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  1. Is the template name a value which I can display? I've read the API docs re. template names and tried a few things including below but nothing works so far. Template is: {$page->$template->name} FYI I'm building a small 'helper' section in a footer which is only visible to admins and it will display page ID, template name and a link to edit the page. Everything working apart from displaying the template name.
  2. I have been looking up everything I can to try to find what's going wrong with this. I have a very simple form (title and file field set to multiple) that will create a new page with the name and attachments. However, it appears that I am missing something crucial as only 1 item gets uploaded to the field. Here is my code: <?php $uploadpage = new Page(); $uploadpage->template = "dashboard"; $uploadpage->parent = $pages->get("/testing/"); $uploadpage->title = $sanitizer->text($input->post->new_title); $uploadpage->save(); $uploadpage->setOutputFormatting(false); $u = new WireUpload('test_upload'); $u->setMaxFiles(6); $u->setOverwrite(false); $u->setDestinationPath($uploadpage->test_upload->path()); $u->setValidExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'pdf')); foreach($u->execute() as $filename) { $uploadpage->test_upload->add($filename); } $uploadpage->save(); ?> I have the max files set to 6, and have a foreach loop to add the files, but it is only uploading one. Does anyone see where I might have gone astray?
  3. So maybe has already figured this out, but I am stumped. I have a field (test_field) that is set to pdfs, and I was trying to get a count of the number of pdfs in that field so I could add it to a status bubble on the front end. I tried: function testPDF() { $a = $page->test_field->count(); echo "<span class=\"bubble\">" . $a . "</span>"; } but it is returning "NULL" . I currently have 3 added to the field. I also tried putting this function in _func.php, though I need to use wire('pages'), but I only need to get the count for that specific page, so I am sort of at a loss of how to proceed.
  4. Hi all, Im looking for a selector that gets the pages added a specific time frame (eg. from yesterday 9:00pm to today 9:00pm). Is there a existing selector im missing or does someone now a good solution for this? Thanks in advance .
  5. Hello, Just a simple (I think) question which is in the title of my post. Roughly speaking : here's my code (made-up because my real function is so long... I don't want to post it all here ) function updateScore($player, $task, $real = true) { [...] $player->score = $player->score+$task->score; if ($task->name == 'new-equipment') { $new-eq = $pages->get("name=sword"); $player->equipment->add($new-eq); } if ($real == true) { $player->save(); } } Everything works fine when I call updateScore($player, $task, true), but if I call updateScore($player, $task, false), scores are untouched, but the equipment gets added ! It used to work fine on PW2.7 but my update to PW 3.0.62 seems to have broken this... Is there a simple explanation ? I keep reading my code over and over and this is driving me crazy... Thanks !
  6. I've a page "blog" which have child pages (blog posts). Right now I've 11 pages (blog posts) and I'm fetching all the posts in my "blog" pages which displaying fine, Issue is only 10 results are showing this is how I'm fetching $entries = $pages->find("template=blog-entry"); foreach($entries as $entry){ <a href='{$entry->url}'>$entry->title</a> }
  7. hey there, i'm quite new to processwire but i'm having a great experience using it! right now i hit a point where i can't help myself out with google/searchfunction. to sketch the basic functions of my page: visitors can enter their e-mail in a form. when doing this pw creates a new page, using the e-mail's md5 hash as a name. the url of the page is sent to the user. the user now can edit the newly created page and can fill out fields like: name and year of birth (thanks to the docs those two already work like a charm!) but there are other fields like "residencies", which are repeaterfields containing three fields: city (text), country (text), current (checkbox). at my current version i can populate a new repeater field easily by using this code: $location = $page->locations->getNew(); $location->location = Munich; $location->country = Germany; $location->current = 1; $location->save(); $page->locations->add($location); now i want to populate the new reapter fields from input fields (using the simple form api). which leads me to my questions: 1. can i somehow group/merge input fields to one "repeater input fields" right now i have: // create a text input -> locations $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText"); $field->label = __('City'); $field->attr('id+name','location'); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); // append the field to the form // create a text input -> country $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText"); $field->label = __('Country'); $field->attr('id+name','country'); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); // append the field to the form // create a checkbox -> locations $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldCheckbox'); $field->attr('name', 'location_current'); $field->attr('autocheck', 1); $field->attr('uncheckedValue', 0); $field->attr('checkedValue', 1); $field->attr('value', $this->fname); $form->append($field); // append the field to the form 2. my desired layout for the form looks like this: by hitting the + button a new line shows. i'm wondering what's the best practice here. can is somehow use the above mentioned code itself as a repeater, or do i have to create several (uniqe) input fields in advance and hide them afterwards (javascript)? any help is appreciated! thanks!
  8. Hi, I've been invited by Apple to use their 'News' service for a publication in the UK. https://www.apple.com/uk/news/ A number of CMSs already have plugins to publish content via the API, however Processwire is not one (yet!) https://newsresources.apple.com/en/faq/66346243 It's slightly beyond my technical abilities but would be very interested in anyone that is willing to look at developing a Processwire Module. (for reference here is the Apple News API documentation) Update: Chapter Three have created a PHP Apple News library here https://github.com/chapter-three/AppleNewsAPI
  9. So I have a bit of code for ad management : <?php $ads = $pages->find("parent.template=client, sort=expiration_date"); $alert_count = 0; foreach ($ads as $ad) { $todaysdate = date("F j, Y H:i"); $today = strtotime($todaysdate); $expireson = $ad->expiration_date; $expires = strtotime($expireson); $fiveaway = $expires - 432000; if ($today > $expires) { $alert = $alert_count=+1; echo $alert; } } //end FOREACH ?> It currently finds all the pages with a parent of "client" and then I can drill down to the pages that have "Expired" in my if statement. I wanted to get a "count" of the pages that met the if statement requirements so I could output that number in an alert at the top of the page. When it runs, it currently just prints out "1 1 1 1..." and not the total count of pages. Does anyone know of a way possibly achieving my desired output? I tried count(), but that did not quite produce my desired output. I should note that I have several other if statements dealing with the date/time for outputting other alerts as well (just didn't think they were needed for this case).
  10. Hi all, in the backend of ProcessWire it's possible to define a maximum width and height for images. If you upload an image, it will be resized automatically. I find this feature very handy to safe space. Very often users upload images which are much bigger than needed. On my application users can upload their images via the frontend. But if you upload images using the API, images won't be resized automatically. Is there any way to do this? Currently that's my code: if ($_FILES['thumbnail']['name']) { $upload = new WireUpload('thumbnail'); $upload->setMaxFiles(1); $upload->setOverwrite(true); $upload->setDestinationPath($lesson->video_image->path()); $upload->setValidExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')); $lesson->video_image->removeAll(); foreach ($upload->execute() as $file) $lesson->video_image->add($file); } Thanks very much! Dennis
  11. Hi All, I have created a script which will create the pages and it should be unpublished. I have added the status as unpublished by default while first time saving the page as below. $hotelPage->hotel_website = $hotel['hotelWebsite']; // By default page created will be unpublished state $hotelPage->addStatus(Page::statusUnpublished); $hotelPage->save(); $hotelPage->setOutputFormatting(false); // Add hotel images only after setting output formatting to false $hotelPage->images->add($hotel['hotelImage']); $hotelPage->save(); On the same time, saving the hotel image as well and triggering the save method. But when I see the created page in the tree, Its shows unpublished but publish_date is not empty(date will be present as created, modified and published are all same) Now I don't understand why the date is getting filled into the publish field for a page? Please let me know if am doing something wrong.
  12. Hello, Does anyone know whether the is a place detailing the structure your admin theme should take when creating one? e.g. I see UiKit, Reno and Default admin themes all have default.php, init.php, controller.php files, is this a stylisitic choice or a prerequisite for any admin theme module? Thanks!
  13. I am using the translation function (either $this->_() or __()) within a module that responds to AJAX API calls - there isn't really a page that is being served. When I supply a string with an apostrophe, e.g., __('Book \'em danno') It is formatted as Book &#039;em danno Is there some way to prevent output formatting when retrieving strings using the translation functions?
  14. At the top of each of my main pages, I want to redirect to my login page if the session is timed out. How can I use the PW API to test for this? $user->isLoggedin() doesn't seem to do it, like I expected. THX
  15. I wish to access a template's allowed templates for it's children from the API. This one: I am pretty sure this is possible, but I can't seem to find it anywhere in the documentation. If this is not possible, is there some way of assigning properties to templates? So like fields that already have a value on all pages using that template.
  16. I have a bit of a head scratcher for myself. I have a form (first name, last name, and domain) that I use to create pages. I have the first name and last name being combined and saving as the title, and being saved in their individual fields as well. The domain name is just being saved in it's designated field under the page. This all works quite well in fact. (just a note: for a special case, I am combining all three values so it looks like johndoe@domainselected.com) However, I thought I might need to check to see if the page already existed, and if it does, provide the user with an error. If it doesn't already exist, follow through with creating the page. I didnt want to save the entire address in the title as I knew "@" wouldn't fly with the url to the page. I thought I could use a foreach, but I understand that outputs an array, when I need to check just one entry. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am probably making this much more difficult than it needs to be. I have fixed the issue... "==" seemed to fix it.
  17. When a PageTable field in a specific template is being edited I need to know the Page that contains the PageTable so I can fill in hidden fields in the PageTable. I can capture the page being edited via: // $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageEdit::execute', ... public function pageEditExecuteBefore(HookEvent $e) { $p = $e->object->getPage(); if ($p->template !== 'rtw-product') return; // $p is the page being edited } I can intercept PageTable entry being saved: // $this->addHookBefore('Pages::save' public function savePageBefore (HookEvent $e) { $p = $this->wire('page')->id; $page = $e->arguments('page'); $obj = $e->object; $name = $page->name; // page name of PageTable page $template = $page->template->name; // template of PageTable page $parent = $page->parent->name; // parent directory for PageTable items What I am trying to find is the page in which the PageTable field is located. I've also tried having pageEditExecuteBefore() saving $p in $this->context and then accessing that in savePageBefore() but it's a different instance of the class because $this->context is null when it gets to savePageBefore(). I could save the page ID in session, but that seems error prone. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
  18. When echoing a date field directly from the $user variable echo $user->date; the timestamp is printed. Using echo $users->get($user->id)->date; prints the correct formated value. Is this a bug or or intended?
  19. I would like to be able to fetch the labels for fields in a language different than the current logged in user. For field values that's easy // p is page, l is language, and f is field $p->getLanguageValue($l, $f); I'm looking for something like $fields->getLanguageValue('en', 'length'); The only solution I know of is to save the current user language, iterate through the languages by setting the user language and fetching the value, and then restore the user language.
  20. Hi all, I am creating a page field (field of type FieldtypePage) via the API, however im still trying to find some documentation as to how I would go about setting the Selectable Pages for said field using the API. From what I have found it looks like it involves the use of, albeit this looks like a getter rather than a setter: $field->getInputfield($page) Which looks like it would make sense if I wanted to specify the selectable pages by a parent page, but what if I wanted to specify it by say a template?
  21. I was working on a simple "to-do" style template that has a form on a page. Once the form is submitted, I use the API to create a new subpage under a pre-existing page, but I notice that it does resubmit the form data (as to be expected) if a user were to refresh the page. Is there a way to prevent this behavior so duplicate content will not be posted by using something like exit(), or is this not proper due to usability? I guess I am curious as to how other developers handle the same hurdle.
  22. Hello Fellow PW Fans and Gurus. I have run into a problem where i have created a template without a template file associated with it. Now i would like to HAVE a template file associated with it, not an alternate but as the main template file. So i thought, that's easy, I upload the template file and change it in template settings but I only get the Alternate template file setting? Ok so maybe i can change it via the API , so i wrote some code for this. <?PHP function changeTemplate($pages = null, $templates = null) { /* get the pages to change template on */ $logItems = $pages->findMany('template=tmp_log_item'); /* get the template object for our desired template */ $Template = $templates->get('tmp_new_log_item'); foreach($logItems AS $key => $logData) { /* use template object $Template to set template */ $logData->template = $Template; /* save page item */ $logData->save(); } } /* do the magic change */ changeTemplate(); ?> Needless to say, PW was not happy about this, It throw up an error message: Error: Exception: Invalid value sent to Page::setTemplate (in /home/virtual/mydomain/public_html/wire/core/Page.php line 1782) Now from what i understand i gave $logData->template the wrong type of value. So what should the value be to correct this? When I read the docs at: https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/ the value can be "string" or "Template". So i gave it a string and it went haywire. How should I approach this cause I realy dont want to manually change template file on över 50 plus pages Maybe I should use the Template class to create the value that the API wanted, but I am unsure how to use it. Thank you for any info you can give me on this. If you want more info to help me, ask and I will try my best to give it to you. Updated and Solved I solved the problem and have updated the code to reflect this. Essentialy i used the get() method of $templates to get the template object for my template i wanted to use using the template name. I gave the Object to the $logData->template property and all went well. We learn something new every day. One Note: The template file you want to use must have been uploaded and added as a template in the Template section in the Admin for this code to work as expected.
  23. Hi all, Just a quick question before I jump in and inevitably break the module I am working on. Is it possible to assign multiple field groups to a single template via the api? I am creating a whole bunch of fields, templates and pages on the fly at install and being able to assign multiple field groups to a template would be quite advantageous.
  24. Hi all, Just another quick question, how would I select a previously created field group so that I can add it to a template using the API? All the examples I have seen thus far are creating the field group and adding it to a template at that point, I would rather create all my field groups beforehand and then assign them to their templates in batch.
  25. Hi, I have a site that has events where the users can make a reservation and something really weird is happening. This is the code: $form = array( 'name' => $sanitizer->text($input->post->name), 'email' => $sanitizer->email($input->post->email), 'phone' => $phone, ); $p = new Page(); $p->template = 'reservation'; $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/agenda/' . $sanitizer->text($input->post->page_target) . '/'); $p->name = microtime(); $p->title = $form['name']; $p->save(); // CODE TO SEND EMAIL BELOW The user path is: 1. User fills the form with name, email, phone and some more information. 2. Form is validated to see if every information is ok. 3. Information is saved into a new page (reservation template). 4. Send email to user. Everything works fine except in one case: When the same user fills the same form more than once (to add reserves for one or more friends), usually using the same number and email, the friend's name is not filled in the "title" field. This seems to be the only field that fails, it shows empty on the backoffice. However, the email sent to the user has the name (using the same $form['name'] variable). Am I missing something?
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