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Posts posted by WinnieB

  1. At my dayjob I am dealing with Microsoft Server nonprofit licensing right now and it makes me appreciate Linux even more! ?

    I'm  also having good results running Ubuntu in Windows Subsystem for Linux.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 9/4/2019 at 12:55 AM, tpr said:

    Do you have your test files in subdirectories? The breadcrumb should show the subdirectory names (paths). On configurable I meant the "Show breadcrumbs" checkbox above the test list.

    Thanks, makes perfect sense now.

  3. Many thanks for this module, it's coming in handy! However, using v.0.1.3 on my PW 3.0.135 localhost install, it's not showing Breadcrumbs, though I have that option selected. You mention configurability but I'm not sure where changes could be made.

  4. Have you seen this thread? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12723-bootstrapping-processwire-in-phpunit/

    I'm getting into test-driven development with the Nette Tester module, and am learning how to bootstrap PW.

    If the PW instance you're bootstrapping has Tracy Debugger installed, "Tracy Logs" give meaningful realtime feedback (after page reload) on bootstrap (and other) errors. This helped me "trace" ? a tricky bug that didn't appear in Tracy "Processwire Logs", or Windows, mysql, or Apache logs.

    My error was caused by the fact that:

    • While I was logged as Superuser into the admin of the PW instance I was bootstrapping
    • AND the PHP script I bootstrapped from was in a subdirectory of that site

    by default PW runs bootstrapped scripts as "guest" user, and couldn't access what I wanted - a custom per-user field from the Admin "Profile" section. PW forum searching revealed that Ryan Cramer chose this sane default for security. Ryan's code in this thread solved my problem:

    $users = wire('users'); 
    $superuser = $users->get("YOUR_PW_USERNAME"); 

    Also be aware, as this page states:


    You can access all of the same API variables that you can from a template, except that there is no default $page variable accessible from the API since ProcessWire is not handling the web request. Of course, you are welcome to retrieve any page you want from the $pages API variable. Likewise you can modify, save, and delete pages as usual.


    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Gideon So said:

    Yeah!! Long time Linux user. From Fedora Core 1 (2003) to Fedora 30 (2019). Very happy.


    Ha, I also started using Fedora Core in 2003. I've tried a lot of distros over the years and have pretty much settled on RHEL/CentOS for servers because of the great documentation. I use Windows at my day job (with a bit of Ubuntu through WSL) and Mac for music production. There's plenty to love (and dislike) about each OS, to be honest. It's impressive how many tools actually work well on Linux these days, and how things like wireless network and soundcard compatibility aren't the complete nightmares they were back in the 00's.

    Another great thing about Linux is that you can look at, say, UNIX documentation from the '70s or a Red Hat book from 1998 and much of it will still be relevant and useful.

    • Like 1
  6. I came to this thread searching for Active Directory solutions, and finding several here. Does anyone have wisdom to share on the best LDAP for AD to work with PW3.x these days? Just arose as a possible requirement on a project.

    To stay on-topic, I am building a system that connects to a REDCap clinical database via an API; downloads raw values from numerous surveys in the system; aggregates, scores, and graphs the raw values; then pushes them back via API. There are many complexities involved, but the ability to do this in the PW backend makes it possible! May publish the module that connects to the REDCap API when the whole thing's done.

  7. On 4/26/2019 at 1:55 PM, bernhard said:

    Hello everybody!

    I'm trying and trying and can't seem to get this working. I've recently been evaluating different cloud providers and while playing around with all this fancy, scalable, flexible (and quite cheap!) cloud stuff I thought, "what if I created an Ubuntu dev server for all my web development?". That's nothing new, you might think, and you are partly right, because that's what we are all doing with our live servers. BUT: I wanted to access the whole dev server remotely with a GUI, so that I can install and use VSCode directly on the server. That would have major benefits to my current setup (local Win10 laragon + VSCode).

    The pains:

    • I have to keep VSCode in sync between different machines (Desktop, Laptop, weekend home)
    • I need to take care of backups
    • When I share work with clients my PC has to be turned on (ngrok)
    • It's a windows system and not always behaving same as my linux live server
    • Slooooooow internet connection at my weekend home in the mountains...

    That would all be solved if I could move my dev environment to the cloud. Of course, I'd need an internet connection (so it wouldn't work that great in a train/airplane), but that's fine I guess. Currently I'm using a VSCode extension to map remote file systems via SSH into the IDE. That works great for little edits, but it has three major drawbacks:

    • I still need to keep different VSCode installations in sync (themes, settings, extensions, php path variables etc... you know all that)
    • I don't have a "search in files" feature, which is VERY important for my work
    • I don't have code intellisense available for the project, which is also very important

    That's why I thought: Why not use something like a remote desktop, install a desktop on the Ubuntu server and use it from wherever I want, always with my common settings and highspeed internet. I failed ? I'm not good at linux, so maybe it was my fault, but I could not get a remote connection working properly via xrdp/rdp. Via teamviewer I got only 800x600 screen resolution (was not able to change that) and the commercial license is too expensive. Also VNC did not seem to be a good option (didn't try that, though).

    Then a friend of mine mentioned X11-forwarding and a tool called MobaXterm. It's a tool where you can forward the program's execution from the host via SSH and display the GUI on the client. Awesome. Exactly what I'd need. Have a look at MobaXterm, it seems to be a great alternative to WinSCP or Putty or FileZilla. I managed to run the xclock program of the Ubuntu 18.04 host server on my Win10 client. Very nice! But unfortunately I couldn't get vscode to run ?

    error while loading shared libraries: libXtst.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    I have no idea what that means. It seems that the X11 server I'm using on Windows does not work for vscode. I found this issue: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/65232 where byates says:

    So it seems to be possible. Some comments seem to confirm that. But I don't know how to use MobaXterm with VcXsrc and I can't comment the issue on Github to get some help of those users ?

    Maybe some linux gurus here can help me with this problem? Maybe someone likes the idea of having a remove coding environment (also found https://coder.com/ ) and wants to try this himself? Especially the VSCode Users on Windows? @kongondo

    Thank you!

    PS: This video shows what I'm talking about (using Putty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNuXpk10zXE )


    I'm doing something similar with MobaXterm. My dev machine for this project is an Acer W10 laptop, then I use MobaXTerm's VNC (as well as SSH & SFTP tools) to remote into a CentOS 7 server running TigerVNC server. If using VNC, you should set it to only serve on localhost, then you're SSH-ing into that securely. Haven't tried VcXsrc, but VNC in this setup has no noticeable latency.

    While I also have Ubuntu running though Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on my dev machine, the MobaXTerm tools wrap up the remote access tools in a decent desktop GUI, and also serve as a good multi-tabbed, configurable terminal frontend to WSL (which appears to use the same basic wretched Windows teminal as CMD.exe). Coder.com looks interesting, will have to check that out!

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks so much for continuing to develop this awesome tool! Happy to report I just bought my first Pro module this week (ProFields) and it's really streamlining my workflow. You are the rare developer who understands the essence of why people adore the product (your frequent use of the words "fun" and "love" regarding PW is apt) and just continue to make it better.

    Curious about the non-profit data research project you mentioned in the blog post? I am using PW to interact with the REDCap API for a large public mental health research project. I was initially asked to do it this project in R (which I use for data analysis in my dayjob). As discussions continued, I realized what they actually needed was a highly configurable web interface with a few data score norming and graphing features...PW to the rescue, and it's inspired me to make my first module (REDCapi) and Process Module for the admin interface.

    • Like 9
  9. Interesting topic. From my experience using the Gantry framework with the Grav flat-file CMS, the extra level of "ease"/abstraction visual builder tools offer can be a hassle when things don't work 100% as expected (which is at least 50% of the time).

    It gets complicated if the builder magically (meaning in ways not well-documented) overrides standard settings that are documented in the CMS itself but are suddenly not working.

    That said, building your own within PW to speed workflow with clients a la @grimezy / @maxF5 makes a lot of sense.

  10. 10 hours ago, SamC said:

    9) Studio One 3 with my RME babyface for recording guitars (absolute fail, and Wine makes me want to gouge my eyes out)

    I do actually really like Linux but number (9) is an absolute dealbreaker (and the other items on the second list are a compromise with no really decent solution, unless you store all your music locally, like I did in the 90s...) so I always have to have a WIndows partition i.e. keeping two OSs updated.

    I feel you on number 9 (number 9, number 9) :-). It's been a while since I've used Linux in earnest, and it was the impossibility of getting a functional music production setup that was the nail in the coffin. Funny thing is that while desktop Linux never really caught on with the general public, it spoiled me for things like real virtual desktops and multi-tab file browsers WAY before they came to Mac/Windows.

    I'd recommend Bitwig Studio or Renoise, both of which have native Linux support and will run VST plugins compiled for Linux. At least on Mac/Windows RME is known for best-in-the biz-hardware, drivers, and low latency performance, not sure about Linux (especially if FireWire).

    I use Mac at home, Windows 7 at work, and would be happy to use a stable Linux again for development. Each OS has its flaws and strengths. I try to use cross-platform tools as much as possible (Sublime or Visual Code and MAMP/MAMP for Windows) to minimize mental gear-shifting.

    • Like 2
  11. 6 hours ago, Sephiroth said:

    To be sincere this section I would advise using a framework like Yii2 or Laravel, if you are going to handle concepts like RBAC or Permission and authorization, as am assuming there would different roles and all. I tend to use Processwire for mostly content centric sites or mostly site management, but when it comes to applications with specific logic, I tend to use frameworks like Yii2/Symfony as i would love to have things as flexible as possible. 

    Would you mind discussing what RBAC/Permissions features Yii2/Laravel have that ProcessWire doesn't?  Is it text-based configs, console tools, pre-made modules/API features, or something else?

    I'm starting to design a couple systems that need to have very clear & strong roles/permissions established.


  12. On 9/26/2016 at 7:09 AM, Macrura said:


    last couple of days

    The Shadows (Greatest Hits etc.)
    Misc classic jazz
    Steve Reich (Music for 18 Musicians etc)
    Gurdjieff/De Hartmann Piano music
    Scott Walker (film score and instrumental selections)

    I don't see the Gurdjieff/De Hartmann music name-checked too often, I'm familiar with Cecil Lytle's recordings. Are you into Gurdjieff's teachings? Such an interesting person with some amazing ideas!

    When I'm working and things are crazy, ambient music helps get me in a productive frame of mind - my favorites include:

    • Brian Eno's "Discreet Music" "Music for Airports" and "Another Green World" (I've listened to this maybe 1,000 times and still hear new things!)
    • Daniel Lanois' "Belladonna" and "Apollo" (one of many Eno collabs)
    • Bill Laswell "Radioaxiom: Bass the Final Frontier" and his remix of Gigi's "Illuminated Audio"
    • Like 1
  13. Thanks for sharing, gave me insight on how to implement some frontend-only user ideas.

    I saw the frontend/admin screenshot before I knew what business CalTex was in,  and I thought that "Silver, Platinum, Lubricants and Diesel" was an odd set of fieldnames. :lol: Now it makes sense!

  14. I'm getting the following error trying to install module to PW 3.0.34.

    Do you think it's a version 3 compatibility issue or a configuration on my end?


    Error: Call to undefined function Jos\Lib\wire() (line 34 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/pw3/site/modules/ImportPagesXml/lib/Parser.php) 


  15. For an example my own favorite output pattern is loosely based on model-view-controller. It's entirely based on template files, and comprised of a shared front controller, template-specific controllers and view scripts, partials, and layouts. The result is a structure that in my opinion can be easily adapted to all kinds of sites, applications, and so on.

    Would I recommend this as the first thing a complete beginner should learn? Probably not :)

    Interesting, would you be able to share your layout as a site profile, or at least show the folder structure?

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