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Everything posted by pmichaelis

  1. I could have just used that. Thanks for the information.
  2. Hey, is this feature already in the master branch? Thanks for help
  3. In a multilingual environment I get the following error, wehen sorting menu-items TypeError method_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, null given File: .../modules/MarkupMenuBuilder/ProcessMenuBuilder.module:2602 2602: if($language != null && method_exists($pages->get($itemID)->title, 'getLanguageValue')) $itemTitle = $pages->get($itemID)->title->getLanguageValue($language);// title of each PW page in this array This works for me: // multilingual environments if($language != null && $itemID && method_exists($pages->get($itemID)->title, 'getLanguageValue')) $itemTitle = $pages->get($itemID)->title->getLanguageValue($language);// title of each PW page in this array
  4. hm, there seems to be an error in the latest main branch with PW 3.0.18 ProcessWire\FrontendForms::cleanUpPasswordList(): Argument #1 ($data) must be of type array|string, null given, called in /var/www/html/site/modules/FrontendForms/FrontendForms.module on line 699 search►
  5. Ahh! There it is. Thank you! Maybe you should also integrate it here: https://github.com/juergenweb/FrontendForms/blob/main/Examples/inputfieldexamples.php
  6. Hello @Juergen, is there an example for a file field? In need to upload files via frontend forms, but I could not find anything in the repository. Thanks for Help
  7. Hello @torf, I pushed an update a minute ago. Please have a look, if the issue is resolved. Happy new year.
  8. hej, is it possible to hook into pageViewTracked from ready.php? I tried the following, but since I am not so familiar with hooks, it is not working out. wire()->addHookAfter('PageHitCounter::pageViewTracked', function($pageID) { $page = wire('pages')->get($pageID); ... } Thanks for any help.
  9. Hey Bernhard, Weird! thanks for bug-reporting. I'll update the repository!
  10. Hey everybody, I just uploaded a small textformatter module for wrapping tables with a div container in order to display responsive HTML tables in the frontend. TextformatterWrapTable Processwire wrap table module is a textformatter module for processwire CMS/CMF. It is wrapping markup tables with a div container. wrapping tables with div container simplifies the process of displaying responsive tables in the frontend. The css classes for the wrapper and the table are configurable. .table-responsive / .table by default the module produces the following markup: <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table"> ... </table> </div> Link to Repository https://github.com/pmichaelis/TextformatterWrapTable
  11. Hi, i wanted to test the module. Is there still a namespacing issue? Error: Class 'ProcessWire\HtmlExporter' not found in /home/vagrant/web/pw-static/web/site/modules/StaticWire/StaticWire.module.php on line 41 thanks for help
  12. Hey Thomas, first of all: thanks for your all the effort you put into the RestApi Module. I've seen the AppApi Module recently and I think it would be good to focus on it. keep it up.
  13. Hey, using the module for the first time. Great work! I don't know if there have been any requests, but is ist possible to make the module work with "Repeater Matrix Fieldtypes"?
  14. Hey, great module. Good work! I think it would be nice for the user to implement explaining textfields for each cookie category and not only titles, because people might not know what they are accepting.
  15. Hey, I searched the forum, but I couldn't find any post with a topic of the problem that I am facing with the module. I setup multilingual menues nd have different roles which have the menu-builder permission. As soon as Editors save a Menu, the custom title translations of the menu are gone. Menu Item titles of the default language are editable as a non-admin user, but all other language titles are ignored / deleted on save. Are only admin users allowed to edit title translations? Thanks for a short hint on that.
  16. Hey, I keep getting errors when I try to visit the upgrades admin page. I thought it was a memory limit problem and increased the memory, but I still get the errors. /processwire/setup/upgrades/ Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) (Zeile 1266 in /var/www/htdocs/wire/core/WireHttp.php) Any hints? Never had problems with the upgrade module.
  17. @thomasaull It is a 1&1 issue. The article here describes it. ? https://www.phpgangsta.de/php-und-http-auth-bei-1und1-webhosting
  18. @thomasaull It seems that the authorisation headers are not present. Added the following line to the htaccess: RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] auth headers are stored in following variable $_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']; Please don't ask why.
  19. Hey everyone, I did see, that other users were struggling with the problem, that there are no Markers displayed in the frontend, but I could not find any replies to that problem. If I render a map, the coordinates are correct, but the marker icon is not displayed. It displays in the backend, but not in the frontend, also if if but the path to a custom image in the map options. Nothing. Does anyone have the same problem? Thanks for any hints
  20. The jwt auth mechanism is producing errros on a live system. I allready looked for "Wrong number of segments", installed the module again, but the error is still there. Any hints on that? DATUM/ZEIT BENUTZER URL TEXT vor 2 Minuten 2019-03-29 13:22:58 api /api/v1/items Error: Exception: Wrong number of segments (in /cms/site/modules/RestApi/Router.php line 131). File: /cms/index.php:64
  21. @thomasaull the vagrant instance is using an apache. Well, it works now with my modifications of the Router.php. PHP Version is 7.2.
  22. Hey Thomas, I had some issues yesterday with the jwt-authorization. On a local development server (vagrant, ubuntu, apache). The authorization headers were empty. Therefore the getAuthorizationHeader method in Router.php returned null and the token was not returned. I made a small modification to the method and it works for me. Perhaps it is not the cleanest way, but it's ok for now. Just to let you know. // apache if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') !== false) { foreach (apache_request_headers() as $key => $value) { $headers[strtolower($key)] = $value; } } else { foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) { $headers[strtolower($key)] = $value; } }
  23. Hey, Thanks for that module. in the module description it says: Authorization: JWT To use JWT-Auth you have to send a GET Request to http://yourhost/api/auth with two parameters, username and password. The API will create and return you the JWT-Token which you have to add as a header to every following request: Actually I think it has to be a POST Request. In the "DefaultRoutes" the Route is defined like this. ['POST', '', Auth::class, 'login', ['auth' => false]],
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