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  1. I hid/set aside the old /wire/, index.php, and .htaccess, as well as /site/config.php. Debug=1. $config->urls->admin = /pw/, as it's set as. I'm finding that others are encountering a similar issue but haven't found any solution yet, at least none that works for me. Please help, thanks much
  2. Hi, I've recently upgraded a website to the latest version (2.7.2) and the image fields are not running properly. Seems like the ImageSizer isn't working anymore. There's a thread in the forums about that particular problem but it's a dead-end. Here's the error i got: ImageSizer::resize(0, 100) failed for [...]/site/assets/cache/WireTempDir/.PagefilesManager1984/1/numbers_layout.0x100.jpg Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.
  3. Hello, will the database structure change until stable release of ProcessWire 3 or won't the database be touched? This would be great to know, Ryan!
  4. Hello is anyone else having trouble with the multi language tabs after upgrading to 2.7.2. (from 2.5)? Mine all show at the same time noe (see attached screenshot). Maybe someone has an idea how I could fix that? Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions!
  5. Hi, I've just upgraded a site from 2.6.1 to 2.7 and have noticed that the 'published' date does not seem to be working on new content I publish. Under the settings tab the info looks like this: Published on [?] If I try to output the date anywhere it comes out as: 1970-01-01 01:00:00 Does anyone know why this may not be outputting correctly?
  6. After i upgraded from 2.4->2.6 using the upgrade module my image field on new templated say invalid image and gets a redbackground when i try to add images. My old templated still work when i try with the same image.
  7. Hello! I've now got more than a handful of websites running ProcessWire - some running from master and some on development. As Development branch sometimes moves rather fast and I want to keep certain sites up to date with those changes, I wanted to make the upgrade process a bit quicker and smoother if I'm going to be doing it more often. I made a quick and dirty bash script to handle this for me and thought I'd share it for others to make use of. I've only tested it on the hosting platform I use - Vidahost Cloud - which is Linux-based and has Git installed. So you'll probably need that sort of environment too Get it here: wire-upgrade.sh. The basic concept is as follows: Clone ProcessWire dev or master branch from Github to a temporary directory. Move the wire directory from the repository into the current directory named wire.new Rename wire to wire.backup.... Rename wire.new to wire Remove the temporary directory from step 1. The script should be ran in the site's root folder - the same level as the "wire" directory. Just specify which branch you want to upgrade to (master or dev) as the parameter (see comments at the top of the script for an example). My shell scripting skills are a bit on the rusty side these days, but I think I've got most bases covered. Any feedback, improvements, comments or suggestions are very welcome
  8. After upgrading from 2.3 to 2.5 on a site I have a 500 internal server error. All file permissions and ownership settings seem correct. I changed out the 'wire' directory and replaced the .htaccess and index.php files. Also I added a line to site/config.php $config->httpHosts = array('acarchitects.biz', 'www.acarchitects.biz'); I have had to revert back to the original version meantime. Is there anything that might have been missed?
  9. Just upgraded a site from 2.4 to 2.5.2 and found all my styling going crazy and half teh site being included again. I found the new _main.php files in the templates causing the issue, anyway of turning this file off or by passing it as it works on the old 2.4 themeing way. And is there any information on the use of these new themeing files and why they're there? Thanks
  10. Hi guys Just tried an upgrade from 2.4.0 to todays Dev branch and now have an error message. Whats the best way to diagnose? I can restore the old files but wondered if this was fixable?
  11. I have a module which has dependency on other modules. When upgrading to the latest version on dev branch for testing the latest dynamic roles module. I noticed the module installed got missing. It was not shown in installed nor when checked for new modules. This is something in the getModuleInfo 'requires' => array( - 'Article', - 'Source', - 'Section', - ) Other modules don't have any issues. When removing the requires, and deleting the name from modules table I installed a fresh module again. When the requires is there and trying to install module it shows module installed with session error unknown. Not sure why it is happening.
  12. Hi there, I just wanted to update Processwire from 2.2.0 to 2.2.9 and downloaded the latest version from Github. Then I replaced the /wire folder and the index.php. When trying to edit a page I got an error message that something was wrong in ProcessPageEdit.module. After some trying I decided to go back to my initial version, deleted the new and re-established the old /wire folder and index.php. And no comes the real problem. It became even worse and now I can't get into the admin anymore. Very confusing. Any idea how to solve that?
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