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Posts posted by OrganizedFellow

  1. I've always relied on Digital Ocean because I liked the task of setting up a LAMP stack and having that stack be a nearly identical setup as my development Linux laptop. I've always gone with Ubuntu or Debian and I follow the same tutorial (in my signature) so I get the same results across the setups.

    I have been out of the web development game for a few year. I have been focusing on family stuff.

    I recent quick Google comparison between Digital Ocean and Linode revealed that Linode was faster across many tests and has better docs and support/service. The last time I used a shared hosting service was with Site5 about a year ago.


    What do YOU look for when shopping for a host (here in the States)?

    Who do YOU use now?

  2. On 6/24/2020 at 3:36 AM, fruid said:

    I'm quite new to ProcessWire and never finished to learn new things about web development so forgive me if this is a stupid question. What is the exact advantage of this module to the native search function within PW? Because it feels like I could build on the "search"-template and get pretty much the same results.

    I'm curious as well.

    • Like 1
  3. I read through all 14 pages, hoping to find some solution to my problem.

    I learned that I can no use my regular Gmail password, instead an App Password was generated for my account and I have that in place in the settings ? Thanks to whomever suggested that!

    I've gone through and entered all relevant fields pertaining to using Googles Gmail SMTP for my localhost testing. This is being done on my laptop running Linux (PopOS).

    smtp hostname = smtp.gmail.com
    smtp port = 587
    smtp user/password = my gmail credentials and the generated app password
    start tls checked, use ssl checked

    I submit/save settings but I see no where where it says "SUCCESS! SMTP settings appear to work correctly" ?

    I have the following in a template:

    	$to = 'organizedfellow@gmail.com';
    	$from = 'organizedfellow@gmail.com';
    	$subject = 'email testes';
    	$textBody = 'this is the body of the test email';
    	$numSent = wireMail($to, $from, $subject, $textBody);


  4. When I was in school we were given a Thinkpad E590 with 32GB RAM and two SSDs (500GB and 1TB M2). It came with Win 10 Pro. and I hated it. I missed the freedom and the speed of my old Linux system.

    I have two old Thinkpad T400s, one runs minimal Debian with openbox and i3, the other is Arch. I still prefer Debian.

    Last weekend I wiped my M2 drive to run PopOS and couldn't be happier. I have no booted into Windows except maybe one to run Affinity Designer (similar to photoshop). I was never a fan of Gnome but it is truly growing on me, liking it more every day! Although I do miss i3 ? ? ? 

  5. Client receives this error.

                Server error: '452 too many recipients'

    He is an older gentleman (Pastor of a church) and wants to continue using Outlook. I chatted with web hosting tech support, they say he can NOT send to more than 50 addresses at the same time. Client emails are sent to 300-400 people several times per week. I did request an email limit and the host granted the request. Client is allowed to send 750 emails per hour, which is nice.

    However I am looking for a solution that allows client to continue using Outlook. I think it might be troublesome to get him to adopt using a phpscript or PWmodule, as he is older and set in his ways.

  6. My videos page is only showing one page and not the others ? Link here -> http://biz265.inmotionhosting.com/~lovero8/videos/

    Currently 4 videos are shown (as expeccted) and it is linking each accordingly. But each page only shows the first link to the first video, not each one like it's supposed to - UGH!
    I mean, each of the 4 pages only shows the link, description, etc. of the first posted video,thats not right.

    I cant figure out why.

        namespace ProcessWire;
        $settings = $pages->get("template=settings");
        $videos   = $pages->get("template=videos");
    <nav pw-append='content-body'>
            echo "<p>{$videos->youtube_description}</p>";
            echo "<p>{$videos->youtube_link}</p>";
        We would love if you shared this video. Please feel free to copy and share the link below:
        <p><input class="uk-input" type="text" value="<?php echo $videos->youtube_sharelink; ?>" id="myInput"></p>
        <p><button class="uk-button" onclick="myFunction()">Copy Link</button></p>
    <aside id='sidebar' pw-prepend>
    	<?=ukNav(page()->rootParent, "depth=3")?>
        function myFunction() {
            /* Get the text field */
            var copyText = document.getElementById("myInput");
            /* Select the text field */
            copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /*For mobile devices*/
            /* Copy the text inside the text field */
            /* Alert the copied text */
            alert("Copied the text: " + copyText.value);


  7. On 8/30/2017 at 3:23 AM, Ivan Gretsky said:

    The answer to the original question seems to be:

    // use this
    $config->httpHosts = array();
    // instead of this
    $config->httpHosts = array('');

    I guess the 2nd line creates an array with an empty item, not an empty array.

    But I still have a problem with empty httpHosts config on https sites. They just do not want to work without $config->httpHosts set explicitly.

    Over two years later with PW 3.0.123 I was getting the above mentioned error about

    Unrecognized HTTP host


    I emptied out the httpHosts = array(); and the error went away.

    TESTED. CONFIRMED. Working in 2019 running PW 3.0.123 ? ? ?

  8. 2 hours ago, rick said:

    ASCII art needs to make a come-back. I like your work!

    Thank you ? not done by hand ya know! A Sublime3 extension thing.


    3 hours ago, wbmnfktr said:

    Btw. I really like the "letter art" in the source code.

    lol, it was auto generated amigo, it's called ASCII Decorator.

    3 hours ago, wbmnfktr said:

    Clicky Analytics or even a self-hosted Matomo

    Today I Learned: Matomo was once Piwik, I used to use Piwik back in the day. I would rather run that than Google Analytics: self hosted is a better solution for me ? thank buddy

  9. 7 hours ago, alex159753 said:

    Thank you , I will try udemy and if they certify i will check them out. Thanks for the recommendation as well. 

    Udemy and YouTube for learning is only that - learning. Following someone who is better understanding of the topic of Networking. These suggestions are NOT for Certifications, for that you must go to https://www.comptia.org/certifications

    CompTia is the organization that will provide you the certifications. Everthing else you come across is for furthering your knowledge of switches, the OSI model, subnetting, IPv6, etc.

    You have TONS of learning to do, here are lots of other topics related to Networking https://www.reddit.com/r/ccna/

    I am currently in school to get my Cisco Certifications, starting with A+ and Net+, going as high as I can. Hopefully ending with Cyber Security and CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker). But the road is NOT EASY.




    • Like 2
  10. I have the tracking code properly pasted in the page. It's been active for about a week.

    It's a simple landing page for my freelance work. I have a ways to go.

    Can you lovely PW Friends visit my little site? It's a single html page with a little css and no js => http://915website.com/

    I'm not asking for critiques or nothing, just a simple visit so I could troubleshoot.


    Are meta keywords and description still important for SERP?!?!

  11. 1 hour ago, elabx said:

    Silly question but, have you included the javascript library??

    Also maybe just another silly mistake, but you point to UIKit v2 tutorials, shouldn't you be looking for UIkit v3 tutorials?

    I've been using all most of UIkit as my go-to library on a lot of projects now, really includes most of the stuff I had to glue up one time or another with different js libraries .

    I wish they had kept the "per component javascript file" , now everything is bundled. I remember it used to be the other way around.

    INCLUDED the following:

        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="js/uikit.min.js"></script>
        <script src="js/components/sticky.min.js"></script>
        <script src="js/components/tooltip.min.js"></script>

    Sticky works fine, tooltip does not.

    As for the version tutorials?! I just went to the one posted from the homepage?!

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