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Posts posted by waheed

  1. I would love to see SQLite support in PW. It would allow me to make my PW dev environment portable. I use my perosnal laptop and work PC for development and carry projects in USB Disk. All of my Nodejs and python projects are portable because they all use portable database files (not the database server instance, the actual data files). I know MySQL allows to specify a --datadir when starting, but this is not very portable (at least not for me). I've tried containerizing php and mysql for PW developement, but didn't work out the way I wanted. It just  doesn't allow me to get started immediately.

    If sqlite support is implemented we can use a lightweight portable db in development and migrate to MySQL in production.


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  2. 7 minutes ago, Sérgio Jardim said:

    Oh yeah! See:


    That post was NOT for modifying the field options but to save an options selected in his form. Probably front-end stuff.

    What I'm looking for is a solution to the backend to dynamically set/modify selectable options based on field values from grand-parent page.

    I came across something close. https://github.com/BitPoet/FieldtypeDropdownDynamic

    But it has not been updated for 2 years and my lack of ProcessWire knowledge is keeping me from updating it.

    Coming from the WordPress world, PW is very different (in both good/bad ways). In WP we store custom field configurations in php, but here its stored in DB tables.

  3. On 6/24/2017 at 3:09 PM, fbg13 said:

    On the edit page of the title field, go to input tab, open the pattern field, there you can add a regular expression pattern ( [-+]?[0-9]*[.,]?[0-9]+

    Thanks @fbg13.

    But won't this affect the title field of other pages as well. 

    On 6/24/2017 at 3:09 PM, fbg13 said:

    Or you can add a hook and check the title before saving. https://processwire.com/api/hooks/

    I think I'll go with hooks. It'll give me more control, I guess. 

  4. Hi, Coming from a background of WP I'm very new to PW (this is my very first project), but so far it has been very easy to learn. Currently I'm developing an intranet webapp to my school. I would like the "school grades" to be added as pages without any field in it, except "title" and "name". I would like the "title" to hold only numbers (optionally min:1 & max:10) and non-repeating (pages with same title cannot be added). Is this possible to be done, if so how? (Pls, try not to guide me towards a premium module, we run on a small budget)

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