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Posts posted by Klenkes

  1. @bernhard, sorry but after the update to RPB 5.4.0 the site is broken... I had to revert back. A missing dependancy?


    Method Config::versionUrl does not exist or is not callable in this context (in D:\Projekte\xxxxxxx\wire\core\Wire.php line 563)


    PW 3.0.226 | RMig 3.35.5 | RockFrontend 3.11 | PHP 8.2

  2. RockFrontend loads uikit.theme.less and default.less in /site/templates/_init.php via $rockfrontend->styles()
    Probably from installing the UiKit profile?

    I commented it all out and now it's fine. Took me long enough... sometimes you just have to wait a day or two and have a nice cup of tea(like the British do) 😀

    • Like 1
  3. I have a few RPB blocks in _main.php. Nowhere else.

    When editing HOME and I make no changes, PW warns me about loosing changes all the time. Although no changes have been made.

    At first it all worked fine, but somewhere during the last few days, it started.

    I disabled RockMigrations and LiveReload temporarily, but no change.

    I am not sure how to troubleshoot this...

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    • Thanks 1
  4. After reviewing RPB for a long time(and having a few issues) I now decided to use it in projects.
    But now... problems show up and I don't know how to approach this.

    A Onepager, SPA
    A few RPB fields like rockpagebuilder_events or rockpagebuilder_news ... with blocks assigned.
    RPB 5.0.3 PW 3.0.229

    In this setup I don't need the title field in my blocks, so I sett them all to 'hideTitle' => true
    It worked.
    Some time after that I noticed that when adding a new PW page with no RPB blocks, just a simple PW for imprint or privacy ploicy, only the name field shows up, no title field:


    Even when creating a new template no default title is added.
    After generating a name and saving the new page no error about the required title is thrown. The page will be created with an empty title! After that the title fie3ld is shown.

    I commented out //hideTitle => true in a all blocks, but the problem remains.

    I manually deleted all cached and compiled files and now I am puzzled with this.
    No additional hooks or anything.
    Where do I look? What to do? How do I go about this?

    Could be connected to another problem I will post next.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I assume your are not familiar with TracyDebugger?

    Lets check how many matches  your selector returns:

    $countymatch = $pages->find("template=county-match-result, year={$page->id} ");
    echo '<caption>'.count($countymatch).'</caption';

    What number does this count show?

    And.... are you sure that the current watched page with its ID is a value in the field year? Because you ask for example a 1284 in a field named year?

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