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Posts posted by Doc

  1. Ok, still stuck to /tmp but I think it's a good idea to look in this area.

    I've checked my dev phpinfo() and it show the sessions in the assets/sessions directory (for local value, master value still in /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php).

    So my goal is to change that value (local) in my prod setup.

    to be followed !


    Update : My host doesn't authorize me to make any changes in that location, so I'm stuck with DB sessions for now. I'm studying some other hosts.

    Thanks for helping me !

  2. Hi szabesz,

    Good idea : 

    I read "/tmp"...

    So what does that mean ? Perhaps I can modify that and store them on site/assets/sessions ?

    The problem is, wherever it's stored today, it doesn't live long enough, and users complain (gently).

    The problem was "solved" with database sessions, which lived long enough, but the db was hit too much.


    • Like 1
  3. Hi @cstevensjr,

    Sure : 

    I'm using PW 3.0x, No fancy module : CK Editor and multilanguage stuff.

    I've just discovered that sessions files are created on my laptop (mac) but when it's uploaded, sessions directory stays empty.

    That said I cannot see any differences in the config, but I'm still looking (there must be some differences...).

    Directories permissions are the same on site, assets, and sessions.

    I've just read again the security/permissions sections but no more clue right now.


  4. Hi,

    I don't see any files in assets/sessions directory. Both are in chmod 755.

    Previously I was running with sessions in DB but it seems the DB can't handle the load on my shared hosting (too many restart...).

    So I'm disabling the sessions in DB.

    I can login in my website but I don't see any files on my host ? Perhaps PW handles that in local only, on my browser...

    Before I set up the sessions in DB my users were complaining because the sessions were too short.

    This is what I have in my config.php :

    $config->sessionExpireSeconds = 4320000; // 50 days
    ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 4320000);    
    //$config->sessionExpireSeconds = 432000; 
    ini_set("session.gc_probability", 1);
    ini_set("session.gc_divisor", 100);

    Any ideas ?


  5. Hi,

    Sun's shinning, so I'm digging into my website logs, logical.I've noticed that thing in the file compiler logs section :

    1 day ago
    2017-03-24 09:46:03	guest	/	Compiled file: /site/templates/_home_main.php

    What does that mean ?

    Does PW have to (re)compile every few day/hours/*  some of the templates ? (which means I guess a longer access time for the "guest" who trigger the compiler ?)

    Or am I totally wrong ? Is it adjustable somewhere ?



  6. Hi !

    Please welcome https://www.docpaddock.com/en/

    It's a brand new rebuild of an old project called Trajectons.com (not online any more).

    It's a competition of predictions. You have to guess some podiums in MotoGP/Moto2/Moto3 categories or F1 (I'm a MotoGP fan).

    You have a free plan, another one where you can buy an avatar generator, and a Pro one to unlock some cool features.

    I knew nothing about PW a few months ago and its community helped me a *lot*. I wouldn't have be able to do this without your help.

    So thank you and have a look if you're into that kind of sports competition ;)

    You can still sign up before the first Grands Prix seasons : it starts this sunday (26/03).


    • Like 7
  7. I get rid of facebook (stopped campaigns, not enough effective according to me actually), and now discover other peoples walking here (see screenshot).

    I still don't understand why does it hit several times per second the DB...

    (checkmy.ws is my external monitoring solution)

    Perhaps I'll go back to file based sessions, I'm a bit scared to see those access to the DB...

    Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 18.39.04.png

  8. Hello,

    My website is live for 24h now.

    In the admin, setup->session section, I see many sessions but apparently own buy the same user, is it normal ? (see the screenshot).

    I guess it eats database ram ? Is there a way to change that behavior ? Stop the db sessions maybe ?

    Update : 

    Don't know if it's related but my Guest user is inserting dozens and dozens of lines in session table... (10 to 100 / minute)



    Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 15.06.13.png

  9. Hi guys,

    I'm close to go in production after months of coding... :)

    But, I need to fix some things live (I could have a better process right here, I know, but...)

    So, is there a way to hide my landing page while still working on it (hidden ?)

    I now there is the unpublish functionality, but when I use it, it seems to disable too the index.html I've near the PW's index.php (close to /wire, or /site).

    What are your best practices on that ?


  10. Hi @kixe,

    I've just read the documentation related to your advice.

    I didn't know about the prepend functionality... But I can't see how it could help me on this one.

    Perhaps there is something to do with $config->url but I'm not sure.

    To sum up, I'd like that this application, loaded in my template page 'MyApp' runs without hacking the path/links in the code.

    I'm looking for something which could make my template page believes that it's local to the 'MyAppDirectory' which is in /template/MyAppdirectory

    The main page I'm loading is in /template/Myapp, as all my usual website pages are actually.

    Usually, for a standard webpage of the website, I put some "$path_template" in front of every <img src=".."> but here it's not possible / too complex to do.

  11. Hi @ottogal,

    Actually I don't want to use that way of doing thing because it would force me to find (and hack) all the links/path which are "hidden" in that application, and most of them are dynamically built with js.

    Those 2 ones you take as example are the ones I could easily fixed because easily found and "static"

    The other ones are built in js, and difficult to find, embedded in some code...


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