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Posts posted by Sten

  1. Although my php.ini is upload_max_filesize = 1000M and I reloaded php fpm, I can't upload files above 2M. I looked at every post on this topic in the forum but could not solve the problem.
    My error line is
    error] 32540#32540: *1592 client intended to send too large body: 22592569 bytes, [...]  request: "POST /exploration/page/edit/?id=1114&InputfieldFileAjax=1
    Thank you for any help.


  2. 1 hour ago, teppo said:

    Anyway, one way to resolve this would be to replace "$moment=strtotime($event->moment)" with $event->getUnformatted('moment'). This will return a timestamp, so strtotime is no longer required.

    Thank you very much Teppo, it worked fine.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi,

    I have strange bug :
    Minutes in a date field are not fine in my repeater field.
    If I display 2023-04-03 18:30:00 it shows the minutes as 06 instead of 30.

    1.  I checked up the date in the database it is fine.
    2. I checked up replacing the result in my page by the string, it works.
    3. I tried with strftime then I formatted with the date function for hour and minutes I still have 06mn

    Thank you for any help



  4. Hi,
    I am perplex as I compare the content of a description field of a file ($page->parent()->formulaires_papier) and the option chosen in an other page ($page->categorie_de_formation->title). When I have a real string it is OK but when I compare the two fields they never match although I checked up the string perfectly matches. The choice is only for one option.

    Here is my code

    foreach ($page->parent()->formulaires_papier as $formulaire){
    if ($cat==$description OR $description=="Réglement intérieur"){
     echo "<a href='$formulaire->url'>$formulaire->description</a>";

    I tried many things but it still bugs...
    Thank you

  5. Hello MoritzLost,

    Thank you for your answer. I found an other solution and I'll tell you my system.

    I got rid of TwigExtension and replace its function inside twig by using fuction in my php files.

    In my system, I find useful and simple. I have translations files : fr.php, de.php...

    Inside them I have the translations strings with constants. I call them in my init file after getting the language from the url, the transform the constant into variables for commodity. At last each varialbe is in the twig files. I have 8 languages and so translators just write in the file, I feel it simple. Ask me if you're interested and want precisions.

    Have a nice sunday.

  6. Hello

    Till now I hacked something with the twig template but it works no more with new PW versions so I look forward to create a module. I am working on a site in multiple languages : French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Russian. The new posts are entered in any language with a field for language. Till now, I got twig files to get the translations with constants defined for each part of the pages.

    So I'd like to create a module to include theses files added according to the url /fr/en/...

    Have you some observations to do before I begin about the direction to take ?

    Thank you

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