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Status Updates posted by adrian

  1. Tracy Debugger (http://mods.pw/B8) - expandable call stack and variable dumping, error email notification, PW info/links, log file viewer, execution time, memory usage, diagnostics, and more!

  2. Tracy Debugger (http://mods.pw/B8) - expandable call stack and variable dumping, error email notification, PW info/links, log file viewer, execution time, memory usage, diagnostics, and more!

  3. Tracy Debugger (http://mods.pw/B8) - expandable call stack and variable dumping, error email notification, PW info/links, execution time, memory usage, and more!

  4. Restrict site editors to just one branch of the page tree: http://mods.pw/Aq

  5. Let your clients create customized CSV exports of pages using Batch Child Editor (http://mods.pw/6K)

  6. Clients need to regularly update page data from CSV files? Check out the enhanced Batch Child Editor (http://mods.pw/6K) to predefine CSV column - PW field connections.

  7. Not using SVGs on your site? You should be, and you should be sanitizing them: http://mods.pw/9U

  8. Want to hide the Settings or other tabs from the page edit dialog? http://mods.pw/9T

  9. Let your site editors protect pages from guest access: http://mods.pw/8i

  10. Need to password protect your site? http://mods.pw/7o | Want to make sure page names match titles? http://mods.pw/7n

  11. Force Password Change: http://mods.pw/7D | Email New User & Generate Password: http://mods.pw/7E

  12. Force Password Change: http://mods.pw/7D | Email New User: http://mods.pw/7E

  13. Select setup taking too long: http://mods.pw/5R | Rename ugly uploaded filenames: http://mods.pw/5m | On demand SVG rasterizing: http://mods.pw/62

  14. Select dropdown setup taking too long? Check out: http://mods.pw/5R

  15. Page field setup getting you down? Check out: http://mods.pw/5R

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