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  1. Hi, I wonder if there is any way to set a template to sort it's children by more than one column. I love that we can set this at either the template or page level, but I'd like to be able to sort by two columns as in SQL 'sort by column1, column2' If there's not a solution, I'll consider doing a module for it. Thanks.
  2. Hi everyone. I just completed first draft work on a module that I wrote. It creates a page for a user with a specified role when a user admin page is saved. I'm sure it could use some more work and would like any feedback on implementation, code quality, and any better utilization of the PW API. The problem I aimed to solve is that we are using the fantastic MarkupBlog module and wanted a way to easily specify an author for a post when the person who created the page is not the author we want shown on the post (example: one blog author ghostwriting for another blog author). This module allowed me to create a blog-author role and on user admin save create a page under the "Authors" page in the tree. After that each blog post gets a page select field that lists the Authors page children for selection. More detail: If a user is deleted from the CMS, their page remains in the page tree. This is to prevent problems if there are other pages that depend on that page. A hidden field is added to the User admin page that holds the id for the page created. When creating a page for a user, it checks if there is a page already created with that user's name- if it is, that page is used and the hidden field is updated with that page's ID. If a user's page is deleted from the tree, a new page is created on user admin save and the hidden ID field is updated with the new ID. Module installs and uninstalls properly including adding and removing the hidden ID field from the User system template. The module settings allow for choosing more than one role to create pages. Again since this is my first rodeo with ProcessWire module development I would love feedback and critique. The code is available here: https://github.com/skylundy/AutoUserPages Thanks!
  3. Hello, just installed and the link "login to admin" takes me to a blank page. the url is processwire/processwire but there is not processwire directory inside the processwire directory. What is this supposed to be pointing to?
  4. Hello! Can I deactivate the renaming feature of images and the editing (croping, rotating etc) in the processwire admin panel?
  5. Hello, I get often logged out from a web service built with PW. This web service has a large database and I use ListerPro to let my client browse and interact with it. After a couple of manipulations, or around 2-3 minute after logged in, the login page appears again. In this process, the last data submitted in the admin get often lost. About my configuration: The website is hosted on one of the first plans of OVH server (cheap ones), can it may be related to the problem? I uninstalled all the extra modules I used (Redirect, AdminCustomFiles). Nothing changed. The problem appeared recently only (since around 4 days) The website is still using basic http There is nothing interesting neither in `site/assets/logs/errors.txt` nor `site/assets/logs/modules.txt` I sometimes get the red error `This request was aborted because it appears to be forged.` together with `The process returned no content.` after a login attempt. I saw on this forum that it can be related to access rights and checked a couple of files permissions, and I *think* everything is fine. Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. So I have a module that builds a dashboard (following the tutorial: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/building-custom-admin-pages-with-process-modules/#handling-user-input-using-forms-amp-inputfields). It all works great now that I have gotten some kinks worked out. However, the page is saved under admin which is hidden from users that are not superusers. Is there a way to allow the user, with a certain role, to view this newly created page, and only this page?
  7. Hey Guys, Looking for Best Approach to Allow Created By Changes to Non Superusers. Any ideas on the best approach?
  8. Reference: PW 3.0.62 and uikit3 based site using the Regular-Master profile. Please could someone advise what the process is to organise the blog posts under the admin login to avoid very long, random lists of posts. My immediate thought is to have the posts listed in groups by year and month, but I cannot see how tit might be possible to do that.
  9. Lets discuss the new admin theme, there has been very little talk about it, a few questions about its status and some simple designs by a few users. Have you played with it? Do you like it? Do you dislike it? Of course I'm not talking about its design, but the way its structured, how it works and the features it offers so far. ------------------------------ I'm working on a purple color scheme for it and it turned out quite well (imo), but one thing I dislike is the use of iframes. I haven't used iframes before so it might be just me, but I'm struggling with them when it comes to javascript. When iframes are used all scripts are loaded in every frame, which can lead to unexpected results. Javascript is an easy way to add, remove, move etc. elements in the admin, but the iframes complicate things. What are your thoughts? Is it just me? Here's a screenshot of the purple theme:
  10. How do I change the permissions for Who can access this page for a single page. This page inherits the admin template. I'm currently creating a new page called Settings using admin template and assigning it to a process of a module. I can see the Settings tab in superuser, but I can't see them in a role I defined called 'client'. So, how can i control what the client sees for admin template? Is there a page specific overwrites for permissions. I've tried allowing access in admin template view, edit. But still doesn't work
  11. I wrote 2 modules for internal use, static translations & site settings. But I can't seem to get them visible in the admin for my "client" role. public static function getModuleInfo(){ return array( "title" => "Settings Module", "version" => 100, "summary" => "Site wide settings module", "permission" => "edit-settings", "permissions" => array( "edit-settings" => "Edit settings" ), ); } This is what I've got in my module, I also added those permissions to my role in the backend. But still the tabs aren't appearing to my client. When I try to surf to the URL, it just redirects me to the pagetree, so I guess for some reason permissions are still not set? Did I overlook something?
  12. Hi all, Im trying to fill an options field in all the children of the parent page, after I save it. the options field is configured as multiple select checkboxes. here's the code i have so far: $this->addHookAfter('Pages::saved', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; //set the page if($page->template == 'sport-verenigingen-overzicht') { //get the subcategories from the parent textarea, split on newline $subcats = preg_split('/[\n\r]+/', $page->subcats); //(also tried without imploding and adding the array, also doesnt work) $subcats = implode("|",$subcats); //get the children $children = $page->children(); foreach ($children as $child) { //set the options(sport_categorie is the options field) $child->sport_categorie = $subcats; $child->save('sport_categorie'); } //if i use a normal textfield instead of an optionsfield, //all the children have the correct data e.g: test1|test2|test3 //how to get the values into the options field?? } }); Hope you guys can help! Keep up the good work, I'm loving what you're doing with PW!!
  13. In the admin, I am trying to access data from a page that contains an inputfieldand autofill that data into the modal edit window for a new entry. For instance, I have a template which contains a PageTable field. When I add a new entry to the PageTable, I want to capture the ID from the originating admin page and add it to a field in the edit modal as a way of linking the new entry back to the originating page. The new PageTable entries are NOT children of the originating page, and cannot be for structural reasons. I have attached an image which I hope will help to clarify the basic result I want to achieve. Is there a practical means of accomplishing this? I've been able to achieve something similar with the ConnectPageFields module, but it does not work with PageTable fields. Any input would be much appreciated.
  14. Hi! So I am trying to pull some information from another ProcessWire installation within the admin area (_main.php / page tree from the AdminThemeUikit module). $pwpath = "/path/"; $pwurl = "https://url.example"; $pw = new ProcessWire($pwpath , $pwurl); which then gives me this error I then read that if it is not already in a ProcessWire environment that I would have to include the core, require('/path/to/wire/core/ProcessWire.php'); Which I tried, and makes sense that it already says it is included. So what now? Here is my _main.php from the AdminThemeUikit module (work in progress), just for reference
  15. In my world, Super Users / Editors should only be able to work with Pages and administer users. Everything else is the domain of the web master. The purpose is to prevent technically inexperienced editors from destroying core elements of a site, such as fields and templates. That leaves me with the question, how to deny Super Users access to Setup, Modules and Roles / Permissions? PS: May I also suggest that it shall be possible to set Permission for each of the main menu items - including their sub-menu items.
  16. Hi, I've put in a support request (as a followup on an existing one) for this but it's nearly 10pm Ryan's time, so I thought I'd ask on here just in case someone can help... Yesterday we purchased ProDrafts, but I couldn't get the key to validate. Every time I hit submit on the module settings screen the key would be removed from the field I entered it in, and then it would complain about the missing value. I put in a support request and Ryan responded last night. It turned out it was because we're behind a proxy/firewall. He gave me a fix to get around that issue - some code to go into admin.php. I put that code in and saved admin.php, but now I can't even get into our admin anymore! (Just to clarify, I took the code back out and saved admin.php but that made no difference. It's definitely not the new code causing the error.) The errors relate to a lack of permission on the ProDrafts module (see attached screenshot). We do have a key, but evidently the code Ryan gave me to add the key in via admin.php isn't taking effect before the error is thrown...? I tried removing the ProDrafts directory from the modules directory, but that hasn't helped. Is there a hook I can put in somewhere to tell it not to load ProDrafts at all, or not check the permissions? Or is there some way to manually uninstall it from the file system? Thanks! Margaret
  17. How can I translate the admin buttons that are shown when mousing over a page in the admin interface ("Edit", "View", "New", "Move", "Unpub", "Hide", "Lock", "Trash")? The site uses the built-in Language Support module. I am here: /processwire/page/. I looked for files to translate in the Languages setup section (/processwire/setup/languages/edit/?id=1234), so far unsuccessfully because I was not able to identify a file to translate.
  18. I want to remove "Breadcrumbs" From Some Admin Pages .. for example (Modules/Profile) Pages. Aslo: How To Modify Page Headline .. Thanks .
  19. PW Admin doesn't really function without javascript, and my question would be, should we care? I think, however, either way it might be nice to add a "<span>Javascript doesn't seem to be available, therefore you may not be able to access the full functionality of the admin</span>" somewhere maybe?
  20. Now solved, see reply at the bottom. Hi all. PW version: 3.0.42 Despite the usual speediness of PW, a site I'm working on at the moment is suffering an extremely slow load and save time in admin. We have the same site running on localhost (a brand new MacBook Pro with 3.1GHz processor / 16GB RAM) and a Media Temple VPS host both installations suffer in the same way. All pages open and save in admin very quickly with the exception of pages using one template which just happens to be the most used one (for products the site owner manufacturers). Opening the page to edit, or saving the page, can take more than a minute! The whole front-end of the site slows while this is happening. I should add that no caching is turned on at the moment, save the standard PW system. We are, however using the multi-language support with 6 languages installed. The template consists of the following number/type of fields: 1x PageTitleLanguage 3x TextLanguage 4x Page 4x Repeaters (2-3 fields, typically text / image / textarea / page, in each - up to 10 entries per repeater) 1x RepeaterMatrix (3 fields in each, up to 3 entries per repeater) 2x TextArea 1x TextAreaLanguage 3x Image 8x Text Has anyone had an experience like this before? Is this expected behaviour with this number of fields in a page (it's the first time I've used this many on one template)? As always, any help would be gratefully received!
  21. I have reduced the module to this and the same error persists: <?php class PortalDashboard extends Process implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => "Portal Dashboard", 'version' => "0.1", //'permission' => array("page-lister"), 'autoload' => false, 'singular' => true, 'permanent' => false, 'requires' => array("PHP>=5.4.0", "ProcessWire>=3.0", "CatCoCustoms"), ); } public function init() {} In the red: Furthermore When I uninstall the aforementioned module this doesn't happen, oddly enough. What could be the problem?
  22. I am working on a module that runs/previews (for pub/unpub) imports on importer page view. The template has to be in site/templates, so far as I know, so one is created there on install which includes a file to run from within the module, but then when it's run and tries to read the importer csv file it cannot, since it's in the admin, I guess... Is it possible to set the template page to a file in the module directory? Will that work?
  23. Hi Everyone I have a problem here. I have built a site with Processwire on localhost and then transferred to my customer's server. a) it's a windows server (unfortunately) and b) there is a domain-mapping for this site, the domain points to a folder of another domain. Sorry, I can't explain it any better, I don't really understand the different types of servers (why do they have to be different anyway...). My problem is, that I see the main website but not the admin page. Do I have to add anything to my .htaccess file? I also tried to include web.config file. Not .htaccess nor web.config file have an impact when changing its content. I really have no clue what to do!! Links: mcconnellacademy.ch, mcconnellacademy.ch/admin Thanks for any pointing in the right direction!
  24. Hello, Does anyone know whether the is a place detailing the structure your admin theme should take when creating one? e.g. I see UiKit, Reno and Default admin themes all have default.php, init.php, controller.php files, is this a stylisitic choice or a prerequisite for any admin theme module? Thanks!
  25. Hello! I have a very special Processwire Setup. Short: We use Processwire for our "Blog", which is embedded in an SAP Hybris Webshop. PW provedes the Contnet via HTML and Hybris render this HTML into the Webshop (Between Default Header, Navigation and Footer) The URLs which are created in PW are the URLs for the local HTML e.g.: http://processwire.webshop.com/en/news/some-article If some Editor creates an article, he want to see the preview in the real webshop embedded. This URL would be: http://www.webshop.coom/en/blog/news/some-article Where and how can I create a Module which overwrites the URL with the correct one in the Admin-Area?
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