The more I read through the API documentation, the more I learn, but the more I also manage to confuse myself at the same time, so I thought it was about time that I just asked my question.
I built a very, very simple management system for my site awhile back. I received a request that during development of my system I never thought would happen, but seemed completely reasonable once I saw the request - apparently EECMS also doesn't handle what was requested though, so I didn't feel too bad. I'll try to explain below once I ask the question:
Is it possible for PW to handle a single page (item/id) under multiple parents within a site's hierarchy?
Example Fictitious Hierarchy 1:
- Vacuums
- - Wet Vac Cleaning Solutions
- - - Super Clean 2000™
- Household Cleaning Products
- - Super Clean 2000™
Example Fictitious Hierarchy 2:
- Payroll
- - Paycheck Schedule by Title
- Human Resources
- - Titles and Salary Levels
- - - Paycheck Schedule by Title
So the idea here is that a single page/item ("Super Clean 2000™" and "Paycheck Schedule by Title", respectively) only needs to be created and maintained once, but due to logical association should be found as being related to multiple parents within a site's hierarchy (and appear as though they actually are, in fact, children of each parent individually within the navigational structure). Is it possible for Processwire to handle this sort of thing?