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Posts posted by doolin

  1. HI Guys

    I need help. I try to convert a design-template in processwire.
    What is the best way to achiev this layout.

    It aa simple "directory" site that includes allways the same date per Item. 3 text field and a couple of images.

    My first try was to solve this by using repeaters and accordeon. Every Item are a Tab. But i get errors because i try to use multiple galleries for the Images inside the Items -> galleria, ninja slider.

    So i need a better solution. I do not need the Accorion.
    Maybe Sites instead Repeaters? I wantet to use repeaters because i think the repeaters are very easy for the client, thats the most important!


  2. Hi guys

    I've created a simple overview template named "basic-page" to display the text,

    image and comment field of each page who has template "standard"

    / Home site -> Overview template "basic-page" -> Gets all Fields from the existing pages through a loop via $pages->find("template=standart");

    i also add the comment module for each item in the loop, to view and write a comment. Its like a dashboard, you see all of the content of each page, on the home site.

    Now i noticed, when i add a comment to a page on the home page, the comment is added in each of the page, not just on this site i have commented. On a page itself, for instance /mypost/ it works, the comment just adds to this page.

    Can anyone tell me, what im doing wrong.


    Here ist my basic-page template:

    <?php include("head.php"); ?>
    $dir = $config->urls->admin;
    { ?>
    <form action="<?php echo $dir ?>add/" method="post">
    <button type="submit">Beitrag Hinzufügen</button>

    $seiten = $pages->find("template=standart");
    foreach($seiten as $s) {
    echo '<div id="block">';
    echo "<h1><a href='{$s->url}'>{$s->title}</a></h1>";
    $n = $s->name;
    { ?>
    <div id="funk">
    <form action="<?php echo $dir ?>realy/" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="seite" value="<?php echo $n ?>">
    <button type="submit">Löschen</button></form>
    <form action="<?php echo $dir ?>edit/" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="seite" value="<?php echo $n ?>">
    <button type="submit">Ändern</button></form>
    echo '<div id="bilder">';
    foreach($s->bilder as $image) {
    $thumb = $image->width(200);
    echo "<a href='$image->url' class='fancybox' rel='gallery1'><img src='$thumb->url'></a>";
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="text">';
    echo "<p>{$s->body}</p>";
    echo '<div class="flip"><h1>Kommentare ↓</h1></div>';
    echo '<div class="kommentare">';
    echo $s->kommentar->render();
    echo $s->kommentar->renderForm();
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    <?php include("foot.php"); ?>

  3. this is embarrassing, because i checked the code for errors but i cant see this! My "Syntax View" is not so good right now, but it gets better. Now,  I've removed the "!" from:

    if (!$this->user->name === 'selina')

    and now, processwire takes the selected css file! It does what it should do  :)

    Very nice, thank you :)

    • Like 1
  4. Ok, the CustomLogout Module works fine now :)
    I try to understand. The problem was, you have to define a separate function and call it. Before we try it with an event right? why that didn't work?
    For the SiteHider i still get this error:
    2015-03-13 21:23:02 admin http://SITE.ch/admins/module/ Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR (line 18 of /is/htdocs/wp12205379_U47G28VDDD/www/SITE/site/modules/SiteHider/SiteHider.module)

    I'm not even can install the module, I get the error as soon i transfer the files in the /modules folder

  5. No. There are already an "Login" page under /admin that i never created. My created site is here /login. I tried to move the /admin/Login site to / and get an error.


    class CustomLogout extends WireData implements Module {
    public static function getModuleInfo() {
    return array(
    'title' => 'Custom Logout',
    'summary' => 'Redirects to a custom login page after logout',
    'singular' => true,
    'autoload' => true

    public function init() {
    $this->addHookAfter('Session::logout', function($event) {


    class SiteHider extends WireData implements Module {
    public static function getModuleInfo() {
    return array(
    'title' => 'SiteHider',
    'summary' => 'Hide Sites in CSS per User Roles',
    'singular' => true,
    'autoload' => true

    public function init() {
    $this->addHookBefore("ProcessPageList::execute", function($event) {
    if (!$this->user->name === 'selina');
    $this->config-styles->add($this->config->urls->templates . "css/sitehide.css")

    I use PHP Version 5.3.29
  6. It's a module:
     * ProcessWire Login Process
     * Provides Login capability for ProcessWire Admin 
     * For more details about how Process modules work, please see: 
     * /wire/core/Process.php 
     * ProcessWire 2.x 
     * Copyright (C) 2014 by Ryan Cramer 
     * Licensed under GNU/GPL v2, see LICENSE.TXT
     * http://www.processwire.com
     * http://www.ryancramer.com
    class ProcessLogin extends Process {
    protected $nameField;
    protected $passField; 
    protected $submitField; 
    protected $form; 
    protected $id; 
    public static function getModuleInfo() {
    return array(
    'title' => 'Login',          
    'summary' => 'Login to ProcessWire', 
    'version' => 101, 
    'permanent' => true, 
    'permission' => 'page-view',
    the error Log:

    2015-03-13 09:35:54 admin http://SITE.ch/admins/module/ Parse Error:  syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR (line 15 of /is/htdocs/wp12205379_U47G28VDDD/www/SITE/site/modules/SiteHider/SiteHider.module)

    2015-03-13 09:38:36 guest http://SITE.ch/admins/login/ Error:  Using $this when not in object context (line 14 of /is/htdocs/wp12205379_U47G28VDDD/www/SITE/site/modules/CustomLogout/CustomLogout.module)
  7. ESRCH, thank you very much for your effort and the great explanation! No, Now i understood how hooks are working and for what they are.
    Yes, CSS, thank you. I dont know why i did not think about this. Good solution.  :)
    Ok, i created an module according to your instructions. The module are installed now. If I Logout now, it redirects me to 
    and i get a 

    "Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
    Error has been logged."
    There are already an site called "Login" by default from processwire. So i create a new site in "/" called "logins", and customize your code. But i still get the error?
    I created a new module for the css hook:
    class SiteHider extends WireData implements Module {
      public static function getModuleInfo() {
        return array(
          'title' => 'SiteHider',
          'summary' => 'Hide Sites in CSS per User Roles',
          'singular' => true,
          'autoload' => true
      public function init() {
        $this->addHookBefore("ProcessPageList::execute", function($event) {
      if (!$this->user->isSelina())
        $this->config-styles->add($this->config->urls->templates . "css/sitehide.css");
    And get this error:

    "Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR (line 15..."

    I also get the same error if i combine both hooks like you sayed

    What im doing wrong? 
    I have to say i've added in the first line of both modules "<?php".
  8. Hi ESRCH

    Thanks for the right code.

    Yes i user the link in the admin area.

    Where i have to put this code? I read in the Docs i can place hooks anywhere i want with the autoload method. I add the code into the default.php in the Default admin theme, but it doesn't work?

    yes i see, i can set the site as non editable, but the site are still display, but i have to hide it. Is there no easy way?


  9. Hi guys

    I try to create a custom login page. So i read a lot in the forum about this, but i don't understand how i have to implement it. The login page was no problem, i use the code from ryan here:

    And customize my login page. At the moment is this site my default admin page: 


    So my first idea was..I create a new site called "login" and add my custom Login site as template to this site. This worked fine, but now i have two more problems:

    First, when the user logout via the custom logout links, he gets back to the old default login site "/admin". I've tried to change this in the admin template, without success. I use the Default admin theme.

    Second: The created page "login" is visible in the site tree, but it should be hidden for non admin user, so i move the "login" site below the admin site, but now the non admin user cannot access the site anymore. I also tied to customize the template access, but the site are still visible.

    Can anyone explaine me a better solution for this?


  10. ok. Better later than never ;-)
    I've used an repeater field, so the customer are available to add new items by himself. I solve this problem like this.
    I created an repeater called "refrep" and add Two fields:
    1 x img field called "img" and..
    1 x url field with the name "linkurl".
    so the repeater field "refrep" looks like:
    I add the "refrep" field into a template, and add this code:
    foreach($page->refrep as $ref) {  
    $image = $ref->img;
    $thumbnail = $image->size(120); 
    echo "<li><a href='$ref->linkurl'><div class='frame2'><span class='helper2'></span><img class='sigalthumb2' src='$thumbnail->url' title='$thumbnail->description' alt='$thumbnail->description' ></a></li>";

    Thank you

  11. im sorry kongondo....ok i restart, forget the names of the fields above ;)

    Here my template, a simple code that displays all of my images on this site.

    I use the ImageExtra Module for this:

    foreach($page->referenzen as $image) {
    $thumbnail = $image->size(120);
    echo "<li><a href='http://{$image->Webseite}'><div class='frame'><span class='helper'></span>
    <img class='sigalthumb' src='{$thumbnail->url}' alt='{$thumbnail->description}' ></a></div></li>";}

    "referenzen" = ImageExtra Field

    "Webseite" = a custom created field od ImageExtra

    in the field "Webseite" i can now enter the URL, if i add the "http://" in the template.

    I try your solution with an URL Field but, without succes.

  12. Thank you very much! When i add th "http://" before, it works...the proposal of kongondo doesn't!?
    i add a new field in processwire choose "url" as type, and called it "curl".
    My template looks like this.
    <?php echo "<a href='$image->uurl'>Click Here for the WEBSITE</a>";?>

    try this too

    <?php echo "<a href='$image->www->uurl'>Click Here for the WEBSITE</a>";?>
    and it dont work :(. I add this in the Module options too, nothing happens.
  13. hi adrian

    i had a look at the image extra field. It allows just internal site links not external, so thats no option. Child pages are also no option.

    Yes i am a newbie, and it's sometimes hard to understand. The PageTable  field don't make sense at the moment for me. I read a lot about it in the forum here...but i'm not figured out how to use it. My programmer skills are unfortunately not so very well.

    how should i proceed with PageTable?

    Is there not a simple php solution to use a custom link?


  14. Hi guys
    How is it possible to add a external link for each images? First i try to use the image description field as an url. but it doesn't work, redirect problem.
    Second try create a field called "website-link", and add it to the template, so the customer is able to type the website url by himself but i can't add it in the backend to each one of the pictures?
    How can i fix this.
    my template:
    foreach($page->referenzen as $image) {
    $thumbnail = $image->size(120);
    $weblink = $thumbnail->description;
    echo "<li><a href='$weblink'><div class='frame'><span class='helper'></span>
    <img class='sigalthumb' src='{$thumbnail->url}' alt='{$thumbnail->description}' ></a></div></li>";}
  15. hi DaveP

    Thank you!

    I've tried the Code, but it doesnt work . It just displays all images, thumbnails and the full size when i click on one, nothing happens. It adds just a "#" after the "/" in the address bar. No error logs in the console.

  16. hi guys
    I wanna add a simple html image gallery from here:
    i try this in the in my template file:

    foreach($page->bild as $image) {
       $thumbnail = $image->size(150,100);
       echo "<li><a href='#{$thumbnail->description}'><img src='{$thumbnail->url}' alt='{$thumbnail->description}' ></a></li>";
       echo "</ul><div id='full-picture'>";
       echo "<div><a name='{$thumbnail->description}'><img src='{$image->url}' alt='{$thumbnail->description}' ></a></div>";

    but it dont show the image when i click on a thumbnail. I think i have to add something into the loop. But what?
    can anyone give me a tipp?
    thank you

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