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  1. I want to add a few pages to an AsmSelect Page field inside a repeater using the following code: $trialsPage = wire("pages")->get(28422); // Get the page $trialsPage->of(false); $newTrial = $ordersPage->trial_repeater_orders->getNewItem(); // Add item to repeater foreach ($selectedProducts as $selectedProduct){ $productPage = $pages->get("template=product, reference=$selectedProduct"); $newTrial->trial_selected_products->add($productPage); } $newTrial->save(); $trialsPage->save(); However, when I check the page where the field is located it doesn't have the new values as expected. The selected pages exist, the field is in the right location, made sure that the output formatting is turned off: $page->of(false); But it still doesn't work with a variable. No matter what I try, it doesn't work. It only works when I replace $selectedProduct with a hardcoded string. Am I doing something wrong here?
  2. So I have been diving into hooks lately, and I am enjoying them thus far. However, I guess I am a bit stumped on how to achieve what I want too. I am trying to set up a hook that would create a new child page when the parent page is saved. However, when you save the parent page a second time, I just need to update the child page without creating multiple child pages. What would be the best way to go about this? So after rereading my post, I believe it is a bit vague so I will try to explain more. The Goal: Create a page with a template "one". Once the page is created/saved => create a new child page with the template of "two" If the parent is saved anytime after, do nothing to the child page (limit the parent page to one child page) The parent page is really just being used to output content, whereas the child page is being used to pull out the some fields from the parent to be used elsewhere. I might have made this too complicated in my head.
  3. Is there a way to make JPGs progressive by default via the API? I've added the following to my site/config.php file but user-uploaded images are often displayed as non progressive. $config->imageSizerOptions = array( 'upscaling' => true, // upscale if necessary to reach target size? 'cropping' => true, // crop if necessary to reach target size? 'autoRotation' => true, // automatically correct orientation? 'interlace' => true, // use interlaced JPEGs by default? (recommended) 'sharpening' => 'soft', // sharpening: none | soft | medium | strong 'quality' => 95, // quality: 1-100 where higher is better but bigger 'hidpiQuality' => 60, // Same as above quality setting, but specific to hidpi images 'defaultGamma' => 0.5, // defaultGamma: 0.5 to 4.0 or -1 to disable gamma correction (default=2.0) ); Thanks
  4. From my last post, I was given a good idea on how to count the repeater items, and it worked wonderfully. I got my code working well and the columns (based on the count) all work well as well. Now, I have a head scratcher on my hands. <?php $buttonsIncluded = $page->special_custom_buttons->find('special_custom_buttons_include=1'); $buttonsIncludedCount = count($buttonsIncluded); $buttonsIncludedCountAdditional = $buttonsIncludedCount +1; echo $buttonsIncludedCount; ?> <div class="row"> <?php foreach($buttonsIncluded as $button): ?> <?php if($button->custom_buttons_include): ?> <?php if($buttonsIncludedCountAdditional == 2): ?> <div class="col-6"> <a href=""><?php echo $button->custom_buttons_text; ?></a> </div> <?php elseif($buttonsIncludedCountAdditional == 3): ?> <div class="col-4"> <a href=""><?php echo $button->custom_buttons_text; ?></a> </div> <?php elseif($buttonsIncludedCountAdditional == 4): ?> <div class="col-3"> <a href=""><?php echo $button->custom_buttons_text; ?></a> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> All of this is included in a larger foreach statement that is pulling in other data (like body copy etc etc) from a Page Table field. As you can see in my code above, I am adding "1" to the count, so I can have space in the grid layout for a new button. So, right now: it looks something like: [repeater button] [repeater button] [repeater button] [space for new button] What I really need to do is to pull in the button from the Page Table and add it into the new space so it looks like: [repeater button] [repeater button] [repeater button] [button from Page Table] Is this even possible todo, or is there a better way to go about this? *Edit* So, I really just overlooked something quite easy here. Since the grid is based on 12 columns, I could just take 12 and divide by $buttonsIncludedCountAdditional which would give me the remaining col width to use outside the foreach loop. I was trying to make this too complicated.
  5. Is it possible to use count() to return a number of repeater items don't have a checkbox checked? In my current set up, I have a repeater on the page "dev_repeater" with a checkbox called "dev_repeater_exclude". I need to get a count of the current items that do not have it checked so I can pass it to my css grid to alter the column width.
  6. Hello All, I am trying to upload multiple PDF files into one repeater field. The exact situation is, if someone submits the form. make newItem in repeater add all the PDFs in newItem. every thing is working without repeaters(files not getting replaced). But in repeater, only last file remains exist.Other PDFs getting replaced from the newItem field of repeater. My code looks like- $p2= pages->get($id); $pdfs = new WireUpload('f_plan'); $pdfs->setMaxFiles(8); $pdfs->setOverwrite(false); $pdfs->setDestinationPath($upload_path); $pdfs->setValidExtensions(array('pdf','xps')); // execute upload and check for errors $pdf_files = $pdfs->execute(); echo count($pdf_files); //count is working if(!count($pdf_files)) { $pdfs->error("Sorry, but you need to add a photo!"); return false; } foreach($pdf_files as $filename) { $p2->of(false); $new_rep = $p2->floor_plan_rep->getNew(); $p2->save(); echo $pathname = $upload_path . $filename; //all the urls are okey $new_rep->floor_plan = $pathname; $p2->save(); $p2->of(true); unlink($pathname); } Also it is making one extra blank repeater field inside repeater.(I know something is wrong and something is missing in my code. ). Please help. Thanks
  7. Hi all, I have a small project which need to get records from Immowelt.de through API. These records must be on specific user who has entered them. I find the documentation of this API but i don't find something about such selection of user related records. All parameters are for all records in immowelt.de database without user related selection. https://www.immowelt.de/ImmoweltAG/InternetProdukte/api-immowelt.pdf Anyone with experience with this Immowelt.de API?
  8. Hello all I am newbie.Wanted to know does processwire will allow to display external website content and other sources to my website using API powered by processwire
  9. Hello. I'm really enjoying going into ProcessWire after using Drupal, CodeIgniter and FuelPHP for a while. Anyway my first question is with this bit of code $items = $page->siblings("template=portfolio-item, sort=random, path!={$page->path}"); As you can see, I'm trying to get siblings of the page, excluding current one. But instead it returns ONLY current page, as if there was no exclamation mark in the path selector. What's the problem here? Update: Okay, have found solution here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1230-limit-siblings-after-removing-page/ Still curious about path selector behaviour though.
  10. So I have a form, once completed, will create new pages. All in all, this is eazy-peezy for me now. I guess I need a bit of guidance on how to actually structure the rest of my code. I thought I could just write a function (_func.php) and pass the fields to the function and let it do its' thing. However, I am kinda hitting a road block when I do it this way. I currently am passing first name, last name, city, state (options field), and making pages based on the first/last names. I guess where I run into some issues is I am trying to check to see if the "page" already exists, and if it does, throw out an error: In the home template: if(isset( $_POST['submit'])) { $firstName =Trim (stripslashes($_POST['firstname'])); $lastName = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['lastname'])); $fullName = $firstName . $lastName; $city = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['city'])); $state = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['state'])); $lowerCaseName = strtolower($fullName); $people = $pages->find("template=person"); foreach ($people as $person) { $checkFirstName = $person->first_name; $checkLastName = $person->last_name; $checkFullName = $checkFirstName . $checkLastName; if ($checkFullName === $lowerCaseName) { echo "<p>" . "This person has already created a page. Please choose a different name." . "</p>"; } else { echo "hey"; processNewPerson(need_to_pass_person_details_to_function); } } // end foreach In _func.php: function processNewPerson($list) { $u = new Page(); $u->template = "person"; $u->parent = wire('pages')->get("/people/"); $u->title = ; $u->first_name = ; $u->last_name = ; $u->state = ; $u->city = ; $u->save(); $u->setOutputFormatting(false); } I am a little unsure of how to actually pass all the information to the template, as well as if this is even the best approach to do this. Would it make more sense to do this in a class, or keep it the way it is?
  11. I have done a bit of searching, but I can not seem to find an actual answer. I have a list of services as child pages under "Services". I can output the services just fine, but I cant wrap my head around how to group them "alphabetically" like: Services A - Service "A" 1 - Service "A" 2 - Service "A" 3 B - Service "B" 1 - Service "B" 2 - Service "B" 3 C - Service "C" 1 - Service "C" 2 - Service "C" 3 Has anyone achieved this type of functionality before?
  12. Hey guys, Looking for another dev to help on multiple processwire projects as well as some other PHP apps. First project is a directory style site with lots of components to come, including stripe implementation and other fun stuff. Need someone ASAP to help out. Thanks.
  13. I have a module that I am using to create an image field like so: $mf[] = [[ 'tags' => $tag, 'name' => $pre.'logo', 'type' => wire('modules')->get('FieldtypeImage'), ],[ 'label' => 'Logo', 'columnWidth' => 50, 'inputfieldClass' => 'InputfieldImage', ]]; Yet upon its creation, initially, when I try creating a page of a template including it, it says that the field must first be configured. Once I go and save the field as-is, everything's honkey dory. It's just an annoyance, with every image field. I figured it would be the required inputfieldClass field field, but as you can see, that's included up in there, and it's still not good to go off the bat.
  14. I have a technical question that maybe you can guide me to a solution/idea. I know an online tool that publishes product information and updates prices/inventories regularly from marketplaces such as Amazon, Ebay, etc. to a Wordpress website ... can get the orders information, auto-order it and send back the tracking numbers. All this is done through the Woocommerce API. They don't have an API or CSV option to access this features.. Is it possible to create fake REST endpoints (a clone of WooCommerce) on my site to accept requests from that external website and process this data my way inside PW? The requests to a REST endpoint are POST like in regular forms submits? Sorry I don't have to much technical background about this https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/?php#create-a-product https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/?php#update-a-product https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/?php#retrieve-an-order
  15. I am wondering, how do you pass a variable into wire('page')->get() inside a function? I have been looking through the forums, but unfortunately I have not found the answer yet. My current set up is: function generateNewPages($parentPageName) { $p = new Page(); $p->template = "parent"; $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/home/'); $p->name = $parentPageName; $p->title = $parentPageName; $p->of(false); $p->save(); $p2 = new Page(); $p2->template = "child"; $p2->parent = wire('pages')->get('$parentPageName'); $p2->name = "child"; $p2->title = "Child Page"; $p2->of(false); $p2->save(); } When I try to run it by passing in a title like generateNewPages('Demo');, "Demo" is created, but when it gets to the child page I get: Unknown Selector operator: '$' -- was your selector value properly escaped? Is there a way to pass the $parentPageName to "wire('pages')->get('$parentPageName')" ?
  16. I recently started to build Vue SPAs with ProcessWire as the backend, connected with a REST API. Thanks to code and the help of @LostKobrakai (How to use FastRoute with ProcessWire) and @clsource (REST-Helper) I got it up and running pretty quickly and now have put all of it in a site profile for others to use. It includes the REST API with routing for different endpoints, JWT Auth and a simple Vue SPA which shows the process of logging in a user (nevertheless, you don't have to use the Vue part, the API will work on it's own). Check it out here: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApiProfile I'm pretty sure, it's not the perfect or most sophisticsted solution, but it gets the job done for me… Feedback or Improvements are very welcome Update: This site profile is a module now: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApi
  17. Hi, I'm trying to upload images from a folder into a page. I need to replace the images instead of adding. The image field already has the replace existing images turned on, but it doesn't seem to be enough. My code: foreach($files as $file) { if(substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { // Get SKU $file_sku = substr($file, 0, 9); // Check for book $book = $pages->get('sku=' . $file_sku); if(!$book->id) { // Book doesn't exist } else { // Upload image into book !!! THIS CODE ADDS FILE INSTEAD OF REPLACING. HOW CAN I REPLACE? $book->book_images->add($upload_directory . '/' . $file); // Delete file unlink($upload_directory . '/' . $file); } // Save book if($book->id) $book->save(); } } What am I missing?
  18. I have started to use PW 3 in my latest project and it's working out really great (as expected). I have one issue though which I can't figure out. I am developing an order system, where users can log in, select a product, make some configurations to it and then order the product. The orders are saved as child pages to each user. So far, no problem. What I am trying to achieve is to put the orders in a subpage of the user called "orders", for better clarity in the users' structure. So i create a subpage "orders" with the first order of a user, and save the order as a child of this. - user - - orders - - - order1 - - - order2 - - - order3 The problem occurs when the user submits more orders: I can't get the "orders" subpage to put the new order inside it, so an additional "orders" subpage is created with each new order. - user - - orders - - - order1 - - orders - - - order2 - - orders - - - order3 This is my approach: // get the first child of the user page with the template "orders" // apparently this does not work as I expected and always returns a NullPage $parent = $user->child("template=orders"); // if "orders" subpage is a NullPage, create new page if ($parent instanceof NullPage) { $orderContainer = new Page(); $orderContainer->parent = $user; $orderContainer->template = "orders"; $orderContainer->title = "Orders"; $orderContainer->save(); $parent = $orderContainer; } $order = new Page(); $order->template = "product-configure"; $order->title = "Order: " . $order_name; $order->parent = $parent; $order->country = $country; $order->publication = $publication; $order->comments = $comments; $order->save(); Any hints are appreciated...
  19. Hey All. I am creating a new field of type 'FieldtypeTextareaLanguage' via a module. Everything is working just fine expect that I can not find any information on how to set the 'Text Formatter' (to HTML Entity Encoder) and 'Inputfield Type' (to CKEditor). I tried the following which failed and was just a guess because of the IDs and select-values in the HTML... $f = new Field(); $f->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeTextareaLanguage"); $f->name = $newstcontentfieldname; $f->label = $newstcontentfieldlabel; $f->set('tags','servicetype'); $f->set('icon','fa-pencil-square'); $f->set('asmSelect0','TextformatterEntities'); $f->set('Inputfield_inputfieldClass', 'InputfieldCKEditor'); $f->save(); [EDIT] Furthermore, I just came across the question how to set the 'Visibility' --> ' Show this field only if' Option? Is there any documentation that I missed sofar about these field-variables and how to set them? [/EDIT] I am thankfull for any suggestion and hope somebody can help me. Thanks a lot!
  20. I have a repeater with a text field where I would like to use hanna code (to make it easier on the user) so the user can define the action of a image that is in the repeater. For example: 1. The image should have an external link: - the user can just type in the url 2. The image, when clicked, should be printable (using print.js) - the user can just type [[print_image]] That works just fine, but I am running into an "issue". The code I need to use to print is: onclick="printJS({printable: 'path_to_image', type: 'image'});" I can put that into the hanna code as plain text, but I have no idea how to get the image from the repeater item and pass to "path_to_image". Is this even possible?
  21. I have a script that is pulling in a json feed (will be attached to a cron job later) which looks like: $http = new WireHttp(); // Get the contents of a URL $response = $http->get("feed_url"); if($response !== false) { $decodedFeed = json_decode($response); } Everything there works well and I can pull the id, title, status (updated, new, sold) and other items from the decoded feed in a foreach loop. My whole goal is to create pages from the feed, but if the page has already been created, with all the same exact items from the json feed, I will need to "skip" over it. So far, I am running into a roadblock with my checks. I guess I need to compare the json to all my pages and their values and: 1. If an id already exists, check to see if a fields data has been updated and then update the page, 2. If an id exists and all fields are unchanged, skip adding that page $http = new WireHttp(); // Get the contents of a URL $response = $http->get("feed_url"); if($response !== false) { $decodedFeed = json_decode($response); foreach($decodedFeed as $feed) { $u = new Page(); $u->template = $templates->get("basic-page"); $u->parent = $pages->get("/development/"); $u->name = $feed->title = $feed->id; $u->title = $feed->title; $u->status = $feed->status $u->body = $feed->title; $u->save(); $u->setOutputFormatting(false); } } else { echo "HTTP request failed: " . $http->getError(); } I am really just hung up on how to do the current page checks and matching them with the json field data.
  22. So I was going to build a todo tracking app for myself to test/broaden my knowledge of processwire, and so far it has been taxing ?. My Site structure is: - Project One - Phase One - Task - Task - Task - Phase Two - Task - Task - Task So far it was pretty easy, I can easily foreach through the Project and get the phases with their tasks. However, it gets a bit muddled when I have more than one project as I was trying to have a dashboard where the content switches out to the selected project as opposed to accessing each project via their own url. How would yall handle this? My next hurdle is each task has a select field (for project status) that I want to update via ajax (for the smooth transitioning). Scenario: You finish a task, change the option from "new" to "completed", and an onclick changes the status drop down background to green (which I have working), but then posts/saves a field on the backend to the new option. I have a page called "Actions" set up with url segments using if ($config->ajax && $input->urlSegment1 == 'change-status') { //save update field on admin } However, I am a little fuzzy on how to actually pass the current page along with the new selected status to actually update the page (task). I guess I am not very far into my endeavor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. So this is more or less just a question regarding best practices, and how to actually achieve this. I have an internal tool I built awhile ago that has just gotten very "trashed". The naming conventions are all out of whack due to trying to get something completed, and pages are just everywhere. The fields got really out of hand as well, but I believe I have found a much cleaner field structure with the Repeater Matrix and a few other ProFields. I decided recently to rewrite the template structure and the fields from scratch to keep everything nice and neat, but then it hit me that I would need to move all the previous data over and populate the new fields etc. The current tree looks something like: Group Title - Section A (template "section") - Category One (template "category") - Category Two (template "category") - Section B (template "section") - Category One (template "category") - Category Two (template "category") Etc etc... The structure is pretty good, and I am thinking of keeping it as it serves my purpose. However, I now have about 140 Sections with child pages that I would hopefully like to move to different templates, as well as changing the child templates/mapping data to the new fields. The only fields I need to worry about are a few textareas, text fields, options field, as well as 1 image filed. I guess my real question is, what is the best way to go about this "migration" via the api while keeping the parent/child structure. It would be ok to leave it as is and chip away at it if I were the only one using it, but unfortunately that is not the case. I guess one approach would be to copy over the entire structure and make the move to the new templates/fields. Once we have verified all the data/templates are correct, we could remove the old structure and possibly rename the new to mirror the old. However, this might just be too complicated.
  24. I can't add a new value to a custom PageArray field for my user. However, when I create a new user, I CAN add the new PageArray value: I need help. Thank you very much.
  25. Hi all, Im currently building a photo sharing website and have a first version finished. Next step is to incorporate notifications in the website if a user likes one of your photo's, or comments on a photo you posted. Just like the notification bell at the top of the forums. Any idea how to approach this functionality? Thanks in advance.
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