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Posts posted by adrian

  1. Hey @bernhard - Is this how you have the complete block looking such that your new logic is only applied to objects, but when they are an array the behaviour isn't changed?

    BTW, this bit of code is a copy of PW's debug.inc file so you should let Ryan know about the needed change there as well.

                    if(is_object($value)) {
                        try {
                            if (is_object($value)) $value = (string)$value;
                        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
                            try {
                                $value = json_encode($value);
                            } catch (\Throwable $th) {
                                $value = $th->getMessage();
                    if(is_array($value)) $value = print_r($value, true);


  2. Currently on Digital Ocean (although will actually be moving the project to AWS shortly).

    I just ran a backup from the CLI and in that situation (where the timeout doesn't come into affect), it seems to have worked as expected, with both the zip and zip.enc files having the same size, but I am still confused why the .zip is kept - shouldn't that be deleted after the creation of the .zip.enc file?

    Actually, should both be exactly the same file size - does the encryption not result in some change?

    I came across the timeout when trying to run a backup from ProcessDuplicator using the native DB / local only options - I still think this need to work.

    • Like 1
  3. Just looking into that libsodium error. I see that it's being generated by Halite's isLibsodiumSetupCorrectly() function, but when I call the components from that I get the following, which suggest it should be ok.



    Actually, it's just a case of inverted logic in your code - note the ! where it shouldn't be.

        if (!\ParagonIE\Halite\Halite::isLibsodiumSetupCorrectly()) {
          $field->notes = __("☑️ `libsodium` setup [**OK**]");
        } else {
          $field->notes = __("⚠️ `libsodium` setup [**FAIL**]");


    • Like 1
  4. Hi @flydev - thanks so much for your work on this. I've just been testing it out and have a few questions:

    1) I am seeing libsodium setup [FAIL] at the bottom of the private key section in the config settings. I have libsodium-dev and php-libsodium installed so not sure where there error is coming from. Any ideas?

    2) The backup seems to work as expected, but I am seeing both .zip and .zip.enc files created. Are they both supposed to remain after the backup has completed running? 

    3) Is is expected that the .enc version is about 2/5ths the size of the main .zip file?

    Actually, I think I just answered #2 and #3 - turns out I got this error Fatal Error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded (line 23 of /paragonie/sodium_compat/src/Core/ChaCha20.php) which I suppose means the encryption didn't complete. Do you think it would make sense to override the php time limit within this process to avoid this?

    Thanks again!

    • Thanks 1
  5. Not sure what you are making work via Admin > Access > Users, because to get BCE to work here like that, I need to replace line 185 with:

            if(!$this->data['allowAdminPages'] && (!in_array($this->editedPage->id, $this->wire('config')->usersPageIDs) && ($this->editedPage->template->flags & Template::flagSystem))) return;


  6. I wish the sidebar actually worked well - I had hight hopes for that feature, but it just doesn't really work. Just in case you haven't ever noticed, the tree icon at the start of the breadcrumbs brings up a panel overlay with the full menu which is a really nice feature. That, together with Robin's BreadcrumbDropdown menu and life is pretty good.

    AdminOnSteroids does have a sticky header feature.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi @bernhard - I think the easiest way might be to set: Debugger::$editorMapping which I think you should be able to change in config.php

    Here is where the path is built: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/f2fbcd88fcecad45b2ce7b428cfe80c1527c1122/TracyDebugger.module.php#L1004-L1048 but I think in your case you will want to get the current value of Debugger::$editorMapping and do a str_replace on the path set in the module setting to adjust for each user as needed. You could probably even just put a placehholder like "localpath" in the module settings and replace that with the correct path per user.

    Let me know if that works out for you.


    • Thanks 1
  8. It works to allow the user to do the rating - perhaps you're not loading all the required assets?

        <link href="/site/modules/FieldtypeStars/InputfieldStars.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <script src="/site/modules/FieldtypeStars/rater-js/rater-js.js"></script>
        <script src="/site/modules/FieldtypeStars/InputfieldStars.js"></script>


  9. Hi Marty,

    I think the problem is that you don't want to protect the page that is using the portfolio template. And as I mentioned above you also don't want the if($page->protected)  check.

    What you want is to protect the pages that have the images you're trying to restrict access to (using the option on the settings tab). Everything else will be taken care of by the module.

    Hope that gets you going and sorry if the instructions aren't clear.

  10. Good point about the translation of "copy". 

    As for the duplicate issue - I just tested here and uninstalling the module didn't completely prevent duplicate names. I think issue you saw might be related to pages created when you were experimenting with the Pages:cloned hook code I posted above. But please let me know if you see the problem once all those versions are removed and you're start with a fresh set of clones.

  11. Try this as a replacement for https://github.com/adrianbj/PageRenameOptions/blob/8665aca5023417163841603fda8037df2ccbe245/PageRenameOptions.module#L106-L108

    Not well tested yet, but wanted to give you a better idea of what I meant.

            preg_match('/\(copy\s?\d?\)/', $p->title, $matches);
            $isTitleCloned = !empty($matches) && $p->name != $this->wire('sanitizer')->pageName($p->title, Sanitizer::translate);
            if(!$isTitleCloned && $this->data['initialDifferencesProtected'] && !$this->wire('user')->roles->has("name=".implode("|", $this->data['exemptRolesInitialDifferencesProtected']))) {
                $this->wire('config')->scripts->add($this->wire('config')->urls->PageRenameOptions . "InitialDifferenceProtected.js?v={$version}");


    • Like 1
  12. What about if the module were to just disable the Initial Differences Protected check if the name doesn't match the title but the title contains (copy\s?\d?\) which would match (copy), (copy 2), etc. I think this approach will work better. Thoughts?

  13. Hi @Robin S - sorry for the really late response.

    Looks like your suggestion for matching the cloned name to its title works for me. Would you mind testing at your end please. Just add this at the start of the ready method.

    // if cloning a page, then set the name to match the title so Protect Initial Differences works
    $this->wire()->addHookAfter("Pages::cloned", function($event) {
        $p = $event->arguments(1);
        $p->setAndSave('name', $this->wire('sanitizer')->pageName($p->title, Sanitizer::translate));

    This approach also works when the copy button allows one step ajax cloning.

    I'll look into your sync button idea as well.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, LAPS said:

    Hi @adrian, thanks for the support.

    1. I (and I think almost any developer) am a bit reluctant to change the source code directly. It should work as-it-is.
    2. The enablement of the "Rename on Save" option helps with LoginRegisterPro (LRP). However, I find it a bit negative for performance reasons in addition to breaking file links.

    Can we expect in a future release of the module to allow selecting the user template and renaming LRP profile image just on upload?

    1) That was just to get you going - I'll make the change but I was hoping to hear back about LRP to see if I could fix that for you at the same time before committing a new version.

    2) Because I don't have LRP I can't test with it to figure out why it's not working, but if someone who does have it can figure out the issue and provide a fix I'd be happy to include it.

  15. Hi @Marty Walker - hope you're well!

    I think perhaps you don't quite have things right, but I am really guessing at this point. Keep in mind that if you want to embed into the site you need a dedicated template as defined in the settings and you shouldn't need the if($page->protected)  check.


    Does that help at all, or am I missing the point entirely?

  16. Hi @LAPS - I just tested here and even though currently it's not possible to select the user template, if you don't select any, the module does work on the user template. BTW - it would be trivial for me to allow selecting the user template - for now you can enable by changing line #736 to:

    if($currtemplate->name != 'user' && ($currtemplate->flags & Template::flagSystem)) continue;

    I don't have access to LoginRegisterPro so I am not sure about that but the module does work with uploads via the API so I would have thought it worked. Does the "Rename on Save" option help?

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