, not the API generated image variations, because they will be generated after viewing the page for the first time. Can anybody please help me how to hook into the image variations? I already tried to use my own method, but this one used in the template would be called on every page render. Regards, Andreas
  13. So I have a module that builds a dashboard (following the tutorial: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/building-custom-admin-pages-with-process-modules/#handling-user-input-using-forms-amp-inputfields). It all works great now that I have gotten some kinks worked out. However, the page is saved under admin which is hidden from users that are not superusers. Is there a way to allow the user, with a certain role, to view this newly created page, and only this page?
  14. I was working on this: class PWCRM extends WireData implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Client Relationship Management', 'version' => .001, 'singular' => true, 'autoload' => true ); } public function init() {} public function ready() { $this->pages->addHookBefore('render', $this, 'accessHook'); $this->pages->addHookAfter('render', $this, 'hookAfterPageRender'); } public function accessHook(HookEvent $event) { $page = $this->wire('page'); if (!strpos($page->template->tags, 'crm')) return; if (!$this->wire('user')->hasRole('crm')) $this->wire('session')->redirect($this->wire('config')->urls->login);//throw new Wire404Exception(); } public function hookAfterPageRender(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object; echo $page->template->tags; if (!strpos($page->template->tags, 'crm')) return; echo $this->wire('config')->urls->templates; include_once($this->wire('config')->urls->templates.'functions.inc'); $pagehtml = $event->return; $pagehtml = str_replace( '</head>', '<link id="css_crm" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$this->wire('config')->urls->templates.'css/crm.css"> </head>', $pagehtml ); $event->return = $pagehtml; //$event->replace = true; } } I have tried placing the hooks into the init() function, and more... Neither method is effective. The echoes now output, but no redirection (although I have the access settings for the top-level template for this set to render a 404 for underprivileged users, which it does, overriding this, but nonetheless this should work aside from that. Then I wrote this up quick: <?php namespace ProcessWire; class MaintenanceMode extends WireData implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Maintenance Mode', 'version' => 1, 'summary' => 'Disables the website frontend for non-superusers.', 'singular' => true, 'autoload' => true, 'permanent' => false ); } public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('Page::render', $this, 'displayDecide'); } public function displayDecide($event) { $page = $event->object; if ($page->template == 'admin' || $this->wire('user')->hasRole('superuser')) return; // replace the method hooked $event->replace = true; $event->return = "Patience please while we undergo some brief maintenance work."; } } which likewise avails nothing. What the hell is my problem here?
  15. Hi all, Im trying to fill an options field in all the children of the parent page, after I save it. the options field is configured as multiple select checkboxes. here's the code i have so far: $this->addHookAfter('Pages::saved', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; //set the page if($page->template == 'sport-verenigingen-overzicht') { //get the subcategories from the parent textarea, split on newline $subcats = preg_split('/[\n\r]+/', $page->subcats); //(also tried without imploding and adding the array, also doesnt work) $subcats = implode("|",$subcats); //get the children $children = $page->children(); foreach ($children as $child) { //set the options(sport_categorie is the options field) $child->sport_categorie = $subcats; $child->save('sport_categorie'); } //if i use a normal textfield instead of an optionsfield, //all the children have the correct data e.g: test1|test2|test3 //how to get the values into the options field?? } }); Hope you guys can help! Keep up the good work, I'm loving what you're doing with PW!!
  16. Hi there, I'm trying to limit a specific user can only add pages as a child (under) a page created by themselves. The discussion in this thread gets close, it's a working solution on how to only allow editing on pages you created yourself. I'm using this and it works well. But I'm not sure how to modify this for my purposes. I'm suspecting I need to do to something like $this->addHookBefore("Page::added", $this, 'added'); then in "added" check if parent is created by the current user. But I'm a bit lost on how exactly to do this. thank you! /J
  17. I think you can create a simple logout link with <a href="admin/login/logout">log out</a> But it redirects to the login form in the admin area. Can I hook into logout and change the redirect? Default redirect home would make sense. Or is the way to do this still to create a logout template + page with session->logout() and a redirect?
  18. I'm trying to add a new option to InputfieldTextarea. Depending on that option, I want to change how the input is rendered. I also want to change this option depending on different templates and repeaters, meaning it can have different values for different fieldgroups. I hooked into three methods: $this->addHookBefore('InputfieldTextarea::render', $this, 'hookInputRender'); $this->addHookAfter('InputfieldTextarea::getConfigInputfields', $this, 'hookInputSettings'); $this->addHookAfter('InputfieldTextarea::getConfigAllowContext', $this, 'hookInputContext'); In hookInputSettings, I build the additional option protected function hookInputSettings(HookEvent $e) { /** @var InputfieldTextarea $field */ $wrapper = $e->return; $field = $e->object; /** @var InputfieldSelect $font */ $font = $this->modules->get('InputfieldSelect'); $font->label = $this->_('Font'); $font->name = 'fontFamily'; $font->addOptions(self::fontOptions); $font->attr('value', $field->fontFamily); $wrapper->add($font); $e->return = $wrapper; } It shows up in field settings with no problem When I pick an option and save, it even shows up in the database. However, I cannot get the properties of that field in that fieldgroup context. Most other inputfields can get their inputfield settings because are inside a class that extends Inputfield, so $this->myOption works. If I hook into FieldtypeTextarea::getConfigInputfields, it works too, because getConfigInputfields method is called with $this as its argument, inside hooks it's possible to access fieldgroup specific settings. But for Inputfield, it's not given any arguments, so hooking Inputfield::getConfigInputfields, you won't be able to get any information about the context. // /wire/core/Field.php public function ___getConfigInputfields() { // ... if(!$fieldgroupContext || count($allowContext)) { // ... try { $fieldtypeInputfields = $this->type->getConfigInputfields($this); // ... } // ... } $inputfields = $this->wire(new InputfieldWrapper()); // ... if($inputfield) { if($fieldgroupContext) { $allowContext = array('visibility', 'collapsed', 'columnWidth', 'required', 'requiredIf', 'showIf'); $allowContext = array_merge($allowContext, $inputfield->getConfigAllowContext($this)); } // ... $inputfieldInputfields = $inputfield->getConfigInputfields(); // ... } // ... } So, as a solution I gave it $this as a parameter // $inputfieldInputfields = $inputfield->getConfigInputfields(); $inputfieldInputfields = $inputfield->getConfigInputfields($this); Now everything works without any hacks. It works in field settings, templates, repeaters just fine. protected function hookInputSettings(HookEvent $e) { // ... $field = $e->arguments(0); // ... $font->attr('value', $field->fontFamily); // WORKS! // ... } I wanted to write this post because it drove me mad last night. I guess the next step is to make a pull request.
  19. Hi community, i want to add a selector to every pages->find() method. I found this hook solution, and Ryan mentioned this somewhere in this forum. https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/find/ $this->addHookBefore('Pages::find', function(HookEvent $event) { // Get the object the event occurred on, if needed $pages = $event->object; // Get values of arguments sent to hook (and optionally modify them) $selector = $event->arguments(0); $options = $event->arguments(1); /* Your code here, perhaps modifying arguments */ // Populate back arguments (if you have modified them) $event->arguments(0, $selector); $event->arguments(1, $options); }); If i try to add something to the given $selector, the error occurs: Exception: Unknown Selector operator: '' -- was your selector value properly escaped? But the syntax is right, isn´t it? $this->addHookBefore('Pages::find', function(HookEvent $event) { // Get the object the event occurred on, if needed $pages = $event->object; // Get values of arguments sent to hook (and optionally modify them) $selector = $event->arguments(0); $options = $event->arguments(1); /* Your code here, perhaps modifying arguments */ $selector.= ", loremipsum_field!=1"; /* <----------------------- */ // Populate back arguments (if you have modified them) $event->arguments(0, $selector); $event->arguments(1, $options); }); What i am doing wrong? Thank you for your advice!
  20. Hello, I read about conditional hooks and wanted to utilize them. In the process of trying to implement them I found that they do not get called. So I reduced my hook to a minimum wire()->addHookAfter('Page::changed', function($event) { die('changed'); }); And nothing happens at all. Also with Page::changed(title) or Page(template=basic-page)::changed(title) no luck. In the code comment in Wire.php it says: "Hookable method that is called whenever a property has changed while change tracking is enabled" I see that change tracking is enabled as wire()->addHookAfter('Pages::saveReady', function($event) { if($event->arguments[0]->isChanged('title')) die('changed'); }); is working. The hookable method ___changed() in Wire.php is empty. I tried this on 2 different installs PW 3.0.61 and 3.0.62 Can anyone please confirm or let me know if I'm doing anything wrong here. Thank you.
  21. Hi everyone, after successfully solving the mystery "PageTable", I stumbled upon another one: removing the "add new" button from PageTable (in the template) via hooks. So, I read about hooks. I never implemented one myself, but tried using the "init" PHP file from the default site, but that didn't work out too well. So again I am a bit stuck in the process. Basically, I check if an array is empty. If it is, the PageTable field on my template shouldn't display the "add new" button. That's about it. Since PageTable is fairly new, I didn't find too much info about it. Maybe someone of you is able to help me? Thanks a lot!
  22. So I discovered in this topic ( ) that I can cancel all hooks after my own hook. Now I want something like that. I want my hook which is called on page render to cancel all other events, also the after page render and the before page render methods, is this possible? This only need to be done when some conditions are met. /** method replaces original page::render method and is called with hook priority one */ method onPageRender (HookEvent $event) { if (my condition is true) { $this->cancelHooks = true; // to cancel all hooks to page::render // how to cancel after Page::render events // how to cancel before Page::render events } } Is this possible at all?
  23. I've written a hook which replaces the page::render method. Based on a few conditions, I might want to output something different from what page::render would return. So when my conditions aren't met, I want to use the return value of the original page::render method. How can I do this? At the moment I've got something like this: function pageRenderHookMethod (HookEvent $event) { if ('my condition' == true) { $event->replace = true; $event->return = 'my custom return value'; } else { $event->return = 'original return value of page::render'; } } But I don't know how to get the original return value of page::render because the would trigger my hooked method instead of the original method.
  24. I have created a hook with priority one because I want it to run asap. Now I want this same hook to prevent all other hooks from running, is this possible, if so, how can I achieve that? For example, normally hooks would run like this: hook 1 -> hook 2 -> hook 3 -> hook 4 -> etc. Now I want it like this: hook 1 -> hook 2 -> hook 3 -> hook 4 -> etc.
  25. Greetings to all processwire fans, I am new in processwire and I have used it since 3 weeks. Probably it's a really silly question but does someone now how I can execute a function in my own module, which is triggered when I save a pages, which contains a user-defined template. I tried to to this with an basic if/else condition to trigger the hook when the page has theTemplateName== "". Unfortunately it doesn't work. So I try this which might be the wrong Syntax. Perhaps someone can give me a hint THANKS a lot! public function init() { // add a hook after the $pages->save, to issue a notice every time a page is saved $this->page->template == "templateName"->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'example1'); }
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