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Posts posted by happywire

  1. 21 minutes ago, LostKobrakai said:

    What's wrong with doing it like that?

    Thank you. ?

    It times out on the frontend upon uploading the image and visiting the page in question.
    Tried it and cannot have that happen with any client.

    Also in that particular case no picture tag is needed.
    That means up to 3 times as much or even more data is sent as compared to webp.

    Given we strip webp from the requirement and do not do image conversion in the frontend, how else would you go about it?

    Take an example where the client uploads a batch of 10 images each between 5-12mb in file size.
    Take a given list of variations between 120px width and 5120px or more width.
    Only keep the sizes you want without having default or other variations mixed with that srcset.
    Make sure you are only using sizes that really exist, so don't have a srcset of 2000px width when the largest variation is 1200px in width.

    How would you tackle that?

  2. @wbmnfktr Great reply thank you.

    Is there a list of features you check for in a shared host?
    What do you deem important things a shared host should have?

    For example I have a nice script that pushes and pulls between dev, stage and production, including db.
    This uses ssh, mysql & php (cmd line), scp and rsync, so those would be already quite good to have on the host.

    I imagine similar to WP, PW also needs some search and replace of the local dev domains to the live domain in the db.
    No worries I am doing all this locally and then pushing to stage or live.
    So I guess/hope https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/can be used for that?

    I would like to refrain using FileZilla, clearing db on host, uploading db, then somehow changing local domain to live domain in there and then uploading files manually.
    Have heard about Duplicator for PW but not checked it out yet, bottom line, if dev can be pushed to stage or live with a single command of a simple script, that is what I am after.

    Then, I am now with a client that does not have any image processing features (webp conversion) on their shared hosting and it is a pain to work with.
    Client was with this host before we started work.
    So ImageMagick with webp support or GD enabled and compiled for webp support on PHP would be 2 more points to have in place.

    What else?

  3. @horst Thank you. In theory or simple pseudo code, or if you can just talk me through the process, how would you go about obtaining the responsive image syntax above?

    a) from a given set list of sizes between 120px width and 2560px width create the srcset array that checks existing variations for an image without mixing default variations or variations created by modules with it

    b) make sure no variations that do not exist for an image are included in the srcset array, so an image that has a max width of 1200px does not have a srcset item of 2000px width in the syntax, meaning don't just have a fixed syntax for each image but really make the syntax from the image and its variations

    At the moment I am still searching for a solution to this.. and to be honest I feel rather bad about this, asking so many questions, thinking I am the only one in the forums that seems to have trouble coming up with a decent responsive image workflow that results in the given responsive image syntax above..

  4. 3 hours ago, LostKobrakai said:

    I still don't really get what your problem really is though.

    Let me try.. perhaps I am not seeing the forest for the trees..
    Given is this syntax for responsive images.

    		sizes="(min-width: 640px) 60vw, 100vw"
    		srcset="image.200x0.webp 200w,
    				image.400x0.webp 400w,
    				image.800x0.webp 800w,
    				image.1200x0.webp 1200w,
    				image.1600x0.webp 1600w,
    				image.2000x0.webp 2000w"
    		src="image.400x0.jpg" alt="A rubber duck"
    		sizes="(min-width: 640px) 60vw, 100vw"
    		srcset="image.200x0.jpg 200w,
    				image.400x0.jpg 400w,
    				image.800x0.jpg 800w,
    				image.1200x0.jpg 1200w,
    				image.1600x0.jpg 1600w,
    				image.2000x0.jpg 2000w">

    In order to reach this I create an array for the srcset.
    If I go through the variations for each image on a page

    $variations = $image->getVariations($options = ['info' => true]);

    the default thumbnail is included, not what I need or want.
    I create the variations that I want for the particular site and do so with particular ImageMagick commands when it comes to encoding and compression.
    If the default thumbnail is included in the srcset array with different ImageMagick commands it not only messes with the array (including an item that is not supposed to be there) but also "dilutes" the quality of the outcome.

    Now would the default thumbnail always have the same filename 0x260 or 260x0 I could easily single this out of my srcset array.
    Since this is not the case I cannot use the default assets -> files - page ID folder to get all the images for that page and then create a srcset array from it.

    So this means, in order to be able to use the image field and have a nice UI for clients..

    a) I need to work in a custom folder that only mirrors the original files uploaded regardless of the variations PW might or might not create

    b) in such a custom folder I need to create my exact srcset array as well as image variations I want/need without the default thumbnail

    c) such variations created in a custom folder need to adhere to the PW nomenclature so that they can be seen in the "Variations" UI of the image field

    d) while also making sure these variations are later copied over to the assets -> files - page ID folder in order for them to come up in the "Variations" UI of the image field.
    Well this also won't work since as soon as I copy my variations back over to the assets -> files - page ID folder they are mixed with the default thumbnail.

    This not only then gets included in the "Variations" UI of the image field but also leaves a sheer amount of duplicate content on the server.
    One "custom" folder inside the assets -> files - page ID folder that is used to create a clean srcset array and the default assets -> files - page ID folder that has all variations, including the default thumbnail as well as, like you said, more variations that modules added later on might or might not create. Especially this "might or might not" scenario is something I cannot support.

    Let's have a look at this way of creating a srcset array for jpg.

    if ($page->images) {
    $variations = $page->images->getAllVariations();
    echo '$variations';
    // This however does not return more info on the single variation
    // So you need to go one level deeper
    foreach ($page->images as $image) {
        // ########################################################
        // Make jpg srcset array ##################################
        // ########################################################
        $variations = $image->getVariations($options = ['info' => true]);
        usort($variations, function ($a, $b) use ($variations) {
            if ($a == $b) {
                return 0;
            // Compare the values of the 'width' key to each other and sort them
            // Sort from largest to smallest > and from smallest to largest with <
            return $a['width'] > $b['width'] ? 1 : -1;
        echo '$variations';
        // Remove first element from the $variations array.
        // http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-shift.php
        // That first element holds the default variation/thumbnail created by ProcessWire
        $removedDefaultThumb = array_shift($variations);
        // this will just output the first element/the removed element
        // this will now hold all the custom created variations as needed/wanted without the default 0x260
        $srcsetJpg = array();
        foreach ($variations as $variation => $value) {
            array_push($srcsetJpg, $value['url'] . ' ' . $value['width'] . 'w');
        echo '$srcsetJpg';

    Quite clear, if the default thumbnail
    a) is not the first element of the array, the srcset array is messed up
    b) is later replaced by another variation included through a module added later on, the srcset array is messed up
    c) does not have the 0x260 or 260x0 nomenclature (one could try and single it out through that), the srcset array is messed up


    Now, let's move over to the webp srcset array.

    webp files cannot be created by PW at the moment, support for those is in the pipeline, however when that might surface is not clear. Sure there is Horst's patch one can use so that the webp file format is accepted by PW.

    webp files or variations therefore need to be created in an external process. If this is to be automated for clients in the background one needs to hook the PW site up to something like this https://github.com/rosell-dk/webp-convert-cloud-service in order to first of all obtain webp files and their variations.

    Since webp files are not supported by PW they also do not show up in the "Variations" UI of the image field. There is no way know to me at the moment to even include them there to have a nice visual representation of what variations for an image exist in fact. Sidekick, at the moment the "Variations" UI of the image field also does not sort the variations by width or height keys but by filename resulting in a list that is not ordered.

    Let's assume somehow the webp files and their variations are created with an external service and this is automated for the client.
    This process needs to make sure that
    a) only ever the original jpg files uploaded in the assets -> files - page ID folder are converted and then copied (not moved) to the clean custom folder in order to get a clean webp srcset array from there
    b) the amount of webp variations exactly match the amount of jpg variations for that original jpg, but not in the assets -> files - page ID folder but inside the custom folder, as again the contents of the default folder might be touched/edited/overwritten by modules added later on that "might or might not" introduce further variations

    Since neither the original jpg or its variations are added to the db and unfortunately the original jpg also does not have a key, i.e. "original", inside the result of getVariations($options = ['info' => true]) there is no clear way to obtain that original file and its variations to then be able to create the exact webp variations of those images.

    In short, at least to me, it appears that obtaining a clean way to show responsive images that use the above syntax is/will be quite some work if one wants a solid approach to this.

    Last not least, creating variations in the frontend times out, hooking into the process in the backend is fine, albeit I am also, at times, facing timeouts there when using large images.
    Telling the client to create "optimized for web variations" before uploading images is, at least for me, out of the equation.

    So yeah, perhaps all these points are a result of me not understanding how PW handles a proper responsive image workflow that results on the above responsive image syntax.

    If that is the case and you or anyone else here has a simple and solid solution, well that would be great!!

    I would really love to start coding up some nice websites with PW instead of dealing with how I can get past the stage of creating responsive images.
    And no, I don't really want to divert from the syntax for responsive images given above. https://caniuse.com/#feat=webp just being one of the many reasons.

    For what it's worth here is how ideally I like to go about making the webp srcset array for each image on a page..

    // ########################################################
    // Make webp srcset array #################################
    // ########################################################
    // http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/page/built-in-fields-reference/page-id/
    $pageId = $page->id;
    // Then make the page specific assets/files/$pageId url out of it.
    $pageWebpBaseUrl = $config->urls->files . $pageId;
    dump($pageWebpBaseUrl); // => "/site/assets/files/1016"
    $pattern = '!.*' . $pageWebpBaseUrl . '!';
    $replacement = $pageWebpBaseUrl;
    // Make an empty array that will hold our webp srcset.
    $srcsetWebp = array();
    foreach (glob($pageAssetsFilesPath . '*.webp') as $filename) {
        echo '<pre>';
        echo "$filename size " . filesize($filename) . "\n";
        echo $filename;
        $filenameSize = getimagesize($filename);
        // Looking at the dump you can see that the width of the image
        // is always at key/index [0] of the array.
        // Turn the filename into the url for the webp image
        $webpUrl = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $filename);
        echo '</pre>';
                'url'      => $webpUrl,
                'filename' => $filename,
                'width'    => $filenameSize[0],
                'height'   => $filenameSize[1],
    usort($srcsetWebp, function ($a, $b) use ($srcsetWebp) {
        if ($a == $b) {
            return 0;
        // Compare the values of the 'width' key to each other and sort them
        // Sort from largest to smallest > and from smallest to largest with <
        return $a['width'] > $b['width'] ? 1 : -1;
    echo '$srcsetWebp';


  5. 19 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

    Sorry I was referring to topic you posted, the author there had an issue making PATCH Request using WireHttp, I was only pointing that out should you encounter such. 

    Thank you.
    However I still don't know what you are referring to unfortunately.
    Sorry for that.

    Have you got a link to that exact topic/thread/post please?
    I looked at the repo https://github.com/rosell-dk/webp-convert-cloud-service as well as its open and closed issues and cannot find anything about a PATCH request.
    Please, link me to it.. ?

  6. As a freelancer or part of an agency, how do you do it, what do you suggest to your clients?

    Get a decent shared host or buy a possibly much cheaper VPS and do it all yourself?

    Looking at the prices of


    and comparing those to shared hosts that do have SSH access, have proper PHP modules/extensions installed and enabled, well what do you pick?
    I mean a shared host with a decent configuration can easily be many multiples of what the CX31 is for example.

    I am thinking the time it takes to set up a VPS including monthly maintenance and the option to easily scale if things take off might be worth it, no?
    Then again if you have many clients and all are on a VPS you do/did setup yourself and things go bad you are gonna find yourself in a bad place.

    This is for simple to medium sized websites, low to medium traffic, no high traffic portals or shops with thousands of requests per second/minute/hour.
    Then again if a client needs that and is on a VPS scaling would not mean "oh now we need to move host and it's gonna take a while.."

    How do you do it?

  7. 57 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

    However that thread you linked, pointed out something about making a PATCH Request.

    @Sephiroth I am not sure what "thread" you are referring to or that it is pointing out something about making a PATCH request.
    What do you mean?

    @horst So in fact it would be very advisable to rewrite the CURL parts of the example code using WireHttp in case a shared hosting does not have the CURL extension installed, right?

  8. 53 minutes ago, OrganizedFellow said:

    Ran a fresh install of Debian two nights ago.

    Sorted for that part.

    I guess you will now be able to also turn on or off https or what I do, either just visit the the local project through the http or https protocol.

    I used Wamp, then XAMPP and now Devilbox, from the things I have done so far, Devilbox has been quite approachable, if you use it for ProcessWire make sure to pick the right containers in the .env file.

    All the best amigo!

  9. [solution]


    I am setting up and using a cloud service that encodes images.

    The usage of the service works with this example.

    I am wondering, should I re-write this bit of the code below and use WireHttp instead of CURL?
    What negative implications could it have if I do not make use of WireHttp?

    // from https://github.com/rosell-dk/webp-convert-cloud-service/blob/master/docs/api.md#usage-example-php
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($ch, [
        CURLOPT_URL => 'http://example.com/wpc.php',
        CURLOPT_POST => 1,
            'action' => 'convert',
            'file' => curl_file_create($source),
            'salt' => $salt,
            'api-key-crypted' => $apiKeyCrypted,
            'options' => json_encode(array(
                'quality' => 'auto',
        CURLOPT_HEADER => false,
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    // The WPC cloud service either returns an image or an error message
    // Verify that we got an image back.
    if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE) == 'application/octet-stream') {
        $success = file_put_contents($destination, $response);
    else {
        // show error response
        echo $response;


  10. On 3/25/2019 at 3:21 PM, adrian said:

    Or you can force development mode for superusers. 

    I guess Devilbox is preventing DETECT mode from determining whether you're on localhost or not. 

    Will do, noted and yes could be Devilbox is doing that, thx for your help.

    • Like 1
  11. On 3/30/2019 at 8:30 AM, LostKobrakai said:

    There‘s no fixed list of things creating variations. You might install a new module, which creates ones or you setup the admin theme to use images as avatars, which might use a different size to the image inputfield preview. An update to processwire might change the dimensions of variantions used (even though Ryan is quite careful with those changes).

    This means that if I have a src size of 1024px width in my responsive images array and somewhere down the line during work on a site I install a module "xyz" that also does, for any reason, create a 1024px wide variation of the original those might get mixed up or worst case overwritten?

    So work starts, original.jpg -> original.1024x0.jpg is created.
    Later during further dev of the site module "xyz" is installed and it also, for any reason that also might not be documented in the module docs, wants to create a 1024x0 variation.

    Will ProcessWire overwrite the variation created first?

    Or would the ProcessWire internal code make sure to see "ah, module xyz is installed and it wants to create a variation, but there is already a variation with that filename and 1024x0, so better not touch it!"

    The implications would be that in the end the responsive image array I want to work with would be mixed up/diluted/changed/affected by images that I did not intend to be used, for any reason.
    So this really means I have to come up with a way to strictly separate the ProcessWire image workflow from the responsive images array?

    Or are people just fine with "ok, Ill upload this, whatever happens in the assets folders I don't care, I will just write a responsive image function that refers to those images and their variations, it should be ok.."

    Perhaps because I am new to ProcessWire it has not "clicked" with me how one can have a tidy/clean/solid way of i.e. producing this responsive image syntax below while also being sure that the images created for it will never be touched/affected/overwritten/changed by either ProcessWire or any future module for any reason.

    		sizes="(min-width: 640px) 60vw, 100vw"
    		srcset="image.200x0.webp 200w,
    				image.400x0.webp 400w,
    				image.800x0.webp 800w,
    				image.1200x0.webp 1200w,
    				image.1600x0.webp 1600w,
    				image.2000x0.webp 2000w"
    		src="image.400x0.jpg" alt="A rubber duck"
    		sizes="(min-width: 640px) 60vw, 100vw"
    		srcset="image.200x0.jpg 200w,
    				image.400x0.jpg 400w,
    				image.800x0.jpg 800w,
    				image.1200x0.jpg 1200w,
    				image.1600x0.jpg 1600w,
    				image.2000x0.jpg 2000w">


  12. On 3/31/2019 at 1:40 PM, teppo said:

    When you're asking if this behaviour should be disabled to "reduce additional http requests (if the user resizes viewport)", it kind of sounds like you've implemented srcset on your site – otherwise there shouldn't be any additional requests when the viewport is resized due to images. Even then if you start with a larger viewport and then resize it to smaller size, browser shouldn't load the smaller sizes. Only case generating additional requests is when you go the other way, from small to large – otherwise tiny images would likely look pretty awful scaled to a larger size.


    Going into responsive image syntax a bit due to that it might not work as expected by @bartelsmedia when the user changes viewport.
    When I started to learn this I found out the hard way that using multiple "source" elements (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/source), as is done for art-direction, will indeed download the smaller or larger versions as the user changes the viewport.

    This is due to the fact that for art-direction the browser assumes that the image for the smaller or larger viewport does not have the identical content but is either a crop of the original image or a completely different image.

    Only when using the non-art-direction syntax will responsive images behave like you explained.
    This took me some time to understand but once I did it completely made sense.
    I found this resource to be very help in understanding the different approaches to the responsive images syntax.

    So @bartelsmedia make sure you are using the appropriate syntax for your use case of responsive images.

    • Like 1
  13. @OrganizedFellow

    Regarding this

    Do you still need help doing a dual boot?
    If you don't need Windows natively you can always run it in a VM and hence have access to software that is Windows only.
    Given you seem to go with Linux, all I can say is, keep it that way.

    I only have dual boot since I need native access to Windows because I am using Elgato alongside external audio/video recording that is directly fed back to the recording machine.
    There is no way for me to run Windows in a VM and be able to use that hardware unfortunately, otherwise I would have done so.

    Mind you, if you still want to go dual boot it is imperative to install Windows first and then Linux (I think).
    I have Kubuntu running, not sure about how to do it with Debian, though I am sure it is doable.

    Here is a Debian post on how to get it done: https://wiki.debian.org/WindowsDualBoot

  14. @Autofahrn Exactly what I am trying to do, create a custom array of my variants of images with the keys and values I want, perfect!
    Happy to do all the globbing, sorting, pushing, etc. myself. Nice!

    Though last bit, site/assets/files/1016/custom/something-nice.jpg shows me a 404.
    Argh.. hang on, had a typo in the URL! They ARE being served!
    Oh wow, super nice, again, if only I had known this before!

    Maybe I have not looked good enough, does it mention anywhere in the docs/blogs/forums that

    a) anything you place inside the assets folder for a page with a particular nomenclature gets served?

    b) anything you place inside a custom folder and is abiding to a particular nomenclature inside the assets folder for a page  gets served?

    Bottom line, this new info is a huge relief and if I take it far, with a custom admin page and some extra coding I might even be able to create my version of handling images including a preview in the admin panel with ProcessWire.. liking this!

  15. 46 minutes ago, LostKobrakai said:

    I'm wondering why you need to identify the default variation in the first place?

    I have my "variations" created externally and do not want to mix them with ProcessWire variations or create them them with ProcessWire.
    The only thing I need is the original images uploaded via admin panel.
    Everything else is done outside ProcessWire and then stored in the assets folder for the page.

    46 minutes ago, LostKobrakai said:

    It's not just the default variation created for the image inputfield, which might generate extra variations.

    Oh, good to know! What else might create extra variations?

    Comes to mind, could it be that such "other variations" overwrite or rename already existing, externally created variations, for any reason?

    Just tried to add my variations to a folder inside the assets folder for the page but images from there are not being served.
    Hmm.. No clear way to keep things apart, plus having to deal with "possible arbitrary variations" that "might" be created.

  16. On my quest/journey to get responsive images sorted and given in at least my workflow I have no use for the default image thumbnail created by ProcessWire I am wondering the following.

    What clear ways are there to identify this default image variation/thumbnail?

    Can I assume that this default image thumbnail will always have a "0x260" or "260x0" string in the filename?

    In what cases would the default thumbnail not have that exact string in the filename?

    I guess one case would be when $config->adminThumbOptions has been changed by the dev/user.
    If this is the case, how could I check if $config->adminThumbOptions has been changed and then carter for that change?

    I am asking since I am trying to create a workflow that might not only work for me but could also work for others.
    Hence I am wondering if I should try to catch such changes to $config->adminThumbOptions or rather just follow my own route and not worry about $config->adminThumbOptions being changed.

    In a way I would love to make a working module while also allowing devs to change default $config->adminThumbOptions.
    On the other hand I know, at least for now I have no reason to edit $config->adminThumbOptions and hence will know that the default variation will always have a "0x260" or "260x0" string in the filename.

    Ideally it would be best if this default image thumbnail could somehow be identified/tagged/have an additional key added in the $image array/whatever so that I can single it out without having to delete it, as, that is not possible at all.

  17. Got a T420 as well! That thing is a rock! Used to be my main box before getting a newer ThinkPad.

    Hmm, not sure about the 120GB, depends on what you want to do with Windows and Linux and what kind of work you are going to be saving to Data.
    Send me more/all details about what/how you work for me to be able to let you know what I would do.

    120GB sounds a bit tight but if you don't do games or video/audio encoding, in fact if you just use the machine for coding for web development it should be fine.
    Then again if you have lots of graphics editing, i.e. Photoshop and stuff it might be good to get a 2nd SSD for all your data.
    Are you going to be using MS Office and stuff?

    Not sure, but I think you can fit a 2nd SSD into the T420, no?
    Yes you can =>

    So regardless of what you are going to do, either get a 512GB SSD for both OS and the data partition or get the hard drive caddy (see video above) and a 2nd SSD, in that case 265GB or 512GB if you can afford it/your budget allows it. Sure we can also try to work it with just the 120GB but I have a gut feeling it might be a bit much.. it really depends..

    Regarding Windows, would that be 7 or 10?

    Also what model of the T420 do you have, could you supply detailed hardware specs?
    i5, i7?

    The more info I have the better I could try to help.

  18. @szabesz Nice one, thank you.

    Yes, would I have known this from the beginning only!
    Getting a proper workflow done and will share here once results are somewhat solid.
    Missing this in the docs.

    Yes read through the issue, thx.
    I agree, would opt for all image manipulation to be external in a way.
    How I see it, ProcessWire is more for devs than ready to go for end users/clients.
    So let devs handle images the way they like and need.
    Sure ProcessWire is already doing that in a way, though it needs to be documented.
    Could not agree less with this https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/703#issuecomment-470406082
    And please put somewhere in the docs "If you have files in your assets folder for a page that follow a certain naming convention ProcessWire will serve them, regardless of having a db connection or not".

    https://github.com/Toutouwai/UniqueImageVariations looks interesting.
    What I am after really would be a module where devs can put in the command line for image encoding/conversion/dimensions/naming and have the pure libs, like cwebp and/or ImageMagick installed/integrated  by default or at least as a module.
    I like to have control over what I do with the images and no rely on a 90 or 100 setting and guess what it going on exactly in the background.

    Who knows, getting to know ProcessWire more every day and learning PHP alongside I might be able to write such a module myself..

    • Like 1
  19. On 3/25/2019 at 5:07 PM, OrganizedFellow said:

    I have a regular Windows Restore set up but this is a good second solution.

    Get https://gparted.org/livecd.php

    Get Macrium Reflect Free and make sure you have the exe and store that on a USB stick etc.

    Now there is 2 ways to go about it.
    a) Have OS and your data on the same drive in different partitions or b) have separate drives for OS and data.
    Having OS and data mixed is a bad idea. Especially with Windows. Been there, done that, don't do it.
    Similar to web dev where you can have a decoupled frontend from a backend and hence let the client decide some time down the project to take a new frontend while the backend can be left intact.

    If you opt to have 1 physical drive and have OS and data on there put in into your laptop/desktop and boot into Gparted.
    It will work regardless of your chip/architecture.
    Make two empty partitions, one for your OS and one for your data.
    You should have C for the OS and D for your data.
    For Windows to be able to be installed you will need a NTFS partition.
    Going into details here is too much but generally what I do is format it to "cleared" first and set the flag to boot.
    If I remember correctly then you can boot into Windows setup and it will recognize the partition as empty and install onto it.

    Let Windows do the install, follow instructions and do not connect to the internet, turn WiFi and Ethernet off, also physically, pull all internet cables out of the box.
    Once done with the install, do not touch anything.
    Put the USB stick with Macrium Free in it and install it.
    Then make a first clean image.
    Store that image on the D partition.

    Then go on to install drivers.
    Each time after a driver is installed correctly make a new clean image.
    Might take some time but will come in very handy later.

    Once done with all the drivers get rid of the images that you made after each drive installation and only keep the image that you made right after Windows was installed and the latest one, right after the last driver was installed. You should now have 2 images, one default untouched Windows image and the 2nd one with all the drivers installed. Also, best to get the drivers BEFORE you go online, so from another machine and put those on the USB stick alongside Macrium Free.

    Now, slowly and carefully go on to install the software you want.
    After each install of a new app make a new OS image.
    In the comments for the image you can write what you installed.
    I go about it that I keep a list of what software is currently installed in that image in the comments.
    Or just make a text file where you write what image has what installed.

    Make sure to decouple your Documents/Pictures/Videos/Music/Downloads from the C (OS) partition and link those to folders on your D (data) partition.
    Done. Like this you should be fine going forward.
    Sure there are some settings and the registry being stored to C, for that you have the clean images.

    Now when you change things in Wamp/XAMPP/whatever, BEFORE making changes, just make a new OS image.
    Then do anything you like, play around, if it works out fine, if not, just slap the latest image back on, done.
    Nothing to worry about.
    Plus your work data should be fine since you have all that on the D (data) partition.

    The procedure is the same when you multiple drives.
    One drive for your OS and all other drives for your data.
    SSD drive for the OS should be good.
    These days all that hardware is so cheap, and believe me, with this setup you won't need a 1TB or 2TB OS drive.
    Keep the OS tight and fast with a 265GB SSD, keep the rest of your data on other drives or partitions.
    I think I said it enough times now.

    My current setup is that I have dual boot with Windows and Linux, though I must admit I almost never boot into Windows.
    Though I will have to use that since there is some proprietary software and hardware I use that needs Windows to work, it is for recording presentations and at the same time the speakers screen.
    Coming back to my setup, I use one drive for Windows and Linux and the 2nd drive for the work/data. The work data is formatted to NTFS so that both Windows and Linux can access, read and write to it with no permission issues, at least not that I know of so far.

    This is what it looks like in Gparted.
    Drive 1 for Windows and Linux.

    And drive 2 for the work/data.

    Regardless of the space you allocate, with something like this and if done properly, you can use your machine without having to worry about all the issues Windows comes with.
    As a bonus, set yourself up with proper firewall rules, get Panda cloud free as anti-virus, done.
    https://www.av-comparatives.org/comparison/ gives you a good overview of anti-virus ratings. Click on "Test Charts" so see the overview.

    Last not least, if you want to go for it, get a VPN for extra security and lots of benefits.
    https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/ has/is serving me pretty good.
    Though mind you, if you do things like broadcasting your app onto your mobile devices with Browsersync for example you might need to have the VPN turned off for that.
    Not sure, have not tested that.

    I can tell you, I have spent countless days/nights/weeks/months getting this stuff right. It is a tough journey and not easy to learn. Though at the end waits a machine that will just work and work for years, without any issues, so that you can get your work done and not loose time configuring or resetting. I have clients that had a hardware mess, applied this method to their hardware and it works to this day, happy campers, though I am not even support, haha.

    Oh, some might argue against this, but I never did any Windows updates, don't do them to this day, shut down and turned that service off right at the beginning.
    The Windows 10 and 7 latest images with SP updates take care of most of it and work out of the box.
    With a VPN, Panda cloud and not doing silly stuff you should be fine.
    Yes sure you need to properly config your firewall for that and also have things in your email client to protect you.
    For example if you want to be super careful get Sandboxie and isolate all internet facing apps, i.e. email client and browsers.
    Like this if someone send your a virus via email or you surf a site with some malware you have that stuff isolated and when you close the app the isloated bit on your hard drive will get wiped securely, done.

    Hope this helps. ?

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