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Everything posted by qtguru

  1. Agreed, because I read alot of forums and realized that it could allude to a myriad of reasons, only reason I was able to sort this was looking at the source and getting help from @Christophe
  2. @Christophe Thanks to Christophe for suggestion the PHP Session save path, I set it to my writable folder and now it works, had to do in this in PHP Cpanel settings
  3. I'd assume this has to do with cookies, I see a folder path where it stores the session I will try clearing that because imported the one from my local machine into the remote server. I will update soon I
  4. Yes, I tried another browser, cleared my cookies and disabled sessionFingerPrint, I can't really pinpoint where the error might be coming from, unless i read the source code for Session::Validate
  5. I can't get over this page, I've tried several solutions, and this happens on my server, I imported the SQL from my local machine into Phpmyadmin, is there anyway to fix this ?
  6. Mehn you guys are awesome, I had no idea I made Processwire weekly
  7. Nice ,I'll check it out.
  8. Thanks I will take a look at it.
  9. View at: https://okeowoaderemi.com I switched to Processwire 10 years ago and it's being my goto framework for maintaining my website and also developing for clients. Development I used the moduleTemplateEngineFactory and TemplateEngineTwig, Twig has always been my favourite templating engine, because of how easy it is, to use reusable code and have an easy way to inject content into the layout, it's almost like MasterPages in .NET (For the Oldies)
  10. Progress is going on well, as usual my choice for Development: TemplateEngineFactory + Twig {% for article in articles %} {% set divisor = 10 %} {% if loop.index0 == 0 %} <div class="flex-center flex-col aa-list"> <h4>Articles</h4> <ul> {% else %} <li> <a href="{{ article.url }}" target="_blank" >{{ article.title }}</a > <span> {{ article.publishedStr }}</span> </li> {% endif %} {% if loop.index % (divisor + 1) == 0 %} </ul> </div> <div class="flex-center flex-col aa-list"> <h4>Articles</h4> <ul> {% elseif loop.last %} </ul> </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %}
  11. It's been a while currently trying to rewrite my website in processwire
  12. Are the 3 forms independent or you must fill one to access the other, I think it's not bad if contained within a switcher. We've created an app which required multi-forms prob 20 fields, Banking Apps forms depending on the Account type.
  13. It will be nice to have CI for Module, so it can be test against any new PHP Versions. Not a bad idea right ?
  14. I guess a curious question will be for Modules developers any of your modules breaking with PHP 8 and great to be back to this forum.
  15. If you really want to get into JavaScript, I will also advise Nicholas Zakas book Advanced Javascript for Advanced Developers, it teaches about ES6 , classical approach and the true nature of JavaScript, most teach ES6 from the beginning which is wrong to me.
  16. Finally gotten a proper Microphone, will drop some multiple videos this week.
  17. Yes, I am using a CandySkull Headset as mic, but I have a Lapel mic, I am looking to get those professional mics and also understand Adobe Premiere audio better, the next video will have a much better sound quality.
  18. Thanks Mustapha, I really appreciate the support, I am working on more content and also working on making the transitions and effect more jazzing. I'll update this thread as I push more contents
  19. Personally when it comes to UI as much as I am a fan of that, I am more interested in the code, because of my past experience in Enterprise Companies, I have seen ugly code slapped with an amazing UI. However one thing that irks me off from Kirby is the flat file concept. I am not sold on that, as @teppo mentioned I can't imagine the insane logic adopted to pull such complexities over using files. Seems unnecessarily when RDBMS works. At the end of the day Processwire is Headless, so nothing stops us from getting someone from Dribbble to design a new Admin UI, However I find AdminReno Theme perfect. I also don't think Devs can be easily swayed by UI however the Kirby codes looks interesting , plus so much similar to PW at the same time.
  20. qtguru

    Movie Talk

    I prefer DC, they tend to be darker, Marvel movies seem too comedic for my liking.
  21. I didn't want to create a topic for this, so I decided to use my existing thread , as mentioned, I am creating some Youtube tutorials around Processwire, I feel a video is much more easier to help people getting started with Processwire. So I did a first video introduction, However I quickly realized my dilemma with self expression skills when talking, so I am working on that but here is the first video and I hope to drop a Video per week or more depending on how fast I can get things out but I am also open to covering other complex topics too around Processwire. Thanks and I hope this helps out a lot of people. NOTE: LOL Working on how I sound too ?, bear with me Love from Nigeria
  22. If you want to make some style editing then it is overkill extending the main core php files, why not alter the CSS for the field comments, that is the approach i do for the FieldComments.
  23. You should create a Frontend Admin for your users, I think there is a Module for that, but I wrote something years ago doing exactly what you want but here it is incase you are looking for different angles to look at it.
  24. @bernhard I am up for it if you can share the knowledge, I can write an article around it as a tutorial since I tend to write tutorials. Ironically this was part of a series I am creating for Processwire, just video editing skills delaying but writing this as a tutorial shouldn't be a problem. Just let me know what you need me to do, I will create time for this. Take care
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