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Posts posted by Ralf

  1. @ adrian

    THANK you very much!!

    This two articles are great... and with this sentence

    Ternary operator logic is the process of using "(condition) ? (true return value) : (false return value)" statements to shorten your if/else structures.

    and your code example

    echo $page->Departure_AUI ? "<div>Aui: {$page->Departure_AUI}</div>" : "";
    made it "click" in my head :biggrin:

    and again I learned something important, now I have to do only the "cheatsheet" and finally understand it myself, this would certainly dissolve another big knot in my head ... but one step after the other :-[

    • Like 2
  2. Thanks apeisa,

    this is a very good solution, i will use this!!

    And for the record, here is my solution for the 24h format:



    The first number (hours) is either:
    a number between 0 and 19 --> [0-1]?[0-9] (allowing single digit number)


    a number between 20 - 23 --> 2[0-3]

    the second number (minutes) is always a number between 00 and 59 --> [0-5][0-9] (not allowing a single digit)

    • Like 4
  3. @ adrian

    thanks for your fast answer!! And you´re right you understood me correctly and i´m new at php respectively i can read a little bit  :-[

    I will try the code asap and if i have further questions, i´ll come back...

    Purely out of interest, how does a "better / faster" code look like? i would happy to learn something new.

    @ pwired

    also like to thank. When i have the situation with pictures i´ll come back to your code.

  4. Hi all,

    somewhat since my last visit here in the forum but now I have something time and many pages that I would like to realize with ProcessWire ago.

    Let's restart with a simple question probably for you.

    In the past I used the CMS Conpresso and there in the template, it was possible to examine "Fields" on content.

    For example:

    <div class="content">
    	<div><!-- DROPDOWN: Event; --><!-- ifNotSet: Event; --><!-- Text: Event_alternative; --><!-- /ifNotSet --></div>
    	<div><!-- TEXT: Datum; format=D j.m.; --></div>
    	<!-- ifSet: Homepage; --><div><a href="http://<!-- URL: Homepage; -->" target="_new"><!-- Text: Homepage; --></div><!-- /ifSet -->
    	<!-- ifSet: Departure_AUI; --><div>Aui: <!-- TEXT: Departure_AUI; --></div><!-- /ifSet -->
    	<!-- ifSet: Departure_MAG; --><div>Mag: <!-- TEXT: Departure_MAG; --></div><!-- /ifSet -->

    My problem now is that I'm not sure how do I convert this in HTML/PHP?

    - Has ProcessWire its own solution for this task setting?

    - Can I solve the problem with an "if-clause"?

    - someting else...

    Sorry for this confusion but could someone help me on the jumps with this problem? I know, the handling of the frontends in ProcessWire is free but I'm not soo familiar with php and actual I have no own "style".

    Many thanks


  5. Hi renobird,

    wow looks great! It has some clear, cheerful, structured ... cool i love that.

    ;) I´m a little bit interested in your configuration?

    In the area "our Exprerience" you have some subareas for the separate groups (for each group one page).

    Are the different projects (entries) on this pages in PW subpages from the groups or how did you solve this?

    Second question, the last and next (at the left and right) fly in of the Experiences are really cool - could you tell me with which technique you realise it??

    Thanks for sharing it!

    • Like 1
  6. Ralf, I don't mean to be rude. But most of your suggestions so far are, as MadeMyDay noted, purely cosmetic. You also come across pretty pushy on a subject most people here don't consider that urgent. I understand where you're coming from and why you would like it to be translated 100%, but obviously, the translation hasn't kept you from using PW, so it can't be that bad.

    So before you suggest that something might be a bug (which clearly isn't, it's merely a not perfect part of PW), I suggest you consider the fact that what you're doing here is critisizing work people do in their free time. You might also want to note that while the German translation might not be 100% complete, it is pretty close to that. And finally, please accept that while PW is great in many areas, it is still in development in others.

    Internationalization (i.e. making a software translatable in other languages) is hard. It's not something developers like to implement because it's fun. It is not fun, it takes a lot of planning and thinking ahead. It is also not a crucial part of any software. I realize you think it is, but I assure you there are more important parts of PW to be improved and developed.

    Hi yellowled,

    sorry my english is not so good as yours - this is probably why my sentence (which i see now) misunderstood.

    And NO i didn´t wan´t to "critisizing work people"! I want to help you/pw-community to translate PW into German - also like you in my freetime! i want to exchange with all german-speaker how i can help on the project and bring it ahead. But i see you have other more important parts in pw - thats ok i know that.

    So i can´t do more as to say sorry when you and/or the others feel that i´m too pushy that was not my aim.

    • Like 1
  7. First of all, I push quite a number of new and revised translations to GitHub today. Haven't checked for new translations yet since I did those on a server without ssh access, which makes it hard to check for new translatable files.

    Thanks for that!! I´ve downloaded and installed.

    Second, I admit I only skimmed those screenshots, but I am pretty sure most of this stuff is properly translated in the standard admin theme. I never use anything else, so I can't really tell whether it's related to the admin theme. You should check with the standard admin theme.

    I checked all pictures from above again in the default admin theme AND all "problems" are be the same! only the design is other...

    i checked it with the german repro from 2 days ago and with the last one today - but every time the same.

    Also always consider that there still are quite a number of parts of PW which are not translatable at all.

    OK so for me (wenn you say you have all relevant words/ sentence translated) this could be the only answer. But why couldn´t we do that? Is this a bug or a feature from ryan ??

  8. @ yellowled, MadeMyDay and all others...

    First, sorry i won´t affect someone or something! I think PW is a great CMS which i was always search. So the only thing i made those posts was i want to bring PW in Germany forward! (That also none english speaking Persons can use PW! but ok this is a other hope from me - because i´m not very good in english...).

    Second, ALL following "missing" translations COULD be a problem of MY Installation!! or of a possible problem of the Teflon Theme (sorry soma i hope not!!).

    so ok here we go...

    EDIT: sorry i want put the pics separate here in the text but this doesn´t work :/ so you could find it in the attachment

    I hope the missing thing/ word/ sentence is clear?

    One more - to the modules-side - i´m not sure from who the translations come so but it would be cool when the description would be also translated...

    ... ok now you can rend me :P










  9. I´m not sure but this question comes definitly 1000 times, is there any information about this on the Admin-Site (at each installation)??

    I know that from other CMS or PHP-Projects like phpbb, ... something like a "startpage" with usefull information for the Admin?

  10. Oh cool !!

    I see that pages the first time (ok i´m only 5 days on board) BUT yes !!! this site should - no MUST be linked at the download sektion!!

    Thanks ;)

    But this would be additional really cool

    The structure could be as follow:

    Language Name - the percentage of finish - untranslated (count) - last change - a download link

    somthing like this: https://translations...l/ translations

  11. Any chance you can upgrade to IE9 in the meantime? I realise that's not always possible in a corporate environment and doesn't fix the problem for other IE8 users.

    I might have a chance to look at it later if I can find a PC with IE8 or if my Virtual Windows machine still runs IE8.

    Cheers for the report though!

    Nope sorry it´s a big corporate an the PC´s are Fort Knox ;)

    (at the moment i go via the chat-login... that´s working)

  12. Also it's fine to have some blanks. Some of the translations are for site builders only (not visible for clients) and I like to keep that part of pw in english.

    I didn´t agree with you for the German language! May be in Finland the moste People speek English?? But in Germany the most is translated for you (TV, cinema, ... the daily live). OK you say for "site builders" but here we are... on the other hand we want that PW should be more "public" and on the other side "english" for ALL is ok - i thought (that is only my opinion) for more "public" in Germany we NEED a full German translation. (In Finland could it be other?!)

    However, there are a lot of fields which are "empty" simply because the English word is perfectly fine in German as well, for instance "Admin". There's no need to edit those just for the sake of getting the "translated" state.

    hmm i´m disagree with you about this. Ok it would be right that for the word "Admin" we didn´t need a "better" Translation (because we have enough "Denglisch" in our Language) but i thought it would be more confusion (see my poste above - and i´m not sure if i the only one??) when i go through the Translation and see - 1 blank, 2 blank, 1 blank, ... that sounds for me it´s not complete!! So i prefer a whole translation state.

    Only my 1 cent to this topic

    • Like 1
  13. Hi Pete,

    i found today a little Problem in the Forum. I´m at work on a MS Windows 7 PC with Internet Explorer 8 and as i want to login to the PW Forum i can´t because there are no Login-Button...

    i´ve made a screenshot from it, see it attached


  14. Sorry slkwrm my mistake...

    it´s late but didn´t use this code from ryan

    If you want to avoid the 301 redirect, you can also just update your navigation output code to give preference to a redirect_url field when it exists. And it'll use redirect_url when it's populated, and url when it's not:

    <a href="<?=$page->get('redirect_url|url')?>"><?=$page->title?></a>

    because i didn´t understand it :-[

    The only thing i have done is this one and there are no "a href" tag in it soo this is my problem?!

    When you need to have a navigation link in an existing structure, even though the page isn't in that structure, you can give it a placeholder. Create a field called "redirect_url" of type "URL". Create a template called "redirect" and add your "redirect_url" field to it. Then paste the following in your /site/templates/redirect.php file:

    <?php $session->redirect($page->redirect_url); 

    Now whenever you need an extra navigation item somewhere in your structure, without the page actually being there, create a placeholder page using the "redirect" template. Put in the URL to the page you want it to go to. When the page is viewed, it'll end up where it's supposed to go.

    I thought i need that second code from ryan or now from you only when i would change the integration of the navigation or when i would put this link "outside" a normal navigation ...

    ok its tooo late i will look tomorrow a second time above - hope that will help.


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