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Posts posted by DV-JF

  1. 15 hours ago, MarkE said:

    But then why not use a fieldset, in which case it doesn’t depend on the screen layout?

    Because in it's an overhead and it needs extra time to configure. In some situations I just like some fields beneath each other, hidden initially, especially when I'm already in a fieldset ?

    • Like 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, MarkE said:

    ... as the inputfields are not necessarily related ...

    but when they are it's nice, especially when you hide them initially and only have to click once to open the whole row.

    • Like 1
  3. Hey @joshua,

    I'm wondering if it would be possible to load a poster image in a <video> tag only when the user accepts the category: In my example I'm loading an external video and it would be nice to do something like this:

    <video src="" data-src="http://example.com/video.mp4" data-category="external-media" data-poster="http://example.com/video_preview_image.jpg"></video>

    Any ideas or plans?

    Greets Jens alias DV_JF

  4. 4 hours ago, protro said:

    I find the documentation here a bit confusing. For example I wish I had a list of the system fields belonging to a page. I have trouble locating what the available selectors are.

    Have a look at the docs, here are two pages I find very helpful.





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  5. 39 minutes ago, bernhard said:

    Template "repeater_hero_repeater" --> "RepeaterHeroRepeaterPage"

    Thx @bernhard for your suggestion, I've changed my code to

    File: site/classes/RepeaterHeroRepeaterPage.php
    <?php namespace ProcessWire;
    class RepeaterHeroRepeaterPage extends RepeaterPage {
        public function test() {
            return 'Test';

    but no success ?

    Are there any other ways to set a custom page class to a repeater page?

  6. Short question: Is it possible to add custom page classes to repeaters?

    I'm trying to do this with method but without any luck:

    Repeater Field Name: my-repeater
    File: /site/classes/RepaterMyRepeaterfield.php
    <?php namespace ProcessWire;
    class OwnRepeaterPage extends RepeaterPage {
        public function test() {
            return 'Test';

    Any ideas or hints?

  7. 10 minutes ago, ryan said:

    The new FormBuilder version includes various improvements but the biggest is a new version of the included InputfieldFormBuilderFile module that supports file/image uploads in forms. It has been improved with a preview option (for images), the ability to collect a description for each file, improved multi-file inputs, and more.

    A dream comes true !!! There's a german saying: "Was lange währt wird endlich gut." (What lasts long finally becomes good.)

    Actually, I wanted to get off work and start the weekend, so I guess it will be nothing for the time being ?

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